
    Close Encounters of the Third Kind: Abbey’s UFO Experience Revealed

    enJanuary 30, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Weight loss solutions and home renovationsPlushCare offers access to doctors for weight loss meds and insurance, while SAP Concur Solutions aid in business finance management. Authenticity matters in unexpected challenges, like home renovations and relationships.

      PlushCare offers a solution for those struggling with weight loss by providing access to doctors who can prescribe FDA-approved medications and accept most insurance plans. Meanwhile, SAP Concur Solutions can help manage business finances efficiently. Elsewhere, Abby Clancy and Peter Crouch shared their experiences, including the unexpected challenges of home renovations and the importance of authentic materials like real wood floors. Ultimately, it's essential to embrace the unexpected and appreciate the authenticity in life, whether it's in relationships, home improvements, or business management.

    • Installing a new floor: Inconveniences and amusementsDespite the challenges and inconveniences of a home improvement project, the speaker remains positive and finds amusement in the experience, appreciating the upcoming completion and the benefits of a good skip.

      The speaker is currently preoccupied with the installation of a new floor in her home, which has led to various inconveniences and changes in her daily routine, including wearing a new dressing gown and dealing with the aftermath of a skip filled with debris. She finds amusement in the situation and shares her experiences, expressing her delight with the upcoming completion of the project. Additionally, she mentions her surprise at Allan Carr's lack of interest in cleaning out an airing cupboard and her own appreciation for a good skip. The conversation also touches on miscommunications and misunderstandings, such as the confusion over the name of the town they visited, Portland. Despite the challenges, the speaker remains positive and looks forward to the end result.

    • Experience the magic of the Portland Wildlife ParkGet up close with lions, giraffes, and other wild animals at the Lion Lodge. Enjoy immaculately decorated cabins and excellent food. Witness the raw power of endangered species like Siberian tigers and giraffes.

      The Portland Wildlife Park, despite some miscommunication about its name, offers a magical and adventurous experience for families. The Lion Lodge, in particular, allows visitors to get up close and personal with lions, giraffes, and other wild animals. The sense of adventure is heightened by the fact that the animals are active during feeding times and can be spotted in the dark of night. The experience is further enhanced by the immaculately decorated cabins and excellent food. The park is owned by the Aspinall family, who are dedicated to preserving rare and endangered species. The wildlife, including Siberian tigers, giraffes, rhinos, and even prehistoric horses, offers a unique and educational experience for children and adults alike. The raw power and magnitude of these animals make for unforgettable memories.

    • A unique safari-like experience with unexpected surprisesThe speaker recounted a memorable stay at a safari park, filled with encounters with diverse animals and unexpected moments, including a tiny gorilla's testicles, a missed birthday celebration, and crowd-pleasing karaoke.

      The speaker had an extraordinary experience at a safari park where they got to stay in close proximity to various animals, including lions and wolves. The experience was compared to being on safari itself, with clear pods offering views over the entire park. The speaker was amused by the presence of a squirrel and was surprised to learn that gorillas have tiny testicles. The speaker missed a birthday soiree thrown by a friend who co-owns a bar in Notting Hill, and the speaker admitted to obliging in a crowd-pleasing karaoke performance. The speaker also mentioned issues with phone chargers and setting up a time-lapse camera. Overall, the speaker shared stories of unique experiences and the unexpected surprises that came with them.

    • Effective Communication and Sharing of Resources in RelationshipsClearly label shared items to prevent confusion, respect designated spaces, and communicate effectively to maintain harmony in relationships.

      Effective communication and sharing of resources can be challenging in relationships. The conversation revolves around the speakers' experiences with phone chargers and their disagreements over sharing them. One speaker expresses frustration over a partner forgetting to bring a charger and losing track of their own. They suggest labeling each charger with a Sharpie or using a charging case to prevent confusion. Another speaker shares their annoyance with people parking in parent and baby spaces without children, emphasizing the struggles they faced in the past with young children and car seats. Despite their disagreements, they both agree on the importance of respecting designated parking spaces and using them appropriately. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of clear communication and mutual respect in managing shared resources and navigating daily life challenges.

    • Navigating unexpected challenges as a parentParenting involves dealing with unexpected challenges, like finding parking spots and handling football celebrations, with grace and humor.

      Being a parent, especially with young children, can present unexpected challenges, such as finding suitable parking spaces or dealing with the excitement of football celebrations. For parents with babies in car seats, finding parking spaces can be a struggle, as many places require the use of a pram or disability badge. This can lead to frustration and the feeling of being overlooked. On a lighter note, football celebrations can be a source of amusement and embarrassment, especially for parents of young children who mimic the exaggerated moves of their favorite players. While some celebrations may seem excessive or even inappropriate, they are a part of the game and can bring joy and excitement to fans, young and old. Ultimately, being a parent involves navigating these types of situations with grace and humor, and finding ways to connect with our children and the world around us.

    • Impromptu Robot dance leads to unexpected successUnexpected events or actions can lead to unexpected success. Embrace spontaneity and enjoy the feeling of scoring a goal.

      Sometimes, unexpected events or actions can lead to unexpected success. The speaker, Peter, shared how his impromptu Robot dance celebration after scoring a goal became his signature move and a source of entertainment for fans. It all started as a joke among friends, but it eventually took off and became a part of his brand. The speaker also emphasized that everyone, regardless of the level they're at, should enjoy the feeling of scoring a goal. Additionally, the speaker and his girlfriend had a funny exchange about accents, highlighting the power of a unique voice in capturing people's attention. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of embracing spontaneity and the unexpected, as they can often lead to memorable experiences and even success.

    • Man surprises speakers with Dua Lipa impression, UFOs and conspiracy theories ensueA man's impressive Dua Lipa impression led to a conversation about UFOs and conspiracy theories, revealing personal experiences and differing opinions on unexplained phenomena and belief in aliens.

      During a conversation, a man surprised the speakers by impersonating Dua Lipa's voice. The speakers were initially perplexed and thought it was inappropriate, but later discovered that the man was getting many interviews due to his impressive impressions. The conversation then shifted to UFOs and conspiracy theories, with the speakers discussing unusual aerial phenomena and the recent rebranding of UFOs as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) by the US government. The speakers also shared personal experiences of unexplained aerial sightings and their differing opinions on the belief in aliens. The conversation ended with the speakers expressing their skepticism and amusement towards conspiracy theories.

    • Personal UFO sighting and potential alien civilizationsThough UFO sightings are intriguing, they remain unexplained phenomena. Advanced alien civilizations might view humans as less intelligent and choose not to contact us, or governments may use false alien invasions for control.

      The universe is vast and complex, and the possibility of extraterrestrial life exists. The speaker shared a personal experience of seeing an unexplained oblong of white light that seemed to be moving unconventionally in the sky, which they believed could have been a UFO. They also pondered the idea that advanced alien civilizations might view humans as less intelligent and choose not to contact us due to our current technological and societal limitations. The conversation also touched upon the idea that the government might use false alien invasions as a means of control. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of keeping an open mind about the possibilities of the universe and the existence of life beyond Earth.

    • Theories and speculations about uncertain eventsThroughout history, humans have created intriguing narratives around uncertain events, from moon landings to alien encounters, highlighting our curiosity and fascination with the unknown.

      Throughout history, there have been numerous theories and speculations about fake events, from faking moon landings to hiding alien encounters. The moon landing conspiracy theory suggests that the US faked the moon landing to win the space race against the Soviet Union. Another theory involves individuals faking their own deaths to escape personal issues. While these theories may seem far-fetched, they highlight the human tendency to create narratives around uncertain events. Regarding aliens, there are various perspectives. Some believe that aliens could be benevolent beings who could offer advanced technology, while others see them as potential threats. The existence of extraterrestrial life remains a mystery, and the idea of aliens building structures like Stonehenge is another popular conspiracy theory. In essence, the human imagination can create compelling narratives around uncertain events, leading to intriguing theories and debates. Whether it's about moon landings, personal escapes, or extraterrestrial life, the unknown often sparks curiosity and fascination.

    • Aliens and Secret Societies: Building Stonehenge and Controlling the WorldSome believe aliens built Stonehenge due to its equinox alignment and similarities to Pompeii structures, while others think secret societies like the Illuminati control global affairs for their self-interest.

      The discussion revolved around the possibility of extraterrestrial involvement in ancient architectural structures, specifically Stonehenge, and the existence of powerful secret societies like the Illuminati influencing global affairs. The speakers expressed their beliefs that aliens could have built Stonehenge due to its alignment with the equinox and similarities to structures in Pompeii. They also believed that the Illuminati, a group of influential people, control the world for their self-interest. The conversation was a mix of fact and fiction, with references to movies like "The Da Vinci Code" and personal experiences. The speakers acknowledged the power and addictive nature of power, and some expressed unease about the idea of being in charge. Overall, the discussion explored intriguing theories about ancient structures and powerful secret societies.

    • Maintaining a healthy relationship: Communication and understandingOpen communication, empathy, and seeking professional help are essential for maintaining a healthy relationship and improving overall well-being.

      Communication and understanding are key in maintaining a healthy relationship. The discussion touched upon a couple dealing with a decline in their sex life and the frustration that comes with it. While both parties acknowledged the issue, they seemed to have different perspectives and approaches to resolving it. The husband expressed his desire for his wife to seek medical help, while she appeared hesitant. The husband also shared his own experience with the topic, emphasizing the importance of not giving up on intimacy and communication. Another theme that emerged was the importance of self-care and personalized solutions for weight loss and overall wellness. The discussion mentioned various resources like Noom, PlushCare, and Sleep Number to help individuals address their unique challenges. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of open communication, empathy, and seeking professional help when needed to maintain a fulfilling relationship and improve one's overall well-being.

    • Understanding Women's Sexual Desires During Hormonal ChangesHormonal changes can affect women's sexual desires, causing confusion and relationship issues. Seek help from healthcare providers and resources for guidance and support.

      Women's sexual desires and needs can be influenced by hormonal changes, and these issues are becoming more openly discussed but still face a stigma. Women going through hormonal imbalances may struggle to understand their own desires and seek help, which can impact relationships. The help available includes medical treatments like HRT and gels, as well as resources like podcasts. Women may feel embarrassed to discuss these issues, making it difficult to know where to seek help. It's important to remember that hormonal changes are a natural part of aging, and addressing these issues can help prevent relationship issues and improve overall well-being. If you're experiencing hormonal imbalances and struggling with your sexual desires, don't hesitate to speak with your healthcare provider for guidance and support.

    • Personal Interests vs. Shared Experiences in RelationshipsUnderstanding and prioritizing shared experiences and communication in relationships, while being considerate of the impact of personal interests, is crucial for maintaining a healthy and balanced partnership.

      Unhealthy prioritization of personal interests over shared experiences and commitments can lead to conflict and frustration in relationships. In the shared discussion, Hannah expressed her frustration with her partner Chris' obsession with football and how it consistently interferes with their plans and special moments, such as their wedding day. Chris' insensitivity to Hannah's feelings and disregard for their shared experiences highlights the importance of communication and compromise in maintaining a healthy and balanced relationship. Moreover, the discussion highlights the importance of understanding the root causes of one's behaviors and considering the impact of those behaviors on others. Chris may have grown accustomed to having football as a constant presence in his life, but it's essential to recognize how that affects Hannah and their relationship. Abby shared a similar experience, where her husband changed their vow renewal date due to the World Cup final. While it may seem like a small issue, it highlights the importance of considering the feelings and needs of both partners in making decisions that affect their relationship. In conclusion, the takeaway is to prioritize shared experiences and communication in relationships, and to be considerate of the impact of personal interests on one's partner. It's essential to strive for balance and compromise to maintain a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

    • Prioritizing partner's needs leads to stronger relationshipsFocusing on partner's happiness can improve your relationship, even if it means sacrificing your own desires.

      Prioritizing your partner's needs and interests, even if it means missing out on something important to you, can lead to a stronger and more fulfilling relationship. This was discussed in the context of attending football matches and weddings, but the principle applies to various situations in life. The speaker shared an experience of being in a relationship with a man who chose to be with her despite her past indiscretions, but her unexpected encounters with his ex continued to trigger panic attacks and feelings of jealousy and guilt. The speaker acknowledged that these feelings were partly fueled by her past actions and the fact that his ex was his first love. However, she also recognized the importance of letting go of the past and focusing on the present and the love she shares with her partner. The discussion also touched upon the importance of communication and understanding in a relationship, as well as the need to be considerate of your partner's feelings and needs.

    • Struggling with emotions after encountering an exEncountering an ex can stir up complex emotions, but it's important to remember that everyone makes mistakes and people can move on and find happiness. Addressing lingering feelings of guilt or anxiety through open communication or self-reflection can help in moving forward in a positive and healthy manner.

      Dealing with feelings of jealousy and anxiety after encountering an ex and their new partner can be a complex and emotional experience. The speaker in this conversation is struggling with feelings of guilt and insecurity after running into an ex at the gym, who is now happily married with children. She is contemplating quitting the gym due to the psychological impact this encounter has had on her. The conversation touches on themes of making mistakes in relationships, moving on, and the role of guilt in shaping our emotions. It's important to remember that everyone makes mistakes, and people can move on and find happiness after challenging experiences. However, it can be helpful to address any lingering feelings of guilt or anxiety through open communication or self-reflection. Ultimately, the speaker may need to focus on her own well-being and consider finding ways to move forward in a positive and healthy manner.

    • Handling unexpected messes with grace and resourcefulnessStay calm and prepared for unexpected messes, offer help and resources, and consider short-term health insurance plans for flexible coverage.

      Dealing with unexpected messes, like vomit on carpets, requires quick thinking and preparation. The speaker in this conversation showed calmness and understanding during the situation, even offering her carpet cleaner to the person who caused the mess. She also shared her own practice of surrounding her children's beds with towels as a precaution. While the situation was not ideal, her attitude towards it was positive and resourceful. Another interesting point from the conversation was the mention of short-term health insurance plans, which offer flexible and budget-friendly coverage for those who need it for a shorter duration. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of staying calm and prepared in unexpected situations, as well as having access to resources that can help in times of need.

    Recent Episodes from The Therapy Crouch

    Parking Disasters, Crouchy’s Crack-in Time and Father’s Day Festivities!

    Parking Disasters, Crouchy’s Crack-in Time and Father’s Day Festivities!

    On today’s episode of The Therapy Crouch Abbey and Peter are catching up on what has been a busy week in the Crouch household. 

    Peter talks about his recent father’s day festivities which saw Abbey create his own walk in wardrobe…..in the world’s hottest annex!

    Abbey has also been busy, taking the kids down to Global’s Summertime Ball and she has also been working on her golf game after feeling left out of Peter’s fun away days. 

    We also hear from our fed up listeners who have been getting their weekly whines off their chest regarding disastrous drivers, weird night time routines and Agony Ab is on hand to help you handle heartbreak!

    Enjoy this week’s Therapy Crouch

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    The Therapy Crouch
    enJuly 02, 2024

    Britain’s Next Top Model, Toilet Training Terrors and Poignant Words - Therapy Crouch #AMA

    Britain’s Next Top Model, Toilet Training Terrors and Poignant Words - Therapy Crouch #AMA

    On today’s episode of The Therapy Crouch #AMA Abbey and Peter have more than a few words of wisdom for our listeners this week as they sit down and answer some of your guys’ burning questions that have come up over the past week. 

    One listener question sparks Abbey to revisit her glory days on the set of Britain’s Next Top Model both as a contestant and as a judge, whilst we also get a glimpse into Abbey and Peter’s ideal career paths for their 4 children. 

    We also discuss how the dictionary could make some lovely light reading before bed, and Abbey and Pete give their say on the best city in the UK!

    Enjoy this week’s Therapy Crouch #AMA 

    To contact us: 

    Email: thetherapycrouch@gmail.com 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ thetherapycrouchpodcast/ 

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/ @thetherapycrouch 

    Website: https://thetherapycrouch.com/ 

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    The Therapy Crouch
    enJune 27, 2024

    The Sidwell’s: Steve and Krysy Sidwell on Marriage, Teenage Tear-Ups and Book Club Blunders

    The Sidwell’s: Steve and Krysy Sidwell on Marriage, Teenage Tear-Ups and Book Club Blunders

    On today’s episode of The Therapy Crouch, Abbey and Peter are joined by some of their oldest and closest friends - Steve and Krysy Sidwell. 

    In a friendship spanning two decades which has seen the couples share career paths, holidays and some outrageous nights out, this podcast is full of laughs and a behind the curtain, sneak peak into what it’s like being best friends with your favourite pair of podcasters! 

    Steve and Krysy discuss what they think has made their 20 year marriage stay rock solid after all these years and how they are navigating having three teenage boys who have developed of penchant for knocking seven bells of sh*t out of each other on a regular basis. 

    In the Agony Ab section, we hear from a listener who has some concerns about his wife’s recent fashion choices as well what to do in the awkward situation when someone likes you more than you like them - so stay tuned for that!! 

    Enjoy this week’s Therapy Crouch!

    To contact us: 

    Email: thetherapycrouch@gmail.com 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ thetherapycrouchpodcast/ 

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/ @thetherapycrouch 

    Website: https://thetherapycrouch.com/ 

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    The Therapy Crouch
    enJune 25, 2024

    Bonk Beats, Argentine Tangos and GUEST APPEARANCES! Therapy Crouch #AMA

    Bonk Beats, Argentine Tangos and GUEST APPEARANCES! Therapy Crouch #AMA

    On today’s episode of The Therapy Crouch #AMA Abbey and Pete are back in the driving seat answering all your serious-ish questions that you are dying to know the answer to. 

    After Abbey’s recent Veto on our ‘would you rather’ questions, the gang have decided to dig a little bit deeper and are looking at some more thought provoking topics. 

    We discuss if couples dance classes are ever a good idea, how to stop you kids getting spoilt and what to do when your boyfriend just cant seem to get his priorities straight…

    We also have a lovely guest appearance from Abbey and Peter’s FAVOURITE people on the planet so if you are a fan of the pod you won’t want to miss this!

    Enjoy this week’s Therapy Crouch #AMA 

    If you want your question read out on the pod, hit the link below


    To contact us: 

    Email: thetherapycrouch@gmail.com 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ thetherapycrouchpodcast/ 

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/ @thetherapycrouch 

    Website: https://thetherapycrouch.com/ 

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    The Therapy Crouch
    enJune 20, 2024

    LA DOLCE VITA: Abbey and Pete’s Sicily Shenanigans

    LA DOLCE VITA: Abbey and Pete’s Sicily Shenanigans

    On today’s episode of The Therapy Crouch, your favourite couple are back fresh off the heels of a romantic getaway in Sicily. 

    In classic Crouch fashion, worries about the weather, stylish cardigans and a cameo appearance from airport ab all made an appearance on this romantic getaway!

    But it’s not all doom and gloom, Abbey and Peter also found time to reconnect by having a joint listen to their latest audio book whilst out and about and child free - what a pair of crazy cats!

    We also get your guys’ opinions on who was truly to blame for iPad-gate and we also hear from a listener whose in-laws eating habits are forcing her to reevaluate her whole relationship..

    Enjoy this week’s, Therapy Crouch!

    To contact us: 

    Email: thetherapycrouch@gmail.com 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ thetherapycrouchpodcast/ 

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/ @thetherapycrouch 

    Website: https://thetherapycrouch.com/ 

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    The Therapy Crouch
    enJune 18, 2024

    Therapy Crouch Jingles, Holiday Advice, Favourite Music Genres & More: The Therapy Crouch #AMA

    Therapy Crouch Jingles, Holiday Advice, Favourite Music Genres & More: The Therapy Crouch #AMA

    Therapy Crouch fans, join us back on the sofa for another exciting, tantalising, provocative, thought provoking & mind expanding AMA with the nation’s favourite twosome!

    After we put out the call asking for some jingles, we play two of our favourites so far, Abbey & Pete discuss which genre they’d choose if they could only listen to one for the rest of their lives, they give some holiday advice & why Pete gets 99% off sunglasses…

    Enjoy this week’s, Therapy Crouch #AMA !!!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Therapy Crouch
    enJune 13, 2024

    Peter’s New Stylist, Ghosting Horror Stories and NAKED Attraction! The Therapy Crouch

    Peter’s New Stylist, Ghosting Horror Stories and NAKED Attraction! The Therapy Crouch

    On today’s episode of The Therapy Crouch, Abbey and Peter are filling us in on what has been a very busy week for the pair! Peter attended his first ever life drawing class that has given him a new lease of life, whilst Abbey has been on the hunt for gardening inspiration at the Chelsea Flower Show, all right for some!

    Abbey and Pete give their thoughts on why men run for the hills once they take a relationship to the next level and we also hear from a husband who is fed up of men taking a lot of heat on the pod and wants to set the record straight. 

    In the Agony Abs, we hear from a listener whose friends constant complaining is leaving her feeling down in the dumps about her own body image as well as from a listener who made the age old mistake of asking his new girlfriend about the dreaded body count

    To contact us: 

    Email: thetherapycrouch@gmail.com 

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    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/ @thetherapycrouch 

    Website: https://thetherapycrouch.com/ 

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    The Therapy Crouch
    enJune 11, 2024

    Brits Abroad, 5 A Side Dream Team & Peter’s Real Depths: The Therapy Crouch #AMA

    Brits Abroad, 5 A Side Dream Team & Peter’s Real Depths: The Therapy Crouch #AMA

    Therapy Crouch fans! Come back to the sofa with us as this week our tremendous twosome are tackling some of the more important questions we’ve received…

    Satisfying Abbey’s search for deeper questions, the two discuss what Ronaldo, Ashley Cole & Alisson Becker have in common, their top tips for making the most of this summer’s travelling, how they explain fame & being asked to take pictures to the kids & most importantly just how deep Peter can go…

    Enjoy this week’s, Therapy Crouch #AMA !!!

    To contact us:

    Email: thetherapycrouch@gmail.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ thetherapycrouchpodcast/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/ @thetherapycrouch

    Website: https://thetherapycrouch.com/

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Therapy Crouch
    enJune 06, 2024

    Summer Loving: (Tent) Erection Disasters, Backstreet Boys and Wardrobe MUST haves!

    Summer Loving: (Tent) Erection Disasters, Backstreet Boys and Wardrobe MUST haves!

    In this lively episode of The Therapy Crouch, hosts Abbey and Peter Crouch continue to take advantage of the gorgeous recent weather and keep the conversations outdoors!

    Today we are getting you in the mood for your upcoming hot girl/boy summer and are giving some of their top tips on how to make the most of it!

    From their struggles with camping and tent erections to their favourite summer tunes and holiday plans we have got you covered to turn this summer up to 11. Abbey is also embracing her fashion icon status and giving you all some style tips for how to turn heads in the coming months!

    In the Agony Abs, we hear from a 20 something singleton who is struggling to get their foot on the dating ladder and the pair have some hilariously blunt advice for someone whose ‘treat them mean keep them keen’ tactics is starting to wear thin. 

    Enjoy this week’s Therapy Crouch!

    00:00 - Introduction

    04:42 - Sweat, Botox, and Erection Issues

    09:31 - Ticket Touting 

    23:03 - Lonely Hearts Club

    28:55 - Treat Them Mean Keep Them Keen

    To contact us: 

    Email: thetherapycrouch@gmail.com 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ thetherapycrouchpodcast/ 

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/ @thetherapycrouch 

    Website: https://thetherapycrouch.com/ 

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Therapy Crouch
    enJune 04, 2024

    Sexy Waiters, Open Relationships and Outrageous Meal Deals: The Therapy Crouch #AMA

    Sexy Waiters, Open Relationships and Outrageous Meal Deals: The Therapy Crouch #AMA

    You know what time of week it is! Abbey and Pete are making the most of the recent heatwave and are coming live and direct from the garden, bloody Marys in hand and BBQ on the go, summer is almost upon us!!

    After some questionable low brow questions last week, Abbey and Peter are trying to bring the podcast out of disrepute and are answering harder hitting questions such as ‘what is your favourite meal deal’ and ‘have you ever considered an open relationship’ - Question Time got nothing on us!

    Joking aside, Abbey and Pete discuss their bucket list dreams, cosmetic questions and who dropped the L bomb first!

    00:00 Cosmetic Questions

    03:03 Open Relationships

    17:27 Meal Deal Madness

    21:36 That’s All Folks!

    Enjoy this week’s, Therapy Crouch #AMA !!!

    If you want to submit your questions to The Therapy Crouch then hit the link below! 


    Want to take it one step further and get your voice on the pod? Follow the link below!


    To contact us: 

    Email: thetherapycrouch@gmail.com 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ thetherapycrouchpodcast/ 

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/ @thetherapycrouch 

    Website: https://thetherapycrouch.com/ 

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Therapy Crouch
    enMay 30, 2024

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    Get a FREE copy of “31 Conversation Starters to Improve Communication” here: https://resources.apurposedrivenmarriage.com/conversationstarters

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    Following Your Money Intuition with Nicholle Overkamp

    Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Nicholle Overkamp about her  strategies for your financial future and her book Money Bitch.

    Nicholle Overkamp, MBA, ChFC® is a personal finance expert and business coach for women. She’s the Founder & CEO of both Wilcox Financial Group and PowHERhouse Money Coaching.Overcoming her years at a large, toxically-masculine financial firm, Nicholle uses her money mastery skills to foster no-judgement environments where women can be open and shameless about their finances and habits. She knows that a critical factor in growing wealth is one’s mindset and sense of self-worth – it’s about setting boundaries, having discipline, and knowing you’re worth every dollar you invest in yourself, your future, and your life.Nicholle’s signature is her authentic, no-BS, energetic approach that makes a typically challenging subject fun and engaging. She's competitive and completely addicted to her client's success.

    As a firm believer in the power of having a network of sisters to build each other up, Nicholle is a strong advocate for empowering women and serves as a facilitator for the Business Advisory group of the Women’s Business Center at Canisius College, as well as a Board Member for Girl Scouts of Western New York.In addition to holding her FINRA Series 7 & 66 registrations and life/health insurance licenses, Nicholle is the co-author of the best-selling book Money Bitch! A No-BS Guide for Smart Women Who Want to Own Their Financial Future.When she’s not orchestrating the financial futures of women everywhere, Nicholle finds joy in working out, hiking, boating, and championing a slew of side hustles with her husband Chris and beloved Goldendoodle Remi in their native Buffalo, NY.

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