
    Chaos Is Erupting Around The Globe As Mandates Take Effect (Ep 1611)

    enSeptember 23, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Political Climate: Manipulation of Narratives and Identity PoliticsBe cautious of exaggerated and racialized narratives in the media, and strive for accurate information. Concerns over financial spying and extreme COVID measures persist, while Henry Repeating Arms offers a quality and affordable rifle and shotgun option.

      The current political climate involves the manipulation of narratives to serve specific agendas, particularly those related to identity politics and class warfare. The ongoing debate over the use of reins by a border patrol agent on horseback is an example of this, as it has been exaggerated and racialized by some media outlets to fit these narratives. Additionally, there are concerns over increasing financial spying by the government and the descent of certain countries, like Australia, into madness over COVID-related measures. On a lighter note, Henry Repeating Arms was highlighted as a high-quality and affordable rifle and shotgun option for consumers. Overall, it's important to be aware of the motivations behind the narratives being presented and to seek out accurate information.

    • Liberal agendas disguised by distractionsThe speaker argues that liberal agendas, such as open borders, inflation, bankruptcy, and healthcare destruction, are disguised by distractions like media misinformation and border agent controversies, preventing focus on real issues like the southern border invasion and lack of transparency from the Biden administration.

      Liberal agendas are often disguised due to their potential negative impact on the country. The speaker specifically mentions open borders, inflation, bankruptcy, and healthcare destruction as part of the liberal agenda. They also criticize the media, specifically the Sludge Report, for spreading misinformation, such as the false story about border patrol agents using whips on Haitian immigrants. The speaker argues that these distractions prevent people from focusing on the real issues, like the southern border invasion, which the mainstream media is not covering. The speaker also criticizes Jen Psaki and the Biden administration for not providing information on the number of illegal immigrants being released into the country. In essence, the speaker believes that the left's true agenda is to destroy the country, and they use distractions and misinformation to keep people focused on non-issues.

    • Biden Administration Hides Illegal Immigration NumbersThe Biden administration is withholding the number of illegal immigrants entering the country due to potential backlash and fear of acknowledging the border crisis, estimated to be in the millions.

      The Biden administration is deliberately withholding the number of illegal immigrants entering the country because they fear admitting the open border situation and the potential backlash from the American people. They may not have an exact figure but have an estimate, likely in the millions, which could be shocking to the public. The administration is delaying the release of the number, trying to manage the situation and avoid acknowledging the border crisis. The situation has led to a mass influx of people from various countries in Latin America and beyond, and the trend is expected to continue. The speaker is pessimistic about the current state of affairs and believes that the consequences of the administration's actions will eventually lead to change. He also criticizes the left for their lack of knowledge and dishonesty on various issues.

    • Vice denies natural immunity, contradicting scientific knowledgeIronically, Vice, a media outlet promoting science and tolerance, denies natural immunity, potentially endangering public health and individual freedoms.

      Vice, a well-known leftist media outlet, has made a controversial claim denying the existence of natural immunity. This claim goes against thousands of years of scientific knowledge and evolution. The speaker finds it ironic that Vice, which often advocates for science and tolerance, would make such a statement. He also expresses concern about the potential consequences of such misinformation, especially in relation to public health and individual freedoms. The speaker uses the metaphor of a beach ball to illustrate the natural yearning for freedom and the exhaustion of attempting to suppress it. He also shares examples of protests against vaccine mandates and lockdowns in Australia, and encourages listeners to consider the potential dangers of disregarding scientific facts. Overall, the speaker's message is a call to value and prioritize truth and factual knowledge in the face of misinformation and opposition to individual freedoms.

    • Misunderstanding and Misinformation in PoliticsFear of misinterpreted info leading to loss of freedoms, criticism of misinformation and ignorance, promoting respect for individual freedoms, and call to action on data security

      There's a concern about the potential consequences of misunderstanding or misinterpreting information, particularly when it comes to political beliefs and policies. The speaker expresses fear that some people may continue to take away others' freedoms and liberties under the belief that it's acceptable, without fully considering the potential repercussions. Another theme is the criticism of misinformation and ignorance, specifically regarding economic issues and taxes. The speaker believes that some people, particularly those identified as liberals, are prone to holding incorrect beliefs and spreading misinformation, and that this can lead to detrimental outcomes. The speaker also promotes a message of respecting individual freedoms and avoiding extremism. Additionally, there's a call to action regarding data security and opposition to a proposed credit card bill that could put consumer data at risk.

    • Misunderstanding taxes and fairnessMisconceptions about taxes and fairness can lead to ineffective policies. It's essential to have accurate information when forming positions, and avoid using identity politics to distract from destructive agendas.

      During a discussion about taxes and fairness, it was pointed out that the rich already pay a significant portion of the income tax burden, around 40%. Those advocating for higher taxes for the rich may not fully understand that their proposed rates would result in a tax cut for the wealthy, as they are already paying a high percentage. This misunderstanding highlights the importance of having accurate information when forming policy positions. Additionally, during the same discussion, it was mentioned that Democrats often use identity politics arguments, such as voter ID being racist, without considering the facts. These arguments are used to distract from their destructive agendas. Overall, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of the facts when engaging in political debates.

    • The importance of safeguards against voter fraud and identity confirmationPoliticians and judges advocate for voter ID laws to address concerns over electoral integrity, but accusations of partisanship and lack of knowledge cloud the debate. Transparency, accountability, and trust in our electoral system and investigative agencies are essential.

      The integrity of the electoral system is a concern for many, and the absence of safeguards against voter fraud and identity confirmation can undermine public trust. Some politicians and judges, like former President Jimmy Carter and Justice Stevens, have advocated for voter ID laws to address these issues. However, these views have been dismissed as partisan diatribes by some. A simple question posed during the hearing, regarding the correlation between voter ID laws and African American turnout, was met with evasive answers, leading to accusations of making things up and lacking knowledge. The Russia investigation was also discussed, with the indictment of a Democrat lawyer adding evidence to the belief that the investigation was a hoax. The FBI's handling of the investigation and its failure to acknowledge mistakes was criticized. Overall, the importance of transparency, accountability, and trust in our electoral system and investigative agencies was emphasized.

    • Obama's top officials contradicted public statements about collusion under oathDuring the Obama administration, no official, including the FBI, could provide evidence for the collusion hoax when testifying under oath. Some Democrats continue to defend the story, while others, like Howard Stern, criticize those who question it for strategic reasons.

      During a discussion on the collapse of faith in American institutions, it was highlighted that during the Obama administration, not a single official, including the FBI, could produce evidence for the collusion hoax when testifying under oath. An article from May 2020, titled "Obama's top brass contradict public statements about collusion under oath," by Emily Jacobs, shed light on this. Despite this revelation, some Democrats still defend the story. Howard Stern, a once influential figure in media, is now criticized for attacking Joe Rogan due to his use of Ivermectin, a drug that has off-label uses and was prescribed by Rogan's doctor. Stern's attacks on Rogan are seen as strategic, as Rogan has become a thought leader and cultural influencer, leaving Stern feeling irrelevant.

    • Howard Stern's Criticism Towards Joe Rogan and Privacy ConcernsHoward Stern's criticism towards Joe Rogan escalated, concerns over government surveillance rose with a proposed Biden bill, and warnings about the government's financial situation persist. Stay informed and engaged in current events.

      Howard Stern's criticism towards Joe Rogan has escalated, with Stern expressing his disdain for those who contract COVID-19 and using derogatory language towards Rogan. Meanwhile, concerns over government surveillance continue to rise as a proposed Biden bill could require banks to report financial transactions over $600 to the IRS, potentially infringing on citizens' privacy. Additionally, warnings about the government's financial situation persist, with some arguing that the government is effectively bankrupt due to the devaluation of money. These issues highlight the importance of staying informed and engaged in current events.

    • Government's use of negative interest rates and monitoring financial transactionsThe US government considers negative interest rates to devalue currency and debt but fears people hoarding cash, leading to monitoring of financial transactions. Concerns over big tech's power and free speech suppression also escalate, with calls for companies to be broken up.

      The US government may use negative interest rates to devalue the currency and debt, making it less valuable for them to pay back over time. However, if they implement negative interest rates, people may pull their money out of the banks and hoard it, which the government wants to prevent. This is why they're looking to monitor financial transactions closely. Another key point is the concern over big tech's increasing power and suppression of free speech. The government's stance on this issue is shifting, and there are growing calls for big tech companies to be broken up.

    • The misguided argument for preserving big tech companiesDespite claims of protecting American freedoms, big tech companies have compromised with authoritarian regimes and suppress free speech, while government spending contributes to economic destruction and rising crime rates.

      The argument for preserving big tech companies, despite their monopolistic tendencies and suppression of free speech, under the guise of national security is misguided. These same tech companies have been complying with authoritarian governments like China and Russia to conduct business, which undermines their supposed commitment to American freedoms. The left's supposed opposition to monopolies is overshadowed by their support for tech companies that attack conservatives and restrict free speech. The government's spending, outside of its constitutional roles, is causing untold destruction in the economy and contributing to rising crime rates. The recent increase in the US murder rate is a prime example of the harm caused by government policies. It's important to question the true intentions behind the arguments for preserving big tech and consider the negative consequences of government spending.

    • Concerns over Negative Consequences of Certain Political ActionsSupport for defunding police departments and vaccine mandates could increase crime rates and threaten national security, disregarding individual freedoms and constitutional rights.

      The speaker expresses concern over the potential negative consequences of certain political actions and policies. They argue that the support for defunding police departments and vaccine mandates, as advocated by "benevolent leftists," have led to increased crime rates and a potential threat to national security. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of individual freedoms and constitutional rights. They believe that these policies not only disregard the well-being of individuals but also serve the larger agenda of leftists to undermine the United States. The speaker's personal experiences, including witnessing the aftermath of a murder and interacting with military personnel considering resignation due to vaccine mandates, add to their conviction.

    • Support Dan Bongino's ShowTune in live or record Dan Bongino's Fox News show on Saturdays at 10 p.m., send in questions for 'Ask Dan' segment on Rumble.com, and engage with the show for viewer support.

      Dan Bongino, the host of the show, is asking viewers to support him by tuning in live or recording his Fox News show on Saturday at 10 p.m., and by sending in questions for the "Ask Dan" segment on his Rumble.com page. He expressed his gratitude for the audience's support and mentioned that they had a strong ratings run but had a softer week last week. He attributed the dip in ratings to college football. He also mentioned that he would be back tomorrow and all next week. He encouraged viewers to engage with the show by sending in questions for Ghee, the producer, and promised to read them on the show. He emphasized the importance of viewer support and expressed his appreciation for it.

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    This is the true story of a Gen X-er picked to do a podcast and give his personal views on Pop Culture, Politics, Sports, News and more, So find out what happens when people stop being polite and start getting real. - ‘Get Of My Lawn’ As we grow into an ever changing world and new Generations are born, only one stays the same with their distain for all others - ‘Gen X’. We survived riding bikes without helmets, No cell phones, understanding you go home when the street lights go on. We lived through Hair Metal and watched the birth of Grunge. We witnessed ‘Two’ Bush’s become President (That’s what she said.) and the First African American take office. We watched in horror as the Towers fell and rejoiced at the Socialize Digital Age. (‘The Internet’ - Sorry Al you didn’t invent it.)

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    To bad that ain’t me … Hear me ramble daily about everything from Pop Culture, Politics, Sports, News and more and get the clear as ‘Mud’ perspective of this 

    Rambling Gen X-er. 

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