
    Closing the gap between Regulatory and Development with Milton Yarberry

    enMarch 05, 2024

    About this Episode

    ICS offers medical device product development services, with their:
      - Proprietary low-code prototype system
      - Free Cybersecurity and Architecture gap analysis offerings

    Get in touch with Milton Yarberry at:
      - email:  myarberry@ics.com
      - LinkedIn:   https://www.linkedin.com/in/milton-yarberry-06a2311



    You can find Jeff at https://jeffgable.com.
    You can find Luca at https://luca.engineer.

    Recent Episodes from The Agile Embedded Podcast

    Closing the gap between Regulatory and Development with Milton Yarberry

    Closing the gap between Regulatory and Development with Milton Yarberry

    ICS offers medical device product development services, with their:
      - Proprietary low-code prototype system
      - Free Cybersecurity and Architecture gap analysis offerings

    Get in touch with Milton Yarberry at:
      - email:  myarberry@ics.com
      - LinkedIn:   https://www.linkedin.com/in/milton-yarberry-06a2311



    You can find Jeff at https://jeffgable.com.
    You can find Luca at https://luca.engineer.

    Model-Based Development with Max Kolesnikov

    Model-Based Development with Max Kolesnikov

    Max Kolesnikov is a founder and CEO of MKS Technology, an embedded software and controls engineering firm. He has nearly 20 years of experience working in controls and software for real-time, safety-critical applications in automotive and industrial domains.

    Max offers embedded software and controls engineering consulting for automotive applications.

    Website: http://mks.technology
    Email: max.kolesnikov@mks.technology
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/max-kolesnikov-phd-9b41617/


    You can find Jeff at https://jeffgable.com.
    You can find Luca at https://luca.engineer.


    You can find Jeff at https://jeffgable.com.
    You can find Luca at https://luca.engineer.

    Renode with Michael Gielda

    Renode with Michael Gielda

    Reach out to Antmicro at contact@antmicro.com or connect with them on social media:
       - Twitter: @antmicro . For latest Renode updates, follow @renodeio
       - LinkedIn: @antmicro-ltd

    Try Renode at https://renode.io/

     Github:  https://github.com/renode/renode

     Check out the Antmicro blog for Renode news:
       - ARMv8-A and 64-bit peripheral support in Renode
       - Simulating NB-IoT networking in Renode

    See the boards supported by Renode:  zephyr-dashboard.renode.io

    Watch our keynote about Organizing the Hardware Ecosystem with Open Source: Antmicro Visual System Designer during the Embedded Open Source Summit 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XtnTkCRrww

    You can find Jeff at https://jeffgable.com.
    You can find Luca at https://luca.engineer.

    Git for Hardware Engineers with Valentina Ratner and Kyle Dumont

    Git for Hardware Engineers with Valentina Ratner and Kyle Dumont

    Check out Allspice:

    Git for Hardware Guide - 80+ page book on how to apply these principles to hardware development

    See the hardware collaboration platform in action:

    Get in touch with Valentina Ratner:

    Get in touch with Kyle Dumont:


    You can find Jeff at https://jeffgable.com.
    You can find Luca at https://luca.engineer.

    Modern C++ for Embedded with Niall Cooling

    Modern C++ for Embedded with Niall Cooling

    Check out Niall's training company Feabhas.

    Feabhas training courses

    blog (over 10 years of content)

    YouTube list:
    Is C+ a Safer C?

    A brief introduction to concepts in Modern C++

    Why Rust won't replace C (just yet anyway)

    Other shownotes from things mentioned during the podcast:
    Doctest: https://github.com/doctest/doctest
    Dev Containers for VSCode: https://microsoft.github.io/code-with-engineering-playbook/developer-experience/devcontainers/

    GodBolt compiler explorer: https://godbolt.org/
    CPP Insights: https://cppinsights.io/
    Catch2 unit testing framework: https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2
    Clang-tidy: https://clang.llvm.org/extra/clang-tidy/
    Clang-format: https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html
    Mbed OS for ARM: https://os.mbed.com/

    You can find Jeff at https://jeffgable.com.
    You can find Luca at https://luca.engineer.