
    Brass Tacks : How to Make Winning Who You Are

    enJanuary 07, 2024

    About this Episode



    If you execute on all the tasks you get a WIN.

    If you miss on any one task you get a LOSS.

    Win enough days in a row you win a week.

    Win enough weeks in a row you win a month.

    Win enough months in a row you win a year.

    Win enough years in a row...YOU WIN YOUR LIFE.

    Recent Episodes from The Bearded Beast Show

    Brass Tacks : Keep It Moving

    Brass Tacks : Keep It Moving

    Stop beating yourself to death over your past mistakes.

    It’s called life.

    Every single one of these people you see out here pretending to be perfect and have it all together…

    Has a long list of mistakes they’ve made that you don’t know about.

    You think these people go around advertising their shortcomings?

    You aren’t the only one.

    Assess the situation.

    Learn what you can.

    Commit to doing better.

    Keep it moving.

    The Bearded Beast Show
    enFebruary 18, 2024

    Brass Tacks : Never Rely on Talent

    Brass Tacks : Never Rely on Talent

    Discipline + Obsession will crush “talent” every single time.

    If you think you can win in life by depending on your talent alone…

    You are fucking delusional.

    There are thousands upon thousands of people out there…

    Who are less talented than you…

    Who have less resources than you…

    Who have more responsibilities than you…

    Who have all the possible excuses you can think of to just quit on their goals & dreams…

    The Bearded Beast Show
    enFebruary 17, 2024

    Brass Tacks : How to Make Winning Who You Are

    Brass Tacks : How to Make Winning Who You Are



    If you execute on all the tasks you get a WIN.

    If you miss on any one task you get a LOSS.

    Win enough days in a row you win a week.

    Win enough weeks in a row you win a month.

    Win enough months in a row you win a year.

    Win enough years in a row...YOU WIN YOUR LIFE.

    The Bearded Beast Show
    enJanuary 07, 2024

    Brass Tacks : Nobody Likes a Complainer

    Brass Tacks : Nobody Likes a Complainer

    Nobody cares about your problems...

    So quit bitching about them.

    Pouting on the internet may get you a little bit of sympathy...

    It may get you a few likes...

    It may get you a little attention...

    But I promise you...

    These people are actually just trying to be polite

    The Bearded Beast Show
    enDecember 23, 2023

    Brass Tacks : These Days Will Make Or Break You!

    Brass Tacks : These Days Will Make Or Break You!

    Some days are going to feel like everything is out of your control.

    Some days are going to feel like you're getting pulled in every direction.

    Some days are going to feel like the universe is conspiring against you.

    Some days are just going to suck … which makes doing the shit you know you need to do far more difficult.

    ...but regardless of how difficult these days may be...

    You must pass the test these days present.

    The Bearded Beast Show
    enDecember 13, 2023

    Brass Tacks : Learn to Say This Word

    Brass Tacks : Learn to Say This Word

    Learning to say the word "No" is one of the best things you can do for yourself and the people around you.

    For a long time, this is something I struggled with.

    ...and because I was unable to say "No" when it was necessary...

    I often found myself frustrated and bitter.

    Understand that your inability to use this word will only hold yourself and others back.

    It's not rude.

    It's not selfish.

    It's not inappropriate.

    The Bearded Beast Show
    enDecember 10, 2023

    Brass Tacks : Fix The Holes In Your Game

    Brass Tacks : Fix The Holes In Your Game

    Every single one of us have holes in our game...

    I know I definitely do.

    Here’s the thing…

    It’s supposed to be that way.

    It's how you choose to address these holes that will determine whether you win or lose in life.

    If you choose to ignore your holes and avoid the work it takes to fix them...

    Your life will never be any better than it is right now.

    It will likely regress.

    The Bearded Beast Show
    enNovember 30, 2023

    Brass Tacks : Do People Call You Crazy?

    Brass Tacks : Do People Call You Crazy?

    Have you ever considered the fact that the greatest inventions of our time all came from ideas that people ridiculed and called "crazy" or "impossible?"

    The phone...

    The internet...




    ...that's just to name a few.


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    enNovember 28, 2023