
    CNN Caught On Tape In An Epic Takedown (Ep 1499)

    enApril 14, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Challenges COVID-19 Status QuoGovernor DeSantis advocates for individual freedoms, drawing praise and criticism, expresses views on masks and vaccines, CNN covers story on media's handling but leaves out key details, Bravo Company Manufacturing produces high-quality protective equipment, commitment to providing reliable tools for protection sets them apart

      Florida Governor Ron DeSantis continues to challenge the status quo and champion individual freedoms, drawing praise from his supporters and criticism from those who prioritize government control. A recent example of this came during a panel discussion where DeSantis expressed his views on masks and vaccines in the context of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Meanwhile, a story broke on CNN by Project Veritas about the media's handling of the situation, but some key details were left out of the coverage. Additionally, Bravo Company Manufacturing was highlighted for producing high-quality, life-saving equipment, designed and built to the highest standards. The company's commitment to providing Americans with reliable tools for protection, whether in everyday life or in critical situations, sets them apart.

    • Growing concerns over censorship against conservativesCensorship against conservatives is a growing issue, with social media platforms and corporate America removing content and labeling critics as 'fascist communists'. This disregard for civil liberties and the Constitution could lead to further discrimination and marginalization for conservatives.

      There is a growing concern over censorship and discrimination against conservatives, particularly on social media platforms and in corporate America. This was highlighted in a discussion about a banned video featuring Governor Ron DeSantis discussing coronavirus science with doctors. The speaker expressed frustration towards YouTube for removing the video, labeling them as "fascist communists." They also criticized media conglomerates for promoting censorship and colluding with big tech. The situation is seen as a descent into fascism, with civil liberties and the Constitution being disregarded. The speaker urged listeners to take notice of these developments and the potential consequences for conservatives, who are already second-class citizens and risk becoming third or fourth class citizens with active discrimination.

    • Rise of Fascist Tactics: Silencing Opposing VoicesFascist tactics by big tech and allies are suppressing free speech, public gatherings, and civil liberties, but more people are waking up to the issue, leading to a potential turning point for freedom and liberty.

      We are witnessing the use of fascist tactics by big tech and liberal allies to suppress free speech, public gatherings, and civil liberties. The speaker expresses concern over the rapid descent into chaos and the silencing of opposing voices, even those advocating against violence or oppression. The speaker believes that this trend will continue and that more people are waking up to the issue, leading to a potential turning point where freedom and liberty will re-emerge. The lawsuit mentioned against Facebook for removing anti-jihad violence groups is an example of this censorship. It's important to recognize and challenge these tactics to preserve democratic values.

    • CNN staffer admits to propaganda, collusion between media and science organizationsBe cautious of news sources pushing specific narratives, recognize the importance of critical thinking and fact-checking in today's media environment.

      The line between news organizations and propaganda outlets is becoming increasingly blurred. A CNN staffer was caught on tape admitting that the network engaged in propaganda to help get Trump out of office. Furthermore, there's evidence of collusion between media and science organizations to label climate change a "climate emergency." These revelations highlight the need for critical thinking and fact-checking in today's media environment. It's essential to recognize that some news sources may not be providing objective information, but instead, pushing specific narratives. These tactics are reminiscent of fascist and totalitarian regimes, where dissent is crushed and only approved narratives are allowed. It's crucial to stay informed but also to be discerning in our consumption of news.

    • Media Landscape and Climate Change: Urgency, Censorship, and HopeMedia emphasizes climate emergency urgency, concerns about censorship, hopeful resistance, and personalized sleep solutions

      The media landscape is shifting, with publications like Scientific American using the term "climate emergency" to emphasize the urgency of the issue. Amidst this change, there are concerns about censorship and suppression of dissenting voices. However, there's also a sense of hope and resistance, with people fighting back against these practices. In a lighter vein, another takeaway is the importance of a good night's sleep, which can be achieved through personalized mattresses from companies like Helix. Despite the challenges, there's a belief that the rapid descent into certain issues will be accompanied by a rapid ascent into solutions and positive change.

    • Rejecting Big Tech Money for Civil LibertiesConservative orgs reject big tech money to preserve civil liberties and democracy, ensuring independence and freedom from manipulation.

      The rejection of big tech money by conservative organizations is a significant step towards preserving civil liberties and democracy. This is not a small matter, as many of these organizations rely on donations to survive and big tech companies have used their financial influence to manipulate the narrative and silence dissenting voices. The decision to turn down big tech money is not an easy one, as it comes with pressure to toe the company line. However, it is crucial for the preservation of our democratic institutions and civil liberties. It is essential that more conservative organizations follow suit and reject big tech money to ensure that they remain independent and free from manipulation. This is a critical moment in our history, and every action counts towards safeguarding our future.

    • Rapid erosion of fundamental rights and freedomsStand up for individual rights, speak out against injustices, boycott corporations, and support political figures prioritizing liberties.

      The world is witnessing a rapid erosion of fundamental rights and freedoms, particularly in the United States, with corporations and political figures seemingly turning a blind eye to human rights abuses in China while condemning American democracy. This situation is causing widespread concern and fear, leading many to feel that they must take action to preserve their freedoms. The ability to assemble, speak freely, practice religion, and petition the government are all under threat, with some facing consequences for expressing their beliefs or supporting certain causes. It's crucial for individuals to stand up for their rights and not wait for someone else to lead the way. This may involve speaking out against injustices, boycotting corporations that engage in questionable practices, and supporting political figures who prioritize individual liberties. The stakes are high, and inaction is not an option.

    • Standing up against causes we disagree withIndividuals can make a difference by refusing to support corporations and organizations with controversial stances, collectively sending a powerful message and potentially influencing change.

      Individuals have the power to make a difference by taking a stand against corporations and organizations that support causes they disagree with. The speaker encourages people not to support Major League Baseball in particular due to its stance on Georgia voter integrity laws. By collectively refusing to attend games, turn on the television, or buy from sponsors, individuals can send a powerful message and potentially influence change. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of not giving up and continuing to fight for freedom and liberty, even if it seems like a daunting task. Ultimately, everyone has a role to play in shaping the future of the country, and it's up to each individual to stand up and be the change they want to see.

    • Maintaining personal integrity and dignity amid societal challengesQuestion public health messaging, support companies that uphold freedom, and seek out truth for yourself.

      In the current societal climate, standing up for truth and individual freedoms can be a challenging and isolating experience. The speaker emphasizes the importance of maintaining personal integrity and dignity, even in the face of opposition and potential backlash. They also encourage supporting companies and figures who share these values, as they believe the world is becoming increasingly divided between those who champion freedom and those who push for control. The speaker also questions the inconsistencies in public health messaging and the use of fear and panic to manipulate public opinion. They encourage listeners to question the information they are being given and to seek out the truth for themselves. Additionally, they promote a specific holster company, We The People Halsters, as an example of a business that aligns with these values.

    • Two contrasting headlines from the Washington PostThe reliability and accuracy of news sources are crucial during crises. Read beyond headlines, consider context and credibility to avoid misinformation.

      The reliability and accuracy of news sources, especially during times of crisis or uncertainty, are crucial. The discussion highlights two contrasting headlines from the Washington Post published less than a year apart, each making opposing claims about the effectiveness of masks during the pandemic. This inconsistency raises questions about the validity of the information being disseminated and the importance of fact-checking. The speaker emphasizes the need for reason and critical thinking when evaluating news sources and encourages readers to read beyond the headlines and consider the context and credibility of the information. The incident also underscores the potential consequences of relying on unverified or incomplete information and the importance of seeking out reliable sources for accurate and up-to-date information.

    • Personal experiences shape beliefsDan encourages standing up for beliefs, staying informed, and speaking out against injustice, drawing from humorous anecdotes about challenging the status quo

      People's beliefs and perspectives can be shaped by personal experiences. Dan Bongino shared some humorous comments he came across, including one about a person questioning his cancer diagnosis and another about a woman's experience with Delta Airlines. He also mentioned an old joke about how a liberal becomes a conservative after being mugged. Dan finds humor in these situations and encourages his audience to stand up for their beliefs, even if it means challenging the status quo. Despite the light-hearted tone, Dan emphasizes the importance of being informed and taking action when necessary. He encourages his audience to stay engaged and not be afraid to speak out against injustice, no matter how small it may seem. Overall, Dan's message is one of empowerment and encourages his audience to stand up for what they believe in, even if it means going against the mainstream narrative.

    • Liberal policies with unintended suburban consequencesThe revival of Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) policy could lead to disillusionment among liberal voters in suburban areas, potentially shifting their political leanings towards conservatism.

      Liberal policies may seem appealing when they don't directly affect those who support them, but when those policies come with consequences that negatively impact their suburban communities, such as the implementation of Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH), many liberals may change their tune. The AFFH policy, which aims to eliminate discriminatory zoning policies and build low-income housing in suburbs, was revived by the Biden administration, and those living in suburban areas who have previously supported liberal policies may now face unwanted changes in their communities. This could lead to a shift in political allegiances, as seen in the past when cities faced economic and social chaos and elected conservative leaders to bring about change. The implication is that the implementation of such policies could potentially lead to a wave of disillusionment among liberal voters and a shift towards more conservative political leanings.

    • A born-and-raised American's determination to stay despite political differencesDan Bongino, a native American, refuses to leave despite political differences, emphasizing his personal connection to the place and his wife's immigrant struggles. He encourages listeners to support him by contacting local radio stations and subscribing to his video show for a priceless episode on rumble.com/Bongino.

      The speaker, Dan Bongino, is deeply rooted in his home country and is unwilling to leave despite political differences. He emphasizes his personal connection to the place, having been born and raised there, and his wife's struggles as an immigrant. He expresses his determination to stay and refuses to be part of what he perceives as a communist takeover. He also encourages listeners to support him by contacting their local radio stations to request carrying his new terrestrial radio show, which is set to launch on May 24th. He asks for their subscription to his video show and promises a priceless episode on rumble.com/Bongino. Overall, the speaker's message conveys a sense of resilience and commitment to his home despite challenging circumstances.

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