
    Capitalism, Private Equity, and the Seven Deadly Sins — with Stephen Dubner

    enApril 20, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Modern banking for startups vs CEO pay trendCEO pay rises despite negative returns, while Mercury offers modern banking for startups with focus, control, and security.

      Mercury provides modern banking solutions for startups, offering a seamless experience, control, and security without compromising on precision and focus. Meanwhile, in business news, CEO pay continues to rise, with more than a third of S&P 500 companies paying their executives more in 2022 than in 2021, even with negative shareholder returns. This trend can be attributed to the likability and proximity of CEOs and senior managers, making it difficult for boards to enforce penalties for fraudulent behavior. Boards remain popular for the good work and opportunities to engage with CEOs, despite the lower-than-expected compensation for directors.

    • CEO Compensation CycleThe cycle of increasing CEO compensation due to industry averages and tax structure favors the wealthy, making it difficult for boards to justify lower pay.

      The compensation of CEOs is influenced by the consultants' reports of industry averages, and paying CEOs above the average significantly raises the bar for future CEO compensation. This results in a cycle of increasing CEO compensation, making it challenging for boards to justify lower compensation. Additionally, proximity to the CEO and the board plays a significant role in determining promotions and compensation. The regressive tax structure, which favors long-term capital gains over current income, exacerbates this issue by disproportionately benefiting the wealthy. To address this, a progressive tax system that taxes all income at the same rate could help inspire the economy by returning more money to young people and lower middle income consumers, who tend to spend their extra income.

    • Economic Disparity Affects Young People and SocietyEconomic growth benefits the wealthy, hinders young people, and leads to negative societal consequences. To create a stable society, we must prioritize economic opportunities for young people and address excessive CEO compensation.

      The people who have been benefiting most from the economic growth in recent years are the wealthy elite, while the average young person is falling behind. This economic disparity has far-reaching consequences, including decreased opportunities for relationships and increased nationalist and misogynistic sentiments. The speaker argues that we need to focus on creating more economic opportunities for young people to produce economically and emotionally viable men and women, leading to healthier relationships and a more stable society. Additionally, the speaker criticizes the excessive compensation of CEOs compared to their employees, arguing that leaders should prioritize the well-being of their employees alongside their own financial success.

    • Paying Employees Well for Productivity GainEffective leadership involves overpaying employees to create ownership and investment, and a progressive tax structure for a robust middle class.

      Effective leadership involves more than just minimizing costs and maximizing output. While it may have been necessary for survival in the past, underpaying employees and having large disparities between executive and worker pay can lead to resentment and a less productive workforce. Instead, leaders should consider overpaying their employees to create a sense of ownership and investment. Additionally, a progressive tax structure can help level the playing field and support a robust middle class, which is essential for a healthy society and economy.

    • Understanding the Legacy of Adam Smith: Father of Capitalism and EconomicsExplore the history of Adam Smith, the father of capitalism and economics, through his work as a moral philosopher in Scotland to gain a more complete understanding of his ideas and legacy. Betterment and NerdWallet are tools that can help you maximize returns and make smarter financial decisions, respectively.

      Even the busiest individuals need to take a break and relax, but when it comes to investing, you want your money to be working hard for you. Betterment, an automated investment and savings app, offers advanced tools to help maximize returns through diversified portfolios, automated investing technology, tax efficient strategies, and more. Meanwhile, NerdWallet can help you make smarter financial decisions, from maximizing credit card rewards to finding the best savings accounts. During a recent episode of Freakonomics Radio, host Stephen Dubner discussed the history of Adam Smith, the father of capitalism and economics. While Smith is often associated with the free market and distrust of government intervention, his work as a moral philosopher is often overlooked. By examining Smith's life and work in Scotland, we can gain a more complete understanding of his ideas and legacy.

    • Governments and powerful entities can negatively impact the economyAdam Smith's insights from 200 years ago on gov overreach and corporate power could help address income mobility and gov capture issues in today's economy

      Both governments and powerful individuals or corporations can negatively impact the economy when they overreach. Adam Smith, an influential Scottish philosopher and economist, warned of this balance over 200 years ago. Smith believed that governments, even with good intentions, can create issues, and corporations or wealthy individuals, with their immense power, can capture government leverage. This dynamic was evident in Smith's critique of the English East India Company, which, despite its size and power, ultimately required government intervention when it failed. Today, young people, who have lost faith in capitalism, share some of these concerns. While income mobility has decreased, and government capture is a significant problem, Smith's insights could provide a framework for addressing these issues. Smith, if alive today, might be seen as an old-school economic centrist, with a deep understanding of how the world works and the ability to navigate the complexities of modern-day politics and economics.

    • The Complex Relationship Between Capitalism and DemocracyCapitalism brings benefits like innovation and wealth creation, but also has downsides like income inequality and government intervention that entrenches wealth. Economists need to better understand human behavior to fully grasp the complexities of the economic system, and the behavioral economics movement is a healthy development in this regard.

      The relationship between capitalism and democracy is becoming more complex, and the assumption that hard work and creativity are still rewarded in our system may not hold true for everyone. The speaker acknowledges the benefits of capitalism, such as innovation and wealth creation, but also points out the potential downsides, including income inequality and the entrenchment of wealth through government intervention. He expresses concern about the level of intellect in politics and the tendency for capitalism to collapse on itself, leading to a need to reset the system. However, he also acknowledges the overall progress and prosperity the world has experienced. The speaker believes that economists, who are often brilliant but focused on mathematical formulas, need to better understand human behavior to fully grasp the complexities of the economic system. The behavioral economics movement, which focuses on human behavior and decision-making, is seen as a healthy development in this regard.

    • The interplay of economics and psychologyUnderstanding habituation and its impact on dissatisfaction and positive change in private equity and beyond, requires a nuanced approach.

      The intersection of economics and psychology can lead to significant progress in understanding complex systems like capitalism and politics. A key concept from psychology that is often overlooked is habituation, which is the idea that we get used to things, good or bad, and then seek out new experiences. In the 21st century, with easy access to vast amounts of information and constant comparison, this can lead to dissatisfaction and frustration. However, frustration can also be a catalyst for positive change. In the context of private equity, there is no one-size-fits-all approach, and the impact of private equity on an industry or business can vary greatly. In some cases, infusions of capital and good management can be beneficial, but in others, connections between the business and its customers or patients may be lost. In the pet care industry, for example, the rise of private equity has led to a shift from small, locally-owned businesses to large, corporate entities, which can have both positive and negative consequences. Ultimately, it's important to recognize the complex interplay between economics and psychology and to approach each situation with a nuanced understanding.

    • Understanding the nuances of complex situationsRecognize that complex situations have multiple facets and avoid making hasty judgments. Understand the benefits and drawbacks of various aspects, and use tools and resources wisely.

      The world we live in today is complex, with various aspects bringing both benefits and drawbacks. For instance, the rise of capitalism has led to the production of amazing products and services, but at the same time, it can lead to a dehumanizing experience when we don't know who is behind the services we interact with. Similarly, intelligence does not always equate to productivity, and some of the most brilliant minds may choose to focus on projects that truly excite them. In the case of the 7 deadly sins, they were originally conceived as failures of self-control for the clergy, but a modern perspective can reveal that they are not inherently sinful, but rather natural human tendencies. It's essential to understand the nuances of each situation and not make hasty judgments. Additionally, tools like Grammarly can help improve communication and productivity, while State Farm agents provide personalized insurance solutions for small businesses.

    • The Relevance of the 7 Deadly Sins in Modern LifeWhile the 7 Deadly Sins may have originated as a monastic pursuit, their relevance in modern life is debatable. Factors such as societal norms, screens, and distractions may influence behaviors like lust, anger, envy, and sloth. An 8th sin, desperation for others' affirmation, could also be considered.

      The 7 deadly sins, including lust, anger, envy, and sloth, were originally conceived as a monastic pursuit to avoid sinful behaviors. However, they may not be relevant or practical for modern life. For instance, the decline in romantic relationships and sex among young people could be due to various factors such as societal norms, screens, and distractions. Sloth, while often seen as a sin, could be a smart strategy to conserve mental energy and focus on important tasks. As for an 8th deadly sin, being desperate for other people's affirmation could be a valid addition. It's important to be aware of these trends and how they impact our lives, and strive to find a healthy balance.

    • Societal shifts and finite resources contributing to decline in sex and population growthSocietal attitudes towards sex, resources being finite, and growing appreciation for the costs of casual sex are contributing to a decrease in population and consumption in the U.S.

      The decline in sex and population growth in the U.S. could be attributed to a shift in societal attitudes towards sex and relationships, as well as a growing appreciation for the costs of casual sex. Additionally, economists argue that resources are finite and growth should not be the sole goal, which could contribute to a decrease in population and consumption. Men's changing attitudes towards sex and societal pressures could also be factors. While population predictions are often incorrect, the trend towards lower birth rates in countries with high population growth is concerning. Economists like Kate Raworth and Mariana Mazzucato offer critiques of mainstream economic thinking that could potentially improve our understanding of these issues. Ultimately, it's important to consider a variety of perspectives and data when examining complex societal trends.

    • Building Social Trust: A Key to Personal and Societal SuccessRecognize the importance of social trust and seek opportunities to build it for personal and societal success.

      Focusing on building social trust is essential for individuals and society as a whole. Robert Putnam's book "Bowling Alone" highlighted the importance of social trust in a civilization, and institutions like sports teams, universities, and the military excel at bringing people together to achieve common goals. Young people are encouraged to consider fields that contribute to social trust, whether it's between customers and firms or on a larger scale. Being present and focused on the moment can be challenging for those who are thoughtful, learning, and striving for self-improvement, as they often dwell on the past or future. However, by recognizing the importance of social trust and seeking opportunities to build it, we can all benefit individually and collectively.

    • Appreciate the present momentLearn to delay gratification, appreciate the present, and engage fully with the world around you to live a successful and fulfilling life

      Living fully in the moment is essential for a successful and fulfilling life. While we cannot control the past or the future, we do have power over the present. The ability to delay gratification and appreciate the current moment is crucial, as the past is immutable and the future is unpredictable. Depression can stem from an excessive focus on the past, while anxiety arises from worrying about the future. To truly own our lives, we must learn to be present and savor each moment. So next time, instead of dwelling on past mistakes or fretting about the future, take a deep breath, appreciate the present, and fully engage with the world around you.

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