
    Career Lessons From Embarrassing Yourself on National Television

    enMay 31, 2024
    What side hustle did Nicole Lapin pursue with her home?
    What mistake did Lapin make on live TV?
    Why is it important not to dwell on mistakes?
    How can considering worst-case scenarios help during stress?
    What does Lapin suggest for new side hustlers?

    Podcast Summary

    • Airbnb side hustleMinimal startup costs make Airbnb an attractive side hustle option for those new to the game, allowing individuals to monetize their homes effectively.

      Monetizing what you already have, such as your home through Airbnb, can be an easy and effective side hustle. The speaker, Nicole Lapin, shared her personal experience of writing in remote cabins but hating the thought of her house being empty, leading her to become an Airbnb host. She emphasized that this side hustle requires minimal startup costs, making it an attractive option for those new to the side hustle game. Lapin also discussed her experience of making an embarrassing mistake on live TV and how it taught her that not always owning up to mistakes may be the best course of action. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of finding creative ways to utilize what you have and the resilience needed in handling professional setbacks.

    • Live TV mishapsMishaps on live TV can be embarrassing but handling them with grace and humor is crucial. They may not always be caught live and can be edited, but the consequences can still last.

      Communication is important and misunderstandings can lead to embarrassing situations. During a live segment on Good Morning America, Nicole said something unintentionally awkward to one of the hosts. Although she was mortified, she was comforted when she realized the host didn't hear it live and didn't seem to notice. The incident served as a reminder that sometimes, things don't go as planned, and it's essential to handle such situations with grace and a sense of humor. Additionally, it's worth noting that in television, live segments can be edited, but mistakes or awkward moments can still have lasting consequences.

    • Mistakes in public settingSmall mistakes in public can cause significant embarrassment and anxiety, and the decision to call them out or let them go depends on the potential consequences

      Making a small mistake in a public setting can be a source of significant embarrassment and anxiety, leading individuals to consider whether or not to draw attention to it. In this discussion, the speakers explored the question of when to call out a mistake and when to let it go. The speakers acknowledged that the mistake in question was small, but the potential consequences of acknowledging it publicly were perceived as greater than the mistake itself. Ultimately, the decision was made not to bring it up, but the speaker later regretted the mistake and asked for it to be edited out. However, the producers declined, leading to further distress for the speaker. In the end, the speaker came to accept the mistake and move on, but the experience served as a reminder of the emotional toll that even small mistakes can take.

    • Making mistakes in publicEven in the public eye, making mistakes is inevitable. It's important to assess the situation and let go of the mistake instead of making a fuss.

      Making mistakes is a natural part of life, even for those in the public eye. In the discussion, the speaker shared an experience where they made an error on a podcast and initially panicked, but ultimately decided not to bring it up or make a fuss about it. They acknowledged that they should have listened to advice to let it go, but also shared a past experience where they called a colleague in a panic about a different mistake. In both cases, the speaker's initial reaction was to worry about the potential consequences, but they eventually came to the realization that the mistakes were not as significant as they initially thought. The speaker also shared that they are open to making fun of themselves, but in this instance, they chose to focus on the content of the podcast rather than drawing attention to their error. The underlying message is that it's important to take a step back and assess the situation before reacting, and that sometimes the best course of action is to let go of the mistake and move on.

    • Consequences of actionsConsider the potential consequences before reacting to mistakes or problems to avoid unnecessary stress and find solutions that bring peace of mind.

      When faced with a mistake or a problem, it's important to evaluate the stakes before deciding on a course of action. In the conversation between the speaker and Jason, the speaker shared an experience where they had to make a decision about an audio recording and ultimately chose to have it removed. The speaker felt a wave of panic until the issue was resolved, but once it was, they felt relief. The speaker proposes the distinction that individuals should consider the consequences of their actions before reacting. In another segment of the podcast, the speaker discussed the benefits of hosting on Airbnb and discovering the value of their own property. Additionally, the speaker shared their excitement about Industrious, a company offering co-working spaces and flexible office solutions. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of making informed decisions and finding solutions that bring peace of mind.

    • Counterfactual thinkingAssessing worst-case scenarios is important, but avoiding getting stuck in counterfactual thinking and considering all possible outcomes can lead to a more balanced perspective and better decision making.

      During times of stress or regret, it's essential to assess the situation realistically and consider the worst-case scenario. However, it's also important not to get stuck in counterfactual thinking, where we focus only on the imagined "better" alternative and overlook the possibilities of things going even worse. By broadening our perspective and considering all possible scenarios, we can gain a more balanced view and reduce the negative impact on our emotions and actions. Additionally, it's crucial to remember that our reactions during stressful moments may not be rational, and it's natural for our thinking to be clouded. Therefore, taking a step back and reevaluating the situation with a clearer head can help us make more informed decisions.

    • Resilience in the face of setbacksFocusing on potential positive outcomes instead of dwelling on worst-case scenarios can lead to resilience. Mistakes are opportunities for growth and learning, and finding humor in them can help navigate through challenging situations.

      Even in the face of potential setbacks or mistakes, there is always a chance for recovery and growth. The speaker emphasized that dwelling on worst-case scenarios can be detrimental, and instead, focusing on the possibility of positive outcomes can lead to resilience. The anecdote about the HBO Max intern's mistake and the subsequent outpouring of relatable stories on social media serves as a reminder that everyone makes mistakes, and how we respond to them can make all the difference. The ability to adapt, learn, and find humor in our missteps can help us navigate through challenging situations and come out stronger on the other side.

    • Handling mistakesAssess situation, determine best course of action to make things right, understand natural emotional response, size or significance doesn't matter, find way to move forward

      Making mistakes is a natural part of life, and how we handle them can have a significant impact on our emotions and outcomes. Some mistakes can be addressed publicly and even used to our advantage, while others may be better kept private. The key is to assess the situation and determine the best course of action to make things right. Our emotions, particularly anxiety, can drive us to act when we make mistakes, and it's essential to understand that this response is a natural part of being human. The size or significance of the mistake does not determine how we should respond, but rather the situation and our personal comfort level. Ultimately, the goal is to find a way to move forward and make things right, whether that means sharing the mistake with others or keeping it private.

    • Mistakes and coping mechanismsMaking mistakes is natural, coping mechanisms like addressing the issue, self-care, seeking support, or finding humor can help, and mistakes are opportunities for growth and learning.

      Making mistakes is a natural part of life, and it's important to find ways to cope and move on. This could involve addressing the issue directly, such as speaking with a producer about a mistake made on television, or finding a way to comfort yourself, like enjoying a well-deserved treat. The key is to find a response that feels commensurate with the mistake, and to not let it define you. As Nicole and Morgan shared on the Help Wanted podcast, everyone makes mistakes, and it's how we respond to them that matters most. Whether it's through self-care, seeking support, or finding the humor in the situation, it's important to remember that mistakes are opportunities for growth and learning. So next time you make a mistake, take a cue from Nicole and Morgan, and find a way to make yourself feel better. And if you have a question about work or career, email the Help Wanted helpline for a chance to have it answered on the show.

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