
    CLIENT SUCCESS STORIES: Making an Impact on the Next Generation with Megan Griffin

    enOctober 29, 2021

    About this Episode

    This week we’re celebrating our client success stories in a short mini series!


    Today we share the evolution of Megan Griffin, a volleyball coach and elite mindset coach for young female athletes. Megan has been working with Paula since April 2020 and is currently a member of Amplified Voices Mastery, a high touch high level program for ambitious female entrepreneurs. Megan began in direct sales before expanding into her own business where she can make a real impact on the lives of the young women she coaches. 


    Whilst working as a PE teacher and investing energy in her direct sales business, Megan found herself overworked, overwhelmed and not able to be present for her young family. She took the “I can work from anywhere” idea of her direct sales business too literally and found herself working everywhere instead! Whilst coaching volleyball, Megan began to see how damaging traditional coaching could be on the minds and future lives of her young women. She realized that mindset coaching was just as important as physical coaching but that it also set her players up for long term success in their lives long after they left the game.

    Other professionals began to notice the effects of Megan’s coaching on her players, they began to use their voice to ask questions, had higher resilience in the game and were more confident in their game and their lives. She has since been invited to coach NFL and CFL prospective athletes and has been chosen as a speaker at the South Carolina coaching conference.  


    Megan and Paula discuss:

    Applying for expert opportunities even if you’re scared

    Leaning into your strengths

    Using social media to support your business NOT as the backbone

    Teaching athletes to prioritize themselves

    Getting excited about the non-financial wins

    Finding success in the little things 

    Impacting your partners in the best way

    Stepping out of your comfort zone

    Connect with Megan:




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    Don’t forget to rate and review The Confidence Sessions and please subscribe if you like what you heard! 



    Ep36 Client Success Stories Megan

    Thu, 10/28 3:27PM • 38:32


    people, megan, coach, programme, business, working, life, mindset, coaching, athletes, nervous, job, started, clients, support, talk, months, messaged, volleyball, evolved


    Megan Griffin, Paula Shepherd


    Paula Shepherd  00:00

    This is the third client success story that I'm bringing you. I had Patti Collins, Mike, Dr. Misty Lee. Today I have Megan Gryphon, who is an athletic mindset coach for young female athletes. I want to just recap the story of Megan, because Megan and I have been working together since April of 2020. So right about when I started, there's been a huge evolution both in my own coaching and then through Megan's as well. So Megan started with me as a indirect sales in a leadership position. You had a fairly large team, right?


    Megan Griffin  00:44

    Hmm. Okay. Yeah, around like 100.


    Paula Shepherd  00:47

    Okay, so she had a fairly large team, she was indirect sales, and her ultimate goal was to get out of her job as a teacher, right? Sound familiar from Patty story getting out of your job as a teacher? But not because you didn't like teaching? Right? Why were you looking to get out of your job at that time.


    Megan Griffin  01:07

    Um, I was, I was having to coach multiple different things. And I was never around my kids. I was always gone. And I really liked having the kind of time freedom that went along with my direct sales business, and I didn't like being locked in somewhere.


    Paula Shepherd  01:26

    Yeah, I, I think that's for a lot of people, right? They, they don't know how to set the boundaries, they don't know how to set the standards for themselves. And that was for you to back then I know, you were this job, this side job, this direct sales job initially, that you were like, this is going to be the thing that gets me out of teaching was actually taking up more of your time, then probably your teaching job, because you were taking, you're taking literally the I can work from anywhere. And so you were like you were working from the beach, you were working from your car, yeah, anywhere that you could work you were working from. And so you know, the last time that I talked to you the last time that we talked live, and people got to hear your story, you had left your nine to five job. You started your athletic mindset, coaching business, which was kind of a fluke, because you had started with coaching volleyball, which you've done for a long time as a collegiate athlete, been involved in volleyball, but you didn't really want to do it. And we were able to switch up your mindset, your personal mindset on how you were actually making a difference and making it less about the physical and more about the mindset. And seeing how damaging traditional coaching had really been for such a long time. So here we are. And now you're part of my Magennis part of my amplified voice mastery programme, which is my high level 12 month programme. And this is a very high touch one on one and a curated community as well. I can't, I can't even squish this into a box like high value, high value one on one group, whatever. Um, and so in this amount of time, this has been since July, a couple of really big things have happened for you. And the first was an invitation to to coach some pretty amazing people. And I know you got ill and you weren't able to do it. But I'd love for you to share kind of what's happened for you since the last time we talked in that summer.


    Megan Griffin  03:42

    Yeah. So this summer, I will rolled in a coaching programme. And one of the well she's what the President or


    Paula Shepherd  03:54

    Yeah, so Dan Stevens, we did a feature here with Dez. Yes.


    Megan Griffin  03:58

    She had put out there in the group that she was needing mindset coaches to go down to or was in Orlando, and do mindset training with NFL prospect athletes. And I immediately messaged you, and was like, wow, I need to do this. I'm writing this lady back. And so I was invited to do it and I did end up having a sinus infection and I couldn't attend. It was very severe. But it was an honour to even be invited and thought of and because she had messaged me, she knew what I did and she seen my posting and everything on online and she invited me so you got


    Paula Shepherd  04:48

    it was NFL and CFL prospects that you were invited to go coach and it was sad that you got ill but you know sometimes, especially in these times, it was important for you to take some precautions but Just being asked is such an honour. And, you know, I, I wonder if you think about back even six months from then. Could you even imagine having that opportunity?


    Megan Griffin  05:14

    Oh, no. I mean, I started my mindset business in the end of December. So 2020 of 2020. Yeah. So this was July. And I was asked in June, there's no way I, in January would have ever thought I would have been even invited to do something like that. It was definitely an honour.


    Paula Shepherd  05:39

    So you and then and then, right, and then what comes next? What comes next is you actually at that point, were approached by someone else who was seeing what you were doing online, and came to you and said, there is a statewide conference? And I really think that you should put your name in the hat to be a featured expert.


    Megan Griffin  06:07

    Yeah. Yeah, one of the previous teachers that I taught with at a school here in South Carolina, had messaged me, and had been following what I've been saying online, and she was like, I really think you should see what happens, just everything you're doing is great, and you should share it with other people. So we did a proposal. And it was so exciting for the conference. And we, I submitted the proposal and then kind of forgot about it, honestly, I just was like, oh, send this in and see what happens. And it's how traditional coaching negatively affects athletes for a lifetime. And I had just forgot. And then all of a sudden, like, two months ago, I got an email that said, I was chosen to be a speaker at the South Carolina Conference, which is happening next month.


    Paula Shepherd  07:07

    It's so exciting. So this is an opportunity for you to meet people, these are your, your, the fate, like your favourite kind of clients, these are the people that you want to affect because they're actually going to affect change. So you get to use your voice to impact people in a way that maybe you're not going to be coaching these young women that they're working with, or young men that they're working with. But you get to at least get them to see that the way that things have been happening for a really long time, aren't actually serving these people that are actually more damaging. So I love the fact that you were so willing to do it, I remember you coming to me and saying, okay, they offered me this opportunity. And I don't know what to do with it, and then sent you the information. How did you feel about writing that proposal?


    Megan Griffin  07:57

    I was nervous, pretty nervous. I have, I have done other speaking obligations, but not about the mindset part. I've talked to my direct sales company that I'm in. I've done leadership trainings and things like that, but I've never had to present in front of this type of client or, you know, peers. And so I was very, very nervous. And I remember having it up there and it was uploaded. And I remember, okay, once I hit this button, it's like real life. And I was very nervous. And I hit submit. And I was like, Okay, here we go.


    Paula Shepherd  08:41

    Yeah. I mean, I remember writing that sitting with you. And you think, Okay, I'm not even really sure. And really just tapping into what you were actually doing and how you were supporting people. And so this was a not a just sign up for this thing. But it was a you actually got selected. So we wrote the proposal. You submitted it a couple of months later, I remember you messaging me on a Sunday night going, I know you don't look at this, but I really have to talk to you. And immediately I'm like, What's wrong, I don't normally look at my stuff. And you You told me that you had gotten in and how excited you were and how nervous you were. And and yet, like things just continue to come down the pipeline for you. Because you haven't done a lot of promotion on social media. We've really helped you kind of lean into what your strengths are. And do it your way. And social media has become your holistic business tool that you use as a PS, but not the only way that you do business. Right, right. So the next thing that happened just recently this just happened about a week ago. We chatted on the phone and I remember some your club volleyball The person who runs the club volleyball, I'm going to mess that all up right now came to you and said, go talk to your director. There we go. He has the title director came to you and said, go talk to your business coach about this. So what was he seeing you do and seeing the result in these young women, that he, I know, but I want you to tell them that he want you to plan out.


    Megan Griffin  10:25

    So last year, I coached club also. And so I didn't coach coach, a specific team, I just was kind of a all around helper, I did small groups. So I got to work one on one with a lot of young athletes, instead of just being on one specific team. And then, so I worked hand in hand with him last year, and then this year, I have him on my staff for my high school programme. So because I feel like we are very much in tune with how we would like to see these young athletes lives develop later, so and we see the impact that we can do now. And why wait until they're older if we can support them now. So we he came to me and wanted to well, he wanted me to talk to you, because he knows that I have a business coach, so so he wanted me to talk to you. And as to figure out how we could offer the mindset aspect of sports to these elite athletes who are playing year round sports, particularly I coach at a volleyball club. But, um, so he wanted to figure out how we could support them, because he had seen a huge difference in a lot of the athletes that I was particularly working with one on one or in a group programme setting or things like that. So he was noticing that their confidence level had gone up in like their themselves being able to lead more and using their voice on the court, he had seen that when they were making mistakes, because that sports were going to make mistakes. He had seen that a lot of those athletes that I was either working with him practice, or had worked with previously in my own business, that they were able to bounce back and not go down the drain and spiral and spiral. And then you end up having to take them out. So it might be one ball. But then the next ball, they were back in it and ready to go. They had also seen that they were able to take constructive criticism from coaches and not be sassy and backtalk. Cuz sometimes people aren't coachable. And that's one of the things that I really try to focus on is understanding like the role of a coach and the role of a player. But I encourage questions, because I don't feel like coaches are here. And players are here. Yes, I have the title. But I want us to be more of a cohesive unit, rather than me just telling you what to do. So I, I've taught them to ask me questions in a respectful way. And if they have problems, or if they don't agree with something, then for them to know that they can come to me, they can ask me maybe not in that exact moment, because that might be a high intense moment. Or not appropriate, but that they can come to me afterwards. And so he had seen all of these things happening with about 10 Girls, and he wanted to be able to offer that type of support to more of the athletes at his club, because we have athletes that are nine years old, all the way to 18. And so he sees the impact that we can make together. Not just physical skills, but the emotional and the mental and all of that he sees the impact that we can make for the future might not be like right this second, but it's for later. So I'm really excited for that opportunity to be able to offer it to the entire club not just being selective.


    Paula Shepherd  14:37

    That's amazing. Megan, you're talking about the physical aspect, but then you were also talking about the, you know, the mental aspect and creating that resilience on and off the court. And that's very similar right to the work that you and I have done together which was so profound, right? You've taken so much action. You've evolved so much in such a short period of time like it's really been rapid that your ability to show up as a leader and lead by example, and be the role model for them, and demonstrate to them that it's not just how much time they put in on the court, but also how much time they spend prioritising themselves. And I think that that's made all the difference. Do you feel like your the impact that you're making with these young women is a result of what you're learning yourself?


    Megan Griffin  15:30

    Oh, absolutely. I mean, I've been working one on one with you since April 2020. And I was overwhelmed. And I was stressed, and I didn't know how to have boundaries, I didn't know how to have a schedule, or use a planner, or prioritise what I needed to do in life. It's not always financial wins, I think I get more excited about the nonfinancial wins.


    Paula Shepherd  15:58

    Like your quota, do it, like your NAP quota.


    Megan Griffin  16:02

    That's right nap quota. For one, I have a I had a 2021 goal of taking five naps a week. And I continue to do that. Because I'm one of those people that doesn't slow down, and I always have something to do. And I just really like to rest, that's the only time that my brain shuts off. So not quota is important to me. But also like being able to notice that, like, for instance, laundry was always a big thing. For me, I have a pile of laundry sitting next to me, you know, that's a normal thing. It used to stress me out, but it's gonna be there, I can put it away later. Like, if I have something else that I need to do, I, it's still gonna be there, it's okay, I used to really stress me out. So like, those types of things are picking up on the little things that I do during the day that make me feel successful, I think is something that I've definitely passed on to the young girls that I'm working with, because they're trying to do all the things, all the things, they don't have to do all the things, they just have to be really intentional with what they're choosing to do. And they need to fit in time just for them. It might be with friends, it might be with their siblings, or it might just be like, Hey, I just want to chill for an hour, and take a nap. Um, but you know, that's definitely something that I have passed down and taught them to appreciate. And notice, noticing it is the one of the most influential things because if you don't see it, then you don't know that, hey, maybe I should be doing something else. Um, but just to be able to pick up on things that are stressing them out or bringing anxiety to their life, and being able to see ways that they can fill that time with something that makes them happy. So really, like, Yes, I'm the physical part because I am a volleyball coach. But I really, really like the other side. Like, I have the knowledge and the skill set to be a great volleyball coach. Um, but the other wins, the non sports wins are the ones that I really, really celebrate with my clients. Because that you stuff that's going to be outside of the gym that eventually they're not going to be an athlete anymore. So if I can teach them and influence and support them on the aspects of outside sports, along with when I see them, I'm then later in life when they're like Who Who am I now, sports are done. They're not going to be questioning that because they're already going to know what makes them happy. They're already going to know how they like to spend their time, they're already going to know leadership skills and all the things that they're going to need later in life, not just what they need on the court.


    Paula Shepherd  19:05

    And I love it. Because as you were talking, I was thinking, and we've talked about this before, that I wish I would have had someone in those years, saying it's not all about this one thing. It's about who you are as a person. And the fact that as you have been not just working with these girls, not just the ones that are paying, but also the people that you're coaching with, you know, physically, that as you were developing the team as you were making selections, you made it very clear from the beginning, you set your own standard and said, this is about more than just how well you play the game. I want to see people that show up. As leaders. I want to see people that are coachable. I want people that are going to prioritise teamwork that care about how they make other people feel You know, I want to see you integrate yourself as a teammate, I want to see you speak up for yourself, right? You told the parents that I want to see these girls come to me with their concerns. So I may push you away and ask them to come work with me. And I just, I think there's a lot that you've done, just in this short amount of time, to help these young women be able to decondition themselves from that blow and go mentality, that so many of us that are now you know, 3040 50 years old, are trying to unwind ourselves from, so that we can just be and be intentional, know that it's not the amount of work you do, but the quality of the work. And that, that quality often takes less time, which you've learned, and now you're able to pass on to your clients. So and this opportunity, this collaboration, this opportunity, just based on what other people were seeing happen as a result is upwards of could potentially be a $30,000 opportunity for you, every single person when every single person takes those available slots, because it's going to happen. I mean, look at the evidence from the very beginning of not even knowing you were going to start a business. And then in December going, you know, I really think I might want to be a athletic mindset coach. I mean, what would you think about that, and then developing this thing over time, that the more vested you were in it, the more you created something that you believed in, and not something somebody said would sell, the better off? You were. So I guess I would say from the last time that you talked about your experience, what do you think, what what do you think have been some major shifts for you things that have changed as a result of, you know, us working together?


    Megan Griffin  21:55

    Mmm, hmm. A lot of things. All of a lot of things. Um, so I mean, since, what August of 2020, it was when I turned down that teaching contract. And I've been working for myself since then. At first, it was the direct sales company. And then I started my mindset business. And I've been doing that since December of 2020. Um, but something that's been really awesome, is like, I know, other people are seeing what I'm posting, or like you said earlier, like, that's second to me. I am a talker. And I would rather just build a connection in our relationship with someone just by talking to them. Some people don't have that opportunity by where they live, or maybe you know, they're shy or something I'm not. But maybe they just haven't honed in on how to use their voice yet. But I, I, I knew people were seeing it. But I didn't know that my number one person was seeing it. My number one person being my husband. I didn't know that he was really he never liked me. He didn't like my posts often. Or, you know, he wasn't leaving comments or anything. I mean, he wasn't your client. So it wasn't my client. So I wasn't keeping tabs on him, you know. Um, so I didn't know he was paying attention to what I was doing. I know, he knew what I did. But I didn't know that he really read what I wrote. And so when he started talking to me about things that he had read or situations that he had noticed, even when I was coaching my volleyball team, you know, I got to thinking, Oh, he really is watching. And so he has actually, since we talked last, he has actually quit a job where he was making like $60,000 quit that job because he was so miserable and so unhappy. And he had seen me being able to make my own hours and be intentional when I wanted to work and take time off if I needed to, and rearrange my schedule, and I still got to take the kids to school and pick the kids up and still go to practice and go to the grocery store and do all those other things. And he was locked in somewhere doing something all day long. Waking up at the crack of dawn, waking up at 230 in the morning, working all day till one or two and then being dog tired the rest of the night. And so as he was seeing the things that I was able to do and you know how I changed and how I wasn't overwhelmed and stressed out anymore. He finally did quit his job in July and he actually just attended a course in Tampa, he stayed at Patty's house. He just attended a course this weekend, and he passed his test. And he is now going to work for himself and start his own business. And he's going to be a certified pool operator, which is something that he really enjoys. He loves being outside. He loves pools. And he's going to be able to do, you know, work for himself and not rely on other people to make his money.


    Paula Shepherd  25:37

    Oh, my gosh, yeah. And he was, this is literally so Patty's husband did the same thing. Right, like, you guys are friends. That's how Patti came into my life was through you referrals. Right. And Patty's husband left her his job just recently to go to a totally different industry, something that he has been wanting to do. And because he was inspired by her and so knowing your husband had a very labour intensive job, very labour intensive, was getting up early, like you said, was dog tired? He you guys were like two ships passing in the night. Yeah, now. And then he was starting to see all of these things, and quit his job. He quit his job before any of this happened, right? He quit that job during the summer. Meanwhile, you guys had just moved to the beach, right? You just move to where you want it to be. And you figured it out. You figured it out. Now, I will say like, let's be really honest with people here. Because we don't want people to be like, Oh my gosh, I like, let me just quit my job right now. And everything's gonna be great. Like, did you have moments of fear?


    Megan Griffin  26:44

    Oh, absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. And I was very nervous, even when I turned down that teaching contract. I mean, that was like guaranteed money, it was gonna hit my bank account every single month. I was very nervous. I was very nervous starting this business. He was very nervous quitting that job. And then, you know, we fell into, he fell into working at the place that we really love to work or love that we like to go visit is our favourite beach bar. He started working there. And then now he's decided by working there, that he really wants to be involved in pools and do his own business. So yeah, he was very, very nervous too, because I mean, $60,000 Guaranteed that's a lot of money.


    Paula Shepherd  27:40

    Yeah, if that's what you know, right? That's what you know, you're literally picking yourself up out of the comfort of what you know. And he's watched you do it over and over again, and has been very supportive of you. Right? Never, you know, and I think sometimes people think, you know, well, maybe her husband made a lot of money. And that's why she was able to do it. I mean, he did make money. But there, her salary was also important. So I just want people to recognise the fact that even though Megan is bubbly, even though Megan is a go getter, even though she has made so much rapid progress, and so many connections, there's still fear. And that happens at every single level, every time you evolve to the next level, like every investment that you make, like, I know that as Meg as I have worked with Megan, my prices has have increased, Megan doesn't have my price that she had back in April 2020. Because I've invested in myself, and I've evolved, and she's done the same thing. And I think you might have raised your prices three times now three times, right, three times. Okay. So she's ready to raise your prices. And she's even had people reach out to her and say, Do you have any spots? I think your last one. Oman was a mother that said, I've seen so much change in my daughter that I'm going to be selfish and take one of those spots right now. And I'm pretty sure she you were like, I have to update all my pricing because I just raised the pricing. And she said, okay, and she wants to pay me and I'm right, because that happens so quickly. Right. And typically, you are prepared for that. So you have your some automated systems. But you also have a very, very well connected network and opportunity where you do reach out to people, you're not automating that process. So I want people to recognise like fear is always going to be there. So even you know, now you've invested in Mike, this is my top level programme. There's a lot of fear around that. I know. How are you feeling like, people, some people might go, wow, you've been working together that long. Does it feel stale? No. I mean, this is true. Like when you've worked with somebody for a long time, the fear is, well, is that going to be stale? How are you feeling now that it's been over a year? 18 months something Yeah, even longer than that a little longer than 18 months? With the progress that you're making,


    Megan Griffin  30:03

    well, if I wasn't seeing progress, I wouldn't still be here. The value and support that you and your team provide is well worth the investment that I choose to make in myself.


    Paula Shepherd  30:24

    I love that, that I choose to make it myself, then I choose, I choose to do


    Megan Griffin  30:29

    it. No one's forcing me. My good, my husband's made a couple comments a few times, and he's been like, so we're gonna have Paula in our lives forever. And I was like, Uh, probably, because, like, I, like you don't see your clients as just money. Like you and your team don't see us as just money signs, like, you're really genuinely wanting to help and support our dreams. Because if we're doing that together, then you're being fulfilled also, not just us. And, like, it's, I'm not gonna say it's priceless, because there is a price. I mean, like, you don't do it, because I pay you money. Like, I pay you money, you you choose to work with certain people who, like fit your values and your, you know, everything that you stand for. And so I feel like I've always had that connection. And even when you're bringing team members on, like, you select them for a reason. And you're not gonna just throw random people at your community or at your clients and just be like, Oh, well, go talk to them. Like, that doesn't happen. Um, you know, like, Rachel and being the Human Design alignment coach, like, I have, I've struggled a few times, there's been some struggle moments where I've been like, I need to talk to Rachel, and she's there, like, I've never felt unsupported. Which is, you know, because sometimes my husband doesn't get it, or my friends don't get it, because they don't will. Now Patti has her own business. But before it was just me. And I was like, I don't have anybody to bounce these ideas off to or talk through situations. And so it's been really, really a blessing that I met you through this other avenue, and that we've been able to still work together and still see growth and things are always changing and evolving. So I'm really excited for what's to come. I mean, we're not done.


    Paula Shepherd  32:50

    No, we're not done, we're not done. And I'm excited to see what comes for you. Because so much has happened in such a short amount of time. And being you know, you in November speaking to literally an entire audience full of the people that need to hear your message is, I mean, it's, uh, can you imagine that can imagine I mean, anybody that's listening right now, having an entire audience there just to hear you speak, to select to be in the room with you. That is huge. And the and it's not just about the opportunity, it's that Megan is she embodies the leadership, she embodies all of it, she's showing up in a way that tells people, not just I am the expert, but that I care enough about this, to talk about it and make an impact. And that is the difference, right? That is the difference between traditional sales and marketing, right? And actually approaching it with an experienced based mindset. So Megan, I'm so proud of you, you've come such a long way. And it's not over yet. So it's gonna keep going. Is there any? Is there any other like parting words you'd say to somebody that maybe is considering investing in themselves, talking to me about any of the programmes that that I offer? Or just in general when it comes to starting your business?


    Megan Griffin  34:22

    Well, like you said, there's always going to be fear and doubt, and in anything in life, anything. And so just having a support system and someone that can talk you through that not influence you. But you're you're really great at laying it out there and letting me make the decision. Like you. You don't you're not my boss, so you don't tell me what to do. You just give me all my kids. We talk about it and then I just to choose what I want to happen. And so I think sometimes people don't really understand what having a coach means. And I mean, there's accountability. There's things that I need to do every week, there's things I need to do every day. But at the end of the day, if I don't do them, it's like, shame on Megan. It's like, You're not coming to me being like, Oh, girl, bad girl. Like, that doesn't happen. It's me. It's holding. It's having someone that encourages me to hold myself accountable for what I want in life. And that is so important, because I want to do it for me. I don't want to do it for you.


    Paula Shepherd  35:46

    Yeah. So yeah, I mean, it is it's about a self led process, right? It is about advocating for yourself, it is about, you know, knowing what you want and going for it. And that support that you have from the right coach, when you have the right coach, if that's what you're looking for somebody that's not going to give you the answers, that's going to help pull out the information from you so that you're running a business that you love, right? I didn't create the business for Megan, Megan created the business. And as she's learned what she likes, and she doesn't, she's evolved as a person. And the business has evolved alongside of it. She's not running the same business. You know, today that she was in December, late December of 2020. Or even in March, you know, as she's seeing that she's making the impact. She's standing a little taller, she's taking up a little bit more space. Right. She's recognising when things aren't working. When that comes up. It's okay. Well, let's go back to what does work for you not, let's try all these marketing strategies, what works for you? And so, Megan, thank you so much for telling another part of your story. I feel like it's like the Megan sagas the Megan adventure. That's right. And, and so I'm sure that we'll have another one of these in another six months with some pretty rad wins. All right. Well, Megan, again, thank you so much for being here. If you've taken the time to listen to Meghan story, thank you for doing so let us know what your biggest aha moment is. Reach out to Meghan if you're wondering what it's like to work with me, or any questions that you have about our business, or if you know anyone who has a an athlete that could use a little mindset support to boost their performance in life and on the forum. Thank you for listening to this episode of The confidence session. I know there are hundreds of 1000s of podcasts. And I'm so grateful that you chose to spend your time today with me. Head on over to be fearless with paula.com forward slash podcast to check out the show notes from today's episode and grab links to all the amazing goodies mentioned today. Also, if you loved this episode, as much as I loved making it, make sure you don't miss any future ones by hitting the subscribe button right now. See you next time.

    Recent Episodes from The Confidence Sessions

    EP 96: Unperspective: Break from Tradition to Spark Innovation with Trevor Perry

    EP 96: Unperspective: Break from Tradition to Spark Innovation with Trevor Perry

    Trevor Perry, a former street performer and self-proclaimed computer weenie, shares his journey of self-discovery and empowerment. As a keynote speaker and storyteller, Trevor encourages individuals to embrace their authenticity and step into their power. He emphasizes the importance of passion and curiosity in living a fulfilling life and challenges individuals to overcome self-doubt. Trevor also highlights the power of play and improv in the workplace, fostering creativity and innovation. He advocates for equality and women's empowerment, recognizing the unique perspectives and skills that each individual brings to the table.

    Trevor's Unperspective newsletter offers fresh perspectives and encourages unconventional thinking.

    • Embrace your authenticity and step into your power.

    • Passion and curiosity are key to living a fulfilling life.

    • Overcome self-doubt and recognize your unique perspective and skills.

    • Play and improv foster creativity and innovation in the workplace.

    • Advocate for equality and empower women to embrace their power.


    (02:31) Being a Disruptor and Influencer

    (05:24) Offering a Unique Perspective

    (09:33) Overcoming Self-Doubt and Stepping into Power

    (15:27) The Power of Play and Improv in the Workplace

    (19:40) Transitioning Careers

    (26:20) Motivation vs. Lasting Impact

    (27:45) Being an Advocate for Equality and Women's Empowerment

    (32:37) The Importance of Play and Unconventional Thinking in the Workplace

    (40:22) Embracing Multifaceted Thinking

    Connect with Trevor Perry here:

    Instagram: @trevorcxo 

    Website: www.trevorperry.com

    SUBSCRIBE, RATE & REVIEW Voices on the Verge and please subscribe if you like what you heard to connect with new voices each week. 

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    Ep. 95: The Essential Upgrade: Transform Every Experience Into Sustainable Growth with Chandra Sanders

    Ep. 95: The Essential Upgrade: Transform Every Experience Into Sustainable Growth with Chandra Sanders

    Chandra Sanders shares her journey of personal growth and transformation, the essential upgrade. She discusses the importance of human sustainability, reframing challenges as opportunities for growth, and embracing a blank slate to create one's own identity. Chandra also highlights the need for workplaces to prioritize employee well-being and purpose, especially in the post-pandemic era. She addresses the challenges faced by individuals in their 40s and beyond, offering advice on finding balance and embracing change. Chandra encourages introspection and self-care as essential steps towards personal and professional growth.


    (03:24) Understanding Human Sustainability

    (08:54) Embracing Challenges as Opportunities for Upgrade

    (13:06 )The Power of a Blank Slate

    (19:14) Finding Transferable Skills and Embracing Change

    (25:20) Transforming Workplaces for Human Sustainability

    (30:23) Overcoming Ageism and Pivoting in Career Transitions

    (36:04) Balancing Hustle and Harmony

    (39:49) Preparing for an Essential Upgrade


    Connect with Chandra Sanders here:

    Instagram  - @officiallychandra 

    Website: www.chandrasanders.co

    SUBSCRIBE, RATE & REVIEW Voices on the Verge and please subscribe if you like what you heard to connect with new voices each week. 


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    Ep. 94: Bootstrapping Success and Big Ass Dreams with Jenae Goodin

    Ep. 94: Bootstrapping Success and Big Ass Dreams with Jenae Goodin

    What happens when you’re under-estimated but get scrappy and take daring risks? 

    In this episode, Jenae Goodin, founder and CEO of tech startup, Big Ass Bag, an innovative online shopping platform revolutionizing the way people shop online, shares how she had to make risky decisions that had the potential to affect her future, to founding her own tech company from one wild, in the moment, idea.

    As an advocate for entrepreneurship as a universal right, accessible to all backgrounds, Jenae is committed to helping others succeed against the odds. PLUS, she shares practical insights on how absolutely anyone can create something amazing even if they don’t have the resources or see the way…yet.


    (03:06) Thinking Outside the Box and Getting Scrappy

    (09:20) Making Bold Decisions and Overcoming Challenges

    (16:41) Accidental Transitions to a New Industry

    (29:38) The Truth about Founding her Tech Startup 

    (35:31) Growth Fueled by Innovation 

    (40:23) Entrepreneurship as a Right for All

    (45:19) The Birth of Big Ass Bag (BAB)

    (47:07) Tips for Bootstrapping a Business

    Download your Own FREE Big Ass Bag here:


    Connect with Jenae Goodin here:

    Instagram  - @jenaejenesaisquoi

    TikTok - @jenaejenesaisquoi

    Follow Big Ass Bag on Social:





    SUBSCRIBE, RATE & REVIEW Voices on the Verge and please subscribe if you like what you heard to connect with new voices each week. 

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    Ep. 93: Step Into Your Audacity: Bold Ideas, Breaking the Mold, and Listening to Your Inner Voice

    Ep. 93: Step Into Your Audacity: Bold Ideas, Breaking the Mold, and Listening to Your Inner Voice

    With a new name and direction, Paula shares her move to let go of the old and and embrace the bold - focused on amplifying the voices of what appears to be "your average person", daring to break the mold. Stop living on autopilot and find the courage to pursue your wild ideas, no matter what others think. 

    Tune in every Tuesday for inspiring conversations to help ignite your audacity and take the first steps toward unprecedented change.

    Join the email list and receive 25 Conversation Starters for Genuine Connections 


    0:10 Embracing Bold Ideas and Non-Conformity

    2:12 Unconventional leaders making a difference

    4:00 Overcoming fear and taking action despite it.

    7:37 Prioritizing Helping Others Succees

    9:38 Inner Power and Creativity


    Ep. 92: My Therapist Eats Hay- Confidence, Leadership & Making Brave Choices through Equine Assisted Learning with Genevieve Nicholas

    Ep. 92: My Therapist Eats Hay- Confidence, Leadership & Making Brave Choices through Equine Assisted Learning with Genevieve Nicholas

    How can spending time with horses drastically change your life? Today’s guest, Genevieve Nicholas, shares her work as an Equine Assisted Learning Facilitator. Gen uses her horses as teaches on being present. Her work with women and teenage girls builds a feeling of safety, leadership and respect. Allowing her clients to walk away grounded, connected and confident in using their voice. We discuss different learning styles, making brave choices and developing the skill of speaking out as women.

    Gen is a horse mad seasoned entrepreneur who has a passion for horses and being outdoors. Originally from Australia, Gen now calls Plano, Texas, home having made the move with her husband and two children back in 2012.   


    Gen previously owned a successful café chain in Australasia, with five branches across Sydney. She had a strong career in corporate accounting and extensive leadership experience with a global corporate company. However, when she hit her forties Gen felt uninspired, done with the corporate life and was ready for a fresh start doing what she loved, with women who inspired her.  


    Gen knows in her heart that if she can make a difference in one person’s life and help with their growth and development to provide some relief as well as tools they can utilize, she will have succeeded in her life mission - to change someone's world one human at a time!

    Connect with Gen!



    Or find her on Instagram, Facebook & LinkedIn @saddleuplifeskills


    If you’re interested in working with Paula, send her an email paula@thecourageblueprint.com


    Don’t forget to rate and review The Confidence Sessions and please subscribe if you like what you heard! https://www.thecourageblueprint.com/podcast


    (02:17) Gen shares what it means to be an Equine Assisted Learning Facilitator and how it differs to therapy.

    (04:30) How the horses guide the humans through different learning styles and picking up on internal conflicts.

    (10:08) How learning with a horse parallels to learning in everyday life. 

    (12:10) The choices you make in life

    (12:50) Choices, using your voice, speaking up and being authentic in all areas of life.

    (14:50) Everybody is a leader!

    (20:10) Gen’s personal experience of having children with mental health challenges, breaking the stigma and making a difference to mental health.

    (25:00) The results Gen has seen in her clients through her work in as little as 4 hours. 

    (28:30) Developing the skill of speaking out.

    (32:00) The Equine Assisted Learning Network - Equine options for those not in Plano Texas.

    (35:23) Tapping into your bold, brave self whilst working with Paula.


    Ep. 91: Introducing “Blind Fear” - How Exploration & Curiosity Unlocks Your Productivity with John David Mann

    Ep. 91: Introducing “Blind Fear” - How Exploration & Curiosity Unlocks Your Productivity with John David Mann

    What does it take to be successful? Today’s guest, John David Mann, shares his journey from writing parables to now his third co-authored crime novel. We talk about framing success and how we often have an incorrect perception of the successes of others. John shares how exploration and curiosity are the keys to productivity and success in business, life and all creative endeavours. John shares his 1 year writing program for writers to “get good” at all levels. He leaves us with a final reminder that the “world needs the fruits of your passion!”

    John David Mann is coauthor of more than thirty books, including four New York Times bestsellers and five national bestsellers. His writing has won multiple awards, including the Living Now Book Awards Evergreen Medal for its “contributions to positive global change.” His first thriller, Steel Fear, has been nominated for a Barry Award. This year’s sequel, Cold Fear, was hailed by Jeffrey Deaver as “one of the best crime novels of the year.”


    Connect with John David Mann!





    If you’re interested in working with Paula, send her an email paula@thecourageblueprint.com


    Don’t forget to rate and review The Confidence Sessions and please subscribe if you like what you heard! https://www.thecourageblueprint.com/podcast


    Ep. 90: Breaking the Mold: Make Your Own Rules, Embrace Creativity and Be Wildly Successful with Leonie Dawson

    Ep. 90: Breaking the Mold: Make Your Own Rules, Embrace Creativity and Be Wildly Successful with Leonie Dawson

    Want to shake things up and operate outside the norm?

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking for inspiration and a different perspective on running an online business. 

    Leonie Dawson is a wild, creative, and neurodiverse entrepreneur who's been running an online business since 2002. In this podcast episode, Leonie shares her journey to finding her voice and embracing vulnerability. She talks about the intersection between creativity and healing, and viewing your work as a playground to retreat to when things get tough.

    Her authenticity and vulnerability are refreshing and her wild personality is sure to captivate and intrigue - a refreshing change from those trying to fit into a box.

    Connect with Leonie: https://leoniedawson.com

    Purchase Leonie’s Courses and Workbooks:

    Brilliant Biz & Life Academy: https://leoniedawson.mykajabi.com/a/2147521458/ehCvpWhR

    My Brilliant Year Workbooks: https://leoniedawson.mykajabi.com/a/2147499079/ehCvpWhR

    Disclosure: The information above contain affiliate links, meaning I receive a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no cost to you.

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    (04:56) Sustaining yourself when you’re going through a time when you’re not feeling up to it.

    (09:53) Creating courses because you want to, not because you need them.
    (16:15) How taking time off of social media gave Leonie you the space to figure out how to best use it later.
    (21:28) How to get yourself to a place where you’re only doing what you love.
    (26:14) Creating the space for you to have those innovative creative thoughts.
    (37:47)  The energy of expansion.
    (41:43) Evaluating and sorting your priorities.

    Ep: 89 Question Everything: The Surprising Benefits of Being Curious

    Ep: 89 Question Everything: The Surprising Benefits of Being Curious

    Do you ever find yourself following the crowd, even when you're not sure it's the right thing to do?

    In this episode, we dig into the importance of curiosity and challenging perspectives, even when others think we should stick to the status quo. There are some surprising benefits of being a curious contrarian and this episode is sure to show you how going against the grain can lead to success and positive change. Prepare to be inspired to question everything and unleash your inner rebel.

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    (02:11) Challenge yourself to ask for what you need.

    (04:02) How many times have you done the right thing and then realized it actually hindered your growth?

    (06:24) By listening to myself, I wound up meeting my husband.

    (07:42) How do you start to tap into your curiosity?

    (10:09) Expose yourself to new experiences and new information.

    (11:57) Challenges that come from challenging the status quo and the positive outcomes.

    (13:45) Why you need to embrace your natural curiosity -.

    (16:37) How can you be curious?


    Ep 88: Discovering My ADHD: Navigating a Late-In-Life Diagnosis

    Ep 88:  Discovering My ADHD: Navigating a Late-In-Life Diagnosis

    How do you go from being a straight A student and high achiever to being diagnosed with ADHD in your 40’s? In this episode I’m sharing how curiosity in the work with my clients created a spotlight on myself and the clues that led me to testing and a formal diagnosis. Plus you’ll learn ways I stay organized, productive, and prioritize that are gamechangers even if you aren’t neurodivergent. 

    Join the email list and receive 25 Conversation Starters for Genuine Connections HERE

    Don’t forget to rate and review The Confidence Sessions and please subscribe if you like what you heard!


    Are you looking for an all-in-one affordable hosting platform? Try NewZenler

    Paula says, “This all-in-one platform has all the features you need to get started with your website, including blogging tools and easy to build funnels - plus create and sell online courses. No more trying to link everything together. And with super affordable pricing - it’s a no brainer for entrepreneurs who want to keep their expenses low while staying visible!” Click here below to join today!


    Check out Paula’s recommended resources HERE!


    (00:03) The diagnosis that completely shifted my thinking around productivity.
    (02:47) Why perfectionism and trying to get it right is blocking your success.

    (04:45) The way time blindness showed up in my life.

    (06:43) How being addicted to being busy made it hard to pause.

    (08:18) The self awareness signs that created opportunities for growth.

    (10:39) Some of my favorite tools and tricks for working WITH my beautiful brain.

    (14:12) Tricking yourself into making work fun.

    (16:28) Prioritizing when everything seems important.

    (18:37) The most effective way to get things done without compromising yourself.

    Ep. 87: How to Transition Out of Your 9-5 with Curiosity & Confidence with Jen Schultz

    Ep. 87: How to Transition Out of Your 9-5 with Curiosity & Confidence with Jen Schultz

    Do you believe you have what it takes to create sustainable wealth outside of a salaried job? In this episode Jen Schultz shares how every woman has what it takes to create their own abundance using the skills they have already acquired but maybe not recognized! Jen shares her vulnerable journey from teaching in a low-income school, to independent contractor, to then teaching other women how to create the freedom just as she has. Jen shares practical questions, advice and ideas so you too can live a “non 9 to 5” life!

    In this episode we chat about:

    Imposter syndrome, mental health and how you can still move forwards.

    Finding clarity in the fog of life as it is.

    The responsible way to transition out of traditional work and into a lifestyle of freedom.

    Doing the things because you are afraid.

    Navigating personal attacks in business.


    And so much more!

    Connect with Jen here:





    In 2010 Jen Shultz, Founder of The Non-Nine-to-Five™ found herself battling anxiety and depression.  During this dark time, she received an intuitive persistent message urging her to create a business and generate an income on her own terms.  That year, Jen went against all "safe norms", followed the call, and quit her full-time teaching job to become self-employed. 


    For over 8 years Jen has been educating, training, and coaching conscientious high-level women who have a deep knowing they are not meant for the 9-5.  She leads the women she works with into successful and sustainable self-employment so they can tap into their unique skills and strengths, make a difference in the lives of others, generate an income on their own terms, and never go back to a 9-5 job.


    Jen is a highly intuitive educator and coach as well as an international speaker on a mission to empower as many women as she can to stop feeling stuck in the 9-5 grind and strongly step into purposeful, successful, and sustainable self-employed work!


    Jen holds a BA in Communication (University at Albany), MA in Special & General Education (New York University) and is a certified professional coach through iPEC (Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching).

    Are you looking for an all-in-one affordable hosting platform? Try NewZenler

    Paula says, “This all-in-one platform has all the features you need to get started with your website, including blogging tools and easy to build funnels - plus create and sell online courses. No more trying to link everything together. And with super affordable pricing - it’s a no brainer for entrepreneurs who want to keep their expenses low while staying visible!” Click here below to join today!


    Check out Paula’s recommended resources HERE!


    If you’re interested in working with Paula, send her an email paula@thecourageblueprint.com


    Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/be__fearless_with_paula/

    Connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/befearlesswithpaula/


    Don’t forget to rate and review The Confidence Sessions and please subscribe if you like what you heard! https://www.thecourageblueprint.com/podcast


    (03:25) Jen shares her journey from anxiety, depression and extreme low self-esteem in her teaching job at a high achieving charter school in the Bronx to independent contract tutoring and self-employment entrepreneurship.

    (10:15) How to begin the transition from 9 to 5 to starting a business.

    (13:34) Resilience when transitioning to a non 9 to 5 role when faced with financial implications.

    (20:00) Using divine guidance, higher powers, Christianity and God to lean into abundance, success and wealth.

    (26:00) Jen shares her highest and lowest moments in her 12 years as a business owner.