
    About this Episode

    Welcome to Making Positive Psychology Work For Communities, a special edition podcast series brought to you by The Wellbeing Lab that highlights a community wellbeing case study in Midland, Michigan, USA.

    Grab your free copy of the Surprising Stories eBook here > www.thewellbeinglab.com/communitypodcast

    Recent Episodes from Making Positive Psychology Work For Communities

    Can You Share Your Wellbeing With Others?

    Can You Share Your Wellbeing With Others?

    In this episode, Louis chats with Keri Kenney, who’s personal growth story and passion for positive psychology and yoga saw her bring mindful meditation to an often forgotten about part of a community.

    You'll learn:

    [2:56] Keri shares how she was introduced to positive psychology.

    [2:56] Keri shares her personal journey through post-traumatic growth.

    [9:10] Keri talks about changes she’s seen in the community.

    [10:10] Keri shares with us her incredible impact project.

    [12:39] Keri talks about what she learnt through her impact project.

    To grab your free copy of the Surprising Stories eBook, just visit www.thewellbeinglab.com/communitypodcast

    Thanks for listening!

    Thanks so much for joining me again this week.  If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the bottom of this post.

    Until next time, take care!  Thank you, Keri!

    How Can You Create a Ripple Effect of Change?

    How Can You Create a Ripple Effect of Change?

    Maureen Donker has been the Midland Mayor since 2009, and she is also the Executive Director of the Reece Endeavor, which is a local nonprofit that provides housing for community members with special needs. Maureen is the chair of the Michigan Municipal League Workers Compensation Board of Directors, serves on many local boards and committees, and is a lifelong Midland resident.

    In this episode, Bev talks with Mayor of Midland, Maureen Donker, who shares what sparked her curiosity in positive psychology and how her leadership helped establish the Midland-Area Wellbeing Coalition, now in its fourth year.

    To grab your free copy of the Surprising Stories eBook, just visit www.thewellbeinglab.com/communitypodcast

    You’ll Learn:

    • [02:43] - Maureen talks about how she came to her work in positive psychology and the certification program, starting with reading Martin Seligman’s book, Flourish.
    • [05:39] - Maureen shares how positive psychology has impacted her both personally and professionally, most notably in terms of relationships and being more present in relationships
    • [07:42] - Maureen describes the impact she has seen in her community from positive psychology, including terrific work in the health system
    • [09:17] - Maureen talks about the Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition, which is all about the community – not the government – working for the community
    • [11:02] - Maureen discusses her impact project and how she worked to bring positive psychology to a wider audience
    • [15:32] - Maureen reflects on what went well, where she struggled, and what the next steps are
    • [17:35] - Maureen gives advice to others involved in this work
    • [19:26] - Maureen talks about what else she has seen that’s been an effective application of positive psychology in the wider community
    • [21:07] - Maureen shares what’s next in terms of positive psychology in the community
    • [22:51] - Maureen takes on the Lightning Round!

    Thanks for listening!

    Thanks so much for joining me again this week. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the bottom of this post.

    Until next time, take care!  Thank you, Maureen!

    Can ‘Wise Circles’ Improve Wellbeing?

    Can ‘Wise Circles’ Improve Wellbeing?

    Kimberly Houston is a perceptive change agent and an inspiring leader. She has a belief in fairness and respect for self and others. She was the Chief Diversity Officer and Corporate Foundation President for Dow Corning Corporation, from which now she’s retired, and is active in many local, regional, and state organizations.

    In this episode, Beverly chats with Kimberly Houston, who shares how she used PERMAH to improve the wellbeing of community leaders.

    To grab your free copy of the Surprising Stories eBook, just visit www.thewellbeinglab.com/communitypodcast

    You’ll Learn:

    • [03:04] - Kimberly explains what drew her to her work in positive psychology,
    • [06:57] - Kimberly shares how her deep dive into positive psychology has impacted her personally and professionally, and how some of the new tools she has gained has helped her see and experience life differently
    • [15:16] - Kimberly discusses her impact project from her certification program, in which she focused on women’s leadership and the concept of wisdom circles
    • [18:20] - Kimberly reflects on the powerful gains that came from her impact project on women’s leadership
    • [22:50] - Kimberly makes suggestions for people as they plan out their own impact projects, things to keep in mind, lessons she learned going through it herself
    • [26:54] - Kimberly takes on the Lightning Round!

    Thanks for listening!

    Thanks so much for joining me again this week. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the bottom of this post.

    Until next time, take care!  Thank you, Kimberly!

    Can Fighting Loneliness Help Improve Our Health?

    Can Fighting Loneliness Help Improve Our Health?

    Dr. Kathy Dollard is the Director for Behavioural Health at MidMichigan Health System. In her role, she sets behavioral health strategies and has developed new programs such as integrated behavioral health in primary care settings, and behavioral health emergency services. Kathy has a background in community mental health and is certified in advanced alcohol and drug counseling and clinical trauma and she's also earned a certificate in Applied Positive Psychology.

    In this episode, Kathy Dollard, Director for Behavioral Health at MidMichigan Health System, shares how she partnered with a nurse manager to combat loneliness in the health system by triggering a process in 211.

    To grab your free copy of the Surprising Stories eBook, just visit www.thewellbeinglab.com/communitypodcast

    You’ll Learn:

    • [02:46] - Kathy explains what drew her to her work in positive psychology, and how it has impacted her both personally and professionally
    • [06:21] - Kathy shares the changes she has seen in her community as a result of her work in positive psychology
    • [07:53] - Kathy discusses her impact project from her certification program, the significant impact loneliness has on one’s health and wellbeing, and how she has worked to facilitate referrals to 2-1-1.
    • [13:39] - Kathy shares how the learned optimism coming out of her positive psychology program helped her accomplish this work.
    • [14:59] - Kathy explains the origins of her project and the collective impact of those involved in its creation.
    • [17:28] - Kathy speaks to the mismatch between the amount of belonging that people feel and that they crave, and her desire to increase the level of loving connections in her community.
    • [21:29] - Kathy talks about a course created by Dr. Regan for providers in their health system to learn positive psychology, and 10-5 Day created by Michael Rogers.
    • [23:35] - Kathy shares a project in the works for her in which she and others will match people who would like to volunteer with people who are lonely and seeking connection and support
    • [27:41] - Kathy takes on the Lightning Round!

    Thanks for listening!

    Thanks so much for joining me again this week. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the bottom of this post.

    Until next time, take care!  Thank you, Kathy!

    Can Curiosity Help You Be A Better Leader?

    Can Curiosity Help You Be A Better Leader?

    John Searles is the Midland County ESA Superintendent and has spent over 30 years in public education in Michigan. In addition to that, John has a strong focus on mental health, people with disabilities and equity, and opportunity and employment. And he is now a champion for wellbeing in positive psychology.

    In this episode, John Searles, Superintendent at the Midland County ESA, shares with us how his curiosity helped him be a better leader and improve the feedback, social connection and ways of working for the teachers in his district. 

    To grab your free copy of the Surprising Stories eBook, just visit www.thewellbeinglab.com/communitypodcast

    You’ll Learn:

    • [02:54] - John talks about what drew him to his work in positive psychology (and it all started with seeing Shawn Achor speak!)
    • [06:07] - John shares how positive psychology has impacted him personally -- he’s become more self-reflective, kinder, and more gentle – and how these changes have impacted his work environment
    • [11:01] - John discusses how he’s seen wellbeing work appear in his community
    • [13:02] - John discusses his impact project, The Better Together Committee, and how he was able to help people in his community feel more recognized and validated
    • [18:32] - John talks about the personal journey that he’s been on as a result of integrating the principles of positive psychology into his own life
    • [20:41] - John shares some of what he learned from implementing his impact project and what went well
    • [25:02] - John takes on the Lightning Round!

    Thanks for listening!

    Thanks so much for joining me again this week. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the bottom of this post.

    Until next time, take care!  Thank you, John!

    Can Taking 10 Minutes Improve Your Community’s Wellbeing?

    Can Taking 10 Minutes Improve Your Community’s Wellbeing?

    Joslyn Chulski is a self-described realistic optimist who loves to learn. Her day job is in a corporate legal department where she is a program manager responsible for strategy and implementation of learning and development, knowledge management, change management, and inclusion, diversity & equity programs. She recently graduated with a Masters in Organizational Leadership and is fascinated with human behavior in the workplace. She lives in Midland, MI with her husband Joshua and three furbabies: Piper, Stella, and Rufus.

    In this episode, we find out how Joslyn Chulski’s team impact became a force for change within workplaces around Midland county, Michigan, through just 10 minutes of wellbeing practice for work teams per day.

    To grab your free copy of the Surprising Stories eBook, just visit www.thewellbeinglab.com/communitypodcast

    You’ll Learn:

    • [03:32] - Joslyn details her journey to her work in positive psychology
    • [06:15] - Joslyn talks about how positive psychology has impacted her personally, starting with when she first heard the idea, “Emotions are data,” and what that meant to her.
    • [08:04] - Joslyn describes how a coalition of change agents doing work in positive psychology has impacted her community to increase wellbeing
    • [10:02] - Joslyn discusses her impact project, moving from a sort of “Happy Hour” to a quicker, ten minute, “Take Ten for Wellbeing,” to give a microburst of wellbeing, and how this translates well to both the work environment and to one’s personal life.
    • [16:40] - Joslyn shares observations about what else has worked well in terms of bringing positive psychology into corporations, including the grounding of practices in documented science and research
    • [18:30] - Joslyn talks about how health and wellbeing are prioritized at Dow, independent of this positive psychology work
    • [20:39] - Joslyn shares what’s next for her in terms of having a positive impact on the world
    • [22:03] - Joslyn gives a specific example of a Take Ten, “The Name Game”
    • [23:40] - Lisa enters the lightning round...

    Thanks so much for joining me again this week. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the bottom of this post.

    Until next time, take care! Thank you, Joslyn!