
    About this Episode

    You’re Just Making Noise

    Hi Everyone, Carl Gould here your #70secondCEO, just over a minute of investment per day for a lifetime of results. 


    So, the internet has leveled the playing field in business, everybody has the same access to the customer and it’s for free. Think about this for a minute, everybody is a penguin and everybody is making noise. So, one thing to know, if you’re on social media and you aren’t saying anything significant, you aren’t adding to thought leadership you aren’t saying anything that is really relevant to your audience, you’re just making noise. Now it’s not a total waste of time for everybody if you’re just making noise, because you elevate those who are thought leaders.  Your job is not to elevate the thought leaders, your job is to become a thought leader. Remember in the last video we talked about how in winter, purchasers defer to experts. Well, social media is a waste of time if you aren’t saying anything significant, however, if you are saying something significant, then all of a sudden you’re a journalist, you’re a thought leader, you’re somebody who is adding value to their clientele or to your audience. So remember, we need to: 

    • Differentiate

    • Define your niche

    • Define your clientele

    What are the things that are on their mind most of the time? If you can answer these 2 questions, you can create all your social media around these 2 questions. 


    So, like, follow and subscribe to this podcast below so you can learn more. I'm Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO.


    Recent Episodes from Carl Gould #70secondCEO

    Carl Gould-#70secondCEO-What Kind of Buyer Buys Your Guarantee

    Carl Gould-#70secondCEO-What Kind of Buyer Buys Your Guarantee

    What Kind of Buyer Buys Your guarantee 


    Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. What kind of buyer buys the guarantee? What about that buyer buys the guarantee? 


    They really need it. They're under some sort of distress. What else? They got the money. How would you like to have a bunch of customers that have the money? We have a client that's a body shop and they're Tesla certified. 

    Right? And you know what they do? They say, listen, we're not waiting for the insurance. You want to fix, you pay us upfront in cash, you deal with your insurance company and they get it all day long. 

    Right? What else? Why else would somebody pay you that premium? Pardon me? Speed. Right? And that was what I found out. Almost everybody that took me up on the guarantee, they had some sort of time issue. 

    We're having a wedding in the backyard where we need to open or close a building. We need to get our certificate of occupancy. Right? And so they were some sort of distress. So guess who I was getting? 

    I was getting all the clients that were willing to behave, pay me a 35% premium, get out of my way and let me do my job. How would you like to have that clientele? Not a bad clientele. I was in a position, I get this question all the time. 

    How many times did you ride a refund once? I was in a position five times and four of the five, they didn't even ask for it. They were like, listen, no one would have worked in this monsoon for the last two weeks. 

    Just get done. Can you get done by tomorrow? I'm like, we'll get done by tomorrow because all they have to do is ask and I got to give them all the money back. One person I had to write a check back for. 

    But remember, they're premium buyers. They don't want the refund. They need the job done. If you want the money back, I'm leaving and your backyard is not finished and Janie and Joey are getting married tomorrow. 

    See ya. No, no, no, wait, wait, wait. So it's actually because of who you're dealing with, the risk is very, very low. That's why you want to have an option to let people pay more to skip the line. Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. 


    My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO.


    Carl Gould-#70secondCEO-Not Enought to Just Be Different

    Carl Gould-#70secondCEO-Not Enought to Just Be Different

    Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. 

    We need not to just be different, but we need to stand above. This was one of my favorite movies.

    I remember when I went and saw this movie. It was called March of the Penguins. And I remember when all the penguins came together, they were like 10 ,000 penguins. And all they were doing was making all this noise and you couldn't tell one penguin from the other.

    Right? And I'm like, that's the internet. Everyone is just screaming as loud as they can. And I've been to your websites and your Instagram pages and your Facebook pages, and you're all saying the same thing.

    Aren't we great, quick turnaround, professional people, clean warehouse, said an appointment, we'll get you in and out on time. Did I summarize, okay? Right on. How many of you have on your website? You should have seen the job we screwed up last week.

    Oh man, that was epic. Drove it right in. We pushed it all the way out. It was amazing. We haven't screwed one of that in a while, but it's a new year. Right? You haven't done that in a while. Okay? So everyone is screaming the same thing.

    So this is a second lesson I learned when I was 18 year old and started my business. 

    Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO. 


    Carl-Gould-70secondCEO-If you do not have a compelling How and Why

    Carl-Gould-70secondCEO-If you do not have a compelling How and Why

    If you do not have a compelling How and Why

     Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one-minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. 

     If you don't do what I just said, you will become what they call a musher dog.

     How many of you know what the Iditarod is? Trans -Alaskin dog race, dog sled race? How many of you have heard of a dog? How many of you have heard of Alaska? Right on. So this is for everybody. So there's 12 to 16 dogs in a pack.

     Two of them are lead dogs. The other 12 to 16 are the musher dogs. And the lead dogs are the ones with the how and the why that are beating you out. For them, the scenery changes. But if you're a musher dog, meaning you do not have a compelling how and why, the scenery never changes.

     So Bob, what that means is you're looking up the butt of the lead dog. You get that right, right? You're just right. Okay, so that's when I say the scenery. That's what I'm talking about. That scenery.

     Okay, you're looking up the ass of the dog in front of you. Okay, we worked it out. So that'll be your problem and it'll be hard to overcome. It'll restrict your pricing strategy. It'll restrict your customer loyalty.

    And you'll be fighting to get that next customer and to keep them. Because this is what people want from you.

     Okay. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO.


    Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Why You Need to Win on the How

    Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Why You Need to Win on the How

    Why You Need to Win on the How


    Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. Winning on the how. And they tell you all about how they do what they do.


    You need to do the same. We need to map out and productize how you fulfill a customer order. Step one, step two, step three, step four, all the way through and there will be a slide on that. We want to productize that because your employees, they don't want to work for you and they short your hours.


    Heck don't want to be trained. So I'm going to get you out of the training business once and for all as of today. We're going to productize your training. You will now certify all of your technicians.

    So we have BMW as a client. I spoke at one of their conferences and the BMW, some of the executives were there and I'm like, how many of you drive a BMW? How many of you know what a certified BMW technician is?


    And I said, you know how they came to that? I said, see those guys? They just made it up. And the other guys are like, and then they pull me aside and they're like, you know, Carl, a lot of research.


    I'm like, relax. We don't, they all know it. You know it. We know it. Yes, it's a good program, but who made it up? They're like, we did. Of course you did. To raise the quality of the how. You don't buy a Lexus used car.


    What do you buy? A pre -owned, pre -certified because we have a 122 inspection. They have their how, right? And when they have the how, they trust you more. People don't want to buy a service. They want to buy a product.


    So give them a product, right? 


    Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO.  


    Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-You Customers do not Care What You Do

    Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-You Customers do not Care What You Do

    Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one-minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. 


    What you do is a commodity and nobody cares what you do. I know you spend a lot of time getting good at it, nobody cares.

    Sorry. Okay? Think about it. When you hire an electrician, do you assume that they know how to do electrical work? Right, you assume that. Of course, you would. Right? If you hire them to change a light bulb or to wire the house, once the last time you hired a contractor then check their license or interviewed them.


    You assume that they know what they're doing. You get no extra points for doing your job. That's the first 100%. Your customers believe you know how to do it. What you do, they don't care. Just get me back on the road.

    Here's what they care about and they're willing to pay more for. Your how and your why. That's the new language now. Think about it. Here's a couple of examples. Uber is crushing it on the how. Right?

    When was the last time you got into an Uber and you asked the driver about their driving record? Or you went on the Uber website and checked their core values to make sure they're in alignment. Well, you know, I'll tell you right now, if one of them is out of alignment we're taking another car to the airport.


    You go find somebody that matches up with us. They don't care. We figure you know how to drive the car. We figure you know how to get there. We figure the software works. What you do, right? But the how is so cool.

    They took Google Maps and a rating system and 30 -year -old taxi cab dispatch software and PayPal or whatever the gateway that they use, Stripe or Square and they put it in your hand instead of the taxi company's hand.

    And we think it's wicked cool. So we do it all the time, right? 


    Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO. 


    Carl Gould-#70secondCEO-Least Qualified Employee in the Business

    Carl Gould-#70secondCEO-Least Qualified Employee in the Business

    Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. The least qualified employee in any business is the person who just received a promotion. 


    The skills that they had in the past role don't qualify them for the next role. The dude that did the oil changes is now in charge of the shop. What about oil changes qualifies him to manage the people in the shop? 


    Let me help you. Nothing. Right? Now, so the second category of person that is the least qualified in any business is the owner of a growing business. Let me explain. If you were a million-dollar business and now you're two and a half million and you've never been two and a half million before, what qualifies you to run a two and a half million dollar business if you've never done it before? 


    Let me help you. Nothing. For a period of time. Right? There's a skill gap. Right? You were growing, growing, growing, growing, growing, and then you had this big, you know, big hockey stick growth. You've never led an organization at that level. 


    So you are contributing to the organization, but then for a period of time you drain the organization until your skill gap is closed and then you are now contributing to the organization again. Right? 


    Does that make sense? Not a good or bad thing. And if you do it right, you will remain the least qualified person in the business for the position that you have. As an owner, that's your goal. Right? 


    Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO. 


    Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-No Employee is Bigger Than the Business

    Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-No Employee is Bigger Than the Business

    Hi everyone. Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one -minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. No employee is bigger than the business, right? And think about this for a moment.


    You know, when you hear people talk about hiring and getting good talent, they say, well, millennials are so entitled and Gen Zers, they don't even come to work, right? They've never made a mistake. They've never showed up, right?

    But think about it. How many employees do you have? 10? 20? How many of you have over 50 employees? 30? Couple? 20? 10? 5? So, most of you are 5 or 10 employees, right? So, you need 5 or 10 people who give a damn about what you do.


    You don't need the whole millennial generation. You need 5 people. You can find 5 people who care about what you do. So, get used to this. You're going to love this expression. 


    Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO. 


    Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Getting Through the Gate Keeper

    Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Getting Through the Gate Keeper

    Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. So hard to get through the gatekeeper. Who's not there? The employees? Who is there? You are. I said you want to find the owner? Just call off-peak hours. 

    Because the phone probably rings to them anyway. Because no one else will own it and they don't want to miss a sale. I said the owners are easy to find. It's the employees that are harder to find. So we need to get past that. 

    Never was there a better example than when Elon Musk bought Twitter. On the day that Elon Musk bought Twitter, Jack Dorsey was like, I am so sorry about what might happen to you all. You have all been so good to Twitter. 

    Elon Musk shows up with a sink and he's like, hey listen, I'm the guy who slept on the floor for seven years at Tesla. You're not ready to work? Leave. So like, what's with the sink on? I don't know. 

    I just had it in my hands. It needed to be bought in. Is it a metaphor? No, it's a sink. I think this goes in the toilet. Yeah, that goes in there. You got it. And a year later, what is Twitter? It's not even Twitter anymore. 

    That's why it's called work, folks. Come in, work. If you want to come in and work, go find somewhere else. 

    Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO. 

    Carl Gould-#70secondCEO-The Moment You Give The Price Part 3

    Carl Gould-#70secondCEO-The Moment You Give The Price Part 3

    The Moment You Give The Price Part 2


    Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. Well how can you be a consultant to the prospect if your job now is to be quiet and not say anything, right? 


    Okay, and what they mean by that when they say the person who speaks after the price is given loses means the winner, if you will, you know, gets the upper hand in the negotiation. So for example, if you say we charge 50 cents a gallon, but I do have some room in there or I do have some flexibility depending on what you need or how many gallons, right? 


    Now you're negotiating against yourself. The idea is once you tell them the price, you need to be quiet and then they need to respond. They need to say, oh okay, well, you know, that is good or When can we start or What are the terms and conditions? 


    But once you tell them the price, you're almost not totally, but you're almost of no use to the prospect at that point because you've now given them everything. You've told them what you do. You told them who you are. 


    You told them about the history of the company. You told them, you know, what the current situation is as far as when you can deliver or when not when the products are available or not. And then you've given them the price. 


    What is there left to talk about? Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO. 


    Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-The Moment You Give The Price Part 2

    Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-The Moment You Give The Price Part 2

    The Moment You Give The Price Part 2

    Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one-minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. Your usefulness is over. Cause you gave them the price. Right? Now they can decide, am I going to go with the price?

    Am I not going to go with the price? Is the price worth it? Is it not? Right? And you guys, I'm sure you've heard it. Finish the sentence for me. Once the price has been handed to the prospect, the next person who speaks, what?

    Fill in the blank. Once you've told them the price, the next person that speaks, fill in the blank. What's the next word? Is it loses? Yeah, loses. The next person who speaks loses. You're supposed to hand the price and then shut up. 


    Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould, and this has been your #70secondCEO.