
    Brené with Priya Parker on The Art of Gathering

    enNovember 25, 2020
    What is the main focus of meaningful gatherings?
    Who is Priya Parker and what is her expertise?
    How does 'generous authority' enhance gatherings according to Parker?
    What challenges do gatherings face during the COVID-19 pandemic?
    How does Parker suggest we utilize our unique skills?

    Podcast Summary

    • Intentional gatherings: Creating meaningful connectionsFocus on creating environments where people feel seen, heard, and valued through intentional planning and prioritizing connection over old rules and policies.

      Intentional gathering, whether in-person or virtual, requires planning and prioritizing people and connection over old rules and policies. As Priya Parker, a master facilitator and author of "The Art of Gathering," shared in her conversation with Brené Brown, meaningful gatherings often have invisible structures that hold everything together. These structures are created through intentional conversations and setting inclusion and exclusion criteria. Parker, who has worked on peace processes and community conversations, emphasized the importance of creating collective meaning in modern life, one gathering at a time. Even in challenging times, like the current pandemic, it's essential to prioritize connection and intentionally bring people together. Whether it's through a low-budget wedding or a virtual conference, the key is to focus on creating an environment where people feel seen, heard, and valued.

    • Exploring the Power of Gathering in PodcastsUnderstanding community needs and bringing people together to explore questions and create meaningful experiences is essential for conflict resolution and personal growth.

      We are all part of a community, even when we're not physically together. A gathering is any time three or more people come together with a purpose, and podcasts create unique experiences where we can learn and connect despite technical limitations. Priya, a conflict resolution facilitator, emphasizes the importance of understanding the need in our communities and bringing people together to explore questions and create meaningful experiences. Priya's career in conflict resolution was shaped by her upbringing as a biracial, bicultural person, growing up with parents who were adventurous and rebellious, and living in various parts of the world. Her experiences fueled her intellectual curiosity and emotional growth, leading her to a career dedicated to helping groups connect and transform through the art of gathering.

    • The Power and Challenges of Gathering in GroupsCreating belonging and fostering healthy communication are crucial for effective gathering and conflict resolution. Unhealthy peace can be as detrimental as open conflict.

      The ability to come together in groups, whether temporarily or permanently, holds immense power but also comes with challenges. The speaker's unique background in conflict resolution, shaped by her experiences toggling between two distinct families, has given her a nuanced perspective on the importance of creating belonging and fostering healthy communication within groups. Unhealthy peace, or an unwillingness to address conflicts, can be just as detrimental as open conflict, and understanding this dynamic is crucial for effective gathering and conflict resolution.

    • Make gatherings meaningfulThoughtful planning and a curious, willing spirit are essential for creating meaningful connections and engaging gatherings.

      The way we gather and spend time with others is sacred and holds the potential to change us for the better. However, many gatherings have become routine and lack intention, often driven by fear rather than courage. To make meaningful connections and truly engage with one another, it's essential to consider why we want to gather and how we want to engage. The art of gathering does not rely on charisma or social status, but rather on thoughtful planning and a curious, willing spirit. By intentionally approaching gatherings and challenging traditional forms, we can create opportunities for radical conversations and new ways of approaching life's milestones, ultimately fostering deeper connections and personal growth.

    • Focus on the purpose of the event, not just the formAsk questions that align with our values and goals instead of adhering to traditional expectations to create meaningful and memorable experiences.

      When planning gatherings, we often get stuck on the form rather than focusing on the purpose. Categories like weddings, baby showers, and board meetings can have preconceived notions attached to them, causing us to overlook the true intentions of the event. Instead, it's essential to ask questions that align with our values and goals, rather than adhering to traditional expectations. For instance, rather than asking about colors for a wedding, consider asking about the planning of the ritual and how to fuse beliefs. By focusing on the purpose and designing the event to reflect our unique identities, we can create truly meaningful and memorable experiences. The speaker's personal anecdote about her wedding, which was a celebration of her and her partner as individuals and their future, emphasizes the importance of staying true to the purpose of the gathering.

    • Define a clear purpose for gatheringsClearly defining the purpose of a gathering ensures it serves and connects those involved, avoiding proxy wars and misunderstandings.

      When planning a gathering, such as a wedding, it's essential to have a clear and specific purpose that reflects the individuals involved. This purpose may be disputable and different from what others expect or desire. By committing to a bold and sharp purpose, one can avoid descending into proxy wars and ensure that the gathering truly serves and connects those involved. The speaker, Bria, exemplified this by choosing an unconventional wedding song, wearing a short dress, and hosting the reception at a honky tonk, despite others' assumptions and expectations. This approach allowed her to celebrate her individuality and build a unique union with her partner. As Bria noted, the paradox of gathering is that there are many good reasons for coming together, but often, the purpose is not clearly defined. Skipping this crucial step can lead to gatherings that don't serve or connect us as intended.

    • Creating Meaningful Gatherings: Address Specific Needs and InnovateTo create meaningful gatherings, focus on specific community needs and invent new ways to bring people together, rather than relying on outdated formats.

      Meaningful gatherings come from addressing specific needs and inventing new ways to come together, rather than relying on old, staid formats. The speaker emphasizes that every gathering, whether it's a barn raising or a modern-day dinner party, is a response to a particular need at the time. Meaningful gatherings require a deep understanding of the community's unique needs and values, and should aim to create something memorable or transformative. The speaker also notes that as our communities become more diverse, it's essential to resist the urge to throw vague, generic gatherings and instead focus on the specific needs that can be addressed through bringing people together. By starting with a real need and asking who might be able to help, we can create powerful and meaningful gatherings that resonate with everyone involved.

    • Creating Meaningful Connections Through Unconventional GatheringsUnconventional gatherings can foster deeper connections and a sense of community by allowing people to come together out of love and shared experiences, rather than obligation.

      Creating meaningful connections and gathering people can be done in new and creative ways, going beyond traditional obligations and rules. A friend's idea of a "worn out mom's hootenanny" is an example of this, where mothers come together, sharing their identities and experiences, with a playful rule to keep conversations diverse. Another example is a woman, who felt disconnected from her community after a family event, hosting a gathering to share stories about her father and connect with her community on a deeper level. These modern gatherings require clear communication and orientation, allowing people to come together out of love rather than duty. These creative and intentional gatherings can help individuals feel more connected and understood, fostering a sense of community and shared experiences.

    • The Power of Generous Authority in GatheringsGenerous authority empowers hosts to protect and fulfill the purpose of gatherings, connect people, and maintain a productive environment.

      Generous authority is the use of a host's power to protect and fulfill the purpose of a gathering, connecting people to each other and temporarily equalizing the group. This concept was illustrated in a story of a woman who hosted a gathering for her own grief, allowing attendees to share their experiences and feel needed. Generous authority can look different in various contexts, such as the Alamo Drafthouse's movie theater rules that protect the purpose of bringing the magic of going to the movies back to the theater. It's essential for facilitation and can help prevent disruptions and maintain a focused and productive environment.

    • Building structures for successful eventsThoughtful structures are essential for successful events, whether in-person or virtual, to ensure participants feel supported and engaged, and help maintain a sense of direction and cohesion.

      Creating a successful event, whether in-person or virtual, requires thoughtful and invisible structures that protect and connect participants. These structures, which can take months to build, establish norms and guidelines that allow individuals to feel supported and engaged. In the case of large conferences like Mom 2.0, these structures help ensure that thousands of attendees can dance to their own beat while still moving in the same direction. In a virtual world, such as Zoom, these structures are even more essential as they provide the context and guidance needed for a successful experience. Without these structures, virtual events can feel disjointed and unproductive. So, whether hosting a conference or attending a virtual gathering, it's important to recognize the value of these invisible structures and the role they play in creating a meaningful and engaging experience.

    • Exploring the new normal of virtual gatheringsPeople are using chat functions creatively to foster interaction and engagement in virtual settings. Unconventional virtual gatherings are on the rise, and power dynamics can be influenced by the mute button. The pandemic has changed how we approach education, work, and social events, and virtual gatherings will continue to shape our future gatherings.

      The virtual gathering landscape is evolving rapidly as people adapt to the new normal of social distancing. Creating a sense of togetherness in virtual settings is crucial, and simple tools like chat functions are being used in innovative ways to facilitate interaction and engagement. People are experimenting with unconventional virtual gatherings, from virtual hot tub parties to mass sing-alongs. Power dynamics in virtual gatherings can be influenced by the mute button, and it's essential to consider how to use this tool more thoughtfully to preserve the richness of communication. The COVID-19 pandemic has made us appreciate the value of gathering and has led to significant changes in how we approach education, work, and social events. Once it's safe to do so, we can expect a joyous return to physical gatherings, but the lessons learned from virtual gatherings will undoubtedly influence how we gather moving forward.

    • Finding Meaningful Connections During the PandemicDespite physical limitations, we can deepen connections with loved ones through synchronous activities, virtual gatherings, and small gestures.

      The value of coming together, whether in person or virtually, has significantly increased during the pandemic. We've learned that creating meaning can be achieved not only through physical things but also through the way we shape conversations and questions. As we approach the holiday season and are unable to gather with loved ones, it's essential to find new ways to meaningfully connect with them. This can be done through synchronous activities, virtual gatherings, or even small gestures like cooking and sharing meals. By focusing on the people in our lives and finding simple, meaningful ways to honor them, we can turn challenging circumstances into opportunities for deeper connections.

    • Embrace life's paradoxes with openness and expansivenessIdentify unique skills, embrace vulnerability, and create intentional rituals to make a difference and bring people together

      Priya Parker, the author of "The Art of Gathering," embraces the paradox of life with openness and expansiveness. She encourages us to identify our unique skills and use them to make a difference, even in challenging times like the COVID-19 pandemic. Vulnerability and courage go hand in hand, and we should not be afraid to feel our fears but also take action. Parker models this in her own life, from her favorite songs to her favorite meals. Her work is a reminder that intentional rituals can set us free and bring people together, no matter the obstacles. Parker's conversation was not only informative but also a joy to be a part of, showcasing her fun, smart, and empathetic personality.

    • Three Questions for Meaningful GatheringsAsking oneself 'What do I know how to do? Where's the need and how can I help?' can guide us in creating impactful gatherings. Priya Parker emphasizes this in her book 'The Art of Gathering' and her work on Brene Brown's podcast 'Unlocking Us'.

      Thoughtful and intentional gathering, whether in person or virtually, is essential for connection and growth. Priya Parker, a guest on the Unlocking Us podcast, emphasized the importance of asking oneself three questions inspired by her mother: What do I know how to do? Where's the need and how can I help? These questions can guide us in creating meaningful and impactful gatherings. Parker's insights come from her book, "The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters." Listeners can find more information about the episode and Parker's work on brenebrown.com. In addition, Parker encourages signing up for her newsletter for thought-provoking content. Another episode of Unlocking Us features a conversation with Eric Mosley about rehumanizing work and making it more engaging for people. The podcast continues to explore topics related to bravery, kindness, and authenticity. Unlocking Us is produced by Brene Brown Education and Research Group, with music by Carrie Rodriguez and Gina Chavez. Listeners can stay updated on new episodes by following the podcast on their favorite podcast app. Unlocking Us is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network.

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    Jen Perry, MSEd, MA, LPC 


    ·         Decipher the significance of fostering emotional safety and its effect on personal growth and wellness.

    ·         Discern the importance of self-care and setting boundaries, specially tailored for neurodivergent individuals.

    ·         Grasp the immense value of open communication and conflict resolution in cultivating deeper relationships.

    ·         Demystify the methods used in maintaining a regulated nervous system while navigating life's many challenges.

    ·         Understand the strength in being vulnerable and authentic in communication - an often underexplored path to fulfilling relationships.

    ·         Check out nonviolent communication resources: Learn more about nonviolent communication and how it can improve your relationships and create emotional safety. 

    ·         Plan a spontaneous trip: Embrace spontaneity and plan a surprise trip with a loved one or a group of friends. Step out of your comfort zone and create new memories in a different location.

    ·         Create a structured and consistent environment: If you feel the need for more structure and predictability in your life, consider implementing routines and schedules that provide a sense of stability. This can help reduce anxiety and create a safe and familiar environment.

    ·         Practice frequent check-ins: Cultivate a habit of checking in with yourself and others regularly. Ask yourself and your loved ones what they need and how you can support them. This can enhance communication, deepen connections, and create a sense of emotional safety.

    ·         Prioritize self-care: Make self-care a priority in your life. Take breaks when you need them, set boundaries, and engage in activities that recharge and rejuvenate you. Remember that taking care of yourself is essential for your overall well-being.

    ·         Use earplugs for sensory regulation

    ·         The importance of fostering emotional safety and its impact on personal growth and wellness is highlighted.


    ·         Setting boundaries and practicing self-care are emphasized as essential for neurodivergent individuals.


    ·         Open communication and conflict resolution are recognized as vital for cultivating deeper relationships.


    ·         Strategies for maintaining a regulated nervous system while navigating life's challenges are explained.


    ·         The significance of vulnerability and authenticity in communication is explored as a path to fulfilling relationships.


    ·         Honoring personal needs is emphasized as an act of self-love and respect that contributes to emotional well-being and improved relationships.


    Patricia was a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, but is now exclusively providing coaching. She knows what it’s like to feel like an outcast, misfit, and truthteller.  Learning about the trait of being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), then learning she is neurodivergent helped Patricia rewrite her history with a deeper understanding, appreciation, and a sense of self-compassion.  She created the podcast Unapologetically Sensitive to help other neurodivergent folks know that they aren’t alone, and that having a brain that is wired differently comes with amazing gifts, and some challenges.  Patricia works online globally working individually with people, and she teaches Online Courses for HSPs that focus on understanding what it means to be an HSP, self-care, self-compassion, boundaries, perfectionism, mindfulness, communication, and creating a lifestyle that honors you


    Jen Perry, MSEd, MA, LPC has been a psychotherapist for 20 years. She specializes in helping Highly Sensitive People thrive in love, work, and parenting Highly Sensitive Children. Jen is passionate about using mindfulness and compassion-based approaches to ameliorate human suffering. 


    Jen’s Links 

    Email: Jen@heartfulnessconsulting.com 

    Jen’s website: https://heartfulnessconsulting.com/

    Patricia’s Links 

    HSP Online Course--https://unapologeticallysensitive.com/hsp-online-groups/

    Online HSP Course Materials (no group included) https://patriciayounglcsw.com/product-category/hsp-classes/

    Receive the top 10 most downloaded episodes of the podcast-- https://www.subscribepage.com/e6z6e6 

    Sign up for the Newsletter-- https://www.subscribepage.com/y0l7d4

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    Music-- Gravel Dance by Andy Robinson www.andyrobinson.com


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    0:00 Intro
    6:30 Backgrounds
    11:05 Why Anon?
    12:25 What is Treasure its History
    17:40 Why $MAGIC Won
    22:00 The Bull Case for Treasure
    26:40 The Nintendo of the Metaverse
    31:45 Bridgeworld
    39:40 Harvesting $MAGIC
    52:30 Smolverse
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    1:07:05 How TreasureDAO is Structured
    1:14:05 Treasure's NFT Marketplace
    1:19:38 Treasure's L1 Blockchain
    1:28:10 David's Summary





    John Patten



    Not financial or tax advice. This channel is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This video is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.

    Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. Additionally, the Bankless writers hold crypto assets. See our investment disclosures here: