
    Caught in a Web of Lies Again # 1033 (Ep 1033)

    enJuly 30, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Dan's gratitude for audience support and sharing personal experiencesDan Vongino show offers unique perspective on current events, debunks misinformation, and promotes effective toothbrushes

      The Dan Vongino show covers a range of topics, from personal experiences to current events, with a focus on truth and debunking fake news. During a recent episode, Dan shared his experience missing the countdown to start the show, expressing gratitude to the audience for their support. He also discussed the Papadopoulos case and debunked a piece of fake news that contradicted the MSM's own video. Additionally, Dan promoted Quip toothbrushes, praising their effectiveness and convenience. Overall, the Dan Vongino show provides a unique perspective on current events and offers a platform for truth and debunking misinformation.

    • The Spread of Misinformation and Fake News on Social MediaBe vigilant and critical of information consumed and shared on social media, fact-check before believing or spreading, and promote accuracy and fairness in news reporting.

      Misinformation and fake news can be spread easily and quickly through social media, often with serious consequences. The example given in this discussion involves a commentator, Aaron Rupar, who tweeted a false claim about President Trump suggesting he was a 9-11 first responder during a bill signing ceremony. The short video clip used in the tweet was taken out of context, and Rupar knew it was false but still shared it. The essence of fake news is that people often don't read beyond the headlines or take the time to fact-check information. This can lead to misunderstandings, confusion, and even harm to individuals or organizations. It's important for us to be vigilant and critical of the information we consume and share, especially on social media platforms. The press, as a fundamental pillar of democracy, should strive for accuracy and fairness, but it's ultimately up to each of us to be responsible consumers of news and information.

    • Media's lack of fact-checking and bias against conservativesFalse information spread by media can harm public trust and demonstrate a lack of fact-checking. Consumers must be vigilant and fact-check claims.

      There is a persistent issue with the media's accuracy and trustworthiness, as evidenced by an incident where several media outlets falsely claimed that President Trump had lied about being at Ground Zero after the 9/11 attacks. The President had actually been there, as shown in footage from NBC, which was later discovered by a conservative researcher. Despite this, several media figures continued to spread the false narrative, demonstrating a lack of fact-checking and a bias against conservatives. This incident highlights the importance of fact-checking and the potential harm caused by the spread of false information. It also underscores the need for consumers of news to be vigilant and to fact-check claims made by the media.

    • Media figures and politicians spread misinformation, disregarding factsPoliticians and media figures continue to spread misinformation, disregarding contradictory evidence, as seen in discussions about Trump's presence at Ground Zero and the immigration crisis at the border. Effective solutions, like investing in technology and resources, are overlooked in favor of manufactured narratives.

      Certain media figures and politicians continue to spread misinformation and debunked narratives, disregarding contradictory evidence. This was exemplified in discussions about Trump's presence at Ground Zero and the immigration crisis at the border. Representative Pramila Jayapal, for instance, doubled down on the manufactured crisis narrative and suggested limiting the president's transfer authority to address the issue. However, her proposed solution, cutting the transfer authority, would not effectively combat drug smuggling, which is a significant concern at the border. Instead, investing in technology and resources to identify and locate hidden drugs would be more effective. The persistent spreading of misinformation and disregard for facts is a concerning trend that undermines the credibility of those involved.

    • National Injunctions: A Legal Tool with Far-Reaching ConsequencesThe use of national injunctions, allowing a single federal judge to issue an injunction with nationwide effect, has become a contentious issue, with implications for the balance of power between the executive branch and the judiciary.

      The ongoing debate about the border crisis and the construction of the border wall has led to a renewed discussion about national injunctions, a legal tool that allows a single federal judge to issue an injunction with nationwide effect. This issue came to a head recently when the Supreme Court allowed the Trump administration to use $2.5 billion from the Pentagon budget to construct the wall, overriding lower court injunctions. Democrats and liberal groups have used national injunctions frequently against the Trump administration, with 39 such injunctions issued in total. However, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has criticized this trend, arguing that it gives too much power to individual judges and undermines the role of the Supreme Court. The outcome of this legal battle could have significant implications for the balance of power between the executive branch and the judiciary.

    • Democrats debate border security and national injunctionsDemocrats discuss the need for more border security dogs and dismiss the crisis at the southern border, but fail to address illegal entry points between ports of entry.

      The ongoing debate around border security and national injunctions has Democrats expressing concerns about the potential loss of their ability to halt national policies at the federal district level. Representative Pramila Jayapal made two seemingly unrelated points during a recent discussion, first expressing a need for more dogs at ports of entry to combat drug trafficking, and secondly dismissing the crisis at the southern border. However, her suggestion for more dogs fails to address the issue of illegal entry between ports of entry, where both people and drugs enter the country undetected. The Trump administration has emphasized the importance of addressing both ports of entry and illegal entry points, but Jayapal's comments overlook this crucial aspect. The discussion also touched upon the importance of delegating tasks, such as life insurance shopping, to simplify adult responsibilities. Policygenius.com was introduced as a solution for making life insurance shopping easy and efficient.

    • Political leaders should be accountable for inner city problems and race relationsRegardless of race, political leaders should be open to criticism and held accountable for addressing inner city issues and improving race relations.

      Political leaders, regardless of their race or ethnicity, should be open to constructive criticism and accountable for their actions, especially when it comes to addressing the problems of inner cities and improving race relations. Geraldo Rivera's suggestion that criticism of a political leader should be tempered based on their race is condescending and undermines the importance of holding leaders accountable for their policies and actions. The failure of inner cities, many of which have large minority populations and are run by Democrats, is a fact that should be addressed, regardless of the race of the political leaders in charge. Criticizing these leaders for their policies and actions is not a matter of race, but a matter of holding them accountable for the well-being of their constituents.

    • Focus on solving problems, not identity politicsSpeakers urged listeners to address societal issues and work towards solutions, rather than getting distracted by racial identity politics.

      Personal qualities like being a nice person do not determine political decisions. Elijah Cummings may be a nice guy, but that doesn't change the issues in Baltimore, which the speakers discussed in detail. They criticized the state of the city and urged listeners to focus on solving problems rather than getting bogged down in racial identity politics. They also shared an example from local news in Baltimore, where a rat was shown in the background during a report on Trump's tweets about the city. The speakers found the juxtaposition amusing and used it to highlight the issues at hand. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of addressing societal problems and working towards solutions, rather than getting distracted by peripheral matters.

    • A rat interrupts live report on Baltimore's rat problem and Trump's tweetsThree solutions proposed: city-wide school choice, deregulations and tax cuts, and public safety initiative with federal agents

      During a live report about Baltimore's rat problem and Trump's tweets, a rat ran across the scene, adding to the surreal political moment. The speaker, a commentator, then proposed a three-fold solution to address Baltimore's issues. First, he suggested a city-wide school choice initiative, allowing parents to choose any school with taxpayer subsidies. Second, he proposed deregulations and tax cuts to stimulate the economy. Lastly, he suggested a public safety initiative, urging the president to send federal agents to help improve safety in the city. The speaker urged the president to deliver these proposals in Baltimore, promising it would make headlines and force politicians to address uncomfortable issues.

    • Addressing crime and asylum issues with initiativesPresident Trump is taking steps to combat crime and asylum issues through task forces and encouraging leaders to focus on their own countries. Despite criticism, he remains dedicated to making a difference, with Baltimore and Guatemala's crime rates serving as contrasting examples.

      President Trump is taking action to address crime and asylum issues with initiatives like gun and drug task forces, and encouraging leaders to focus on their own countries for asylum seekers. Despite potential backlash, he believes it's worth it to make a difference. Another point made during the discussion was the comparison of crime rates between Baltimore and Guatemala, highlighting the inconsistency of some politicians' arguments against the president's policies. Lastly, Bravo Company, MFG.com was introduced as a manufacturer of high-quality, life-saving rifles and pistols, emphasizing their commitment to providing top-notch equipment for responsible citizens and law enforcement.

    • George Papadopoulos' Suspicious Encounter with Charles Tewill in IsraelFormer Trump advisor George Papadopoulos suspects he was entrapped by intelligence assets and Democrats during a $10,000 interaction with a businessman in Israel, potentially influencing the ongoing investigation into campaign collusion with Russia.

      George Papadopoulos, a former Trump campaign advisor, claims he was entrapped by intelligence assets and Democrats during an interaction with a businessman named Charles Tewill in Israel. The incident involved a $10,000 payment, which Papadopoulos became suspicious of and ultimately left in Greece before returning to the US and being arrested. Some theories suggest that the $10,000 was given to manipulate Papadopoulos and create a suspicious transaction report for investigative purposes. This interaction is significant as it may have played a role in the ongoing investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. To learn more about this story and Papadopoulos' background, check out the interview on the show or visit Bungino.com.

    • Unusual arrest of George PapadopoulosFederal agents' arrest of George Papadopoulos for lying about receiving money in a foreign country may have been an entrapment scheme or blackmail attempt, raising questions about the circumstances surrounding his arrest.

      The arrest of George Papadopoulos at the airport for lying to the FBI about receiving $10,000 in a foreign country may have been part of an entrapment scheme or an attempt to blackmail him. According to the speaker, it was unusual for federal agents to make a warrantless arrest for this reason, and Papadopoulos may have been unwittingly involved in the transaction. Another theory suggests that Western Intel or a foreign government could have been behind the setup. However, these are just theories, and alternative explanations have been proposed. Ultimately, the speaker believes that the circumstances surrounding Papadopoulos' arrest are worth questioning.

    • Theories Surrounding Papadopoulos' Money During CampaignDuring the 2016 campaign, theories suggest Papadopoulos received money from various sources, possibly involving Western Intel, blackmail, or business deals. Marked serial numbers could lead to potential revelations if traced.

      There are various theories regarding the origin of the money paid to George Papadopoulos during the 2016 presidential campaign. Some believe it was a Western Intel setup to develop him as a source, while others suggest it was an attempt at blackmail or a legitimate business deal. A theory also exists that Papadopoulos was an unwitting participant in a Western Intel operation to set up a contact in the Trump campaign. Another theory suggests that the reporting guidelines were violated, leading to potential money laundering and lobbying charges. Regardless, the marked serial numbers of the bills exchanged could be significant if they are traced and found in intelligence agency records, potentially leading to a major revelation. This theory has caused controversy and concern among some, as it could imply government involvement in the transaction.

    • Political Battle Over Ratcliffe's Nomination for DNISenator Burr's opposition to Ratcliffe's nomination for DNI raises concerns, but supporters should contact his office to ensure confirmation and trust Ratcliffe's ability to uncover truth in investigations.

      There is a political battle unfolding over the nomination of John Ratcliffe to be the next Director of National Intelligence. Ratcliffe, a Congressman and solid conservative, is reportedly a top choice of President Trump for the role. However, his nomination has faced opposition from some Republicans, notably Senator Richard Burr, who chairs the Senate Intelligence Committee. Burr has allegedly voiced concerns about Ratcliffe's qualifications for the job. The speaker, Dan Bongino, is urging his listeners to contact Burr's office to express their support for Ratcliffe's nomination. Bongino accuses Burr of obstructing investigations and leaking information in the past, and suggests that Burr may be opposed to Ratcliffe due to potential knowledge of these past actions. The intensity of the opposition to Ratcliffe's nomination from the left indicates that he could be an effective appointee in uncovering the truth behind various investigations. It's important for supporters of Ratcliffe to make their voices heard and ensure his confirmation.

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