
    Caught Red-Handed # 993 (Ep 993)

    enJune 03, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • New info reveals Mueller investigation was a scamMueller report selectively left out damning info, new revelations not good for those involved, try Teeter inversion table for joint health and overall well-being

      The Mueller investigation into President Trump was a scam from the start, according to Dan Vongino. New information has come to light that shows Mueller selectively left out damning information from his report. Vongino believes this is not good for those involved in the investigation. Additionally, Vongino discussed his use and recommendation of the Teeter inversion table, which he uses twice a day for joint health and overall well-being. The new 2019 Teeter inversion table model is currently available with bonus accessories and a free inversion program mat, and can be purchased with a discount and free shipping at teeter.com/Dan. Vongino emphasized the importance of maintaining a healthy spine and active lifestyle, and encouraged listeners to try the product if they experience back pain. Overall, Vongino's show covered the revelation of new information regarding the Mueller investigation and the benefits of the Teeter inversion table.

    • Mueller team's actions for Congress' impeachment questionedThe Mueller team's actions during the investigation raised concerns as they didn't follow proper constitutional procedures for Congress' impeachment and potentially manipulated evidence.

      During the Mueller investigation, the team outsourced their investigative powers granted by the special counsel appointment to build a case for Congress' impeachment proceedings against President Trump. However, Mueller, who works under the executive branch, is not an officer of the U.S. Congress, and the checks and balances system grants Congress the power of impeachment as a means to check the presidency. The Mueller team's actions, as described by Devin Nunes, were surprising and questionable since they did not follow the proper constitutional procedures. The difference between the Mueller report's transcript of a voicemail between Trump's lawyer and Flynn's lawyer and the actual transcript was recently revealed, highlighting the team's potential manipulation of evidence.

    • Mueller report left out crucial context from Trump-Flynn voicemailThe Mueller report omitted key details from a Trump-Flynn conversation, making it appear more suspicious than it was, and potentially leading to impeachment proceedings

      The Mueller report left out crucial information from a voicemail between lawyers of President Trump and Michael Flynn. This omission made the conversation seem more nefarious than it was, giving the impression that they were trying to coordinate to obstruct justice. However, the actual conversation revealed that Trump's lawyer was only seeking information in the interest of national security and not looking for confidential information. Furthermore, Mueller and Weissman allegedly left out this information to make the voicemail seem more suspicious and to outsource their investigative powers to Congress, potentially leading to impeachment proceedings against the president they served. The Mueller report, therefore, should be viewed as an opinion piece rather than a legal document due to its editorializing by omission.

    • Failure to disclose exculpatory evidence in a caseFormer federal agent Bruce Ohr's career could have been impacted if he didn't hide crucial evidence, while Mueller's politically motivated report left out key context and exculpatory information, setting a concerning new standard for justice.

      During the discussion, it was emphasized that former federal agent and prosecutor, Bruce Ohr, failed to disclose exculpatory evidence in a bank robbery case, which could have led to serious consequences for his career. This behavior was then compared to Robert Mueller's handling of the Russia investigation. It was pointed out that Mueller left out crucial context and exculpatory information in his report, and his actions were seen as politically motivated rather than legally sound. The argument was made that Mueller was not making a legal case, but rather a political one, and that this behavior was a disgrace and a new standard for justice. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the Democrats' use of identity politics and labeling people as racists when they have no other arguments.

    • Acknowledging the history of racism and understanding complex issuesThe importance of acknowledging past racism and examining complex issues with historical context, rather than using them for political gain or oversimplifying them.

      The history of racism in the United States should be acknowledged and learned from, rather than ignored or used for political gain. Seth Moulton's accusations against the South being racist were dismissed as misinformed and politically motivated. Additionally, the sentencing of Michael Flynn and the withholding of transcripts of his phone call with the Russian ambassador raised questions about the integrity of the legal process. The inconsistency between the FBI's assessment of Flynn's truthfulness and the subsequent charges against him highlights the complexity of the situation. Overall, it's important to approach these issues with nuance and a deep understanding of historical context.

    • Potential inconsistencies between Flynn's account and transcripts of call with KislyakRelease of transcripts could clarify discrepancies in Flynn's prosecution and shed light on Mueller's team's motivations

      The transcripts of a phone call between former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, which the government has been reluctant to release, may reveal inconsistencies between Flynn's recollection of the call and what he told the FBI. These potential discrepancies could call into question the legitimacy of Flynn's prosecution by Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team. The speaker expresses concern that Weissmann, one of Mueller's lead prosecutors, may have led Mueller astray with his aggressive and questionable legal strategies. The release of the transcripts could potentially clear up these issues and shed light on the motivations behind the prosecution of Flynn and other individuals in the Russia investigation. The speaker also encourages listeners to use Robinhood, a commission-free investing app, to build their portfolios.

    • Socialist systems can hinder transparency and enable cover-upsSocialist systems prioritize political control over public safety, leading to devastating consequences like the Chernobyl disaster, where a cover-up increased the death toll compared to the Fukushima disaster in a capitalist economy.

      The concentrated power of collectivist socialist systems can enable cover-ups and hinder transparency, as seen in the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. Unlike capitalist economies, socialist systems can prioritize political control over public safety, leading to devastating consequences. This was not a point about the absence of accidents in free markets, but rather the importance of accountability and transparency in preventing and addressing disasters. For evidence, one can look at the comparison of the Chernobyl and Fukushima disasters, both level seven events, where the former's cover-up led to a higher death toll due to the socialist system's concentration of power.

    • Governmental response's impact on nuclear disaster casualtiesTransparent and quick government response saves lives, while secrecy and denial lead to higher casualties.

      The governmental response to nuclear disasters can significantly impact the number of people exposed to radiation. The case of Fukushima in Japan, which had a socialist government, saw a quick response with evacuations expanding rapidly, while the former Soviet Union's response to the Chernobyl disaster was marked by denial, secrecy, and a delay in evacuation efforts due to concerns over international PR damage and economic control. These differences led to an estimated 50 times higher death toll in Chernobyl compared to the zero immediate deaths in Three Mile Island. Transparency and accountability, as opposed to secrecy and suppression, are crucial in mitigating the consequences of such disasters.

    • Census Citizenship Question Case: One Man, One Vote Principle at StakeThe Department of Commerce vs New York case revolves around the use of a citizenship question on the census, potentially altering voting patterns and the 'one man, one vote' principle, while also affecting underrepresented communities and the accuracy of census data.

      The ongoing Supreme Court case, Department of Commerce versus New York, is centered around the use of a citizenship question on the census and its potential impact on voting patterns. The fear among liberals is that if districts are redrawn based on eligible voters rather than total residents, districts with large populations of illegal immigrants could result in votes being weighted more heavily. This contradicts the principle of "one man, one vote," as the value of each vote would vary depending on the number of eligible voters in a district. The issue becomes complicated due to the Voting Rights Act, which has allowed for the creation of majority-minority districts to empower underrepresented communities. However, opponents argue that the citizenship question could discourage participation in the census, potentially leading to inaccurate data and unfair representation. Ultimately, the outcome of this case could significantly impact the way political power is distributed and the representation of various communities in the United States.

    • Liberal push for illegal immigrants in census creates complex issueLiberal effort to include illegal immigrants in census for redistricting may disenfranchise Hispanic voters and contradicts goal of increasing minority voting power, while Biden faces scrutiny over Spygate scandal.

      The liberal push to include illegal immigrants in the census for redistricting purposes creates a complex issue. While it benefits them in terms of gaining more representatives in Congress in states with large illegal immigrant populations, it can disenfranchise Hispanic voters in those same districts if their votes are worth less due to the higher number of ineligible voters. This situation goes against the liberal goal of increasing minority voting power. Additionally, former Vice President Joe Biden, a Democratic presidential candidate, faces significant baggage, including his potential involvement in the Spygate scandal. The mainstream media's lack of curiosity about this issue raises questions about the Obama administration's actions during that time.

    • Obama administration officials discussed Spygate during transitionObama officials, including Susan Rice and Joe Biden, discussed the Spygate scandal during the transition period, raising questions about Obama's knowledge and involvement.

      During the transition period between the Obama and Trump administrations, high-ranking officials, including Lisa Page, Peter Strzok, Susan Rice, and Joe Biden, were discussing the ongoing "Spygate" scandal and Obama's desire to know what they were doing. Lisa Page's text message to Strzok, in which she mentions Obama wanting to know everything they're doing, raises questions about the extent of Obama's knowledge and involvement in the investigation into the Trump campaign. Susan Rice's email about a meeting on January 5th, where Biden was present, shows that the Obama administration was discussing the Spygate scandal before Trump took office. The distinction Rice made in her email between law enforcement operations and national security operations suggests that they were aware the collusion investigation was a hoax but still wanted to share information with the incoming Trump administration regarding Russia. These revelations underscore the need for further investigation and accountability from the Obama administration regarding their involvement in the Spygate scandal.

    • Obama Administration's Handling of Russian Election InterferenceObama admin investigated Carter Page for Russian ties without probable cause, conflating election interference with Trump team's involvement. Biden present during discussions, accountability needed.

      During the Obama administration, there was an investigation into possible Russian involvement in the elections and the surveillance of Carter Page. Susan Rice documented that the investigation should proceed "by the book," but it's unclear if this meant Obama instructed them to follow proper procedures or if it was a cover for the team's actions. Regardless, it's clear that no probable cause was ever established that Carter Page was a Russian agent or that the Trump team was involved in any wrongdoing. Rice's email also conflated the Russian interference in the election with the Trump team's involvement, which were two separate matters. The importance of this email lies in the fact that Joe Biden was present during these discussions and should be addressing these questions from the media. The use of the phrase "by the book" is damning, as it implies that the FBI failed to follow established procedures in conducting the investigation. The inconsistencies in the accounts of what "by the book" means highlight the need for transparency and accountability in government actions.

    • Mainstream media has become storytellers, asks important questionsDan Bongino urges listeners to support conservative media, questioning political figures on important issues

      According to Dan Bongino, the mainstream media has forsaken their duty to disseminate truth and have become storytellers, akin to fairy tale tellers and Teddy Ruxpin artists. He believes that conservative media outlets like Breitbart, Fox News, OAN, and others will ask the important questions that should be directed towards political figures like Joe Biden. Bongino encourages his audience to subscribe to his YouTube channel, audio show, and various podcast platforms, which are free, to help drive up the charts and make the show more accessible to others. He concluded the show by thanking his listeners for their support and reminding them to follow him on Twitter @dbongino.

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