
    CboysTV on Stupid Laws, Ken's Phone Number Getting Leaked, and Micah's Dream Job

    en-usJuly 12, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Quirky laws and behaviors in different placesFrom upside-down pineapples to public nudity, there are unusual laws and behaviors that add character to various places. Some may be enforced, while others are not, and some may be misunderstood, but they all add to the intrigue and uniqueness of different communities.

      There are some unusual laws and behaviors in various places, as discussed in the podcast. The speakers joked about potential swinging behaviors among their colleagues and shared a prank idea involving upside-down pineapples. They also talked about the legality of being naked in public in Portland and Minnesota, and the existence of seemingly bizarre laws in these states. While some of these laws may be enforced, others are not, and some may be outdated or misunderstood. The speakers found amusement in the idea that such laws exist and how they could potentially cause confusion or unexpected situations. Overall, the conversation highlighted the quirks and intrigues of different places and the importance of questioning the rules and norms around us.

    • Creating and Monetizing Podcasts with AnchorAnchor offers a free platform for creating, editing, and distributing podcasts, with potential for monetization regardless of listenership.

      Anchor is a free platform that allows users to create, edit, and distribute their own podcasts with access to various creation tools and the ability to monetize their content, regardless of listenership. The conversation also touched upon the legality of driving barefoot and the hosts' experience of re-recording a podcast due to technical difficulties. Despite the setback, they emphasized the fun and unique experience of interpreting stories differently each time. Additionally, the hosts discussed their unplanned extended break for the 4th of July holiday, which they saw as an opportunity to fully celebrate and enjoy the holiday.

    • Privileges and Challenges of Having a Trust FundTrust funds offer financial security but may lead to boredom and lack of respect, requiring a balance and wise use of resources.

      Having a trust fund can bring both privileges and challenges. While it offers financial security and freedom, it may also lead to boredom and a lack of respect from others. Trust fund babies might face the issue of buying friends' affection and attention, as their friends may have jobs and cannot afford the same luxuries. However, having a trust fund can also open up opportunities for unique experiences, like traveling or pursuing hobbies. Ultimately, it's essential to find a balance and use the resources wisely to avoid becoming complacent or disconnected from the world.

    • Perception of Blue Man Group and Pet-Friendly RentalsThe Blue Man Group can be perceived as creepy, but pet-friendly rentals can make great homes. Connect with local pros for home projects using Angi.

      The Blue Man Group, despite being a popular entertainment act, can be perceived as creepy, especially to children. This perception may be due to their unusual appearance and unconventional performances. On a lighter note, the discussion also touched upon the benefits of having a pet as a roommate, with Apartments.com being a go-to platform for finding pet-friendly rental properties. Additionally, the importance of hiring skilled professionals for home projects was emphasized, with Angi being a reliable solution for connecting with local pros. Lastly, the speakers clarified that their experiences with trust fund kids were limited and likely not the focus of the conversation.

    • The Importance of Strong RelationshipsBuilding strong relationships can provide safety, security, and bring people closer together. Be respectful, considerate, and use humor. Know when to keep a distance from harmful individuals.

      Building strong relationships, whether it's with friends or acquaintances, can provide safety and security in various situations. Whether it's having a trusted friend who will have your back in a fight or having connections with people in authority like bouncers, having strong relationships can make all the difference. Additionally, it's important to be respectful and considerate towards others, especially in public settings. And sometimes, a good sense of humor can help lighten the mood and bring people closer together. However, it's also crucial to know when to keep a distance from certain individuals, especially those who may lead you into unnecessary conflicts or dangerous situations. Overall, the power of relationships should never be underestimated.

    • Growing up with smoking normsEnvironment and social norms can significantly influence personal habits, leading to potential health risks like smoking and vaping.

      The speaker grew up in an environment where smoking was prevalent, particularly among his grandparents and other family members. The accessibility and social norms surrounding smoking made it a common practice, leading the speaker to have strong associations with the smell and atmosphere of smoking areas. Now, with the rise of vaping, the speaker observes similar issues with accessibility and the potential health risks, despite not being a fan of smoking or vaping himself. The speaker shares personal experiences of being surrounded by heavy cigarette smoke and the impact it had on his body and environment. He also expresses concern about the potential long-term health consequences of vaping, which he believes will become more apparent in the future. Overall, the speaker's reflections highlight the influence of environment and social norms on personal habits and the potential risks associated with them.

    • People's attachment to things and the cyclical nature of trendsPeople can develop strong emotional connections to possessions and personal choices, and trends can cycle back, making the 'uncool' cool again.

      People can become strongly attached to things, whether it's a material possession like a vape or a personal choice like a mullet hairstyle. In the conversation, the speaker shared an experience of being offered a vape but chose not to give in to the temptation, despite the convenience and appeal. He also expressed his attachment to his mullet, which had become a part of his identity. The conversation also touched upon the cyclical nature of trends and how what was once considered uncool can come back into style. The speaker's emotional connection to the mullet was a humorous example of this phenomenon. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complex relationship people have with their possessions and the enduring power of trends.

    • Avoiding ambiguity in communicationClear communication and transparency are essential for effective collaboration and building a strong community. Ambiguous words can lead to misunderstandings and unnecessary complications. Consider context and audience to ensure clarity and be open to help and support from others.

      Clarity in communication is essential to avoid confusion. The discussion touched upon the ambiguity of certain words, such as "shop," which can have multiple meanings. This ambiguity can lead to misunderstandings and unnecessary complications. It's important to consider the context and the audience when communicating to ensure that the message is clear and understood. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the importance of transparency and being clear about one's affiliations and ties to certain things. This can help prevent confusion and ensure that everyone is on the same page. The conversation also emphasized the importance of being open to help and support from others, especially when creating content or working on projects. Overall, clear communication and transparency are crucial for effective collaboration and building a strong community.

    • The significance of personal identifiers and remembering phone numbersPersonal identifiers hold value and meaning to us. Memorizing phone numbers creates deeper connections with listeners and staying true to a niche while keeping content digestible enhances podcast success.

      Our connection to our personal identifiers, such as phone numbers and names, can hold significant value and meaning to us. This was evident in the discussion about the importance of remembering phone numbers and the impact of meeting listeners who engage with the podcast. The speaker also shared an anecdote about his father, who had a unique skill of memorizing phone numbers due to the difficulty of transferring contacts in the past. Furthermore, the value of these identifiers was emphasized when meeting listeners who are engaged with the podcast, creating a deeper connection. Additionally, the speaker highlighted the importance of staying true to one's niche while keeping content digestible for a wider audience. The use of products from sponsors, such as Manscaped, can help enhance one's personal grooming routine and confidence.

    • Investing in Confidence and Marketing StrategiesInvesting in confidence through grooming and potential marketing strategies like large flags can attract customers.

      The discussion revolved around the importance of confidence and grooming, with MANSCAPED's products being highlighted as effective solutions. The conversation also touched upon the idea of investing in a large American flag for their business as a potential marketing strategy. The flagpole and flag were estimated to be expensive, but could potentially bring in more customers due to its size and visibility. The discussion also involved some humor and light-hearted banter, with the idea of creating a custom "Give the DNR more power" shirt being suggested. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of investing in oneself and one's business to boost confidence and attract customers.

    • Size and means don't define impactAuthenticity, energy, and dedication are key to making an impact, regardless of one's resources or means.

      The size or efficiency of a person's means of transportation or lifestyle choices does not determine their energy or impact. The speaker shared an amusing anecdote about a friend driving a small smart car, which was unexpectedly entertaining due to the friend's size and energy. Similarly, the Liver King, despite his extreme diet and unconventional lifestyle, exudes a high level of energy and influence. The speaker admires him for his dedication and charisma, even if some of his methods seem exaggerated or hard to believe. The speaker also noted that the Liver King's social media presence and controversial statements have helped him gain a large following, and he is likely using this platform strategically for business growth. Overall, the speaker's reflections highlight the importance of authenticity, energy, and dedication in making an impact, regardless of one's means or resources.

    • Skepticism towards a Supplement Seller's ClaimsDespite marketing genius and advocacy for ancestral ways, speaker suspects supplement seller's use of performance-enhancing drugs and finds his luxurious lifestyle paradoxical.

      The speaker expresses skepticism towards a person's claims of living naturally and selling supplements, despite finding his marketing genius and agreeing with his advocacy for ancestral ways. The speaker believes the person may be using performance-enhancing drugs, but finds it intriguing and entertaining. They also reflect on the paradox of the person's lifestyle, which includes promoting ancient practices while living a luxurious life. Overall, the speaker is fascinated by the complexities of the situation and finds it a unique marketing strategy.

    • Creators in Thailand and similar countries build structures using primitive methods for YouTube viewsWealthy individuals and companies hire creators to make time-lapse videos of building structures using primitive methods, profiting off the content's popularity while maintaining anonymity.

      There are creators on YouTube, particularly in Thailand and similar countries, who have gained massive followings by making time-lapse videos of building structures, such as pools and villas, using seemingly primitive methods. These creators, who are often part of larger crews, have been able to generate significant revenue through ad revenue and sponsorships, despite appearing to live in third world conditions. However, it has been revealed that these creators are not always the ones doing the actual work, but rather, they are often hired by wealthy individuals or companies to create the content. This strategic play allows the wealthy individuals to profit off the popularity of the content while maintaining anonymity. It's a fascinating example of how the internet can be used to create and monetize content in unexpected ways.

    • Understanding the complex systems behind YouTube content creationBe aware that not all YouTube content is authentic and some creators may prioritize financial gain over authenticity. However, there are still creators who maintain authenticity while building successful channels.

      The surface of things, especially in the world of content creation on platforms like YouTube, can be deceiving. Inevitably, there are complex systems and individuals behind the scenes working to create content that appeals to large audiences. Inexpensive production methods and algorithms have made it easier than ever for investors and producers to identify and monetize successful content. While some creators may genuinely enjoy what they do, others may be producing content solely for financial gain. It's essential to remember that not all content, especially on children's channels, is authentic, and it's crucial to be aware of the potential for manipulation to attract viewers. However, there are still creators, like Mister Beast, who manage to maintain authenticity while building successful channels. The key is to understand the underlying structures and motivations behind the content we consume.

    • The power of authenticity in content creationAuthenticity resonates deeply with audiences, even if it means less money and more stress. Creators who invent new formats and stay true to themselves build strong connections with their audience.

      Authenticity and genuine content resonate deeply with audiences, even if it means putting in more effort and being less scripted. The speaker shares his experience with creating unscripted content and how it aligns with who they are, despite potentially earning less money and being more stressful. He admires creators who invent new formats and make something genuinely new and entertaining, as seen in the success of creators like Mr. Beast and Ryan Trahan. Although the financial rewards may be greater with a more scripted and produced format, the speaker values the connection with his audience and the creative freedom that comes with being true to himself.

    • Ryan Trahan's 30-day YouTube marathon and charity fundraisingStaying true to oneself and producing high-quality content are key to maintaining a successful content career, as demonstrated by Ryan Trahan's YouTube success and the continued engagement of figures like Bam Margera and Hulk Hogan in podcasts.

      Ryan Trahan's success on YouTube is rooted in his genuine passion for creating content. He produced videos tirelessly for 30 days straight, with a filmer and editor by his side, all while raising over $1.5 million for charity. Trahan's dedication to his craft and his authenticity resonated with his audience, allowing him to maintain a large following even after stepping away from YouTube to focus on other interests. Similarly, figures like Bam Margera and Hulk Hogan, who gained fame through television, can continue to engage their fans by sharing stories and experiences in a podcast format. Ultimately, the key to maintaining a successful content career is to stay true to oneself and continue producing high-quality, entertaining content.

    • Emphasizing the importance of reinvention in content creationTo succeed in content creation, constantly evolve and provide fresh, entertaining content. Reinvention is crucial for maintaining an audience and standing out in a saturated media landscape.

      Reinvention is key in today's content landscape. Whether it's starting a new podcast or reinventing an existing platform like YouTube or social media, the ability to constantly evolve and provide fresh and entertaining content is crucial for maintaining an audience. This was emphasized through the discussion of Hulk Hogan's potential podcast and the examples of Joe Rogan, Mike Tyson, and Logan Paul. While some people may stumble upon success early on, the real challenge lies in sustaining it through continuous growth and innovation. As the speaker noted, "you get to the level, and you gotta do something. You gotta actually the hardest part is maintaining it." So, whether you're a content creator or just someone looking to make an impact, remember that reinvention is a powerful tool that can help you stand out in an increasingly saturated media landscape.

    • The Complex Relationship Between Work, Rest, and ProductivityWhile taking breaks is important, feeling unproductive after time off can lead to anxiety and restlessness. Balancing work and rest is key to finding fulfillment and maintaining productivity.

      Even though taking a break can be enjoyable, it can also lead to feelings of anxiety and restlessness when it comes to productivity. The speaker shares his experience of returning to work after a long weekend, feeling the urge to be productive and create content for their channel. He reflects on the concept of having too much freedom and not having something to do, which can actually make one feel unfulfilled. The speaker also acknowledges the importance of taking days off, but for him, the to-do list seems endless and he thrives on being busy. Overall, the discussion highlights the complex relationship between work, rest, and productivity, and the importance of finding a balance that works for each individual.

    • Unexpected success from authentic brand contentAuthentic brand content can resonate with audiences, leading to unexpected positive reactions and success

      Creating authentic content for a brand can lead to unexpected positive reactions from fans. During a recent discussion about creating content for Mountain Dew, the speakers expressed their surprise and pride in the enthusiastic responses they received. The comments ranged from "that's so sick" to "never give up on your dreams." This unexpected success can be attributed to the relatability and authenticity of the content, which resonated with the audience. It's a reminder that hard work, dedication, and a good partnership with a brand can pay off in unexpected ways. So, keep pushing forward, keep creating, and never stop drinking the dew (or pursuing your dreams).

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    Podcasts, Sick Days, & Viral Videos

    Podcasts, Sick Days, & Viral Videos
    Published on Feb 23, 2015

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    There is a lot of potential in podcasts. The only reason I'm not all in right now is because I'm too busy. Everybody has to decide their own opportunity costs. For me, I think I over-index on video. I perform better on video. I like video, I like this whole thing.

    But I want to still have a presence on their, so I'm taking the audio of this show and turning into a podcast. I think podcasting is a huge phenomenon. Obviously the smart phone has changed the dynamic; people can take it with them when they run or travel or work out. Other people are listening on their car over blue tooth. It has particularly exploded over the last twenty-four months, especially with Serial being such a big deal. It was big back in 04 and 05, and now it's having a comeback. 

    I'm all about podcasting in its traditional form as an audio experience. To me, there is a huge opportunity that is being missed for a long of people. Let's not forget that audio is much more accessible to a lot of people. Making a video takes a different dimension and skill set, one that I think I own; thus, I use this form to create two pieces of content. I take the audio and turn it into a podcast. Because video comes so naturally to me, that is what I default to. But I want to be aware of the podcast world, so I do what I can to make it work.

    If I had time to do two separate shows, I would. But right now I don't see the ROI of only doing audio in a world where I have so many projects happening. 

    And by the way, Podcast listeners (if you're reading this :) ), please give me your feedback. I want to make sure I'm hearing you and getting feedback.

    < --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message

    Discussing Early Days with Brian Scudamore & Building Blocks with Lil Keed in NYC | DailyVee 534

    Discussing Early Days with Brian Scudamore & Building Blocks with Lil Keed in NYC | DailyVee 534

    A typical day as Chairman of VaynerX, meeting CEO of 1-800-GOT-JUNK, Brian Scudamore and discussing his early years of starting from a single truck. Instagram live with Entrepreneur University, where they walked me through 5 steps to get me to speak at an event, well almost. Lil Keed came into the office and we talked about his next album drop and what's next. Ended the day with Rabiah Sutton, Founder and CEO of FWDthink. 

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message

    The Immunotherapy Series, Part Two: Beyond Immunotherapy

    The Immunotherapy Series, Part Two: Beyond Immunotherapy

    Beyond Immunotherapy. The present and future of immune-driven medicine; toward an understanding of the immune system as the driver of solutions for treatment, prevention, and diagnosis of disease; identifying and creating responses to specific immune activation pathways.

    Special guests:

    Meghan Gutierrez

    Chief Executive Officer

    Lymphoma Research Foundation

    Leo David Wang, M.D., Ph.D.

    Assistant Professor, Department of Immuno-Oncology

    Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics

    City Of Hope

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