
    About this Episode

    As we have transitioned from 2021 into 2022, many of us have made the traditional resolutions like going to the gym, eat more healthier, start that new business, or even spend less time on social media. While making those resolutions are good, some of us are carrying old baggage from year to year. Some of us have made mistakes, been mistreated, while others have gone through toxic situations or relationships. Many of us are having a challenging time letting go the offenses that others have created against us. Today’s episode is about letting go of those offenses and putting them all behind us. But how do we do that? We forgive!

    My co-host Dr. Downer talks about forgiveness and promote her new book entitled “The high call of forgiveness. It’s a Mandate”.

    Recent Episodes from Biblically Speaking Podcast

    BSP Presents Shaun Banks and Steven Pemberton

    BSP Presents Shaun Banks and Steven Pemberton
    On this episode I talk with former guests Shaun Banks and Stephen Pemberton. On each of our past episodes we talked about crazy faith and the importance of investing in others. But we also know throughout the bible that partnerships or connections were used then and now by God to get His will done in the earth. Join me for a very special and powerful episode on Kingdom Connections

    BSP Presents Dr. Rosemarie Downer

    BSP Presents Dr. Rosemarie Downer
    As we have transitioned from 2021 into 2022, many of us have made the traditional resolutions like going to the gym, eat more healthier, start that new business, or even spend less time on social media. While making those resolutions are good, some of us are carrying old baggage from year to year. Some of us have made mistakes, been mistreated, while others have gone through toxic situations or relationships. Many of us are having a challenging time letting go the offenses that others have created against us. Today’s episode is about letting go of those offenses and putting them all behind us. But how do we do that? We forgive!

    My co-host Dr. Downer talks about forgiveness and promote her new book entitled “The high call of forgiveness. It’s a Mandate”.

    BSP presents Steven Pemberton

    BSP presents Steven Pemberton
    On this episode, we’re talking all about faith and will be sharing some of our own personal testimonies about how God has orchestrated some of the most critical moments in our lives. Critical moments where we had to step outside the box as others have watched and perhaps deemed us as Crazy. Sometimes we don’t always have the answers but with Faith, all things are possible…even when you have CRAZY FAITH!!!

    Help Steven with his goal of helping 100 families have an amazing Christmas this year! Go to www.stevenpemberton.com to give your generous donation toward this worthy cause. Thank you in advance.

    BSP Presents Shaun Banks

    BSP Presents Shaun Banks
    Many of us are still seeking our purpose and calling in life. We’ve seen others do great things and have marveled at some of their greatest accomplishments, while we have sat on dreams, desires and yes even our on calling in life. Whether it’s fear, lack of self-esteem, or even disobedience, isn’t it time that we find the strength, courage and even the motivation to get up and begin walking into our destiny. If today’s podcast doesn’t motivate you, I don’t know what will. You’re about to hear something extraordinary, inspirational, and it may just touch your soul. Get ready for the Calling and The Investment with my special guest Shaun Banks

    BSP Presents Pastor Terry Nightingale

    BSP Presents Pastor Terry Nightingale
    On this episode, I speak with another brilliant mind all the way from "Down Under" in Perth, Australia! My guest, Pastor Terry Nightingale is the author of a brand new book entitled "Looking Back to Move Forward" and he is sharing his testimony of setbacks that provoked this amazing read. Join us as we discuss, encourage and empower you on how to move forward during difficult times in life.

    BSP Presents Bryon and Jennifer Harvey

    BSP Presents Bryon and Jennifer Harvey
    If you are married or thinking about tying the knot and are listening or watching today’s podcast, this episode is tailor-made for you!!

    My Special Guests, Bryon and Jennifer Harvey want you to know that God doesn't want your marriage to merely survive. God wants your marriage to thrive. Their unique experiences working in ministry, the military and the legal profession have given them insight into the key elements that lead couples to having a thriving marriage and they want to be a resource to couples and churches to help build thriving marriages.

    BSP Presents Maurice Griffin

    BSP Presents Maurice Griffin
    Relationships sometimes require work, especially when it comes to marriages. In the beginning of most relationships, especially in marriages, there is the ecstasy stage where couples experience pure bliss, flawless conversations, hopeful expectations, perfect moments that create unforgettable memories. But what happens when the make up comes off?, or the representative leaves, thus revealing the imperfections of a flawed spouse?, or life deals you an unexpected turn and the road once smooth now becomes an unfamiliar and bumpy path that leads the both of you to uncharted territory?
    My guest Maurice Griffin has a testimony that he’s going to share with us on this episode and we are going to talk about the highs and the lows of marriage and what the Bible says about how to love and treat each other.. All of this from a man’s perspective.

    You can purchase Maurice and Ruth Griffin's book entitled "When Love is Angry" on Amazon, Barnes and Nobles and other fine bookstores. Also check out Maurice Griffin's famous BBQ Sauce at www.jenasbbq.com