
    Chad Patterson - Magnificent Coaching

    en-usDecember 12, 2023

    About this Episode

    Experience the inspiring and uplifting coaching of Chad Patterson.

    Recent Episodes from spiritual principles made practical's podcast

    Aspects of being present

    Aspects of being present

    I'm finding that as I'm more present my thinking is changing.  That thinking is taking a little bit of getting used to.


    If you're interested, I can help you improve your thinking in your life with thought coaching. If that's something you're interested in, you can email me to set it up at scottfriedman40@gmail.com 


    My books are available on Amazon. Links to the books appear on my website www.Thoughtcoachingbyscott.com 


    Finding peace in a stressful world

    Finding peace in a stressful world

    Peace always exists. We become aware of it when we accept that truth and the fact that all stress that exists is created through our own efforts.


    If you're interested in thought coaching to improve your thinking and there by your life, you can set that up by emailing me at scottfriedman40@gmail.com 


    My books are available on Amazon. Links to the books appear on my website www.Thoughtcoachingbyscott.com 


    Drawing strength from our convictions

    Drawing strength from our convictions

    A great way to tap into our strength is to ask ourselves, do I have what it takes within me to achieve what's important to me.  If you're anything like me, you'll get a resounding yes and you'll feel energized and you'll feel more committed than ever.


    Our thoughts create our world.  If you're interested in improving your thinking and thereby your world , you can contact me for thought coaching at scottfriedman40@gmail.com 


    My books are available on Amazon. Links to the books appear on my website www.Thoughtcoachingbyscott.com 

    Spirituality and money

    Spirituality and money

    All the money we could ever want is easily available to us once we clear away the obstacles within us to receiving it.This podcast is part of my effort to clear away some of my obstacles


    The satisfaction of every desire we have is immediately available to us once we identify and heal through acceptance thoughts that get in the way.  I offer. thought coaching to uncover those thoughts that are obstacles and in bringing them to light and accepting their existence. It introduces the opportunity to choose not to be restricted by that.  If that's something of interest to you, you can contact me to set up some coaching at scottfriedman40@gmail.com 


    My books are available on Amazon. Links to the books appear on my website www.Thoughtcoachingbyscott.com 


    Increasing our focus on being an alignment

    Increasing our focus on being an alignment

    The further we progress in our spiritual growth, the more effort and energy I'm finding I need, and presumably you too, to put in to being in alignment and trusting our inspiration that's imbued with the divine emotions of love joy and peace that we want to experience more of.


    Because we create our world with our thoughts, I offer thought coaching, which helps you improve your thinking and thereby your life.  If that's of interest to you contact me at scottfriedman40@gmail.com 


    My books are available on Amazon. Links to the books appear on my website www.Thoughtcoachingbyscott.com 



    Spirituality creates clarity

    Spirituality creates clarity

    My definition of spirituality is the progressive awareness and acceptance of what's true

      Clearly  having a greater acceptance of  what's true gives us clarity to make better decisions and improve our life.


    Because we create our life with our thinking the better our thinking the better our life.  I offer thought coaching to help people improve their thinking. If that's of interest of you, you can contact me at scottfriedman40@gmail.com 


    My books are available on Amazon. Links to the books appear on my website www.Thoughtcoachingbyscott.com 


    Managing a healing crisis

    Managing a healing crisis

    As we grow through accepting more of what's true inevitably we're bound to have a healing crisis.  To get through the healing crisis we need to accept the thoughts that are creating the crisis and recognize that those thoughts may or may not be true. We have the opportunity to decide whether or not a thought should be acted on and is true or not.  In doing this, we find that thoughts that aren't true get exposed and are  healed through acceptance. That's how we get through the healing crisis.


    We do create our world with our thoughts. The more aware we are of our thoughts, the better our thinking and world that thinking creates. You can contact me for thought coaching to improve your thinking and your world by emailing me at scottfriedman40@gmail.com 


    My books are available on Amazon. Links to the books appear on my website www.Thoughtcoachingbyscott.com 


    The how and why of goals

    The how and why of goals

    We're inspired to have the goals we have because of the growth that will be required of us to achieve those goals.  Ultimately all growth leads to living in the present in peace, love joy happiness self confidence and well being.


    Our thinking creates our experience of life. I can help you improve your thinking and your experience of life through thought coaching.   To schedule a session email me at scottfriedman40@gmail.com 


    My books are available on Amazon. Links to the books appear on my website www.Thoughtcoachingbyscott.com 


    Self respect drives spiritual growth

    Self respect drives spiritual growth

    The more we recognize and accept that suffering diminishes as we grow spiritually., the more focused on spiritual growth we become. 


    If you have an interest in improving your thinking and the life that it creates, I can help you with thought coaching. Contact me at scottfriedman40@gmail.com 


    My books are available on Amazon. Links to the books appear on my website www.Thoughtcoachingbyscott.com