
    Podcast Summary

    • Global Inflation: Base Effects and Supply BottlenecksGlobal inflation, currently high in the US, UK, and Eurozone, is driven by pandemic base effects and supply bottlenecks. Some industries like energy and automotive are hit hardest. Understanding causes can aid investment decisions.

      Inflation, currently running at 7% in the US and 5% in the UK and Eurozone, is a global phenomenon driven by both base effects from the pandemic and supply bottlenecks. Measured as a year-on-year increase in prices, this high inflation rate is causing concern due to its potential impact on investment choices. Some industries, such as energy and automotive, are experiencing particularly high inflation due to limited supplies and increased demand. The price of goods like gasoline, energy, and even sprockets have seen significant increases as a result. However, it's important to note that some of the high inflation rates we're seeing now may be due to base effects from the extremely low prices at the start of the pandemic. For example, oil prices went negative for a short period of time, which has influenced the current high prices. Despite these concerns, it's essential to remember that inflation is a normal part of the economic cycle and that understanding its causes can help inform investment decisions.

    • Fed focuses on core inflation rate, ignoring volatile componentsThe Fed concentrates on core inflation, disregarding fuel and food costs, which are volatile. Core inflation is currently around 5%, driven by rising accommodation, food costs, and shipping fees due to high demand and supply chain bottlenecks.

      While avoiding fuel and used cars may help in managing personal inflation to some extent, the core inflation rate, which is what the Federal Reserve focuses on, includes accommodation and food costs, among other components. These components have been increasing, leading to an overall inflation rate of about 5%. The Fed ignores volatile components like fuel and food to avoid reacting too quickly and causing economic instability. Other factors contributing to inflation include shipping costs, which have risen significantly due to high goods demand and supply chain bottlenecks. While some of these issues have eased, many persist, and it's unclear when they will be fully resolved. The pandemic has exposed vulnerabilities in global supply chains, making it essential to monitor these factors closely.

    • Impact of COVID-19 on Real Estate and Financial MarketsThe COVID-19 pandemic led to increased house prices and suburban housing demand due to remote work and desire for more space. Monetary and fiscal policy stimulus increased money supply and pushed up asset prices, including equities. However, the savings built during the pandemic are uncertain to last, and normalization of inflation rates is uncertain.

      The COVID-19 pandemic has led to unprecedented effects on various sectors, including real estate and financial markets. The sudden shift to remote work and the desire for more living space have driven up house prices and suburban housing demand. However, some of these changes may be short-term. While monetary and fiscal policy stimulus have increased the money supply, the relationship between money supply and inflation is weak. Fiscal policy, particularly the large-scale fiscal stimulus, has played a role in pushing up asset prices, including equities. The huge increase in savings during the pandemic has also contributed to the surge in asset prices. The question is how long these trends will persist. Eventually, the savings will be used up, and inflation rates may return to normal. However, the exact timeline for this normalization remains uncertain.

    • Elevated inflation for next year likelyDespite some believing inflation is transitory, it's likely to stay high for a year due to labor market conditions and potential wage-price spiral

      While the Federal Reserve and some economists believe that current inflation is transitory and will eventually return to normal levels, it is likely that we will experience elevated inflation for the next year. Transitory simply means that this situation will eventually pass, but the length of time it takes for inflation to return to pre-pandemic levels is uncertain. The possibility of a wage-price spiral, where wages rise to match increasing prices, is a concern. This could be triggered if workers demand higher wages to keep up with rising prices. The current labor market conditions, with low unemployment and a high quit rate, give workers more bargaining power. The quicker recovery from the labor market downturn caused by the pandemic is a result of the fiscal stimulus. However, it is important to note that the situation is complex and there are many factors at play. The ultimate outcome will depend on various economic indicators and how they evolve over time.

    • Impact of Inflation on Equities: Wages and Labor MarketPersistent inflation and rising wages could squeeze company margins and potentially derate equity markets, as labor market trends reverse decades-long declines in unionization.

      The current high inflation rates could lead to a significant derating of equity markets if wages continue to rise and companies are unable to pass on these increased costs to consumers. The destruction of unionization in the US labor market over the past few decades has kept wage growth in check, but this trend may be reversing, leading to potential price-wage spirals. Inflation statistics can be misleading due to changes in consumption baskets over time, but statistical agencies like the ONS and the Bureau of Labor Statistics are trusted to provide accurate measurements. If inflation persists and wages continue to rise, companies will experience tighter margins, leading to a potential fall in equity prices. The labor market and wage growth are crucial factors to watch in the coming year as investors assess the impact of inflation on equities.

    • The relationship between inflation, wages, and standard of livingCentral banks are acknowledging that inflation may not be transitory and planning to raise interest rates to combat it, but the effectiveness and impact on the economy are uncertain.

      The relationship between inflation, wages, and standard of living is a key factor in understanding economic conditions and political sentiment. While some argue that inflation is under control in the long term due to stable living standards, others point out that real wage growth has not kept pace with inflation in many countries, including the UK and the US. This discrepancy can lead to political issues, as people feel their quality of life declining. Central banks, like the Federal Reserve, are now acknowledging that inflation may not be transitory and are planning to raise interest rates to combat it. However, these rate hikes could slow economic growth and potentially lead to a recession. The primary idea behind raising interest rates is to make money more expensive, which delays consumption and reduces inflationary pressure. However, the effectiveness of this approach depends on various factors, including the nature of supply bottlenecks and the ability of consumers and businesses to adjust to higher borrowing costs. Ultimately, the impact of interest rate hikes on the broader economy is uncertain and depends on a complex interplay of economic and political factors.

    • Economic Concerns: Stagflation and Secular StagnationGrowing concern for stagflation with low growth and high inflation, potential hedge with gold investments, yields may remain low, and inflation decrease by end of 2022, but structural economic issues could lead back to secular stagnation post-pandemic.

      The current economic climate offers cheap borrowing costs for buying a house or expanding a business in the corporate bond market. However, there is growing concern that this could hinder economic growth post-pandemic. Some experts are even using the term "stagflation" to describe this potential economic scenario, which involves low growth and high inflation. In such a situation, investments in gold could provide a hedge. If we avoid stagflation and experience mostly transitory effects, stocks may do okay, but growth would be lackluster. The central case for most people is that yields will remain low, and inflation will decrease towards the end of 2022. This scenario would likely bring us back to the secular stagnation problem, characterized by low growth and low yields, which was present before the pandemic. As the Fed hikes interest rates, bond investors should consider where they think yields will go. Ultimately, the structural economic issues, such as globalization, automation, demographic change, and lack of productivity growth, are still present and could lead us back to the secular stagnation problem post-pandemic.

    • Considering investment duration during inflation and rising ratesShorter-term bonds protect from rate fluctuations, longer-term bonds can lead to losses, gold may not always hedge inflation, consider commodities for inflation protection, factors like goals and asset class characteristics matter

      During periods of high inflation and rising interest rates, it's crucial to consider the duration of your investments. Shorter-term bonds, like those with zero duration, can help protect your money from interest rate fluctuations. However, longer-term bonds, such as 20-year bonds, can lead to significant losses due to inflation. Gold, while often considered an inflation hedge, may not provide the same level of protection in all economic conditions. Instead, commodities, including industrial metals and even cheese, have historically kept pace with inflation. Ultimately, it's essential to consider various factors when making investment decisions, including the economic climate, your investment goals, and the specific characteristics of different asset classes.

    • Buffett's success from skill and leverageBuffett's unique access to float and value focus contributed to his investment success, but not everyone can replicate it due to high fees and limited access.

      Warren Buffett's success in investing, which is roughly double the S&P 500 when including dividends over his career, can be attributed to a combination of both skill and leverage. Buffett's unique access to float from his insurance company has provided him with significant leverage, allowing him to achieve higher returns than the average investor. However, it's important to note that not everyone can replicate Buffett's success due to the high fees associated with attempting consistent outperformance. Additionally, his sector allocation towards value investments, particularly low beta stocks, has also contributed to his success. While Buffett has made some great stock picks, such as Apple and Goldman Sachs, there isn't a guaranteed recipe for finding stocks that will outperform the market. Instead, a long-term investment strategy with a focus on value and a reasonable fee structure may lead to solid returns.

    • Being in the right place at the right time and consistency in investment approach contributed to Warren Buffett's success.Despite not starting with significant wealth, aim for consistency in your investment approach and avoid excessive risks for long-term gains.

      Warren Buffett's success can be attributed to a combination of being in the right place at the right time with a substantial amount of wealth at a young age, staying in the game for an extended period, and maintaining consistency in his investment approach. Buffett's reputation as a trusted figure in finance allowed him to secure favorable deals during financial crises, significantly increasing his wealth. However, even if individuals don't start with significant wealth, the message remains the same: live and invest for as long as possible, avoid taking excessive risks, and aim for consistent returns. As Charlie Munger, Buffett's business partner, noted, "it's remarkable how much long-term advantage people like us have gotten by trying to be consistently not stupid instead of trying to be very intelligent."

    • Staying the course and remaining disciplinedSuccessful investing requires consistency, long-term commitment, and discipline. Buffett's approach of being fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful has proven effective over the long term, despite market volatility.

      Consistency and long-term commitment are key factors in successful investing, as exemplified by Warren Buffett. During times of crisis or market volatility, it can be tempting to follow the crowd and make hasty decisions. However, Buffett's approach of being fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful has proven effective over the long term. While skill and leverage can also contribute to outperforming, markets are efficient and it can be challenging to maintain an edge for an extended period. Ultimately, staying the course and remaining disciplined in one's investment strategy is crucial for long-term success. As always, it's important to remember that investing involves risks and it's essential to seek independent financial advice before making any investment decisions.

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    Many Happy Returns
    enJuly 03, 2024

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    Many Happy Returns
    enJune 26, 2024

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    Many Happy Returns
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    Copyright 2023 Many Happy Returns

    Many Happy Returns
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    Many Happy Returns
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    This week we speak to Ed Croft, the co-founder of Stockopedia, about multi-factor investing and a quantitative approach to stock selection.


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    Many Happy Returns
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    Many Happy Returns
    enMay 22, 2024

    Building a Bulletproof Retirement Portfolio, with Tyler from Portfolio Charts

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    We’re joined by the creator of Portfolio Charts to examine optimal asset allocation. Tyler has modelled retirement scenarios around the world, identifying portfolios that help you sleep well at night and make the most of your money.

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    Many Happy Returns
    enMay 15, 2024

    Earnings Season: Can US Stocks Deliver the Goods?

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    With valuations stretched, American stocks need to deliver the goods this earnings season. Companies must grow their profits and defend their margins or risk the end of the S&P 500 bull market. And in today’s Dumb Question of the Week: What is a ‘blackout period’?


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    Payout Puzzle: Does Dividend Investing Make Sense?

    Payout Puzzle: Does Dividend Investing Make Sense?

    Many investors favour stocks that pay a high dividend, opting to live off the cash they generate. Even stingy US tech companies have started to pay dividends. But does a strategy focussed on income make sense? And in today’s Dumb Question of the Week: What is ‘Shareholder Yield’?


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    Sign up for John's daily newsletter Money Distilled: https://www.bloomberg.com/account/newsletters/uk-wealth 

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    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
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