
    CMLC 2024-08-18 Sermon

    enAugust 19, 2024
    What was the author's experience with motion sickness on the boat?
    Why did the author swim to shore during the boat experience?
    How does Pastor Jason relate Jonah's story to personal transformation?
    What does discipleship entail according to the passage?
    How can individuals mitigate negative influences in their lives?

    Podcast Summary

    • Surroundings impactOur surroundings can have a significant impact on us, and it's essential to be aware of this and take steps to mitigate any negative influences when possible.

      Our surroundings have a significant impact on us, often in ways we don't expect. I once experienced this firsthand while on a boat, where my motion sickness was exacerbated by the rocking of the water. When the captain suggested jumping into the lake to feel better, I did so, only to discover that the water caused the boat to rock even more, leaving me feeling worse than before. I realized that I needed to distance myself from the source of my discomfort, and I swam to shore. Unfortunately, the person next to me experienced the same unfortunate event, but I was grateful for having escaped. This experience taught me that our surroundings can have a profound effect on us, and it's essential to be aware of this and take steps to mitigate any negative influences when possible.

    • Media InfluenceMedia significantly impacts behaviors and actions, with potentially dangerous trends emerging from viral content, highlighting the importance of mindful consumption and positive environments

      The environment around us significantly influences our behaviors and actions. For instance, people worldwide spend an average of seven hours daily engaging with screens, with younger generations spending even more. These screens expose us to various trends and influences, some of which can be dangerous or distracting. For example, there have been trends of people attempting dangerous stunts, such as climbing milk crates or eating detergent pods, based on viral videos. The concerning part is that many people try to replicate these actions, potentially leading to harm. Therefore, it's essential to be mindful of the content we consume and the environments we surround ourselves with to ensure they promote positive and healthy behaviors.

    • Social Media InfluenceBe intentional about the influences in our lives, especially through social media, and seek out positive and uplifting experiences to navigate the complexities of the world

      We are constantly influenced by what we see and experience, especially through social media. This influence can lead people to make dangerous or harmful choices, such as eating detergent pods or stealing sinks from schools. It's important for us to be intentional about the influences in our lives and seek out positive and uplifting experiences, particularly through community and connection with others. Isolation can make it easier to hide our struggles and face challenges alone, but coming together with others can provide accountability, support, and growth. During times of isolation, we may still be influenced by external factors, so it's crucial to be mindful of the content we consume and the company we keep. By engaging in positive communities and seeking out opportunities for growth, we can better navigate the complexities of the world around us.

    • Moving from head knowledge to heart knowledgeTo truly learn and apply new knowledge, it's necessary to process it, discuss key points, and reflect on how it fits into the larger picture, rather than just absorbing information during a sermon or lecture.

      Effective learning goes beyond just absorbing information during a sermon or lecture. While attending church or listening to a speaker, we may only retain a small percentage of what is being taught. To truly internalize and apply new knowledge, it's essential to take the time to process it, discuss key points, and reflect on how it fits into the larger picture. This process, often referred to as moving from head knowledge to heart knowledge, requires intentional effort and patience. Instead of simply learning the "right answers," we should strive for a deeper understanding and application of the concepts. This approach not only enhances our learning experience but also helps us live out the lessons in our daily lives.

    • Discipleship transformationDiscipleship is a lifelong journey of transformation that requires actively engaging with the teachings of the Bible, reflecting on them, and sharing them with others.

      The process of discipleship is not just about receiving information, but also about absorbing it, reflecting on it, and sharing it with others. The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians, encourages us to "wake up sleeper, rise from the dead and Christ will shine on you." This metaphorical awakening is not a one-time event, but a continuous transformation that requires time and effort. Paul, in his writings, may not always quote sources exactly, but that doesn't diminish the importance of his message. The debate over whether he was quoting Isaiah or Jonah, for instance, is not the main point. What matters is the idea he is conveying, which is that we should strive to understand and live out the teachings of the Bible, rather than just passively consuming them. Furthermore, the passage reminds us that our faith is not a static experience, but a dynamic one. We are called to rise from the dead, to be transformed by Christ's light. This transformation takes time and effort, and it requires us to engage with the text, to reflect on it, and to share it with others. So, in summary, the key takeaway is that discipleship is a lifelong journey of transformation, and it requires us to actively engage with the teachings of the Bible, reflect on them, and share them with others.

    • Prioritizing God, Choosing GoodWe should prioritize making time and space for God, choosing good over evil, and not letting distractions consume us. Using Jonah's story as an example, we're reminded of the second chance we're given in life to make things right and return to a life filled with God's presence.

      We should prioritize making time and space for God in our lives, rather than getting consumed by the distractions around us. Using the stories of Isaiah and Jonah as examples, Pastor Jason emphasized the importance of choosing good over evil and not letting ourselves be swallowed by negativity or clutter. Jonah's experience of being swallowed by a fish and then spit back out served as a reminder of the second chance we're given in life to make things right. Similarly, if we find ourselves in a metaphorical "coffin" of negative circumstances, we should seize the opportunity to be freed from it and return to a life filled with God's presence. By focusing on our relationship with God and not letting ourselves be overwhelmed by external distractions, we can ensure that our lives are truly enriched and meaningful.

    • Finding joy in imperfect momentsAuthentic connections require vulnerability and genuine interaction, and the closest we can come to a perfect performance is in the imperfect moments of real life.

      Living a godly life is about finding joy, friendship, and hope. It's not about being perfect or putting on a staged performance, but rather about connecting with others and sharing meaningful experiences. I used to believe that if I could sing and dance well, I could achieve the harmonious relationships I saw in musicals. But I soon realized that real life isn't a stage, and authentic connections require vulnerability and genuine interaction. During a mission trip in my 30s, I discovered the closest thing I could find to that musical experience. We were doing dishes after a hurricane, and I started singing "You've Lost That Loving Feeling" from Top Gun. To my surprise, everyone joined in, and we sang together, eyes closed and hearts open. It was a moment of pure connection and joy, reminding me that the closest we can come to a perfect performance is in the imperfect moments of real life.

    • Discipleship joyDiscipleship is about finding joy and growing in faith together, influencing one another for good, and cherishing the gift of accountability in community

      The time we spend with each other as disciples of God is not about adding extra tasks, but rather finding joy and growing in faith together. When we gather, whether it be for worship or in everyday life, we have the opportunity to influence one another for good. This joy we find in community gives us purpose and meaning as we grow in God's Word together. It's important to remember that accountability is not a burden, but a gift. May we cherish the joy we experience as we live out our faith together and look forward to continuing this journey as a community of believers. So, let us strive to be present and engaged with one another, finding joy in the shared experience of growing in faith and love for God. And I encourage you all to join us again next week as we continue to explore this journey of discipleship together.