
    Clearing Up “The Rush Limbaugh Replacement” Confusion (Ep 1531)

    enMay 28, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Dan Bongino clarifies he's not replacing Rush LimbaughDespite media reports, Dan Bongino is not replacing Rush Limbaugh. He addressed the confusion, promised clarity, and announced a live radio program instead of a podcast on Monday. He also endorsed ExpressVPN as the best VPN and mentioned a contentious issue turnaround plan and a YouTube censorship test study.

      Dan Bongino clarified on his show that he is not replacing Rush Limbaugh, despite media reports suggesting otherwise. He received an overwhelming number of messages expressing confusion about the matter. Bongino assured his listeners that there is no truth to the rumors and promised to explain the situation clearly. He also announced that there will be no podcast on Monday but a live radio program instead. Additionally, Bongino promoted ExpressVPN as the best VPN provider in the market, emphasizing its data security, speed, and ease of use. He encouraged his listeners to protect their internet with the VPN he trusts. Finally, he mentioned a plan for turning the tide on a contentious issue and a new study about masks that will serve as a censorship test for YouTube.

    • Radio industry dynamicsRadio stations carry multiple shows to cater to diverse audiences, not directly replacing each other

      The radio industry works differently than many people realize. Rush Limbaugh was such a dominant figure in radio that even stations not directly affiliated with his syndicator carried his show to maintain their audience. Dan Bongino and Clay Travis are now hosting shows on the same time slots on some of those stations where Rush Limbaugh used to be, but it doesn't mean they're directly replacing him. Instead, Rush's show was carried by a different syndicator, and the stations carrying Dan and Clay decided to keep both shows to cater to their audiences. It's a complex industry dynamic that many media reporters and the public may not fully understand.

    • Dan Bongino's Radio Show Thriving Despite Media ConfusionDespite media reports, Dan Bongino's radio show is not canceled and is experiencing growth on various stations under Cumulus and Westwood One. Listeners are urged to oppose the nomination of David Chipman for ATF director, who wants to restrict gun rights.

      Dan Bongino's radio show, despite some confusion in the media, is not canceled and is in fact thriving on various stations under Cumulus and Westwood One. The launch of the show saw significant growth in website traffic, radio streams, social media engagement, and call volume, with over 659 million media impressions. Bongino clarified that he does not work for Premiere, which carried Rush Limbaugh, and that Westwood One won the bid for his show due to his popularity. The media has blown the story out of proportion, and Bongino urged listeners not to be confused by the different entities involved. Most importantly, Bongino urged listeners to take action against the nomination of David Chipman for ATF director, who is known for his anti-gun views and wants to ban certain weapons. Freedom to choose the weapon of one's choice for self-defense is a constitutional right, and Bongino urged listeners to stand up for their rights and oppose Chipman's nomination.

    • ATF Nominee Unable to Define 'Assault Weapon'The ATF nominee's inability to define 'assault weapon' raises concerns about his leadership ability and the effectiveness of potential gun control laws due to ambiguity and confusion.

      During a Senate hearing, the ATF nominee for director, David Chipman, was unable to provide a clear definition of what he considers an "assault weapon." This lack of definition is significant because once a definition is given, anything that doesn't fit that description falls outside the proposed ban. Chipman's inability to answer the question raises concerns about his ability to lead the ATF and enforce gun control laws effectively. Furthermore, it was pointed out in the discussion that liberals often avoid defining assault weapons for this very reason. They want to ban a broad category of weapons without having to specify which ones, allowing them to ban a larger number of firearms. This ambiguity can lead to confusion and uncertainty, making it difficult for gun owners and law enforcement to understand what is and isn't banned.

    • Contact Senators to Oppose Chipman NominationUrgent action needed to contact senators in swing states to oppose Chipman's nomination for ATF director. Long-term strategies also essential to counter liberal agenda.

      Urgent action is required to contact senators and express opposition to the nomination of David Chipman for ATF director. This is crucial in swing states like Arizona and West Virginia, where senators like Kirsten Sinema and Joe Manchin hold significant influence. While this is a short-term plan, it's essential to also focus on long-term strategies. The left is known for thinking and acting both globally and long term, and we need to adopt similar tactics. The second part of the plan involves implementing a strategy to counter the liberal agenda, but more details on that will be shared soon. In the meantime, taking action today by contacting your senators is a simple yet impactful step towards preserving our values.

    • Moving to conservative states can shift political balanceRelocating to states like Florida, Texas, Georgia, and Louisiana from liberal ones can increase conservative votes, jobs, and intelligence, impacting the political landscape and potentially leading to landslide victories.

      According to the speaker, moving to states like Florida, Texas, Georgia, and Louisiana from liberal states can make a significant impact on the political landscape by increasing the number of conservative voters and shifting the balance of power in those states. Ron DeSantis, the Governor of Florida, acknowledged this trend during an interview on Hannity, where he noted that a large number of people moving to Florida from liberal states are not liberal themselves. The speaker encourages individuals who believe in liberty and freedom to consider relocating to these states, as their votes, jobs, and intelligence will have a greater impact there. He emphasizes that every election is essentially a series of state elections, and winning by a small margin in a state like Florida can equate to a landslide victory.

    • Considering redrawing state and local borders for political alignmentExploring border realignment for political control through state or local adjustments could impact U.S. power dynamics

      The political climate and demographic shifts may warrant consideration of redrawing state and local borders as a means to align with more conservative or liberal areas, as discussed in Michael Anton's article "Red Lines." This strategy could lead to long-term control of Congress and presidential elections by gaining more electoral votes in states with larger congressional delegations. While moving to a new state may be the easiest option, for those unable to do so, pushing for county secession or joining neighboring states is a less explored but precedented possibility. This strategy could potentially shift the political landscape and power dynamics in the United States.

    • Efficiently spreading conservative influenceBy strategically moving conservatives to states with larger electoral college votes and fewer representatives, they can build up their House of Reps count and electoral college votes, potentially leading to long-term electoral success.

      By moving conservatives to states with larger electoral college votes and fewer representatives, such as Texas and Florida, the conservative party can significantly increase their chances of winning presidential elections. This strategy, known as "move your county," allows conservatives to build up their House of Representatives count and electoral college votes while potentially wasting Democratic votes in liberal states. By letting Democrats win in their strongholds, conservatives can efficiently spread their resources and influence in other states, potentially leading to a long-term plan for electoral success. Additionally, the PowerXL air fryer grill is a multifunctional appliance that can replace eight kitchen appliances, save time, and cook healthier meals.

    • PowerXL Air Fryer Grill: A Versatile and High-Performing Kitchen ApplianceThe PowerXL Air Fryer Grill is a versatile and high-performing kitchen appliance with even heat distribution and dishwasher-safe accessories, currently offered with a money-back guarantee and exclusive discount for Bongino show listeners.

      The PowerXL Air Fryer Grill is a high-performing and versatile kitchen appliance with even heat distribution and a variety of dishwasher-safe accessories. It's currently offered with a money-back guarantee and exclusive discount for listeners of the Bongino show. The host also expressed admiration for Governor Ron DeSantis and his handling of the coronavirus situation, and mentioned a potential censorship test on YouTube for posting content questioning the science. The host also shared his personal budgeting and lifestyle choices, expressing his appreciation for affordable and effective cooking solutions. Overall, the PowerXL Air Fryer Grill was highlighted as a valuable investment for anyone looking to cook healthier meals at home with ease and convenience.

    • Study Questions Effectiveness of Mask MandatesA recent study contradicts the belief that mask mandates significantly slow COVID-19 spread, with potential downsides to prolonged use including facial alkalization, dehydration, and enhanced bacterial infection risk, among other issues.

      A recent study from the University of Louisville challenges the common belief that mask mandates effectively slow the spread of the coronavirus. The study, which used data from the CDC, found that mask mandates and use were not associated with lower COVID-19 growth rates. The study also noted potential downsides to prolonged mask use, including facial alkalization, dehydration, and enhanced bacterial infection risk. Masks have also been reported to cause headaches, sweating, and cognitive precision decrease. Furthermore, masks can interfere with social learning in children, distort speech, and remove visual cues for individuals with hearing loss. Despite these findings, censorship on platforms like YouTube may prevent the dissemination of such information. The study's inclusion of potential downsides to mask use goes against the narrative that masks are completely risk-free, and it's essential to consider all scientific evidence when making decisions about public health measures.

    • Speaker discusses concerns over censorship and mask mandatesSpeaker raises concerns about inconsistent mask mandates and potential risks, opposes censorship, and encourages individuals to make informed decisions based on available information

      During the discussion, the speaker expressed concerns about censorship on platforms like YouTube and the inconsistency of mask mandates. He noted that while masks were promoted as effective, there was limited evidence to support this claim and potential risks, such as increased dehydration. The speaker also mentioned his opposition to censorship and his ownership stake in Rumble, a competitor to YouTube. Additionally, he promoted a sponsor, Omaha Steaks, and discussed the importance of considering the costs and benefits of various actions, such as mask usage, in the context of past disease outbreaks. The speaker's overall message was that individuals should be free to make informed decisions based on available information and that censorship and inconsistent messaging can create confusion and hinder progress.

    • Understanding Calculated Decisions Amidst Economic UncertaintyPeople make decisions based on risk and reward analysis, even during uncertain economic times. Understanding the economic consequences of these decisions and the role of inflation is crucial.

      People make calculated decisions about risk and reward in their daily lives, even if it means potentially putting themselves in harm's way. This was a common behavior before the coronavirus era, but during that time, risk analysis was thrown out the window, leading to extreme measures like shutting down the economy. Similarly, with inflation, printing more money increases the cost of goods, and people are making decisions based on the cost-benefit analysis of their actions, whether it's traveling, eating bacon, or even staying home during flu season. The speaker argues that it's essential to understand the economic consequences of these decisions and the role of inflation as a monetary phenomenon.

    • Liberals may advocate for inflation to spend more moneyLiberals might favor inflation for easier spending, but it harms debt holders and can be downplayed by fact-checkers

      Liberals may advocate for inflation because it allows them to spend more money, both personally and through the government, without having to increase taxes or run up more debt. When inflation occurs, the value of money decreases, making debt easier to repay with less valuable currency. This can be detrimental to those who hold the debt, as they receive less value in return for their repayment. The speaker criticizes fact-checking websites like PolitiFact for downplaying the impact of inflation, especially during the current economic climate under President Biden.

    • The Threat of Inflation and Negative Interest RatesGovernments aim to decrease cash usage for easier borrowing and spending, but negative interest rates and inflation threaten the value of money and people's ability to save.

      The current high levels of spending and the anticipated era of negative interest rates are causing inflation, and governments want to decrease the use of cash to make borrowing and spending easier. High interest rates make money scarce, reducing inflation, but liberals prefer inflation as it allows them to borrow and spend more. Negative interest rates encourage spending and decrease the value of money, making it harder for people to save. The proposed digital dollar aims to decrease cash usage, further increasing the potential for negative interest rates and inflation. Clarence Thomas, a Supreme Court Justice, was praised for his handling of a TMZ encounter, demonstrating grace and humor. However, the underlying issue remains the threat of inflation to the value of money and people's ability to survive.

    • Acknowledging Late-Night Secret Service AgentsJustice Clarence Thomas showed respect towards Secret Service agents, even in the late hours, by acknowledging them with a 'good night'.

      Clarence Thomas, a former Supreme Court Justice, demonstrated exceptional respect and acknowledgment towards the Secret Service agents protecting him, even in the late hours. The story shared by the narrator, a former Secret Service agent, highlights how Thomas took the time to acknowledge them with a simple "good night," despite the agents' initial confusion due to the darkness and the belief that he might have been addressing someone else. This act of recognition and respect from Thomas underscores his character and humility, making it a meaningful and memorable experience for the narrator.

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