
    Chicago Bulls’ Alex Caruso, The A’s Moving To Sacramento, Stefon Diggs Traded And Tiger Stopped Having Sex

    en-usApril 05, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Sports Updates: NBA, NCAA, Golf, and MoreListen to the latest sports news, including the NBA, NCAA, and golf tournaments, and enter DraftKings' Million Maker Contest for a chance to win $1 million.

      There are numerous exciting events happening in the world of sports, from the NBA with the Chicago Bulls and the ongoing NCAA controversy, to the upcoming golf tournament at Augusta and the Oakland Athletics' move to Sacramento. Alex Crusoe's interview on the show was a highlight, and listeners can get closer to the action of the golf tournament through DraftKings' Million Maker Contest, with a chance to win $1 million. The NCAA's attempts to hinder the Connecticut Huskies' travel plans have caused some motivation and potential disruption to their performance in the Final Four. Sports fans can look forward to the final games and various golf outings, including Topgolf and potential par three events. Stay tuned for more updates and sports coverage. Don't forget to download the DraftKings app and use code "take" for a chance to win $1 million in the Million Maker Contest.

    • Criticism of A's Owner John Fisher's Decision to Move Team to Las VegasDespite controversy and criticism, A's owner John Fisher moves team to Las Vegas, leaving Sacramento and community behind, causing uncertainty and delay in temporary stadium solution.

      The relocation of the Oakland A's to Las Vegas has been met with strong criticism from various parties, including the hosts of this podcast. John Fisher, the A's new owner, has been a particular target due to his lack of connection to the team and the community, as well as his apparent hypocrisy in keeping the Sacramento Kings in Sacramento while allowing the A's to move there. The process of finding a temporary stadium for the A's to play in before their new stadium is built in Las Vegas has been described as a "clusterfuck," and the delay and uncertainty surrounding the move is seen as a bad look for Major League Baseball. The hosts have vowed to continue reminding people of Fisher's questionable actions and lack of hair until the end of time.

    • Houston Texans trade for disgruntled Bills WR Stefan DiggsThe Texans acquired Diggs for a short-term deal, giving him another chance to shine and the Texans a proven receiver to build around rookie QB CJ Stroud.

      The Houston Texans made a bold move by trading for disgruntled Buffalo Bills wide receiver Stefan Diggs, who is now a one-year rental before becoming a free agent again. This move is a smart business decision for both parties, as Diggs gets another chance to prove himself and potentially earn a big contract, while the Texans can build around rookie quarterback CJ Stroud without the distraction of a potentially unhappy star player. The Texans are also shifting their philosophy by actively pursuing big-name free agents, a departure from their past tendency to draft well but let talent leave. The trade marks a significant change for the Texans, who have been in cap trouble and had to make tough roster decisions due to an aging roster. Despite Diggs' departure, the Bills remain a formidable team with Josh Allen at quarterback.

    • Bills face roster overhaul after franchise QB Josh AllenDespite having a top-5 QB, teams must make tough decisions and draft well to contend for a Super Bowl

      When a team has a franchise quarterback like Josh Allen, they often need to undergo a roster overhaul multiple times to contend for a Super Bowl. The Buffalo Bills, despite having Allen, were criticized for their older roster that failed to win the championship. Now, they face the reality of a hard reset, which includes making tough decisions and drafting well. Bills fans may be disappointed with the trade of Stefan Diggs, but they still have Allen and some promising young players like Gabe Davis, Dawson Knox, and James Cook. The team drafts 28th this year and may look to add a wide receiver in the deep receiver class. The Bills' situation is a harsh reality for NFL teams when they have to pay their top-tier quarterbacks, but as long as they have a quarterback in the top five, they're never truly dead. Mahomes' dominance may steal joy from other teams, but the pursuit of greatness continues.

    • NFL Teams Investing Heavily in Rosters, Particularly at QB PositionNFL teams are prioritizing roster improvements, especially at QB, with Justin Fields generating buzz despite elbow injury concerns. Teams may 'go all in' and draft him, emphasizing player resilience through back muscle development.

      Several NFL teams, including the Niners, Texans, Ravens, Chargers, and Bears, are heavily investing in their rosters, especially at the quarterback position. One prospect, Justin Fields, is generating a lot of buzz despite having a perceived injury concern with his elbow. The Niners' strength and conditioning coach, Ben Herbert, emphasizes the importance of making players harder to break, focusing on building up their back muscles to support their neck and brain. This philosophy could potentially apply to Fields and other NFL hopefuls. Despite the injury concern, many teams are expected to "go all in" and draft him, making for an exciting draft season.

    • Maintaining Consistency and Focus in SportsSuccess in sports requires emotional stability, eliminating distractions, and a strong focus on performance. Jim Harbaugh and Tiger Woods demonstrate this, while injuries and brand choices can impact team dynamics.

      Consistency and focus are key to success, whether it's in sports or other areas of life. Jim Harbaugh maintains the same emotional stability regardless of circumstances, and Tiger Woods is trying to eliminate distractions by abstaining from sex to focus on winning the Masters. Elsewhere in sports, Julius Randle's injury has impacted the Knicks' playoff chances, and Joel Embiid and James Harden made headlines for wearing Skechers sneakers. In the world of college basketball, the Villanova women finished third in the W.B.I.T. tournament, which some consider a secondary tournament compared to the W.N.I.T. Overall, these stories highlight the importance of mental and physical preparation, as well as the impact of external factors on performance.

    • Discussing past experiences and upcoming eventsThe group reminisced about finishing second in a video contest and considered adopting a long-lived tortoise, while also sharing betting preferences for the Final Four games and promoting Uber Eats.

      The group was discussing various topics, including their past experiences and upcoming plans. One of their past experiences was finishing second in a little league video and a commercial for Dave and Buster's. They were excited about potentially getting a new pet, a tortoise named Mr. Pear, but were concerned about its potential long lifespan and the responsibility that came with it. They also discussed the upcoming Final Four games and their betting preferences. One member expressed his strong belief in Purdue's dominance but also his regret of not being able to bet on NC State due to his ownership of Yukon Cornelius merchandise. Another member suggested that NC State's unexpected run could be similar to the 1983 title run and could result in a historic upset. They also promoted Uber Eats as a convenient option for delivering various items during the Final Four weekend. Overall, the group was excited about their past experiences and looking forward to the upcoming events while also expressing their opinions and concerns.

    • Excitement builds for close Alabama-Yukon game and LSU-Iowa championshipFans strategize for upcoming basketball games, with close matches and highly anticipated championships generating buzz and excitement

      The upcoming college basketball game between Alabama and Yukon is expected to be a close match, with Yukon having a slight advantage based on current form. Alabama fans are devising strategies to force the ball to certain players, but the key for Alabama is to play at their best. The women's championship game between LSU and Iowa is also highly anticipated, with Caitlyn Clark facing a perfect team. The highest rated women's game ever, featuring LSU and Iowa, is expected to draw large audiences. Russell Wilson's unconventional tweets add excitement to the discussion and break up the timeline. Despite having a future bet on Scotty Scheffler in the Nuggets, Hank doesn't want Scotty to win, but instead wants someone else to take the title. Overall, the anticipation and excitement surrounding these games are generating a lot of buzz and engagement among fans.

    • NBA Discussion: Max vs Hank's Playoff RivalryMax and Hank, two NBA fans, passionately debated the upcoming playoffs, expressing strong opinions about the Celtics and Nuggets. Their friendly banter showcased the excitement and anticipation fans bring to the NBA playoffs.

      During a lively NBA discussion, Max and Hank expressed their strong opposing views about the upcoming playoffs, particularly regarding the Celtics and Nuggets. Max, a self-proclaimed "Nugs guy," expressed his excitement and anticipation for the Nuggets to defeat the Celtics, while Hank remained confident in the Celtics' abilities. Their playful banter escalated, with Max even expressing a desire to see Hank's pain. Despite their friendly rivalry, they acknowledged the importance of both teams and the excitement of the upcoming playoffs, which is set to start on April 22nd. The conversation also touched on various topics such as the NBA championship, bubble championships, and personal accomplishments in the league. Overall, their discussion highlighted the passion and enthusiasm NBA fans bring to the table during the playoffs.

    • Embracing the Challenges of Playing Basketball in a BubbleDespite pandemic challenges, players can find joy in routine, stay competitive, and make the most of unique experiences to succeed.

      Despite the unique challenges of playing basketball in a bubble during the pandemic, the player remained focused and motivated, viewing it as an opportunity rather than a hardship. He found joy in the routine of practice, golf, and college life, and was grateful for the experience. The player also emphasized the importance of staying competitive and constantly pushing oneself to improve, whether at the beginning of one's career or after establishing oneself as a coveted asset. The player's mindset and determination allowed him to make the most of the situation and ultimately succeed.

    • The double-edged sword of being a coveted NBA playerBeing a coveted NBA player brings recognition and success, but also uncertainty and stress from potential trades and deadlines.

      Being a coveted NBA player comes with its perks and challenges. For the player, it feels good to be wanted and loved by fans, but it also means dealing with the uncertainty of potential trades and the stress of deadlines. Most players find out about trades through their agents or social media, and the experience can be overwhelming and not always positive. However, the power and leverage that comes with being wanted by multiple teams is a significant aspect of success in the league. It's a double-edged sword, but for those who can handle it, it's a sign of achieving a high level of recognition and success in their career.

    • Realizing teammates are equals on the court builds trustTrust and communication lead to team success by allowing teammates to play freely and effectively, recognizing each other's strengths.

      Trust and communication are key components in building a successful team dynamic. Alex Caruso shared a moment during his time playing with LeBron James when he realized they were not just teammates, but equals on the court. This moment of trust and understanding allowed Caruso to play freely and effectively, ultimately leading to their team's success. Additionally, the dominance of teammates such as Anthony Davis and Dwight Howard required a defensive strategy that allowed them to take charge, freeing up other players to focus on their strengths. Overall, the importance of trust, communication, and recognizing each other's strengths on the court cannot be overstated in building a successful team.

    • Embracing the Physicality and Competitiveness of BasketballProfessional basketball player finds joy in the intensity and challenges of the sport, even if it leads to controversy and criticism.

      The speaker, a professional basketball player, embraces the physicality and competitiveness of the sport, even if it means drawing the ire of opponents and officials. He finds amusement in the reactions of those he upsets, and takes pride in his defensive prowess. The player also acknowledges the significant difference in talent and skill level between college and professional basketball, and finds it harder to watch college games due to the slower pace and inconsistency of play. Despite this, he remains a devoted fan of his alma mater, Texas A&M.

    • Exploring the Intensity of Sports FandomSports fandom brings unique experiences, divisiveness, and shared memories, shaping individuals and communities.

      Despite the unique and sometimes bizarre experiences associated with being a fan of a particular sports team, such as the midnight yell at Texas A&M or getting arrested for possessing a grinder, it doesn't diminish the level of fandom or appreciation. The speaker acknowledges the intensity of the fan culture and the divisiveness surrounding it, but also recognizes the shared experiences and camaraderie that come with being part of a fanbase. The conversation also touches on the impact of societal norms and how they shape individual perspectives, as well as the role of sports in bringing people together, even in unexpected ways. Ultimately, the speaker reflects on the enduring power of sports fandom and the memories and connections it creates.

    • Alex Caruso's Unusual Focus and InspirationDespite distractions, Alex Caruso stays focused and performs at his best during games. He finds inspiration in music and believes in his abilities to score 40 points.

      Even in unusual circumstances, like playing in front of fishbowl cameras during a basketball game, Alex Caruso manages to stay focused and perform at his best once the game starts. Topgolf, a golf entertainment venue, offers a unique experience with discounted golf every Monday through Wednesday when booked in their app. Caruso is also a fan of music, particularly Sandstorm by Darude, which he believes contributed to his exceptional shooting performance in a game. He believes scoring 40 points in a game is a possibility under certain circumstances, and he looks forward to the challenge. The inspiration behind his mindset is to always strive for excellence and believe in one's abilities. Caruso's experiences show that even in the face of distractions or challenges, staying focused and determined can lead to success.

    • Billy Dee Williams' Unique Coaching StyleBilly Dee Williams, known for charisma and storytelling, encourages aggression and teamwork, leading team to championship win. Rumors of previous unique coach, Jim Boylan, and his potential influence.

      Billy Dee Williams, the head coach of the basketball team, is known for his charisma, storytelling abilities, and competitive nature. He allows his players to be aggressive and shoot when they're hot, but also encourages teamwork and sharing the ball. Williams' unique coaching style, which includes metaphors and stories, keeps the team focused and motivated. The players appreciate his leadership and competitive spirit, which was evident during their championship win. However, there were rumors about a previous coach, Jim Boylan, who was described as a unique character and a ride. The speaker did not have personal experience with Boylan but had heard that he kept finding jobs and may have had some kind of influence or blackmail on people. The speaker also shared that he went bald after winning the championship and did a commercial with Manscade to promote their products and shave his hair.

    • Small details matter in high-pressure situationsPaying attention to small details, like comfort and fit, can enhance performance in high-pressure situations. Professional sports showcase advanced talent and even a weak team could potentially win with a top player.

      The importance of small details, such as wearing the right headband for comfort and fit, can significantly impact performance in high-pressure situations. This was discussed in relation to a football player's experience, but the concept can be applied to various domains. Additionally, the NBA was highlighted as a league where the skill level is so advanced that even a weak college team could potentially be led to a championship victory with the addition of a top NBA player. The conversation also touched upon the idea that players who stand out, like having a mustache, could potentially signal a high-performance night. Overall, the discussion emphasized the significance of paying attention to the little things and the immense talent present in professional sports.

    • Beyond shooting threes: Adaptability and versatility in basketballVersatility and adaptability are crucial skills in basketball, as not all players' abilities translate directly from high school to the NBA and roles can vary greatly.

      Basketball skills extend beyond just shooting threes or being a big man. Javell McGee, a longtime NBA player, is a prime example of a player who could shoot from the three-point line but was not asked to do so in games. Instead, his role was to set screens and roll for lobs. McGee's ability to adapt and excel in his role despite his shooting skills is a testament to his professionalism and resilience. Another interesting anecdote shared was about a high school basketball player who thought he was good until he faced a player who made him realize he had a lot to learn. These stories illustrate the importance of versatility and adaptability in basketball and the reality that not everyone's skills translate directly from high school to the NBA. Additionally, the casual fan's perception of NBA players as invincible athletes can be shattered when they encounter the reality of the intense competition and skill level in the league.

    • Understanding NBA referee patterns and adjusting defensive strategiesNBA referees call more fouls early in the season and fewer as it progresses, requiring defensive players to adapt and focus on their performance and the game.

      Playing defense in the NBA requires a deep understanding of the rules and the ability to adapt to changing officiating styles. NBA players are athletic, coordinated, and smart, making effective defense a significant challenge. Referees call more fouls earlier in the season and fewer as it progresses, which can impact defensive strategies. Players must learn to adjust and not get frustrated with calls, focusing instead on their performance and the game as a whole. The line between a shooting attempt and a foul can be blurry, and intent should not be the sole determining factor. Adaptability and a strong foundation in the rules are key to success on the defensive end.

    • Limiting Impact of Talented OpponentsDefenders should focus on making talented opponents work hard for their points and executing a solid game plan, rather than trying to completely shut them down.

      While some players may have impressive moves and scoring abilities, it's important for defenders to focus on limiting their impact and preventing other players from exceeding their averages. The NBA is an open game with many possessions, and even the best defenders can't stop every shot. Players like Luca, Shay, and Alexander are incredibly talented, and it's more about making them work hard for their points than completely shutting them down. Additionally, some players, like Pat Bev, may annoy opponents and distract them from the game, but their tenacity and understanding of the game can make them valuable assets to their teams. Ultimately, the focus should be on executing a solid game plan and staying focused on the team's goals.

    • Continuous improvement is key for NBA playersNBA players must work hard to progress and avoid being replaced by new talent, with Kobe Bryant serving as a prime example. One player is focusing on refining his mid-range shot and plays off pivots, while improvement is crucial for longevity in the league.

      Continuous improvement is crucial for NBA players to secure their place in the league. Kobe Bryant was mentioned as a prime example of this mindset, as his relentless work ethic led to noticeable improvements year after year. The NBA is known for its high turnover rate, with 60 new players entering the league each year through the draft, free agency, and retirements. Therefore, not progressing and staying stagnant puts players at risk of being replaced. During the conversation, it was revealed that one player is focusing on refining his mid-range shot and working on plays off pivots in the lane for the upcoming season. While missing a dunk might be disappointing, the player emphasized that he doesn't let fan opinions sway him. The end-of-season tournament was discussed, and it was agreed that while some teams had a clear plan, others were still figuring things out. Ultimately, the consensus was that improvement is essential for longevity in the NBA.

    • People's reactions to changes in sports can be diverseFans' attachment to sports traditions and symbols can greatly influence their reactions to changes, creating a range of emotions from dislike to enjoyment.

      People's reactions to changes, such as new basketball court colors or jerseys, can vary greatly. While some may dislike the deviations from tradition, others may find enjoyment in the novelty. The intensity of sports events, particularly playoff games, can create a unique atmosphere that transcends the television screen. When it comes to jerseys, the connection to a team's history and the symbolism of championship crests can make wearing them a powerful experience. Ultimately, the personal significance of these elements can shape fans' attitudes towards them.

    • Insights from former players and experts in sports talk TVHaving personal experience in a sport adds value to sports talk TV analysis, even if the experts don't always have extensive knowledge.

      The discussion revolved around the idea that sports talk TV could benefit from having former players or experts with personal experience in the sport to provide insights. The speakers acknowledged that they may not always be knowledgeable and joked about their own limitations. They also shared their personal sports backgrounds and preferences. Additionally, they mentioned the use of promotional codes for discounts on purchases. LeBron James was brought up in relation to "The Godfather," and it was speculated that he might have read the book multiple times due to his public references to it. Overall, the conversation was friendly and light-hearted, with a focus on sports and pop culture.

    • LeBron James admires basketball skills of Quinn Cook, Jared Dudley, and J.R. Smith during NBA bubbleLeBron James appreciates impressive basketball skills of lesser-known players and believes J.R. Smith's career would have been more celebrated in today's era.

      During the NBA bubble, LeBron James watched impressive pick-up basketball games featuring players like Quinn Cook, Jared Dudley, and J.R. Smith. He admired their shot-making abilities, particularly J.R. Smith's, and believed that if Smith had played in today's era, his career would have been even more celebrated. The conversation also touched upon LeBron's lack of familiarity with "The Godfather" trilogy, despite its popularity. The discussion ended with a hypothetical question about how many NBA players could lead Wisconsin to a national championship. LeBron mentioned that he might be one of them, despite not watching Wisconsin play all year. Overall, the conversation showcased LeBron's respect for basketball skills and his appreciation for iconic movies.

    • Hank's Passion for Sports and GolfDespite losing interest in a bad basketball game, Hank's enthusiasm for sports and golf was evident in his dedication to practice and perform better.

      Hank, a passionate sports fan, had a difficult time watching a particularly bad college basketball game during the first half. He tends to lose interest when his favorite teams underperform. However, he showed more enthusiasm during a Cowboys loss, as seen in a viral clip of him jumping into a pool. Hank was invited to join a mini golf tournament at work, but his persistence in asking to practice more often caused controversy among colleagues. Despite the controversy, Hank's dedication to improving his golf skills was evident. Cars.com was a sponsor of the podcast, showcasing their extensive car inventory and possibilities for shoppers.

    • Speaker's passion for mini golf and unexpected political campaignThe speaker's dedication to mini golf and unintended political campaign reveal his enthusiasm and responsibility.

      The speaker, despite expressing a lack of concern for winning a mini golf tournament, has been attempting to lobby for an additional practice session. This desire for practice, reminiscent of a child's excitement for a mini golf course, is a reflection of the speaker's passion for the game. Another notable event is Billy Football's serious run for Congress, which started as a joke but has now turned into a legitimate campaign. The speaker feels responsible for setting this into motion and finds it both exciting and terrifying to consider the potential impact on the United States' political landscape.

    • Billy's Unconventional Political JourneyDespite a controversial past and unconventional name, Billy's common sense platform has gained unexpected support, surpassing his career efforts. Opponents like Jim Toes present challenges, but Billy's ability to handle questions impresses interviewers. His campaign finance situation and grassroots endorsements add to the intrigue.

      The discussion revolves around the unconventional political journey of a candidate named Billy, whose campaign has gained significant traction despite his unconventional name (Biddle) and controversial past. Billy, who runs on a common sense platform, has seen an unprecedented surge in support, even surpassing the efforts he put in throughout his entire career. His opponents, such as Jim Toes, also present unique challenges with their own hardcore common sense platforms. The interviewers were impressed by Billy's ability to handle questions, including his stance on supporting other candidates like Donald Trump. The conversation also touched on Billy's potential campaign finances and the excitement surrounding grassroots endorsements. Overall, the conversation highlights the unpredictability and intrigue of the political landscape, with Billy's campaign standing out as a compelling underdog story.

    • Navigating Unexpected Expenses and Health ConcernsBe prepared for unexpected expenses and health concerns by staying informed and adaptable. Find comfort in small pleasures during personal moments and appreciate the importance of privacy.

      Unexpected expenses and health concerns can significantly impact our daily lives and routines. The speaker shared various experiences, from fundraising events to diarrhea policies at schools, which highlighted the importance of being prepared and aware of potential costs and health issues. Another theme that emerged was the desire for privacy and comfort during personal moments, such as using the bathroom or dealing with bodily functions. The speaker also mentioned the relaxing nature of doing certain tasks in the dark, like showering or pooping. Overall, the conversation touched upon the importance of adaptability and finding small pleasures in everyday life.

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    Ryan Whitney, Game 7 Of The SCF, Hank Is Part Of Joe Mazzulla's Family Now And Mt Rushmore Of People Who Can't Win The Big One

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    Derrick White, Adam Thielen, Hank Shaves His Head And Gets An Incredible Offer From A Special Call In

    It’s time for Hank to shave his head and JJ Redick is a trailblazer for podcasters everywhere (00:00:00-00:12:56)-. Hank gets a special call in to offer him a day of a lifetime (00:12:56-00:26:15). NCAA is trying to expand the tourney again and Monty Williams is living the dream (00:26:15-00:28:38). Caruso traded to OKC for Josh Giddey (00:28:38-00:33:58). We then welcome on Derrick White from the world champion Boston Celtics to talk about this past week, his new contract, Hank shaving head, his broken teeth and tons more (00:33:58-00:55:02). Carolina Panthers Wide Receiver Adam Thielen joins the show to talk about his golf game, the past season with the Panthers, Kirk Cousins and more (00:55:02-01:28:52). We finish with Fyre Fest of the week (01:28:52-01:44:45).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    Celtics Coach Joe Mazzulla Fresh Off The NBA Title, Oilers Force Game 6 And A Show Announcement

    The Celtics win the Title and the summer of Hank is officially on. We talk about Monday night, Finals MVP, Mavs future and more (00:00:00-00:32:36). We then talk about the Oilers dragging the Panthers back to Edmonton and RIP Willie Mays (00:32:36-00:44:16). Hot Seat/Cool Throne including Rory's non apology and Jerry O'Connell's congratulations to Hank (00:44:16-01:09:59). Celtics Coach Joe Mazzulla joins the show to talk about Monday night, coaching with a torn MCL, what he said to the team before winning it all, when Hank needs to shave his head by and tons more (01:09:59-01:41:03). We finish with a show announcement (01:41:03-02:01:05).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    All Time US Open, Smylie Kaufman Calls In From Pinehurst, Mike Florio Talking Football + Celtics And Panthers Drop An Stinkers In Game 4's

    Incredible Sunday finish to the US Open as Bryson DeChambeau wins and Rory chokes. We talk about Rory leaving Pinehurst before doing media and Bryson's complete 180 (00:00:00-00:27:21). Celtics get smoked in Game 4 and we check in on Hank's mentals before Game 5 (00:27:21-00:37:23). The Panthers laid an egg in Edmonton and that series is going back to Florida (00:37:23-00:46:01). Who's back of the week including Bill Belichick's new girlfriend and Jimmy Carter sleeping through full days (00:46:01-01:08:39). Smylie Kaufman joins us from Pinehurst after an incredible US Open and gives us a breakdown of what he witnessed following the last 2 groups on Sunday, Rory's putts, and more (01:08:39-01:45:00). Mike Florio joins the show to talk some football with the guys before teams break for the summer (01:45:00-02:35:50). We finish with Max's minute (02:35:50-02:47:10)

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
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    Matt Barnes And Stephen Jackson, Celtics Up 3-0, Hank Recaps His Night With Tom Brady + US Open And Fyre Fest

    Matt Barnes And Stephen Jackson, Celtics Up 3-0, Hank Recaps His Night With Tom Brady + US Open And Fyre Fest

    Hank had a night of lifetime going to Tom Brady's retirement ceremony and being mentioned in the speech while the Celtics went up 3-0 in the NBA Finals (00:00:00-00:20:06). Luka got absolutely torched by Windy and it was well deserved after his pathetic second half on Wednesday Night (00:20:06-00:37:24). US Open and a spirited debate about Scottie Scheffler's haircut (00:37:24-00:49:56). Trevor Lawrence got paid (00:49:56-00:53:48). Oilers are down 3-0 and more details about Danny Hurley turning down the Lakers (00:53:48-01:11:38). Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson join us in studio to talk about their careers in the NBA, their podcast success, having too many crazy people on one team, coaching in the NBA and tons more (01:11:38-02:13:53). We finish with Fyre Fest of the week (02:13:53-02:31:00).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    Joey Chestnut Is Out Of The Hot Dog Competition, US Open With Caddie Michael Collins, NBA Finals With Kevin Love, Kristaps Hurt And Pardon Your Take

    Joey Chestnut Is Out Of The Hot Dog Competition, US Open With Caddie Michael Collins, NBA Finals With Kevin Love, Kristaps Hurt And Pardon Your Take

    Emergency beginning of the show had to be retaped after we get news that Joey Chestnut is out of the 4th of July Hot Dog Eating Competition after taking money from a vegan hot dog brand and our whole world has been shattered (00:00:00-00:17:49). Kristaps is hurt and Hank had a rough day (00:17:49-00:28:39). Pug might be a coward (00:28:39-00:35:58). Danny Hurley is staying at Uconn and SCF Game 2 (00:35:58-00:56:38). Hot Seat/Cool Throne and Buster Olney has been hacked and Kevin Durant is back on twitter (00:56:38-01:19:31). Caddie Michael Collins joins us to talk about the US Open, hardest part about being a caddie, his crazy career jump from comedian to caddy to ESPN golf personality and more (01:19:31-01:52:21). We then are joined by recurring guest and good friend Kevin Love to talk about the NBA Finals, what does Kyrie need to do to find it, his top 5, and how sick it was playing on the Olympics (01:52:21-02:23:44). We finish with listener submitted Pardon Your Takes (02:23:44-02:42:02).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 12, 2024

    Greg Olsen, Celtics Take Game 2, SCF G1 And Vanny Woodhead Is Back

    Greg Olsen, Celtics Take Game 2, SCF G1 And Vanny Woodhead Is Back

    The Celtics take a commanding series lead after winning Game 2. Jrue Holiday dominates and Kyrie is letting the Mavs down (00:00:00-00:27:09). Caitlin Clark left off the Olympics team and people are big mad (00:27:09-00:39:52). Who’s back of the week including Scottie Scheffler, James Harden and College Baseball (00:39:52-00:56:31). Greg Olsen joins the show to talk about upcoming TEU, winning an Emmy, being the second FOX game this year, what NIL would’ve looked like for him and more (00:56:31-01:45:27). We finish the show talking about the triumphant return of Vanny Woodhead (01:45:27-01:57:31).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 10, 2024

    Celtics Win Game 1, SCF Preview With Paul Bissonnette, Edmonton Oilers Evander Kane And Fyre Fest Of The Week

    Celtics Win Game 1, SCF Preview With Paul Bissonnette, Edmonton Oilers Evander Kane And Fyre Fest Of The Week

    The Celtics absolutely smashed the Mavs in Game 1 and Cocky Hank is feeling himself while Mavs Max is down real bad. Porzingis looked healthy and Lebron tried to steal Game 1 headlines yet again (00:00:00-00:17:47). Dan Hurley possibly to the Lakers and how Coach K is behind all of this (00:17:47-00:39:52). Paul Bissonnette joins the show to break down the Stanley Cup Final, who has the advantage, will Canada be rooting for the Oilers and his official invitation to Dingers Only (00:39:52-01:06:17). Edmonton Oilers Evander Kane joins the show to talk about the SCF, coming back from an insane injury, his first fight in the league, how the team feels before Saturday night and more (01:06:17-01:42:49). We finish the show with Fyre Fest of the week and PFT's big new purchase (01:42:49-02:07:53).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 07, 2024

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    Greg Olsen & George Kittle, Hot Seat Cool Throne & Bo Pelini In Studio For A Special Bo Knows Ball Segment

    Greg Olsen & George Kittle, Hot Seat Cool Throne & Bo Pelini In Studio For A Special Bo Knows Ball Segment

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    NBA Musings & NFL Offseason Headlines

    NBA Musings & NFL Offseason Headlines

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