
    Podcast Summary

    • A heated disagreement over clout and betrayals in the entertainment industryThe entertainment industry can lead to intense competition and resentment, potentially damaging personal relationships and causing public feuds

      The speakers in this conversation are involved in a heated disagreement over perceived betrayals and clout in the entertainment industry. Andres is accused of stealing the other speaker's clout and success, leading to a public feud and calls for fans to unfollow him. The speakers have worked together for years but now seem to be going in different directions, with one staying in Los Angeles trying to get work while the other travels and works on projects. The conversation reveals a sense of competition and resentment, with each speaker trying to one-up the other and belittle their accomplishments. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the cutthroat nature of the entertainment industry and the potential for personal relationships to become strained by professional competition.

    • The Speaker's Deceitful Social and Professional ConnectionsThe speaker has a history of being deceitful about their social and professional connections, often lying about attending events and working with certain individuals. Despite this, they seem unfazed when confronted and maintain a selective approach to engaging with others.

      The speaker in this conversation has been deceitful about their work and social connections. They've been lying about attending parties and working with certain individuals, and when confronted, they admit to it but seem unfazed. The speaker mentions that they have a history with one person, but haven't received anything from them since they blew up. They also mention texting people but rarely sending genuine "hey, how are you?" messages. The conversation ends with the speaker acknowledging that they have some friends but have a history of being selective about who they engage with. Overall, the conversation highlights the speaker's dishonesty and selectiveness in their social and professional relationships.

    • A social media influencer's obsession with validation and fameSocial media influencers, like George, can become addicted to validation and recognition from their audience, leading them to extreme measures to gain attention and cling to fame.

      George, a social media influencer, has been losing followers and is desperate for recognition. He goes to great lengths, including waiting in lobbies and taking fake photos, to gain attention from fans. This behavior stems from an addiction to validation from his audience and a need for constant affirmation. Despite having a loving family, George seems unable to resist the allure of social media fame. This obsession with clout and recognition can be compared to being a guard at a palace, where people take photos with the guard instead of the actual celebrity. The discussion also reveals the speakers' own complex relationship with social media and the desire for validation it can bring.

    • Speaker's concern for George's privacy and potential negative attentionDespite the speakers' sometimes crude and insensitive interactions, their deep connection to each other is evident as they openly express their feelings about George's podcast success and their own complex relationship.

      The discussion revolved around the speaker's desire to see a fan's photo of George, but expressed concerns about the potential negative attention and impact it could have on him. George denied the authenticity of the attention, and the speaker jokingly suggested that he would be working at CVS if not for his podcast production work. The conversation then turned to a comparison of George to others, with the speaker expressing conflicting feelings towards him and others on the podcast. The speaker also made derogatory comments about George's perceived privilege and lack of athletic ability, drawing comparisons to Hitler and a hypothetical kickball team. Despite the speaker's mean-spirited comments, it's clear that there is a complex dynamic between the speakers, and they have a deep connection to each other, with both expressing their feelings openly, albeit in a sometimes crude and insensitive manner. The conversation ultimately reveals the speakers' deep investment in their podcast and their strong, albeit complicated, relationship.

    • Exploring social media, alligators, and online therapyThrough playful banter and shared interests, speakers found joy in discussing social media, learned new facts about alligators, and shared positive experiences with online therapy.

      During a conversation, the speakers discussed various topics including social media, alligators in the Philippines, and online therapy. They joked about unlikeing photos on social media and even tried to outdo each other with trivia about alligator attacks in the Philippines. They also shared their experiences with BetterHelp, an online therapy service, expressing their satisfaction with its convenience and effectiveness. Despite the seemingly unrelated topics, the conversation showcased the speakers' playful banter and their shared interests. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of finding joy in everyday life and utilizing resources like BetterHelp to improve mental health.

    • Simple and cost-effective solutions for everyday tasksThe Hello Tushy bidet attachment saves 80% on toilet paper and is easy to install, while the Anchor app allows anyone to create and monetize a podcast from their phone or computer.

      The Hello Tushy bidet attachment is a simple and cost-effective solution for maintaining cleanliness and reducing toilet paper usage. This attachment can be easily attached to an existing toilet without the need for electricity or extra plumbing. It also saves users 80% on toilet paper, making it a worthwhile investment that pays for itself in a few months. The Anchor app, on the other hand, is a free and convenient way to create and distribute a podcast from a phone or computer. It's an all-in-one platform that allows users to record, edit, and monetize their podcast without the need for additional tools or minimum listenership. Overall, both the Hello Tushy bidet and Anchor app offer practical and efficient solutions to common problems, making everyday tasks easier and more cost-effective.

    • Speakers felt miscast on Sex and the CitySpeakers shared their experiences of not fitting the 'hot guy' stereotype on Sex and the City and their deep connection to the show despite not being directly involved.

      Despite their attempts to be cast in a love scene on Sex and the City, the speakers felt they didn't fit the bill due to their appearance and assumed sexual orientation. They joked about being asexual or gay characters instead, but ultimately recognized they weren't meant to be the "hot guys" on the show. They discussed their identification with various characters, with one assuming he was the star of the show, and another revealing a personal story about an actress on the show. The conversation showcased their playful banter and their deep connection to the show, despite not being directly involved in it.

    • Assumptions can be misleadingDon't jump to conclusions, give people the benefit of the doubt, and stay professional during unexpected twists in auditions.

      First impressions can be misleading. In the story, the speaker assumed the man was a fan of the fictional band on his shirt, but he was actually clueless about it. The man went on to ask about the members' names, leading the speaker to realize he wasn't a fan at all. This experience highlights the importance of not jumping to conclusions based on initial assumptions and giving people the benefit of the doubt. Additionally, the anecdote showcases the unexpected twists and turns that can occur during auditions and the importance of staying professional and learning from mistakes.

    • Lessons from acting mistakesMistakes are inevitable, even for pros. Don't let small errors define you, focus on being nice and professional.

      Everyone, regardless of their level of experience or fame, makes mistakes. During an audition for "Sex and the City," the speaker, who was a novice actor at the time, was given advice by Kim Cattrall's character that he would become a big star. After the interaction, the speaker shared a funny story about his experience on "The Office," where he improvised during a scene with John Krasinski, only to use the wrong hand and hit the wheel instead of his co-star's hand. Despite feeling embarrassed and fearing the consequences, the speaker learned that people don't care about small mistakes as long as you're nice and professional. This lesson applies to all aspects of life, including acting and other careers. Mistakes are a natural part of the learning process, and it's important to remember that everyone experiences them.

    • Enhancing everyday life with HelloFresh and CoinbaseHelloFresh delivers home-cooked meals with ease and variety, catering to various dietary needs. Coinbase simplifies crypto trading, providing a secure platform for beginners and experts alike.

      Both HelloFresh and Coinbase offer accessible and user-friendly solutions to enhance everyday life. For HelloFresh, it's about delivering delicious meals right to your doorstep, even for those with physical limitations. With vegetarian, calorie-smart, and gourmet options, everyone can enjoy a home-cooked meal without the hassle of grocery shopping or excess food waste. Meanwhile, Coinbase simplifies the process of entering the world of cryptocurrency, making it accessible to the crypto-curious and experienced traders alike. By offering a secure and trusted platform, Coinbase empowers users to diversify their financial portfolios and explore the crypto market with confidence.

    • Assumptions can lead to misunderstandings and missed opportunitiesDon't judge people based on appearances or stereotypes. Take the time to get to know them for who they truly are.

      Assumptions can lead to misunderstandings and missed opportunities. During a conversation, the speakers discussed their experiences with being underestimated based on their ethnicity and backgrounds. They shared stories of being assumed to be less skilled or less successful due to stereotypes. For instance, Chili Chill was assumed to be less talented at breakdancing because he was overweight and not Korean or black. Similarly, Chili was assumed to be unsuccessful when he bragged about selling out small comedy clubs, not realizing that Josh Groban was a famous singer. These experiences highlight the importance of not making assumptions based on appearances or stereotypes and instead, taking the time to get to know people for who they truly are.

    • Learning from past experiences and engaging in conversationsReflect on past experiences, engage in conversations, and help others improve by contributing unexpected topics or questions.

      Everyone has experiences they wish they could go back and change, but these moments shape who we are. Bobby Lee shared stories of awkward social encounters and regretted interactions, which Ruud related to. They discussed how to help Juliana, a new podcaster, improve by requiring her to contribute to the conversation with three unexpected topics or questions per episode. They also joked about Juliana's upcoming TED talk on One Direction and quizzed each other on the band's members and albums. Despite some confusion and misunderstandings, they continued the conversation, demonstrating the importance of engagement and involvement in any situation.

    • One Direction's Unique Quirks and FearsDespite not winning X Factor, One Direction's shared experience and unique quirks led to global success. Human fears come in all shapes and sizes, from carrots and spoons to being buried alive.

      The band One Direction, despite not winning on X Factor, was given a chance by Simon Cowell and went on to become globally successful. A key aspect of their bond is the shared experience of being in the same band, but they each have unique quirks and fears. For instance, Louie has a preference for carrots and a strange attraction to girls who eat them. Liam has a phobia of spoons, a fear known as opsonophobia. The discussion also touched on other irrational fears, such as agriophobia, the fear of silverware, and hydrophobia, the fear of water. The conversation took an unexpected turn when one of the speakers shared a fear of being buried alive, leading to a detailed and morbid discussion on the topic. While the conversation was light-hearted in tone, it highlighted the diverse range of human fears and the lengths one might go to escape them.

    • Japanese occupation: Brutal methods of inflicting pain and deathThe Japanese occupation of Korea revealed the capacity for human cruelty through methods like boiling people alive, and understanding history's atrocities is crucial.

      People have faced unimaginable suffering and cruelty throughout history. The discussion revolved around the Japanese occupation of Korea and the brutal methods they used to inflict pain and death upon their victims. One such method was boiling people alive in large pots of water. Although this is a horrifying concept, it serves as a reminder of the capacity for human cruelty. Another topic touched upon was the fear of death and the different ways people might react to it. Some might choose to wait it out, while others might try to escape or fight. Ultimately, the discussion highlighted the importance of understanding history and the atrocities committed in the name of power and control. It also showed how people's reactions to fear and death can vary greatly.

    • Morbid Discussion on Torture and Burial MethodsDespite discussing a dark topic, the speakers found humor and attempted to improve their interactions, reflecting on the unpredictability of truth and the importance of following interesting individuals.

      The speakers in this conversation have had an unusual and morbid discussion about various methods of torture and burial, including rat infestation and drowning in boiling water. They also reflect on the unpredictability of truth and the importance of contributing to conversations. Despite the dark topic, they attempt to find humor in the situation and consider ways to improve their interactions. The conversation also touches upon the idea that sometimes people make up things that turn out to be true and the value of following interesting individuals on social media. However, they eventually decide to move on from the morbid topic and discuss something else. The conversation showcases the speakers' unique dynamic and their ability to find humor in unexpected places.

    • Sharing experiences of insecurities during teenage years and encounters with celebritiesDiscussing their past insecurities and encounters with celebrities, the speakers reflect on how these experiences have shaped their perspectives and connected them with a larger audience.

      The conversation between the speakers revolved around their shared love for teen movies and their past insecurities during their teenage years. They reminisced about their own experiences of feeling uncomfortable in their skin and envying those who were considered attractive. The speakers also shared stories of their encounters with celebrities and their reactions to recognition from strangers. The conversation also touched upon the idea of doing reality TV shows and the potential benefits and drawbacks that come with it. Ultimately, they acknowledged that these experiences and the recognition that comes with them can broaden one's horizons and connect with a larger audience.

    • Hollywood vs. Midwest Stereotypes ChallengedDespite perceived differences between Hollywood and the Midwest, people's experiences and realities can challenge stereotypes, with both areas having high property values and income inequality in the entertainment industry.

      The perception of Hollywood and the Midwest is vastly different, with Hollywood representing wealth, fame, and luxury, while the Midwest is seen as more down-to-earth and ordinary. However, the speakers in the conversation discovered that they all lived in areas with high property values, and the distinction between Hollywood and the Midwest wasn't as clear-cut as they initially thought. Additionally, they discussed the role of producers and the exorbitant prices in the real estate market in Hollywood, highlighting the stark income inequality in the industry. Ultimately, the conversation revealed that the labels of Hollywood and the Midwest can be limiting and that people's experiences and realities can defy these stereotypes.

    • Who's More Hollywood? Bobby or Griffin?Friends Bobby and Griffin argue about who's more 'Hollywood', with Bobby believing his possessions and connections make him more so, and Griffin arguing Bobby's lack of social skills makes him less. The conversation escalates, but ultimately reveals their unique qualities and the strength of their friendship.

      The conversation between Bobby and Griffin revolved around arguing about who is more "Hollywood" between the two of them. Bobby believed he was more Hollywood due to his possession of nice things and connections, while Griffin argued that Bobby's lack of social skills and inability to make friends made him less Hollywood. The argument escalated, and they decided to call various people to settle the score. The conversation showcases the dynamic between the two friends and their tendency to argue and exaggerate. Ultimately, the conversation reveals that both Bobby and Griffin have their unique qualities and insecurities, and their friendship is based on their honesty and willingness to challenge each other.

    • Whitney and Bobby's failed collaborations and comedic chemistryDespite their unsuccessful attempts to collaborate, Whitney and Bobby showcased their comedic chemistry through humor and teasing.

      Whitney Cummings and Bobby Lee had a humorous and unsuccessful attempt to collaborate on various projects, with each expressing their frustration and disappointment over the lack of opportunities. Despite their failed attempts, they continued to joke and tease each other, showcasing their comedic chemistry. The conversation also touched upon their backgrounds and personal traits, with Whitney being described as wealthy and active, while Bobby was labeled as Hollywood material by Andrew Santino. The exchange ended with them making light-hearted plans to attend Bobby's 50th birthday party. Overall, their conversation showcased their unique comedic styles and their ability to find humor in their professional setbacks.

    • Kyle's Excitement for Robert E Lee's Birthday PartyKyle proposes a quirky charitable idea for the party and shares his unique personality traits, looking forward to meeting attendees.

      Kyle is submitting a video to be invited to Robert E Lee's 50th birthday party and expresses his excitement to meet the attendees. He shares some quirky personality traits, such as drinking water while urinating and a preference for trial and error. Kyle suggests a charitable idea for the party, where donations lower a person named George into a boiling pot of water. The conversation gets sidetracked with banter about Hollywood and golf, and eventually, Ashton and his fiancée are introduced, expressing their eagerness to attend the party to socialize with the group.

    • Appreciation and Friendship Drive a Hollywood-Themed Podcast EventA fan's deep appreciation for a comedian's work and their friendship drives them to organize a Hollywood-themed podcast recording as a birthday gift.

      The fan's deep appreciation for the comedian's work and the comedian's ability to provide stress relief through their content is a strong reason to attend an event. Additionally, the fan's desire to make the comedian's birthday special by organizing a Hollywood-themed podcast recording is a testament to their admiration and friendship. The fan's playful banter with the comedian about who is more Hollywood between two friends, Andrew and Bobby Lee, showcases the comfortable and authentic nature of their friendship. Despite the joking nature of the conversation, the fan's genuine admiration and love for the comedian are evident throughout the interaction.

    Recent Episodes from Bad Friends

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    A Little Chit Chat
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    en-usJune 17, 2024

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    McKone's Granny Hates Bobby
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    en-usJune 10, 2024

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    en-usJune 07, 2024

    Life Of Poon

    Life Of Poon
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    en-usJune 03, 2024

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    en-usMay 31, 2024

    Andrew's Airplane Emergency

    Andrew's Airplane Emergency
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    Bad Friends
    en-usMay 27, 2024

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    Bruce Wawrzyniak has been podcasting every week since February 2014. He hosts "Now Hear This Entertainment," one of the top two percent most popular shows out of more than 2.8 million podcasts globally, having gotten listeners from 161 countries around the world. He speaks at podcasting (and other) events across the country.  Also a publicist to performers (music industry), authors, and entrepreneurs. Previously he worked in the Olympic Movement and for a National Hockey League team.

    Episode Links:
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    Joey Pinz Conversations Podcast Information:
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    Nearly two years after a 45 year old man and a teenage Tik Tok star met up in LA, we have reached our 100th episode of BFFs. Like the first episode we are without Bri, but unlike the first episode she missed the pod as she is filming a video with Mr. Beast. We start with headlines of Dixie and Noah having broken up in the past (but are now back together), Dave not being happy with her keeping that from him, Josh calling Dixie to see what’s up, and internet issues derail the pod. We pick back up with Nessa and Jaden seemingly on good terms and them potentially performing together next month, Josh deleting posts that had to do with Nessa, Josh’s mom untagging her from a family photo, and where Josh and Nessa stand today. We finish up headlines with Hailey Bieber’s appearance on Call Her Daddy and her talking about Selena Gomez publicly for the first time, Taylor Swift and Drake allegedly having a Kanye diss track, Dream revealing his face and nearly breaking the internet (and Dave also learns what minecraft is), Kim Kardashian getting busted in a crypto scam, Mr. Beast being offered $1,000,000,000 for his YouTube channel, Tom Hanks saying he only had “four pretty good movies”, Antonio going crazy in a public pool, Dua Lipa and Trevor Noah potentially dating, and Bella Hadid rocking a painted on dress. We then get into the interview everyone has been waiting for: Charli and Dixie D’Amelio. We talk about everything from why it took so long for Charli to come on the pod, her being the genesis for the start of the show, her relationship with Landon Barker and the drama it started with Lil Huddy, where Dixie is at with Noah Beck now, and finish with a game of “Celebrity Word Association” where Dixie and Charli have to give their feelings on every single influencer that you would want to know their opinions on. Support Our Sponsors! Raising Canes: Get your Cane’s fix fast by ordering through their app or online at https://www.raisingcanes.com Takis: Try Takis and face the intensity!

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/bffspod

    Tracey Carnazzo is #blessed

    Tracey Carnazzo is #blessed

    This week on Barely Famous, Kail talks to comedian and fellow podcaster, Tracey Carnazzo. Kail and Tracey discuss keeping friendship and business separate, as well as the nuances between secrets and gossip. Tracey shares her love of self-tanner, including the latest tantouring trend, and introduces Kail to the 'Girthmaster.' They also discuss Teen Mom: Family Reunion Season 3 and brainstorm ways to improve the Teen Mom franchise

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