
    About this Episode

    One of the foundational aspects or our faith as Christians, is to not bear false witness. Our culture, from the left and right, is often ignoring this commandment by perpetuating falsehoods and conspiracies. Misinformation is either forwarded with the hopes that it might be true or with the hope that it might slow the momentum of an opponents agenda. Either way, it is counter-cultural to Biblical living. Dr. Jonny explores the misinformation campaign against Bill Gates, who is responsible for the largest, most human-driven philanthropy in the history of mankind! While it is acceptable to question ones motives and to hold one accountable, it is never acceptable to bear false witness.

    Recent Episodes from Pushback with Dr. Jonny

    Altar to the Alter

    Altar to the Alter

    Alcohol, drugs and more specifically, Fentanyl usage have risen to epidemic proportions and are literally killing our kids. Dr. Jonny shares his parental, ministerial and medical knowledge to inform parents of this immediate and absolute threat. He shares how the abuse of these drugs are not the disease, but rather they create an altered state that temporarily allows them to escape the real disease.

    Lying in Weight

    Lying in Weight

    With obesity statistics rising at alarming rate, Dr. Jonny continues his series on Killing our Kids by examining childhood obesity. With our children rarely meeting the daily recommended physical activity, the large consumption of junk food and empty calories and kids spending an average of 7 1/2 hours a day using entertainment media, obesity has become a health emergency. While avoiding shame, we as parents need to not normalize unhealthy choices, become proactive and pushback to save our children’s lives!

    Time to Hang it Up!

    Time to Hang it Up!

    Studies have proven that cell phone usage by teens is harmful, destructive and increases mental illness, yet 95% of teens have access to smart phones…most unfettered. Dr. Jonny continues his “killing our kids” series by exposing the absolute danger of cell phone usage and call parents to be courageous, powerful and counter-cultural by implementing tight boundaries on usage or hanging it up completely!

    Language Vulgaris

    Language Vulgaris

    What comes out of our mouths matter. Swearing, cursing or vulgarity is common in our culture, but not normal. Dr. Jonny continue his series on saving our children by explaining the importance of language. The way our children speak effects their status, respectability, influence and reveals their heart. The word vulgar means common, but we are raising our children to be uncommon, purposeful and exceptional!

    Out of Date

    Out of Date

    Dr. Jonny explores further how our culture is killing our kids, by addressing dating. Common culture emphasizes physical attraction and feelings, as well as the social status of being in a relationship. This trite and reckless culture leads to needless heartache, emotional pain, and bitterness. As parents, we can help relieve the cultural pressure by emphasizing maturity, patience, time, and identity.

    Battle of the Sexes

    Battle of the Sexes

    Our culture has removed all boundaries regarding sexual purity, both inside and outside the church. This compromise has had devastating effects on the physical, emotional and spiritual health of our children. The Father has placed loving but firm boundaries around sexual behavior because He loves us, and He has entrusted us as parents to keep those boundaries.

    Heart in the Right Place

    Heart in the Right Place

    The New Covenant in the Blood of Jesus, is internal and manifested by an internal sign (circumcision of the heart), based on intimacy, grace and love. Parenting is about protecting hearts and when needed, promoting heart change. Dr. Jonny describes basic boundaries and claims that only when our children’s hearts are in the right place, inside these boundaries set by loving parents, will they be healthy and thrive.

    Critical Boundaries

    Critical Boundaries

    Boundaries are not placed around our children to constrict or control them, but rather to offer them a loving, safe and secure culture for them to operate in complete freedom! Dr. Jonny explains that obeying parents and living within boundaries are critical to the health and survival of our children. Not only that, but boundaries are desperately wanted by our children!

    We Are Killing Our Kids

    We Are Killing Our Kids

    Dr. Jonny kicks off season 5 by releasing vision for the new year. There is maybe only one common denominator or one thing Americans value most, that is our children. Most everyone wants their children to thrive and have meaning in their lives. So, it should bring shock and concern to learn that we are, in fact, killing our kids… and Dr. Jonny feels like he can prove it! When a culture loses a generational mindset, there are predictable casualties. When we identify the influencers of a culture, then strategic pushback can be applied, and a generation can be saved!