
    About this Episode

    Hey there, Spiritual Dope! How's it going? I'm out here in sunny California, ready to drop some truth bombs. So, let's get real for a sec. How many of y'all are having surface-level conversations? It's time
    to cut the bullshit and start having some authentic, vulnerable chats. I mean, who wants to hear the same old shit over and over again? Not me, that's for sure. And let me tell you, there's nothing more liberating than sharing your true self with someone and feeling heard and understood. Yeah, it can be scary as hell, but trust me, it's worth it. I recently had a heart-to-heart with a friend who was going through some tough shit, and it was a game-changer. We both felt more connected and empowered after that conversation. So, don't be afraid to open up and let it all out. You might just strengthen existing relationships or create new ones. And who doesn't want that? So, go out there and have some real conversations, and don't forget to share your experiences with me. Peace out!

    Recent Episodes from Spiritual Dope

    Choosing Proactive Wellness: Avoiding Mental Breakdowns on the Spiritual Dope Podcast

    Choosing Proactive Wellness: Avoiding Mental Breakdowns on the Spiritual Dope Podcast

    Welcome back, spiritual dope! It's been a while since our last episode, but I'm here, Brandon Handley, ready to dive into some thought-provoking content just for you. But first, let's set the record straight - your well-being is our top priority. Spiritual Dope is still going strong, hosting a treasure trove of interviews and discussions with individuals who have embarked on their spiritual journeys. What makes our podcast unique is that we approach spirituality through the lens of integrating it into our daily lives. Trust me, you won't find another podcast quite like this. 

    Today, we're exploring the idea of awakening to yourself - growing into your spiritual being and realizing the vastness of your spiritual body beyond just your physical form. It's about creating a new model for living and doing so intentionally. Many people wait until they hit rock bottom before making this shift, but why not choose to awaken sooner? It's like proactive wellness - focusing on mental health and well-being to prevent falling apart down the road.

    We've been taught to hold it all together, to suppress and repress our emotions, but that's not the path to true happiness. What if you could learn to find joy and contentment in your current circumstances? That's the shift we're discussing today. We'll delve into the misconception that happiness has to look a certain way, driven by media and marketing. The truth is, happiness already exists within us, waiting to be realized. And hey, even an old beat-up car can bring just as much happiness as a shiny new one!

    Join me as I share personal stories and insights, discussing how embracing our true selves and acknowledging our experiences can lead to genuine happiness. We'll explore the interconnectedness of all living beings and the energy that binds us together. Get ready for an episode that will uplift your spirits and challenge your perception of happiness.

    So sit back, relax, and let's dive into this spiritual dope together!

    Spiritual Dope
    enOctober 18, 2023

    Navigating the Creation Process: Insights and Inspiration from the Spiritual Dope Podcast

    Navigating the Creation Process: Insights and Inspiration from the Spiritual Dope Podcast

    Welcome to another episode of Spiritual Dope, where we explore all things spiritual and delve into the creation process. I'm your host, Brandon Handley. In today's episode, we'll discuss the concept of trusting the creation process and the power of intentional creation. From cooking a delicious meal to trying out new recipes, we'll explore how focusing on the desired outcome and aligning our intentions can lead to a fulfilling creation experience. Join me as we uncover the beauty in chaos and the importance of designing and organizing our creations. Let's dive in and discover the magic of the creation process. Stay tuned for an enlightening conversation that will inspire you on your own creative journey. Welcome to Spiritual Dope: The Creation Process.

    Spiritual Dope
    enSeptember 05, 2023

    Colleague Questions and Burning Man Regrets

    Colleague Questions and Burning Man Regrets

    On this episode of Spiritual Dope, our guest Arcturus Eden takes us on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening.

    We delve into their initial perception of drugs and how it shifted after a profound experience with LSD. We explore their role as a peacemaker in their family dynamics and how human design has helped them understand their experiences better.

    Arcturus shares their experiences at Burning Man and how it shaped their spiritual journey. We also dive into their belief in the divinity of Burning Man and their connection to a higher intelligence.

    In addition, we explore the significance of their new name, Arcturus, and how it ties into their mission for world peace.

    We discuss the system of human design and the importance of being true to oneself. Arcturus shares their fascination with dreams and the divine connection they see between their childhood dream and their current work.

    We also touch upon their experiences with ayahuasca and the spiritual and emotional healing it brought.

    Finally, we explore their belief in the Arcturians, an alien civilization, and their mission for harmony and world peace.

    This episode is a deep dive into spirituality, consciousness, and the interconnectedness of all beings.


    Connect with Arcturus: https://worldpeaceceremony.com/bonus-mission/

    Spiritual Dope
    enJuly 30, 2023

    Transformative Journeys: Healing Trauma and Overcoming Addiction with Psychedelics

    Transformative Journeys: Healing Trauma and Overcoming Addiction with Psychedelics

    On this episode of Spiritual Dope, host Brandon Handley welcomes guest Jahan Khamsehzadeh to explore the transformative power of psychedelics and their role in spirituality and personal growth. They delve into the cultural changes of the 1960s that brought about the use of psychedelics and discuss how these substances have been used in tribal ceremonies for centuries and are now being integrated into Western psychotherapy and recreational settings.

    The episode emphasizes the importance of having the right container to navigate these expansive states of consciousness safely, as well as the necessity of education and strategic planning for safe psychedelic use. Jahan shares their personal journey from a former atheist to experiencing a profound shift in consciousness through psychedelics, leading to a complete transformation in their perspective and the trajectory of their life.

    They also touch upon the challenges and rewards of working with psychedelics in therapeutic settings, including the processing of past trauma and the potential for healing and overcoming harmful behaviors.

    The episode highlights the need for set and setting and emphasizes the importance of having someone present to support individuals experiencing disorienting effects. Jahan and Brandon also explore the deep history of psychedelic use worldwide and the ongoing movement to decriminalize these substances.

    The episode concludes with a discussion on the therapeutic benefits of psilocybin mushrooms and the potential role they played in the evolution of human consciousness. Drawing from various psychological models and the work of pioneers like Stanislav Grof, they explore the different stages of the psychedelic experience and how understanding these stages can aid individuals in navigating challenging experiences and embracing personal growth and transformation.

    Tune in to this episode of Spiritual Dope to deepen your understanding of psychedelics' role in spirituality, healing, and human evolution.


    Connect with Jahan: https://psychedelicevolution.org/

    Spiritual Dope
    enJuly 30, 2023

    Unveiling the Profound: Near-Death Experiences and Spiritual Insights with Nicole Kerr

    Unveiling the Profound: Near-Death Experiences and Spiritual Insights with Nicole Kerr

    On this episode of Spiritual Dope, host Brandon Handley is joined by guest Nicole Kerr, who shares her incredible near-death experiences and the profound spiritual insights she gained from them.

    Nicole begins by recounting the emergency surgery she underwent after a car crash, which led to multiple near-death experiences due to fluid in her lungs. She vividly describes feeling suffocated and believing her oxygen was being taken away. Thankfully, a diuretic was administered as a last resort, saving her from suffocating to death. Nicole woke up with a ventilator after one of the surgeries, deeply realizing that there is no pain at the moment of death.

    Nicole shares her belief in a dimension where angels and deceased loved ones exist on the other side. She encourages listeners to ask for help from these angels and develop a relationship with them. As a self-proclaimed recovering people pleaser, Nicole delves into the fear-based roots of people pleasing and how it was exacerbated by her time at the Air Force Academy, where she faced constant hazing and harassment.

    Nicole opens up about a traumatic car accident where she was pronounced dead at the scene but revived, leading to her struggle with an eating disorder and self-blame. She speaks about her strained relationship with her father, who blamed her for the accident and has not forgiven her. However, Nicole also shares a powerful incident where an angel saved her after another car accident, referring to the angel as "Casper the Ghost." In her soul form, she overheard a conversation between angels, who emphasized the importance of asking for help and promised that help would come.

    Describing her near-death experience, Nicole explains being engulfed in a white light that exuded love, comfort, beauty, and unconditional love, struggling to find words to fully convey the experience. She advises listeners to find what works for them, whether it's prayer, talking to their guardian angel, or journaling to reflect and connect with their soul. Nicole emphasizes the need to expand emotional literacy and express emotions instead of suppressing them.

    Nicole's personal experience of abuse at the United States Air Force Academy deeply influenced her focus on the spiritual dimension of health and her desire to change society's negative perception of death. She believes that death is often associated with doom, gloom, and negativity, and urges listeners to address their fear of death, as preparation is essential.

    Furthermore, Nicole highlights the importance of both spiritual and physical preparation for death and mentions how belief systems shape our relationship with death. She shares a poignant story about a six-year-old girl who had a negative concept of God due to fear of hell, underscoring the need to examine and change beliefs that no longer serve us.

    The episode touches on the speaker's reunion with a former roommate after 39 years, the blame they both carry surrounding the crash, and the importance of communication and rebuilding relationships. Nicole also details her struggles with soul loss after the crash and the subsequent physical and emotional issues she faced, including compulsive behaviors and chronic health conditions. She advocates for soul retrieval as a healing tool, especially for veterans struggling with soul loss, as it is often absent from their treatment.

    With her profound near-death experiences and spiritual insights, Nicole Kerr delivers a captivating episode full of hope, healing, and a deep understanding of the spiritual dimensions of life and death. Tune in to this enlightening episode of Spiritual Dope to explore the transformative power of near-death experiences and the importance of connecting with our souls.



    - Introduction to Nicole Kerr and her near-death experiences
    - The speaker's experience of emergency surgery and multiple near-death experiences
    - The speaker's belief in a dimension with angels and deceased loved ones
    - Encouragement to ask for help from angels and develop a relationship with them
    - The speaker's journey as a recovering people pleaser and the fear-based nature of people-pleasing
    - Recollection of the speaker's time at the Air Force Academy and experiences of hazing and harassment
    - The speaker's panic attack and struggle with fear of failure and shame
    - The traumatic car accident and the speaker being pronounced dead at the scene and revived
    - The speaker's fear of God and punishment due to religious upbringing
    - Overcoming fear of death through near-death experience
    - The speaker's eating disorder and self-blame for the accident
    - Strained relationship with the father and his lack of forgiveness
    - Experience of an angel saving the speaker after a car accident
    - Soul form and conversation between angels emphasizing the importance of asking for help
    - Description of near-death experience as being in a white light and the struggle to define it
    - Suggestions for connecting with guardian angels through prayer, dialogue, and journaling
    - Reflecting on the soul and understanding its communication through the non-dominant hand technique
    - Historical context of diseases brought by missionaries to Hawaii
    - Importance of breathing for regulating panic and anxiety attacks
    - The four domains of health: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual
    - Importance of healthy eating and proactive stress management
    - The need for emotional expression and expanding emotional literacy
    - Personal experience of abuse at the Air Force Academy and its impact on spiritual health
    - Changing society's negative perception of death and the importance of preparing for it
    - The impact of lack of preparation and communication on families and relationships
    - The need for spiritual and physical preparation for death
    - How beliefs about God shape one's relationship with death
    - Experience working with a child with a negative concept of God
    - Sabotaging goals and unhealthy behaviors due to belief systems that no longer serve us
    - Personal story of reuniting with a roommate after many years and working on their relationship
    - Attempts to leave the hospital and the speaker's growth from the experience
    - Experience of soul loss after the crash and its symptoms
    - The speaker's struggle with soul loss and chronic health conditions
    - Soul retrieval as a healing tool and its relevance for veterans and preventing suicide.

    Spiritual Dope
    enJuly 17, 2023

    The Impact of Energy: Desire for Change and Personal Growth

    The Impact of Energy: Desire for Change and Personal Growth

    Join us on this episode of Spiritual Dope as we explore Ken's reflections, experiences, and insights that will leave you inspired and questioning your own spiritual journey.

    Ken traded in his corporate life and expat lifestyle overseas for a new adventure. He now travels the country with a microphone, a van, and a jar of questions, sharing his experiences. This epic trip may seem crazy to some, but to Ken, it is a brave decision. It is not the first time he has taken a bold step in his life, as he previously uprooted his family and moved from Los Angeles to Hong Kong for a two-year job opportunity at the age of 39. Returning back to his home country may not be as extreme, but it is still an exciting and unconventional choice for Ken. (connect with Ken here: www.thejar.live


    Topics covered in this audio session:

    - Reflecting on a successful leader who built a company from scratch
    - Description of the leader as an evangelist with exceptional communication skills, strategy, and ability to connect with others
    - Acknowledgment of similarities with the leader but not achieving the same level of success

    - Vulnerable moment when the leader asks who fills their cup
    - Referencing emotional support and inspiration received from others

    - Reflection and frustration about someone's actions
    - Discussion about the impact of energy on desire for change and personal growth

    - Journey overseas and facing challenges when family and connections were no longer present
    - Difficulties of constant transitions and inability to establish deep relationships

    - Desire to return home and reconnect with family and friends
    - Mention of starting to write and taking up the guitar at the age of 52

    - Importance of finding ways to receive appreciation and gratitude from others
    - Recognition of love and kindness shown by others

    - Balancing receiving and giving, comparing it to filling one's cup
    - Emphasis on finding motivation and practicing self-gratitude

    - Warning against people who expect others to fill their cup

    - Experience of someone approaching the speaker after scanning a QR code on a van
    - Discussion about making a positive impact

    - Desire to make a positive impact when the speaker is 80 years old
    - Appreciation of food, family, and friends

    - Desire to contribute to the world, society, heart, and soul
    - Acknowledgment of not knowing the answer yet, but valuing the question

    - Encouragement to meet curious people and recognize signs of curiosity

    - Love for music and appreciation of songwriters
    - Return to photography as a serious pursuit

    - Intentionality in writing, playing guitar, and doing photography
    - Realization of the impact these activities had

    - Challenge of the speaker's title preventing them from speaking in certain settings
    - Writing letters to God turned into a podcast

    - Purpose of hearing people's stories and giving them a platform
    - Fulfillment in listening to people's stories

    - Specific experience meeting a woman in a trailer park with a difficult backstory
    - Appreciation of being listened to and having her story valued

    - Reflection on taking a break after working for eight months straight
    - Limited time off and constant uploading and editing of content

    - Realization of a common theme in the work: mental health

    - Faced with a decision among multiple outcomes, excluding the red one
    - Captivation and confusion regarding the red one in a crowded room
    - Confidence gained through advice received

    - Friendship formed with a guitar teacher in Bangkok
    - Writing songs together using material from a book called "Dear God" at first, but eventually running out and having to write new lyrics


    Spiritual Dope
    enJuly 11, 2023

    Martin Theis, Shamanic Journeys: Guided Pathways to Self-Realization and Spiritual Awakening

    Martin Theis, Shamanic Journeys: Guided Pathways to Self-Realization and Spiritual Awakening

    Martin Theis stumbled into shamanism by chance when his best friend attended a workshop at the urging of his girlfriend. Intrigued by the concept of finding one's spirit animal through a totem animal journey, Martin embarked on his own spiritual journey. Prior to this, he had no involvement with spirituality and felt disconnected from the world. Martin specializes in drum-based shamanism, without the use of medicinal plants. He recognizes that there are various approaches and traditions within shamanism, such as plant or medicine-based practices. His mentor, who practices Southern American shamanism from the Peruvian Andes, introduced him to a different interpretation of the medicine wheel. Despite the variations, Martin found resonance in the teachings from the Lakota and chose to remain with that lineage. After returning to Germany, Martin continued to learn and grow under the guidance of his original mentor, who he has been with for over ten years.



    On this episode of Spiritual Dope, host Brandon Handley welcomes guest Martin Theis to discuss their unique approach to life coaching through shamanic journeys. Martin explains how these journeys connect with the subconscious, higher self, and guidance, allowing clients to receive answers, guidance, and healing. Unlike traditional coaching, Martin emphasizes that they do not give instructions but instead focus on the client's stated intention. They believe strongly in this transformative work, as it helps individuals find their own solutions, tapping into the answers they already possess. Martin shares their own spiritual journey, highlighting the struggles and disconnection they experienced before discovering shamanism. They delve into the different approaches to shamanism, including plant-based or medicine-based journeys and the use of a drum. Martin's specific teachings come from Southern American shamanism from the Peruvian Andes, which incorporates unique power and transformational processes. They also touch on the importance of self-care for empathetic individuals and how to hold space for others without losing energy. Martin discusses the significance of shamanism in reconnecting with nature and spirituality, especially in Western cultures where spirituality has been lost. They emphasize the importance of breathing techniques in dealing with negative events and sensations in the body. Martin also shares their webinar offering, the 16-week system they use to work with individuals on specific intentions and shamanic journeys. Through their personal story of struggle and self-doubt, Martin highlights how shamanic journeys have the potential to help individuals in profound ways. Join Brandon and Martin as they dive deep into the transformative power of shamanic journeys on this episode of Spiritual Dope.


    Spiritual Dope
    enJuly 06, 2023

    Unveiling the Power of Oneness: Stuart Adam Discusses Plant Medicine and Personal Transformation

    Unveiling the Power of Oneness: Stuart Adam Discusses Plant Medicine and Personal Transformation

    Unveiling the Power of Oneness: Stuart Adam Discusses Plant Medicine and Personal Transformation

    Hosted by Brandon Handley, featuring guest Stuart Adam

    In this episode of Spiritual Dope, Brandon Handley interviews Stuart Adam, an explorer of plant medicine and spirituality for 15 years. They delve into the importance of finding spiritual harmony in a chaotic world. Stuart emphasizes the significance of intuition, oneness, and understanding the duality of the shadow and the light. He opens up about his personal journey, including struggles with drug addiction and a lack of understanding in how to treat women properly. Stuart has since found solace in his engagement to a supportive partner who has helped him confront his own darkness. The key takeaway is the necessity of working through personal darkness to ultimately discover the light.

    Discovering Oneness through Plant Medicine

    Stuart's experiences with plant medicine have revealed the interconnectedness of his shadow and light aspects. He passionately embraces the concept of oneness, emphasizing that we are all connected and part of a divine existence. Verbal explanations fall short; true understanding comes through experiencing this profound connection. Stuart's spiritual practices involve working with powerful plants like ayahuasca, fire, and water, building relationships based on gratitude and respect. He engages in daily prayer, receiving guidance from these sacred entities. The focus is on being present and transcending mental obstacles, creating a meditative and experiential practice.

    Prayer: Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energies

    The conversation explores prayer as a blend of masculine and feminine energies. The masculine aspect involves taking action, asking, and doing, while the feminine aspect centers around receiving, being present, and surrendering without striving for specific outcomes. Trust and letting go are essential elements. Stuart acknowledges the challenges faced by white males in the spiritual realm, but encourages rising above negativity. Surrender and the power of feminine energy, symbolized by yin, are further discussed. The conversation also touches on religion and Kabbalah, highlighting the pursuit of an individual spiritual path, navigating the ethereal realms, and surrendering to the infinite.

    Healing Ancestral Burdens and Finding Oneness

    The podcast acknowledges the speakers' Jewish lineage and their struggle to feel connected to it. They delve into the complexities of Kabbalah and how it has contributed to many Jews feeling disconnected from their bodies. The importance of personal healing, releasing ancestral burdens, and finding individual paths to oneness is emphasized. While recognizing the potential benefits of plant medicine, it is stressed that integration and inner work are necessary to fully experience its transformative effects. The discussion also addresses concerns about unqualified individuals serving plant medicine, underscoring the importance of finding a trustworthy spiritual teacher.

    Embracing Personal Sovereignty and the Power of Prayer

    Stuart highlights the need to stop relinquishing power to others and start trusting oneself. Connecting with personal sovereignty is essential to becoming one's own navigational system. Prayer is presented as a tool to cultivate trust and create a container for self-discovery. Stuart offers an eight-week journey, guiding individuals on how to pray and trust themselves. The focus is on living one's prayer and witnessing its manifestations in everyday life. The ultimate goal is to develop a profound sense of personal power and sovereignty.

    Throughout the conversation, the hosts pose various questions to Stuart, including inquiries about his preferred dishes to cook for friends and who should reach out to him. Stuart mentions his garden and growing tobacco for spiritual addiction clearing. Listeners are directed to visit his website, TheAlchemyOfPrayer.com, to embark on a personal spiritual growth journey. The conversation maintains a relaxed tone while offering thought-provoking insights.

    Spiritual Dope
    enJune 12, 2023

    Breathing Away the Shadows: Unleashing Inner Power through Breathwork in Recovery

    Breathing Away the Shadows: Unleashing Inner Power through Breathwork in Recovery

    Welcome to the Spiritual Dope podcast, where we dive deep into the realms of spirituality, personal growth, and transformation. I'm your host, Brandon, and I'm excited to embark on this journey with you. In today's episode, we have a special treat as I step away from the usual group format and share a personal experience that left a profound impact on me.

    Picture this: I rented a car and drove an hour just to share the practice of breathwork with a group of individuals in recovery. And here's the kicker—I wasn't getting paid for it. This got me reflecting on the question, "What would you do if you had a million dollars?" or even more importantly, "What would you do purely out of love, passion, and the desire to make a positive impact?"

    During this episode, I want to delve into the incredible power of breathwork and its potential as a tool for healing and empowerment, particularly in the context of addiction recovery. We'll explore how breathwork can help us connect with our inner power, find comfort and safety within ourselves, and tap into a space that's often sought through addictive behaviors. Join me as we unravel the beauty and significance of this transformative practice and its ability to bring light into the lives of those on the path of recovery.

    So, whether you're new to breathwork or a seasoned practitioner, whether you're in recovery or simply seeking personal growth, get ready for an enlightening conversation that explores the depths of the human spirit and the power we possess to create positive change in our lives. Let's dive into the world of Spiritual Dope and uncover the magic that lies within each and every one of us.

    Spiritual Dope
    enMay 30, 2023

    Carlos Tanner: Addiction to Ayahuasca Enlightenment

    Carlos Tanner: Addiction to Ayahuasca Enlightenment

    Spiritual Dope Podcast: Carlos Tanner's Ayahuasca Journey

    In this episode of the Spiritual Dope podcast, Carlos Tanner, founder of the Ayahuasca Foundation, shares his incredible journey from addiction to enlightenment through Ayahuasca. He discovered the power of plant medicine after hitting rock bottom and receiving a life-changing email from a friend inviting him to experience Ayahuasca in Peru.

    Carlos Tanner's Transformation

    Carlos ventured to Peru and became a student of Don Juan, a healer who taught him about plant medicine. After four years of learning, recording, and documenting his experiences, Carlos realized that he could have learned faster with the right educational materials. This realization led him to start the Ayahuasca Foundation and create a retreat center to share his knowledge and help others learn about plant medicine safely and effectively.

    Founding the Ayahuasca Foundation

    Despite facing numerous challenges, such as living with Don Juan's large family and adapting to a different culture, Carlos persisted in his mission to share his knowledge. After meeting other shamans and finding a mentor in Don Enrique Lopez, Carlos finally established the Ayahuasca Foundation to teach others about plant medicine.

    Life in Peru and the Plant Medicine Community

    Although living in the Peruvian Amazon isn't for everyone, some people have made it work by starting businesses in agriculture and joining the community of retreat centers like the Ayahuasca Foundation. The plant medicine community is not just about getting high; they are serious about exploring the depths of healing through Ayahuasca and other medicinal plants.

    The Importance of Cleansing and Respecting Ayahuasca

    Carlos emphasizes the importance of cleansing your digestive system before taking plant medicines and ensuring good digestion and nourishment. The purification process is crucial for removing toxins and purifying various systems in the body. Ayahuasca has become popular, but sustainable harvesting and respecting the sacred nature of the plant should be a priority. Carlos can be reached through the Ayahuasca Foundation website or social media platforms.

    • Action items:
    • Consider questioning more and not being afraid to think differently.
    • Look into the Ayahuasca Foundation and the healing tradition of the Amazon.
    • Insights:
    • The world is slowly waking up to what some already know inside.
    • The Ayahuasca Foundation was founded to spread the science of plant medicine back into the world.
    • Practical applications:
    • Embrace questioning and thinking differently.
    • Research and potentially explore the healing tradition of the Amazon through the Ayahuasca Foundation.
    Spiritual Dope
    enMay 15, 2023