
    Columbia Protest Escalates, NC Officers Killed, Trump On Trial

    enApril 30, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Sleep Number's Prioritization of Quality SleepSleep Number bed offers adjustable firmness, temperature control, noise reduction, and ranks #1 in customer satisfaction (JD Power)

      Quality sleep is a priority and the Sleep Number smart bed caters to individual needs with features like adjustable firmness, temperature control, and noise reduction. The JD Power ranking of Sleep Number as number 1 in customer satisfaction further emphasizes its value. Meanwhile, there have been significant developments overnight, including student protests at Columbia University where students have barricaded themselves inside a historic academic building, denying access to others and disrupting student life. The situation has escalated, and it remains to be seen how the administration will handle it.

    • Student protests at Columbia University disrupt orderAdministrators must balance free speech and property rights, ensuring safety and respect for all members of the campus community.

      Campus administrators are facing increasing pressure to manage student protests and maintain order on private property. At Columbia University, students occupied Hamilton Hall, disregarding the deadline to disperse. Witnesses reported a chaotic scene, with some students attempting to negotiate with the mob, while others tried to act as human barricades. The authorities were called but did not respond. The incident raises concerns about the need for clear communication and enforcement of rules to ensure safety and respect for all members of the campus community, including staff. The line between free speech and occupation of private property is a delicate one, and administrators must find a balance between upholding academic freedom and maintaining order. The incident at Columbia University is not an isolated case, and similar situations are expected to arise around the country. It's essential for administrators, local law enforcement, and elected officials to work together to find solutions that prioritize safety, respect for property, and the academic mission of the institution.

    • Sleep Number Beds vs Student ProtestsSleep Number beds offer personalized comfort and temperature regulation for better sleep, while student protests at universities pose potential disruptions and challenges to leadership, potentially impacting the incumbent administration negatively.

      Sleep Number smart beds offer personalized comfort and temperature regulation for better sleep, while the ongoing student protests on college campuses pose potential disruptions and challenges to university leadership. Sleep Number beds, which rank number 1 in customer satisfaction according to JD Power, feature cooling and pressure-relieving layers, as well as temperature balancing bedding. Meanwhile, the ongoing student protests on campuses, particularly Columbia University, have led to concerns about safety and disruption. The White House and universities are facing pressure to respond, which could impact the incumbent administration negatively. It's important to note that the situation is evolving, and resources and tactics used by each institution will play a role in how it unfolds. The protests, which have disrupted the normal campus experience, add to the broader narrative of America being out of control, a narrative that political figures like Donald Trump are likely to exploit.

    • Parallels to the unrest of the 1960s and the need for peaceful protestsThe Biden administration urges caution against repeating mistakes of 1968, emphasizing the importance of peaceful protests and avoiding divisive language and symbols.

      The current social and political climate, particularly on college campuses, is drawing parallels to the unrest of the late 1960s. The Biden administration aims to remind people of the challenges faced during that time. However, they are cautious not to repeat the mistakes of 1968. A significant issue that has emerged is the use of provocative language and symbols during protests, such as the call for an "intifada," which can be perceived as threatening and divisive. This rhetoric overshadows the legitimate concerns and can make people feel unsafe. The Harvard Youth Poll indicates that this issue is relevant to a significant portion of the population. It is crucial for protesters to maintain the focus on peace and understanding, rather than instigating violence or hatred. The events unfolding at universities like the University of North Carolina and Columbia University serve as a reminder of the importance of this message.

    • Protests at Columbia University: Chants, Banners, and OccupationA recent protest at Columbia University involved chants for Palestine and 'death to America', a displayed banner, and students occupying Hamilton Hall, leading to campus restrictions and efforts to clear the encampment, but the identities of the students and potential external influence remain unclear, escalating tensions.

      During a recent protest at Columbia University, students chanted for Palestine and "death to America," which alarmed a panelist who shared his personal experiences of 9/11 and military service. A banner supporting Palestine was publicly displayed, leading to questions about coordination and potential outside involvement. The campus has been restricted, and it's unclear whether these protests are solely student-led or if there's external influence. Yesterday's events escalated with students occupying Hamilton Hall and placing banners around the building. The university is trying to clear the encampment and the building, but now faces the additional challenge of preventing future occurrences. The identities of the students involved remain unclear, and their actions may further escalate tensions between the university and the protest activists.

    • Student protests at Columbia University escalate, leading to clashesProtests at Columbia University turned violent, with students storming buildings and clashing with police, shifting from peaceful debates to violent actions, testing universities' ability to maintain order and foster dialogue.

      Student protests at Columbia University sharply escalated overnight, leading to clashes between protesters and police, with demonstrators barricading themselves inside Hamilton Hall. The motivation behind these protests is rooted in historical calls for divestment, particularly during the Vietnam War and apartheid in South Africa. However, the recent protests have seen a change in tactics, with protesters smashing windows and storming the building, moving away from peaceful debates and towards violent actions. The university has been trying to avoid using police to deescalate the situation, but the situation took a sharp turn when laws were being violated. The challenge for universities is to balance the need to maintain order with the desire to foster open dialogue and respectful debates on important issues.

    • Generational divide in activism and protestsOlder generations express frustration with younger protesters' focus and understanding of root causes. Importance of voting and peaceful protests emphasized.

      There is a generational divide when it comes to activism and protests, with older generations expressing frustration over what they perceive as a lack of understanding and focus on the root causes of issues among younger protesters. The discussion also touched upon the complexity of distinguishing between speech and threats or assault, as well as the potential for outside actors to infiltrate protests. James Carville, a political commentator from an older generation, urged young people to vote and focus on the importance of the election for their future. The conversation also highlighted the historical context of student protests and the challenges of maintaining peaceful protests.

    • Protests at Columbia University: Balancing Activism and EducationWhile protests can bring attention to important issues, it's crucial for young activists to consider the consequences of their actions and prioritize education.

      While protests can bring attention to important issues, it's crucial for young activists to understand what they're protesting for and the potential consequences of their actions. The recent protests at Columbia University, which involved damage to property and disruptions to education, have raised questions about the effectiveness and motivations behind such actions. The Biden administration is currently working towards a ceasefire in the Middle East, and it's essential to consider the broader attitudes and priorities of young people regarding this and other pressing issues. The Harvard poll mentioned in the discussion highlights that concerns like abortion, immigration, and the economy are more significant for young voters than the conflict in Gaza. As college presidents and administrators, it's crucial to provide a space for students to express their concerns while ensuring that education remains a priority.

    • Protests at Hamilton Hall escalate to violent levelsViolent protests at Hamilton Hall have disrupted campus safety, with students assaulting each other, barricading the building, and making threatening statements. Jewish students have been advised to leave due to safety concerns, and negotiations between the university and protesters have been unsuccessful.

      The ongoing protests at Columbia University's Hamilton Hall have escalated to violent levels, with students physically assaulting others and barricading the building. The building, which is significant due to its history of student activism during the 1960s and 1980s, has become a focal point for the current protests, with protesters unfurling inflammatory banners and making threatening statements. The overall feeling of safety on campus is diminished, particularly for Jewish students who have been advised to leave due to safety concerns. The university has attempted to negotiate with the protesters, but calls for help from authorities have gone unanswered, leaving some students feeling trapped and fearful. The situation raises concerns about the potential for further escalation and the impact on the academic experience for students.

    • Protests at Portland State and Columbia Universities Disrupt Operations and Raise Safety ConcernsProtests demanding university divestment from Israeli companies cause financial losses, potential loss of state funding, and safety concerns, leading to legal action and potential class action status

      The ongoing protests at Portland State University and Columbia University have led to contentious negotiations and impossible demands, causing disruptions and raising safety concerns for students. The protesters' primary demand for divestment from companies doing business in Israel is unrealistic for universities like Columbia, as it would result in significant financial losses and potential loss of state funding. The situation has escalated, with protesters occupying buildings and breaking campus rules, causing commencement ceremonies to be potentially affected. A lawsuit has been filed against Columbia for allegedly failing to provide a safe learning environment for students, particularly Jewish students who felt compelled to go virtual due to safety concerns. The lawsuit seeks class action status, but defining the class and proving the negative impact of virtual learning may be challenging. Overall, the situation highlights the complexities and challenges of balancing free speech, safety, and university operations during campus protests.

    • University Protests: Balancing Free Speech and SafetyUniversities must balance free speech rights with student safety during protests, addressing the needs of all students and preventing escalation through swift action.

      The current university protests, particularly at Columbia University, have caused harm to students and muddied the argument for free speech rights. The university's virtual learning environment has intensified the situation, with students feeling they've missed out on crucial experiences like graduation and in-person exams. The protests, which some perceive as bordering on harassment, have put pressure on the university president to take action. The president must reaffirm the importance of education and safety for all students, while also addressing the needs of those involved in the protests. Additionally, past experiences show that swift action by authorities can prevent protests from escalating to the level seen at Columbia. Ultimately, finding a balance between free speech and safety is crucial.

    • Protests with hate speech and violence not toleratedPeaceful protests are allowed, but hate speech and violent behavior are not tolerated and can result in consequences.

      While protests are allowed, the White House and authorities are drawing a line against antisemitic and violent behavior during protests. The use of hate speech and calls for violence, such as "from the river to the sea" and "Intifada," are considered unacceptable and can result in consequences, including bans from campuses or legal action. The focus is on maintaining peace and order while allowing for freedom of speech and assembly. The incident at Columbia University serves as an example of this stance. It's crucial to remember that peaceful protests are a right, but disruptive and hateful actions are not tolerated.

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    Episode 20: The [Un]Sanctioned Citizen Podcast

    Episode 20:  The [Un]Sanctioned Citizen Podcast

    We are making preparations for the budding of the [Un]Sanctioned Citizen podcast at Callin.com.


    3/13 UPDATE:  To no real surprise to anyone your Host admits to oversecuritized microphone settings.  I liken it to hiding a safe key code so well even you cannot find it.  So until the microphone and other hyper-private settings are managed, I am moving forward with old school guest-talk interview formatting, to post right here at Podomatic.  

    We really like Callin because you can have a panel of guests and issue commmentators on for a discuss and then open the phone partition to take caller questions and frame the discussion. 

    Callin is going to be awesome because you can produce Town Halls and side bar public input comments on issues where say, Zoom locks you out of US City Hall meetings. Meetings where no one is admitting the public in-person to deliver comments and everyone is still wearing masks. This models as an excuse to not serve and not answer the public, yet still tax us for those services.  [If this is you, Callin.com.]

    We needed a port in a storm of phone applications hang ups. So we are posting the flagship content here.  It's going to require a visit to the phone service to unlock some of the microphone applications options.  You cannot yet upload static mp3 files to Callin, yet!  While it would be cool to drop in cutaways from prior recordings, I think the point is to have an open dialogue.  It's not just for you to talk but for others to talk as well.

    There is currently no Callin phone schedule to date.  I will be updating this post with some air-times.  We may have to experiment with air-times that are going to work for other people to listen in and participate.  So what may happen is we have one Callin with a Guest for a good while, semi-longform. Think midi vs maxi in airtime length. The reason is we want other people to get on and talk.  From there, I will just have the Guest call back in. Then we can take some calls. 

    So here is an example of what it might look like:

    It lasts for approximately 30 minutes.  We announce a move to  the "Green Room Discussion".  We end this room and start another room, titled "[Un]Sanctioned Green Room with #1 NERD EVER".

    1) Get a Callin profile using a phone number of choice.  If you want to use a burner number you can.  There are ways to do it with the Burner app, but just choose a phone you can use that Callin will like and accept for either single or multiple uses.
    2) Enable your phone and your settings to allow access to your microphone.  You can revoke access for privacy later.  This is so if you want to call in on Callin, you can actually talk.
    3) I'll do my best to screen for people I know vs. complete strangers. Developed relations with my show increases your chances dramatically that you can speak.  I am still learning content moderation policies and options as a Callin talker. 
    4) Invite me to your show so I can drop in and thank you for stopping by at a later time AND HAVE FUN!


    Questions for me about the show?  SheilaMDean.com/contact
    Put [UnSanctioned] Citizen in the Subject line. 



    Destroying Society: Why Woke Culture Has Gone Too Far... | Konstantin Kisin Pt 1

    Destroying Society: Why Woke Culture Has Gone Too Far... | Konstantin Kisin Pt 1
    You should be aware of social inequalities that perpetuate injustice, but where does awareness cross the line and potentially become harmful to you and the society you’re part of? Konstantin Kisin is a comedian, social commentator and podcast host of the show TRIGGERnometry which celebrates freedom of speech. He’s had guest on such as Bill Maher and Ben Shapiro while tackling the harder conversations around woke culture, war, and highly sensitive politics most people avoid.  Konstantin has been named Jewish comedian of the year and has played at some of the UK’s biggest comedy clubs. In this two part episode Konstantin is discussing woke culture, the idea that victimhood sells and is therefore incentivized to younger people. Tom and Konstantin explore the Western culture values that should be preserved and the danger of a toxic culture that rather complain about injustices that actually go to work on finding real solutions and fixing problems/ The idea of trading things that work for ideas that merely sound good is discussed quite a bit and it’s influenced by Thomas Sowell’s quote from his book Is Reality Optional, “much of the social history of the Western world over the past three decades has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good.” Follow Konstantin Kisin: Website: http://konstantinkisin.com/  Twitter: https://twitter.com/KonstantinKisin  Podcast: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/konstantinkisin/  SPONSORS: This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at https://bit.ly/BetterhelpImpact and get on your way to being your best self. Head over to https://bit.ly/AnthrosImpact and get $200 off the office chair that promises to be the world's most comfortable sitting experience. Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://bit.ly/AG1Impact. No interest, no payments - take advantage of this special financing offer at https://bit.ly/NetsuiteImpact to get the visibility and control you need to weather any storm. Sign up today at https://bit.ly/ButcherBoxImpact and use code IMPACT to get a FREE TURKEY ​plus $20 off your first order.​ Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact? If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you. Want to transform your health, sharpen your mindset, improve your relationship, or conquer the business world? This is your epicenter of greatness.  This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. Subscription Benefits: Unlock the gates to a treasure trove of wisdom from inspiring guests like Andrew Huberman, Mel Robbins, Hal Elrod, Matthew McConaughey, and many, many, more New episodes delivered ad-free Exclusive access to Tom’s AMAs, keynote speeches, and suggestions from his personal reading list You’ll also get access to an 5 additional podcasts with hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, meticulously curated into themed playlists covering health, mindset, business, relationships, and more: Legendary Mindset: Mindset & Self-Improvement Money Mindset: Business & Finance Relationship Theory: Relationships Health Theory: Mental & Physical Health Power Ups: Weekly Doses of Short Motivational Quotes  Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices