
    BREAKING: Full Coverage Of Leaked SCOTUS Opinion To Overturn Roe v. Wade & Ohio Primary Election Day!

    enMay 03, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • US Cellular's campaign to reduce smartphone usage and political developmentsUS Cellular promotes digital detox, while political news includes potential Supreme Court decision, Amazon Labor Union defeat, and primary elections. Cable news faces criticism, and new media platforms emerge.

      US Cellular encourages us to put down our smartphones for five minutes as part of a campaign to help us reevaluate our relationship with technology. Meanwhile, there are significant developments in politics, including the leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion that could overturn Roe v. Wade, the defeat of the Amazon Labor Union in their second election, and primary elections in Ohio with implications for both parties. In the news, cable news is facing criticism for dividing the nation, and Breaking Points is building a new, more trustworthy and healthier mainstream media platform. Additionally, Symbionica offers all-natural supplements that actually work, and Walt Disney World offers affordable adult theme park tickets through Undercover Tourist.

    • Supreme Court poised to overturn Roe v. Wade decision on abortion rightsThe Supreme Court is set to potentially overturn Roe v. Wade, which could lead to abortion bans in 21 states and impact other privacy-related decisions, such as those concerning contraception and same-sex marriage.

      The Supreme Court, led by justices Alito, Thomas, Kavanaugh, Barrett, and Gorsuch, is poised to overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade decision, which guaranteed a woman's right to an abortion. This decision, which is still a draft, has been met with controversy and concern, as it could potentially impact other privacy-related decisions, such as those regarding contraception and same-sex marriage. Chief Justice Roberts may take a middle ground approach, but the outcome remains uncertain. If the decision holds, it could lead to abortion bans in 21 states with trigger laws. The impact of this decision on the political landscape and societal divisions is expected to be significant.

    • Impact of Roe v. Wade overturning on abortion rightsOverturning Roe v. Wade could lead to a 14% reduction in abortions nationwide, with the greatest impact on poor and working-class women due to state-by-state restrictions.

      With the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade, the landscape of abortion rights will shift significantly to a state-by-state basis. Some states, like Georgia and Florida, have trigger laws in place that would automatically ban or severely restrict abortion once Roe is overturned. Others, like Pennsylvania, may experience political changes as a result. The impact on poor and working-class women is expected to be significant, as they are the most common demographic seeking abortions. The groundwork for these restrictions has been laid over the past few decades, with many states already having effectively banned abortion before Roe came into effect. The New York Times estimates that an overturning of Roe could lead to a 14% reduction in abortions nationwide. It's important to remember that this is a complex issue with competing moral claims, and people hold a wide range of views on it.

    • Complex moral issue of abortionRespecting women's choices, addressing material conditions, and productive dialogue can reduce abortions. Unity and respect for differing viewpoints are crucial in public discourse.

      The abortion issue is a complex moral issue that requires a nuanced approach from governments. Trusting women to make difficult choices and addressing material conditions to support families can significantly reduce the number of abortions. The speaker, who identifies as a socially libertarian, emphasizes the importance of respecting differing viewpoints and engaging in productive dialogue. The issue is deeply personal and divisive, with fringe elements existing on both sides, and the speaker encourages a focus on understanding each other rather than demonizing opponents. The impact of this issue on public discourse is expected to be significant, and the speaker encourages a reminder of the importance of unity and respect for differing viewpoints.

    • The 2016 election and abortion issueTrump's stance on abortion and pick of Pence secured evangelical support, potentially overturning Roe v. Wade may cause political turmoil, rights in US cannot be taken for granted, stay engaged in politics

      The 2016 presidential election of Donald Trump can be attributed to his stance on the abortion issue and his selection of Mike Pence as his running mate. This move helped Trump secure the support of the evangelical base, which had long considered this a defining issue. The recent draft decision by the Supreme Court, penned by Justice Alito, to overturn Roe v. Wade is expected to cause significant turmoil in American politics, as a majority of the country views this right as progress. This decision serves as a reminder that no privileges, benefits, or rights in the US can be taken for granted, and it's crucial for individuals to remain engaged in politics. The authenticity of the leaked draft opinion is confirmed, but its final form may still undergo changes before it becomes law. The long-term implications of this decision for the Supreme Court and American politics are yet to be fully understood.

    • Supreme Court Draft Opinion Leaked to PoliticoA draft Supreme Court opinion on Roe v. Wade was leaked to Politico, causing controversy and uncertainty about the future of abortion rights in the US.

      The leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion to Politico, which revealed potential changes to Roe v. Wade, has caused significant upheaval within the court. The leak is considered a grave breach of trust and precedent, as draft opinions are typically kept confidential until they are officially released. The identity of the leaker remains unknown, with speculation ranging from liberal justices or their staff to a potential hack of the Supreme Court's email servers. The leak has major implications for American politics and could potentially change the course of the country's legal landscape. The fact that established Supreme Court reporters did not obtain the scoop has raised questions about the leak strategy and motives behind it.

    • Leak of draft SC opinion sparks debate on transparency vs consequencesThe leak of a draft SC opinion on abortion rights has sparked a debate over transparency and potential consequences, with some seeing it as valuable insight and others as disruptive to the judicial process and trust in the institution.

      The leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion on abortion rights has sparked intense debate over transparency versus potential consequences. Some argue that the leak provided valuable insight into the court's thinking and accelerated public awareness, while others criticize it for potentially disrupting the judicial process and undermining trust in the institution. The incident is a rare occurrence in Supreme Court history, and its impact on the court's reputation and the political landscape remains to be seen. Ultimately, the substance of the opinion – which could significantly alter American politics and rights – is the most important aspect, and the leak has given the public a glimpse into the potential direction of the decision. However, some concerns have been raised about the potential for manipulation, public pressure, and the impact on the court's internal dynamics.

    • Supreme Court Draft Opinion Leak: Authenticity and ImplicationsThe Supreme Court draft opinion leak, while authenticity is confirmed, could change the court's operations and impact the abortion debate. Majority supports Roe v. Wade, while illegal in all cases stance is least popular.

      The Supreme Court draft opinion leak represents a significant shift in how the court operates, potentially changing the course of business there. Despite concerns about authenticity, extensive review processes and consensus from experts suggest the draft is genuine. Public opinion on abortion has remained relatively stable since 1995, with a slight majority favoring legality in most or all cases. However, the least popular stance is illegal in all cases, which is the position many states will adopt. It's worth noting that the party perceived as taking the most extreme stance on cultural issues, like abortion, tends to lose public support. The latest polls show 70% wanting Roe v. Wade to remain in place, and only 30% supporting its overturn. Overall, the Supreme Court leak and the ongoing abortion debate reflect larger shifts in political dynamics and public opinion.

    • Abortion Divide in Republican PartyThe Republican Party's base, focused on abortion, pushes for stricter laws despite being out of step with most Americans. This divide could impact midterms, particularly in culturally-conservative states.

      The issue of abortion is a deeply divisive one within the Republican party, with a significant portion of its base pushing for stricter laws despite being out of step with the majority of Americans. This activist base, which is primarily focused on this single issue, has led some Republican elected officials to take extreme positions, even in conservative states where such views are not representative of the population. This divide within the party could potentially impact the midterm elections, particularly in states with a larger contingent of more culturally-conservative voters. According to the polling data presented, a majority of Americans, including a significant number of Democrats and moderate Republicans, support keeping Roe v. Wade in place and allowing for legal abortions in most or all cases. However, among Republicans, especially those who identify as conservative, there is a much larger split, with 62% favoring illegal abortions and 36% supporting legal ones. This split could lead to significant electoral consequences for the Republican party, particularly in states where cultural issues are a major factor in voters' decisions.

    • Impact of Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade Decision on Midterm ElectionsThe Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade could galvanize voters, particularly those who care deeply about reproductive rights, and may impact the midterm elections by motivating the Democratic base to vote.

      The Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade is a monumental pivot point in American politics, with potential to significantly impact the midterm elections and beyond. The Democratic base, already disappointed in the Biden administration on various fronts, feels let down by the failure to codify abortion rights into law. This decision could galvanize voters, especially those who care deeply about reproductive rights. The Democrats' inability to act on this issue, despite having control of all three branches of government, is a major point of criticism. Additionally, some argue that Ruth Bader Ginsburg's decision to not retire under Obama played a significant role in this outcome. The focus on the leak of the decision rather than its substance from some conservative circles is also noteworthy.

    • The emotional significance of overturning Roe v. Wade for the Republican baseThe potential overturning of Roe v. Wade could deflate Republican base support and motivate Democrats, while raising concerns about future landmark decisions.

      The leaked Supreme Court draft decision to overturn Roe v. Wade has revealed that the issue is not only politically significant for Republicans but also emotionally charged for their evangelical base. This base has long been a driving force in Republican politics, with the promise to overturn Roe v. Wade being a central organizing principle. However, the loss of this animating issue could have deflating effects on the Republican base and their support for the party. Meanwhile, Democrats are likely to use the issue to motivate their voters in the midterms, as independents are more aligned with keeping Roe in place. The potential overturning of Roe v. Wade also raises concerns about the future of other landmark decisions, such as Obergefell v. Hodges. Overall, the leaked draft decision has set the stage for a contentious political battle in the coming months.

    • Supreme Court's Decision on Roe v. Wade Could Shift American PoliticsThe overturning of Roe v. Wade may galvanize disillusioned voters, fuel Democratic discontent, and potentially lead to a nationwide abortion ban if Republicans gain control of Congress.

      The overturning of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court could lead to a significant shift in American politics, particularly among disillusioned Democratic voters. The court's disregard for precedent and its apparent catering to conservative interests may galvanize a new group of voters who have felt let down by the Democratic party's failure to protect reproductive rights. The Democratic establishment's inability to act on this issue, despite their claims to care about it, may further fuel this disillusionment. The court's decision could also lead to a push for a nationwide ban on abortion if Republicans take control of Congress. The filibuster currently stands in the way, but the political landscape could change if the midterm elections bring about a shift in power. The failure of both parties to address this issue effectively may ultimately lead to a growing sense of frustration and dissatisfaction among voters.

    • Potential Overturning of Roe v. Wade Shifts Political LandscapeThe potential overturning of Roe v. Wade could lead to efforts to codify a nationwide ban, putting pressure on Democrats to take a clear stance on the issue, with the Ohio Senate race as an example of this political shift.

      The potential overturning of Roe v. Wade could significantly shift the political landscape in the United States. The Republican Party's responsiveness to the activist base pushing for stricter abortion laws could lead to efforts to codify a nationwide ban, putting pressure on Democrats to take a clear stance on the issue. The Ohio Senate race is an example of this, with candidates vying for the title of the most pro-Trump and pro-life. In the Ohio primary, JD Vance, endorsed by Trump, currently leads, but the outcome remains uncertain. The Catholic church and evangelical right also hold significant influence in this issue. This potential change could activate various political groups and alter the way politics are debated and discussed for a long time. Despite this, primary elections are still ongoing in America, including the Ohio Senate race.

    • Ohio Senate Primary: Cruz vs Trump Proxy WarThe Ohio Senate primary has become a high-stakes battle between economic conservatives and populist Republicans, with Trump's endorsement of JD Vance significantly impacting the race. Despite past criticisms, voters have forgiven Trump and view his endorsement as a sign of Vance's alignment with the GOP base.

      The Ohio Senate primary race between JD Vance and Josh Mandel has turned into a high-stakes proxy war between two Republican factions: those aligned with Ted Cruz and his economic conservatives, and those aligned with Donald Trump and his populist base. Trump's endorsement of Vance has significantly impacted the race, helping him surge in the polls and gain support from voters who have forgiven his past criticisms of the former president. The Club for Growth, a major libertarian spending group, has countered with attacks on Vance's economic record and name change of the Cleveland Indians. The race has echoes of the 2016 battle between Cruz and Trump, with Cruz currently touring Ohio with Mandel and Hawley supporting Vance. Despite the intensity of the fight, it's likely that Cruz will ultimately lose. Voters at a JD Vance event, even those who were once uncertain about Trump, have expressed forgiveness for his past mistakes and view his endorsement as a sign that Vance is now one of them. Peter Thiel, another significant player, helped turn the race around for Vance when his ads featuring old Trump criticisms were not resonating with voters.

    • External forces and endorsements shape Ohio congressional raceEndorsements from external forces and lack of support from the progressive camp could influence the outcome of the Ohio congressional race between Nina Turner and Chantel Brown.

      In the Ohio congressional race between Nina Turner and Chantel Brown, external forces played a significant role in the outcome of their previous contest. Peter Thiel and Tucker Carlson supported JD Vance in the Republican primary, potentially taking away Republican crossover votes for Brown. Now, with a more progressive district and less likely crossover votes, Turner is hoping for a different outcome. However, the establishment, including Joe Biden, has endorsed Chantel Brown, and the progressive caucus and members of the squad have been notably silent on endorsing Nina Turner, despite her being a prominent figure in the progressive movement. This lack of support from the progressive camp and the establishment's intervention could impact the race's outcome.

    • Last-minute Democratic endorsements and funding for Nina Turner in Ohio's 11th district raceDespite late endorsements and funding, Turner's chance in the Democratic primary remains competitive, but AOC's support is unlikely to significantly impact the outcome. In the Amazon Union election, workers voted down unionization again, but organizers vow to continue efforts.

      The late endorsement of Nina Turner by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes and other high-profile Democrats, along with significant financial support, indicates that Turner has a competitive chance in the Democratic primary race in Ohio's 11th district. However, AOC's last-minute endorsement and fundraising pitch are unlikely to have a significant impact on the outcome of the election, as early voting and TV ad bookings had already been finalized. In the Amazon Union election, the second attempt at unionization at a Staten Island facility also resulted in a defeat, with 380 votes in favor and 618 against. Chris Smalls, interim president of the Amazon Labor Union, expressed pride in the workers for giving their colleagues the right to join a union and vowed to continue organizing efforts.

    • Amazon Union Election Result: A Setback but Not a SurpriseAmazon underestimated union organizers, intensified efforts to bust the union, and the historic movement inspired by Chris Smalls continues with hundreds of workers reaching out for support. The future of the labor movement remains uncertain but gaining momentum nationwide.

      The recent union election result at an Amazon facility in Staten Island, New York, was a setback but not a surprise. Relationships between key organizers and the presence of part-time workers made organizing more challenging. Amazon underestimated the organizers and intensified union-busting efforts, including withholding COVID-related information from workers. The speaker emphasized that setbacks are common in unionization efforts and that the energy and historic significance of the movement, inspired by Chris Smalls and others, remains strong. Hundreds of workers from over 100 facilities across the country have already reached out to Smalls about organizing. The future of the movement remains uncertain, with some hoping for a "one and done" outcome and others believing it could spread like the Starbucks unionization efforts. The Washington Post reports that despite setbacks, the labor movement is gaining momentum nationwide.

    • Biden Administration Signals Support for Labor UnionsThe Biden administration is considering inviting unionized workers from companies like Amazon and Starbucks to the White House, signaling a more supportive stance towards labor unions. Younger, more educated workers at companies like Starbucks are more likely to support labor unions due to underemployment and disillusionment with the American dream.

      The Biden administration is considering inviting unionized workers from companies like Amazon and Starbucks to the White House, signaling a more supportive stance towards labor unions. This symbolic step could help elevate young, educated leaders at the forefront of the new labor movement, such as Jazz Briseach, a Rhodes Scholar and former Starbucks worker who organized the first unionized Starbucks store. The younger, more educated workforce at companies like Starbucks is more likely to support labor unions, as they are disproportionately represented in the new labor movement. This trend is driven by the reality that many college graduates are underemployed and find themselves in low-paying service sector jobs despite their education. The radicalization of this generation, as explained by Professor Richard Wolff, stems from the hits they have taken to the working and middle classes, as they see the American dream being pulled away from them. The labor movement offers a potential way forward for this disillusioned generation.

    • Labor Movement Gains Momentum as Disillusionment GrowsThe labor movement, led by young workers and graduates, is gaining momentum due to disillusionment with the political and economic systems. Unionization efforts are forcing consciousness-raising among the middle class, and allowing new labor leaders to make their case directly to the government could be meaningful.

      The current labor movement, led by non-college workers and college graduates alike, is gaining momentum due to growing disillusionment with the political and economic systems in place. The failure of the American dream, as promised by politicians and Wall Street, has left many young workers with no choice but to take matters into their own hands. The unionization efforts, hitting iconic brands and crossing every divide, are forcing a consciousness-raising among the middle class. While federal government intervention would be impactful, elevating these new labor leaders and allowing them to make their case directly to the government could be meaningful and significant. The changing landscape of journalism, with less incentive for reporters to challenge the administration publicly, adds to the importance of these labor leaders' voices being heard.

    • Media structure not conducive to in-depth journalismCurrent media structure favors sycophancy and irrelevancy over challenging the status quo, leading to a disconnect between the press and public's concerns, necessitating a new ecosystem for better journalism

      The current media structure, particularly cable news, is not conducive to in-depth, nuanced journalism, especially when it comes to covering important but less culturally sensational topics. The incentives within the system favor sycophancy and irrelevancy over challenging the status quo or pressing for answers on critical issues that impact people's lives, such as the housing market or economic downturns. The current system is unsustainable, and a new ecosystem needs to rise up to deliver better journalism. The example of YouTube's new feature showing the top searched topics for a channel, with the housing market being number one, underscores the disconnect between the press and the public's concerns. The current media structure is poisoned, and a new one must be built to reward better topics and provide more accurate representation of the issues that matter to people.

    • Nina Turner's community ties and heartwarming moment boost her Ohio primary campaignNina Turner's deep community roots and a heartwarming moment with a former student are helping her in the Ohio primary race against Chantelle Brown. The leaked draft of the Supreme Court decision may galvanize her voters, while Chantelle Brown's supporters are likely to come out regardless.

      The 2022 Ohio primary race between Nina Turner and Chantelle Brown is expected to be a close one, with Lakewood, a previously stronghold for Bernie Sanders, showing better early voting numbers than expected. Nina Turner, a former state senator and professor, has deep roots in the community, which has helped her weather attacks and maintain strong support. A heartwarming moment was captured on camera, where Turner was greeted by a former student, who expressed gratitude for her impact on his life. The leaked draft of a Supreme Court decision overturning Roe vs. Wade may not significantly impact turnout for Chantelle Brown, as her supporters were likely to come out regardless. However, for Nina Turner's voters, the issue may further galvanize them. On the Republican side, JD Vance's rally drew support from voters who appreciated his reversal on Trump and his stance on immigration.

    • Supporting JD Vance despite past criticismsPoliticians can be forgiven for past mistakes if they admit and atone, effective campaigning matters, and Ohio's economic issues stem from politicians' backdoor deals with China rather than immigration.

      Brian expressed his support for JD Vance based on his policies and representation of the people, despite Vance's previous criticisms of Trump. Brian believes that politicians, including Vance, can make mistakes but can be forgiven if they admit and atone for them. Regarding Ohio's economic issues, Brian believes it's more about politicians profiting from backdoor deals with China rather than immigration. In the Nina Chantel race, Jordan observed a significant difference in the ground games of the two campaigns, with Nina Turner's campaign appearing to have a more organized and effective one. Despite AOC's last-minute endorsement, Jordan does not believe it will make a significant difference in the race. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of policies, representation, and effective campaigning in voters' decisions.

    • Supporting journalists and mental healthSupporting journalists allows for in-depth reporting, while affordable mental health services ensure effective management of challenges. Small choices like putting down phones and purchasing Disney tickets at child prices can lead to substantial benefits.

      The support from viewers enables media organizations to provide high-quality content, including on-the-ground reporting. Journalists like Jordan Sheridan are essential in gaining real insights from various locations, but it comes at a cost. US Cellular encourages us to reset our relationship with our phones and put them down for five minutes to reconnect with the world around us. Mental health support is accessible and affordable through services like BetterHelp, making it essential for everyone to manage their mental health challenges effectively. Lastly, adults can save money on Walt Disney World tickets by purchasing them at child prices from Undercover Tourist. These are just a few examples of how support and smart choices can lead to significant benefits.

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    Episode 62 - Dre's Intro - May 5th, 2022

    Episode 62 - May 5th, 2022

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    "Fighting Back Post-Roe."

    "Fighting Back Post-Roe."

    Hysteria host Erin Ryan joins the pod to discuss the political fight to restore abortion access in America, and how Democrats should confront the activist Supreme Court. Then later, Amy Hagstrom Miller from Whole Woman’s Health talks about how abortion providers will continue to serve patients among a challenging patchwork of state laws.


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.



    The Impact Of Restrictive Abortion Laws In 2023

    The Impact Of Restrictive Abortion Laws In 2023
    From NPR's daily news podcast, Consider This: Nearly two years into Roe v. Wade being overturned, pregnant people continue to have a hard time accessing abortion and miscarriage care. This year saw the addition of new restrictive abortion laws in some states and protection of existing abortion laws in others.

    What does this mean for abortion care in 2024, and how might all of this affect the 2024 elections?

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    s2-Ep: 27 - If Life Is A Simulation, Lets Play One That Doesn't Suck

    s2-Ep: 27 - If Life Is A Simulation, Lets Play One That Doesn't Suck

    SHOW NOTES: In Today's Episode of the Greatest Shit Show on Earth:

    Every week, shocking headlines continue to dominate the news, continually escalating to a new level we couldn't imagine the week before.

    Stand-up comedians continue to be targeted and threatened. Americans should be appalled by the threat placed on comedians and their lives.

    Does no one care about or cherish the life of an adult man just trying to make a living by telling funny hardy-hahas on stage to distract us from our poorly miss guided anger?

    Are the Dave Chappelle's of the world to be tossed in a dumpster and discarded with no plan B?

    Are we supposed to just accept that his life means nothing compared to the unborn fetus that is technically still only a sperm slug?  

    While we are asking these deep philosophical questions, what is life anyway? Is it merely a simulation being played by an advanced being with Cthulu God-like powers? Is this supreme being only trying to distract himself from his own cosmic chaotic turmoil, hoping that all of his problems will be resolved and vanish from his turbulent higher existence and consciousness? 

    In the grand scheme of things, maybe, as simple tiny piss-ant humanoids, we are no different from the Demon-Gods who play us as their own next-gen sim trying to level up to distract themselves from the harsh reality they aren't willing to accept. After all, isn't that how we cope with our day-to-day lives?

    I guess we shall find out in this week's episode.


    Act I - Introductions and Pleasantries - 

    Act II: - Master Control 

    Act III - The pretend worlds we escape to where the pay is nothing and the cost of living is meaningless