
    Podcast Summary

    • Social media hacking: A common and embarrassing occurrenceStay alert to social media hacking attempts, remain calm, and respond appropriately to protect your online reputation

      Social media accounts getting hacked is a common occurrence these days, and people often react with a mix of shock, humor, and indifference. The speaker in this conversation had their Twitter account suspended after someone posted inappropriate tweets from it. They were initially surprised and baffled, but soon realized that hacking attempts are frequent on social media platforms. They compared the situation to someone rummaging through your underwear and exposing yourself publicly. The speaker also mentioned that hackers often use crude language and give away their age through their choice of words. In the conversation, they were preparing for a Chesapeake event and had invited a lady named Rosie to join. They had emailed her a link for the event, and she confirmed her participation. Despite the incident, the speaker remained calm and hoped for a successful event, whether Rosie and Joe hit it off or not. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of being aware of the prevalence of hacking attempts on social media and the need to react calmly and appropriately when they occur.

    • Rosie's experiences performing comedy at various venuesDespite feeling intimidated and out of place, Rosie continued to pursue her dream of becoming a successful stand-up comedian.

      Rosie, a comedian, shared stories about her experiences performing at various venues, including a working men's club where she felt out of place. She mentioned her nervousness before going on stage and the intimidation of performing alongside more established comedians. Despite the challenges, Rosie continued to pursue her dream of becoming a successful stand-up comedian. Another topic that emerged was their casual conversation about smoking habits and the use of nicknames. Overall, the conversation between Rosie and Colin was filled with humor, candor, and a shared love for performing comedy.

    • The lasting impact of rejectionRejection can leave a lasting impression and unexpected consequences, even years later. Be cautious of online interactions and protect your personal information.

      Rejection can leave a lasting impact. Rosie shared an experience with Dave Ward where she was denied a chance to perform in Edinburgh. Despite his polite refusal, the incident stayed with her. Years later, she discovered that Joe, her friend, had stumbled upon some of Joe's old performances online. Joe's friend, Pete, was a fan and had even tried to send the clips to Rosie. However, her email address had been obtained through Instagram, and she received unwanted messages from an imposter account pretending to be Joe. This incident reminded Rosie of the sting of rejection she had experienced years ago and served as a reminder of the potential risks of being active online.

    • Cybersecurity breach leads to confusion and embarrassmentA cybersecurity breach can result in false accusations, loss of online reputation, and the need to blend in to maintain industry position.

      The speaker and his wife experienced a cybersecurity breach, where their email and social media accounts were hacked. The hacker sent inappropriate messages to the speaker's contacts, leading to confusion and embarrassment. The speaker initially suspected his wife of being involved, but later realized it was a hack. The incident made them both feel vulnerable and insecure, and they discussed the fear of being falsely accused or losing their online reputation. The speaker also mentioned the pressure of maintaining a high chart position in their industry and the challenges of staying at the top. To cope, he decided to watch popular shows and blend in with the trends, rather than focusing on a niche. The incident served as a reminder for them to be cautious about online security and the potential consequences of cyber attacks.

    • Discussing Martin Freeman and Ian Hart's performances in 'Sherlock', the troubled policeman trope, and potential genre shiftsThe speaker reflects on the acting in 'Sherlock' and expresses some weariness towards the policeman's troubled past. They also discuss the potential for a genre shift and the presence of Scouse actors in the show.

      The discussion revolved around the television show "Sherlock," specifically the performance of Martin Freeman and Ian Hart, but the speaker expressed some fatigue towards the troubled policeman trope. They also touched upon Joe's marital issues and the potential for a genre shift within the show. Additionally, they mentioned the prevalence of Scouse actors in the series and the potential for the podcast to reach new charts by discussing educational topics. The speaker also mentioned watching "Brian and Charles" recently and finding it enjoyable.

    • Discussing 'The Trip to Greece' - Humor, Touching Moments, and ActingParticipants praised the film's humor, touching moments, and actors' performances. They appreciated John and David's dynamic, which showed compassion towards David's character.

      The discussion revolved around the appreciation of the film "The Trip to Greece," with the participants sharing their thoughts on its humor, touching moments, and the performance of certain actors. They also discussed the challenges of writing and making films. John and David's dynamic in the film was praised for not treating the character David as an "ass," but instead showing compassion. The Q&A session was described as having some moments where the participants felt disinterested, while others were more engaging. The small audience size and the use of technology for the Q&A made it feel different from typical events. Overall, the group enjoyed the film and appreciated the complexities it presented.

    • The pressure to analyze and criticize entertainment can be disproportionateAppreciate the value of entertainment without adding unnecessary layers of importance or criticism.

      The importance given to criticism and analysis can sometimes be disproportionate to the actual value it adds. The speaker expresses frustration with the pseudo-intellectual nonsense that can surround entertainment, especially music or art. He has experienced this pressure firsthand and finds it challenging to navigate, especially when filmed or in a public setting. A recent example he gives is the Netflix series "Puppet Master" about the con man Robert Hendy-Freegard. The series illustrates how Hendy-Freegard manipulated people by convincing them they were in danger and needed his protection, controlling their lives for years before revealing the truth. This con artist's actions serve as a reminder of the power dynamics at play in various situations, including the entertainment industry and interpersonal relationships. The speaker's message is to appreciate the value of entertainment for what it is and not add unnecessary layers of importance or criticism.

    • Discussing deception and manipulation in a podcast and a new show YellowjacketsBe cautious of manipulative individuals and the importance of critical thinking, while also appreciating engaging and suspenseful storytelling in media.

      First impressions and trust can be easily broken, as shown in the discussion about a man claiming to be from MI5 and a serial abuser in a podcast they were discussing. The man's deception and manipulation skills were impressive, as he was able to infiltrate a family and establish relationships with both parents. This led to a horrendous situation where he ended up abducting their child. The group was shocked and questioned how someone could get themselves into such a situation. Another topic discussed was a new show, Yellowjackets, which they found intriguing due to its unique narrative and Wicker Man-like vibes. Despite the dark themes, they were looking forward to watching it. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of critical thinking and being aware of manipulative individuals, as well as the appeal of engaging and suspenseful storytelling.

    • Mixed feelings about the first episode of 'Making a Murderer'Speaker found the first episode slow due to football focus, implausible injury, and repetitive clips. However, intrigued by cannibalism suggestion and creative freedom in Q&A.

      The first episode of the show, titled "pilot," takes some time to get going due to its focus on American football culture, which the speaker believes was not impressive in the 1990s. The episode includes a scene of a severe injury, but the speaker finds it implausible. Despite the slow start, the show becomes more intriguing as it suggests the possibility of cannibalism. During a Q&A session, the speaker mentioned that they had once been asked to participate in a "talking heads" program, but found it unappealing due to its pre-written nature and lack of creative freedom. The show features short clips of football moments, but the speaker found the repetition of these clips and the lack of original commentary tedious. Overall, the speaker's initial impression of the show is mixed, but they are intrigued enough to continue watching.

    • Discussing the Funniest Moments in FootballThe show 'Football's Funniest Moments' may not be as funny to those unfamiliar with the clips, and could potentially be more effective if only viral moments were included.

      The discussion revolved around the perception of a particular TV show, "Football's Funniest Moments," and whether or not it lived up to expectations. The speakers shared their experiences of watching the show and their thoughts on its content. They noted that the clips in the show may not be funny to those who haven't seen them, and that the program could potentially be condensed into a shorter format if only the viral moments were included. The speakers also discussed their own experiences in entertainment industries, such as comedy and sports broadcasting. One speaker mentioned their involvement in a comedy gig and shared their experience of performing stand-up comedy. Another speaker discussed their background in improv and their time spent in Nottingham. Overall, the conversation touched on various topics related to entertainment and personal experiences.

    • Navigating the early challenges of stand-up comedyOnly about 30% of early comedy gigs are good, adapting to audience and show type is crucial, and persistence is key to learning and improving.

      Comedy, especially in the early stages, can be a challenging and unpredictable experience. David shared stories of his nervousness before gigs and the varying quality of his performances. He mentioned an incident where he was outshined by a woman doing a striptease during a cabaret show. David estimated that only about 30% of his gigs in the first 8 years were good, with the rest being bad. He also mentioned the importance of adapting to the type of show and audience. Rosie added that sometimes the audience can be aggressive and unforgiving, making it a unique form of entertainment. Despite the challenges, both David and Rosie emphasized the importance of persisting and learning from each experience.

    • Challenges of Open Mic Comedy NightsOpen mic comedy nights can be mentally draining due to unruly crowds and the pressure to survive the gong show, but they offer a unique experience worth attending occasionally.

      Open mic comedy nights can be a challenging experience for performers due to unruly crowds and the pressure to survive the gong show, a crowd-voted elimination round. The speaker shared his personal experience of performing at such events and the crowd's cruel behavior towards performers. He also mentioned how the audience can turn on each other and disrupt the show, making it an exercise in mob mentality. Despite the negatives, the speaker emphasized that it's worth attending these events to witness the unusual and sometimes entertaining behavior of the crowd. However, he advised against doing it too frequently to avoid the potential negative impact on mental health. The speaker also mentioned a few alternative comedy nights that are more audience-friendly.

    • Staying committed to one's goals and trusting the journeyPersistence and self-discovery are crucial for creative success. Find supportive relationships, take risks, and trust your unique voice to overcome rejection and adversity.

      Persistence and self-discovery are key elements in pursuing a creative path. The speakers shared their experiences of facing rejection and adversity in their respective fields, emphasizing the importance of staying true to oneself and not giving up easily. They highlighted how having supportive relationships and taking risks can lead to new opportunities and growth. Additionally, they mentioned the value of finding one's unique voice and creating one's own platform to showcase it. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of staying committed to one's goals and trusting the journey, even when faced with challenges and setbacks.

    • Discussing a live show with a bass player or comedian's past experienceExploring unconventional additions to live comedy shows, such as a bass player in an umpire-like chair or a biscuit-wearing audience.

      During a discussion about potentially having a live show, the idea of incorporating a bass player or a comedian's past experience with a double bass player, specifically Mitch Hedberg, came up. The bass player could potentially be placed in an umpire-like chair or on a screen, with just his head and voice ringing through. Another topic touched upon was the possibility of having the audience wear Cheddar biscuits in the front row, and the comedian jokingly announcing themselves as the "king" or "queen" of the chattabiscuits. The conversation also included a brief mention of the comedian's upcoming gig at the West End Comedy Club.

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    Instagram: @sklavan
    Twitter: @spencerklavan
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SpencerAKlavan/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/spencer-klavan-0a963631/
    “How to Save the West: Ancient Wisdom for 5 Modern Crises”: https://www.amazon.com/How-Save-West-Ancient-Wisdom/dp/1684513456
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    Website: www.sarahknight.com
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sarahknightauthor
    Sarah’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sarahknightauthor
    Sarah’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/mcsnugz
    Sarah’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahknightauthor/
    Sarah’s Books and Journals: https://sarahknight.com/books/
    Sarah’s Podcast, No Fucks Given: https://sarahknight.com/podcast/
    Sarah’s Course, Fuck No!: https://courses.sarahknight.com/
    Sarah’s Quizzes: https://sarahknight.com/quizzes/

    With more than 3 million copies in print, Sarah Knight’s No Fucks Given Guides have been published in thirty-one languages and appeared on bestseller lists all over the world. Known as “the Anti-Guru” for her profane approach to giving practical advice, Knight, a Harvard graduate, worked for fifteen years as a top book editor in New York City with authors such as Chris Cleave, James Lee Burke, Gillian Flynn, David Javerbaum, Jen Kirkman, Jessica Knoll, Emily Nagoski, and many more. In 2015 she left corporate publishing to go freelance, moved to the Caribbean, and wrote The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a Fuck, which is currently in development for film with New Line Cinema.

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    ART - Napolean Duheme's site http://www.lostbreadcomic.com/ 
    Tru Northperception,
    Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com