
    CJ is A Bad Neighbor, Micah’s Missed Flight, & Legendary Dually Ranger

    en-usJune 27, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Henry Ford's unexpected dream encounter and giveawayDiscussed merchandise giveaway, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Bumble's new features, Snagajob's hiring solutions, and a controversial submarine tragedy. Giveaway offers triple chance to win a CRF 10 bike.

      The hosts had an unexpected encounter with Henry Ford in a dream, and discussed various topics including a merchandise giveaway, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Bumble's new features, Snagajob's hiring solutions, and a controversial submarine tragedy. The hosts also shared a past joke about making a submarine and the unexpected connection to the recent event. The giveaway offers a triple chance to win a CRF 10 bike by spending $5 on the website. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups were promoted as the perfect combination of peanut butter and chocolate, despite scientists' inability to reach a conclusive study due to their consumption. Bumble introduced new features to improve dating compatibility and safety. Snagajob was presented as a comprehensive solution for hiring hourly workers with ease. The hosts expressed their thoughts on the submarine tragedy, acknowledging the loss of life and the public's harsh reaction towards the billionaire involved. The hosts also shared a past joke about making a submarine, which eerily connected to the recent event.

    • Exploring the Deep Sea: Fear and UncertaintiesExploring the deep sea and climbing mountains come with inherent risks and uncertainties, requiring careful planning, advanced technology, and a willingness to face potential dangers.

      The deep sea and its exploration is a complex and challenging endeavor, filled with uncertainties and potential dangers. The discussion revolved around the Titanic expedition and the risks involved, with the speakers expressing their fear of the ocean and their reluctance to go deep-sea diving. The speakers also shared a story about a father-son duo who embarked on various adventures together, including a journey to the Titanic, which seemed less risky compared to their previous exploits. However, the speakers acknowledged that even in this case, there were concerns about safety and potential cut corners taken by the company. The conversation also touched upon the topic of climbing Mount Everest and the advancements in technology that have made it more accessible to a larger number of people. Overall, the conversation highlighted the risks and challenges associated with exploring the depths of the ocean and the heights of mountains.

    • Preference for Experiencing NaturePeople have various ways to connect with nature, from roughing it out in the wilderness to using machines, reflecting individual preferences and comfort levels.

      People have different preferences when it comes to experiencing nature. Some enjoy the challenge and simplicity of hiking and camping, while others prefer the convenience and speed of using machines like dirt bikes or snowmobiles. The speaker in this conversation shared his experience of being uncomfortable sleeping in just his underwear during camping trips and his aversion to unpredictable mountain conditions. He contrasted this with a friend's dedication to mountaineering and extreme expeditions. The conversation also touched on the importance of proper gear and planning for outdoor activities. Ultimately, it highlights the diversity of experiences and preferences in appreciating the natural world.

    • Unexpected twists and turns in life and at concertsBe prepared for life's unpredictability, embrace unexpected twists, and remember the importance of being prepared for any situation.

      Life can be unpredictable and sometimes harsh, whether it's dealing with extreme weather conditions or the unexpected twists and turns that come our way. During a concert at Red Rocks, attendees were left stranded outside in the rain with no umbrellas allowed, causing frustration and anger towards the venue. Meanwhile, a billionaire's son was found at a Blink 182 concert during a search for his missing father, sparking jokes about entitlement and a lack of reality. The conversation also touched on the dangers of ill-prepared ventures, such as attempting to explore the depths of the ocean in a makeshift submarine. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of being prepared for the unexpected and embracing the unexpected twists and turns that life throws our way. Additionally, the group shared a humorous story about discovering a storage unit filled with hoarded items, showcasing the quirks and surprises that can come with friendship and shared experiences.

    • Finding a Pet-Friendly Home or Improving an Existing OneFrom locating pet-friendly rentals with Apartments.com to hiring home professionals through Angi, resources are readily available to help simplify the process of finding a new home or upgrading an existing one.

      Having a pet as a roommate can be a great solution for those seeking a reliable and low-maintenance living companion. Apartments.com, with its extensive pet-friendly rental listings, instant alerts, and user-friendly features, aims to make the process of finding a new home less stressful. Angi, on the other hand, offers a helping hand for homeowners and renters alike, connecting them with skilled professionals to tackle any home project, big or small. While some may find value in discarded items and sell them online or to junkyard owners, others may prefer a more deliberate approach to decluttering and upgrading their living spaces. Ultimately, whether it's finding a new home or improving an existing one, there are resources available to simplify the process and help turn visions into reality.

    • Why People Keep Strange Things in Storage UnitsPeople store various items in storage units, some valuable and some not, and dealing with the clutter and unexpected finds can be challenging.

      People keep junk in storage units, even if they're not in financial trouble, and it's often a mystery as to why they store certain items. During an adventure to clear out a storage unit, the group discovered a variety of items, some valuable and some not, and they joked about planting something exciting in the unit but couldn't come up with a good idea. They found some of Evan's belongings there, which he had been cleaning out, and they considered filling Mike's office with the stuff as a prank but decided against it. When they encountered a hoarder's apartment, they were amazed by the extent of the clutter and the challenges of clearing it out. Overall, the experience highlighted the unexpected and often strange things people keep in storage units and the challenges of dealing with them.

    • Neighborhood conditions impact experiences and relationshipsThe quality of our surroundings and interactions with neighbors can greatly influence our lives and relationships. Strive for peace and understanding in our communities.

      The condition of one's neighborhood can greatly impact their experiences and relationships with their neighbors. The speaker shared a story about a friend's house that had fallen into disrepair and became a magnet for vandals and undesirable elements. The contrast between the nice houses in the area and the neglected one was stark, leading to a sense of unease and animosity between the neighbors. The situation escalated when the speaker declined to buy a phone book from a neighbor, leading to a strained relationship. The experience serves as a reminder that the quality of our surroundings and interactions with our neighbors can greatly influence our lives and relationships. It's important to strive for peace and understanding in our communities, even when faced with challenges or misunderstandings.

    • Clear communication prevents misunderstandingsEffective communication can prevent misunderstandings and build positive neighbor relationships. Be aware of community practices and contribute to shared expenses.

      Communication is crucial in maintaining good neighbor relations. In the discussion, a neighbor declined to have his name included in the community directory, causing misunderstandings and feelings of exclusion. The neighbor didn't realize that the omission could potentially lead to unwanted attention and potential leakage of contact information. The situation could have been avoided with clear and timely communication. The incident also highlights the importance of being aware of community practices and contributing to shared expenses, such as phone books or fireworks, to build positive relationships. Misunderstandings and past conflicts, like the bird shooting incident, can also impact neighbor relations and should be addressed openly and honestly.

    • Childhood Mischief and Neighbor DisputesStanding up for beliefs and having fun during childhood can lead to confrontations, but it's essential to learn from experiences and ensure reasonable limits for holiday activities.

      Childhood mischief and disagreements with neighbors can escalate into more serious situations. The speaker and his friend, as young children, engaged in activities like shooting BB guns and setting off fireworks, which upset their neighbor. One Fourth of July, a fireworks dispute led to a confrontation between the speaker and the neighbor, resulting in the speaker retaliating by shooting fireworks over the neighbor's house. The neighbor reported the incident to the speaker's father, who supported the speaker's actions. The speaker had to apologize to the neighbor, but the experience taught him that sometimes, it's important to stand up for what he believes in, even if it means facing confrontation. The incident also highlights the importance of allowing children to enjoy holidays and have fun within reasonable limits. Snagajob, with its access to a large pool of hourly workers, can help businesses find employees to keep operations running smoothly, ensuring a talent pool is available for various positions.

    • Memories of Fireworks and Their CostsFireworks bring excitement and joy but come with a significant cost, including financial expense and potential danger. In 2022, $2.3 billion was spent on 4th of July fireworks in the US, and the speaker shares memories of using them creatively but with risks.

      Fireworks bring joy and excitement, but they come with a significant cost. The speaker shares his memories of using fireworks in creative ways, but acknowledges the expense and potential danger. He wonders about the total amount of money spent on fireworks worldwide each year and shares that in 2022, $2.3 billion was spent on 4th of July fireworks in the US alone. Despite the cost, the speaker expresses a fondness for the loud, explosive fireworks and shares memories of using them to blow up various objects, including a jet ski and garbage cans. However, these actions came with risks and potential damage. Overall, the speaker reflects on the unique experience and enjoyment that fireworks bring, despite the costs and potential dangers.

    • Reminiscing Past Firework Experiences and RisksFriends shared stories of past firework incidents, joked about restarting, but acknowledged potential dangers and consequences.

      The group of friends used to enjoy setting off fireworks but have since stopped due to past incidents involving fires and accidents. They reminisced about their past experiences with fireworks, including a Jeep Explorer that caught fire and a dishwasher explosion. They joked about potentially starting up again, but acknowledged the risks and potential consequences. They also shared stories from their personal social media accounts, showcasing their sense of humor and adventurous spirit. However, they were cautious about the potential dangers and the consequences of getting caught with fireworks, such as being pulled aside at the airport for testing. Despite the risks, they continued to appreciate the excitement and joy that fireworks bring and joked about possibly setting off a small show for Snapchat.

    • Unexpected challenges at airport security checksForgetting essential items like IDs or heavy loads can lead to anxiety and stress during airport security checks, but some people remain calm and focus on making their flights on time.

      Traveling can bring unexpected challenges, even at the airport security checkpoints. A man shared his experience of forgetting about a heavy load of Gatorades in his backpack during a TSA check, leading to confusion and embarrassment. He also recalled a time when he forgot his ID at the bank before a trip to Vegas, causing him to miss his flight. These incidents highlight the anxiety and concerns that come with traveling, as one never knows what might be forgotten or misplaced. Despite these incidents, some people, like the speaker, don't worry about being stopped at security checks and prefer focusing on making their flights on time. Overall, traveling involves a mix of excitement and stress, and unexpected events can occur, making it an adventure.

    • Importance of being prepared and having TSA PreCheckPreparedness and TSA PreCheck can save time and reduce stress during travel by expediting security checks and avoiding missed connections

      Being prepared and having TSA PreCheck can make a significant difference in the flying experience. The speaker shared an experience where they made it on a flight just in time after being kicked off earlier, highlighting the ease and convenience of going through security with TSA PreCheck. They also recalled a past incident where they missed a connecting flight due to following others unknowingly, leading to a long line and near miss. These experiences emphasize the importance of being aware of one's surroundings, being prepared, and utilizing TSA PreCheck to save time and reduce stress during travel.

    • Miscommunication at the airport leads to missed connectionsClear communication and awareness are essential when traveling in a group to avoid misunderstandings and ensure a smooth experience.

      Effective communication and awareness are crucial when traveling in a group. The speaker shared an experience where they missed connecting with their friends at the airport due to a misunderstanding about their whereabouts. They assumed their friends were at the same gate as them, but they were actually at a different one. This miscommunication led to confusion and missed connections. The speaker also mentioned how Ken, a member of their group, is particularly efficient and focused when traveling, and they trust him to navigate the airport efficiently. This incident highlights the importance of clear communication, staying aware of your surroundings, and trusting each other to ensure a smooth travel experience.

    • Maximizing savings and streamlining processes through specialized expertiseDedicating a specialist to optimize travel planning and credit card usage can lead to significant savings and perks, allowing individuals to focus on enjoying experiences.

      Having a dedicated specialist, like Kenny, who obsesses over a specific area, such as travel planning and credit card optimization, can significantly benefit an individual or business by maximizing savings and streamlining processes. Despite some personal challenges, Kenny's expertise has resulted in free or discounted flights and hotels for the individuals in the discussion, as well as increased points and benefits through strategic credit card usage. This allows them to enjoy perks like a new boat in Turian without worrying about the logistical details. Additionally, embracing new tools and technologies, such as YouTube shorts, can expand reach and attract new audiences.

    • Unexpected success despite hate commentsModifying a Ford Ranger to pull a smaller load led to 9 million views and continued upgrades despite negative feedback.

      Going viral on social media comes with both love and hate comments. When a post starts gaining attention, fans are quick to defend it against haters. The haters usually appear when the content reaches a wider audience, and their comments can outnumber the positive ones. However, the creators' original intention and creativity are essential for the content's success. In this specific case, a simple modification to a Ford Ranger led to 9 million views and a wave of both love and hate comments. The creators' decision to adapt the truck to pull a smaller load instead of the intended heavy load resulted in unexpected success. Even though Henry Ford himself appeared in a dream to endorse their efforts, the creators plan to upgrade the truck further with a 4x4 system and a Cummins or Duramax diesel engine. Despite the negativity, the creators remain committed to their project and believe that they're bringing the 1999 Ford Ranger back to its former glory.

    • Unconventional marketing and calculated risksTaking risks and implementing unorthodox ideas can lead to significant benefits for companies, such as increased success and a larger talent pool through platforms like Snagajob.

      Unconventional marketing methods and taking calculated risks can lead to significant benefits for companies. The speakers in the discussion shared an example of a daring marketing stunt that could have resulted in a boat crash, but instead resulted in a tenfold increase in success for the company. They emphasized the importance of not overthinking and trusting the execution of unorthodox ideas. Snagajob was mentioned as a solution for businesses looking to hire high-quality hourly workers, providing a deep talent pool and an easy-to-use platform to help fill available positions quickly. The overall message is that taking risks and thinking outside the box can lead to great rewards.

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    Alice Morrison, is a Scottish Adventurer, currently based in Morocco. After a childhood spent running around the African Bush, she was sent to boarding school in Edinburgh where she learned Latin but no decorum. She studied Arabic and Turkish at University which has led to a long love affair with the Middle East. 

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    Show notes

    • Who is Alice, her background and how she got into adventure
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    • The hazards of speaking a foreign language
    • Her career path and following a normal path
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    • The Tour D'Afrique is the longest bike race on earth (12,000 kilometres from Cairo to Cape Town)
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    • Day to day life on the road and how the tour worked
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    • Corporate sponsors - Craghopper and NTT Data UK
    • Not having a typical day or week at work
    • What’s been happening since November 2018
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    • The magical moments on the race
    • Not having much of a break before heading of on another adventure
    • Walking the length of the River Darr in Morocco (1,200km from the start to the sea at Tan Tan)
    • Her new book! My 1001 Nights
    • What’s next?!
    • Quick Fire Questions
    • Final words of advice 

    Social Media

    New Book just out! My 1001 Nights


    Website : www.alicemorrison.co.uk  

    Twitter: @aliceoutthere1

    Instagram: @aliceoutthere1                           

    Facebook: @AliceHunterMorrisonAdventures

    #Breedinum Radio Week 1

    #Breedinum Radio Week 1

    Welcome to the 1st week of #Breedinum radio with Pertnear Outdoors. We are going to continue bringing stories and strategy to you from around NYS and the North East. If you would like to participate, make sure to tag #breedinum on Instagram and we will share your post with the Pertnear Community. If you would like to join us on the weekly show, reach out to us on IG.

    Good Luck and Shoot straight #Breedinum #Feedinum #pertnearprostaff

    Strange Music: Doug McCarty

    Strange Music: Doug McCarty

    In 1972, barely out of high school, Doug McCarty and Brian Leo completed the first winter ascent of the North Face of 12,799-foot Granite Peak—only to endure an icy bivy on the remote summit. In this episode, McCarty reads the story he wrote for Issue 63 of Alpinist magazine, in which he recalls the ghostly "strange music" that helped him survive more than four decades ago.