
    Confronting Gordon Ramsay - The Untold Truth | Nick Digiovanni

    enMarch 28, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • From repeating a year in high school to Harvard graduate and MasterChef finalistA determination to improve and a growth mindset can lead to remarkable achievements, no matter the initial academic performance.

      Determination and a growth mindset can lead to remarkable achievements, even if one's academic performance was initially subpar. Nick DiGiovanni, a Harvard graduate and MasterChef finalist, shared his story of repeating a year in high school to mature and improve academically, eventually leading him to Harvard. His success story serves as a reminder that it's never too late to turn things around and pursue one's goals. Additionally, the podcast, "Iced Coffee Hour," has generated significant revenue, reaching approximately $187,000, and the hosts encourage viewers to subscribe to stay updated on future episodes.

    • Standing out in college applications with unique passionsA strong interest or background in something can make you stand out during college interviews. Being prepared and flexible can also leave a lasting impression on admissions officers.

      Having a unique passion or experience can help set you apart during the college application process, even if it seems unconventional at first. The speaker shared how his love for cooking and restaurant work helped him get an interview at Harvard, despite the low acceptance rate. During the interview, their shared love for a particular restaurant led to a lengthy conversation and ultimately, his acceptance into the school. It's important to remember that having a strong interest or background in something can make you stand out and leave a lasting impression on admissions officers. Additionally, being prepared and flexible during interviews can also lead to successful outcomes. The speaker's readiness with a joke and knowledge about the restaurant showed his confidence and ability to handle unexpected questions. Overall, having a unique story and being authentic can go a long way in the college application process.

    • College Admissions Scandal: Deception vs. AchievementsFocus on genuine achievements and strong foundation in academics and extracurricular activities for college admissions success, rather than trying to deceive the system.

      The admissions process can be manipulated through deceptive means, as evidenced by the college admissions scandal. Parents are willing to pay large sums of money to secure their child's admission into prestigious universities, often without the child's knowledge. However, having genuine achievements and a strong foundation in academics and extracurricular activities can lead to success in the long run. The speaker's experiences with sailing and community service helped them get into a top university, despite missing some grades due to participating in MasterChef. Ultimately, it's important to focus on academics and genuine accomplishments rather than trying to deceive the system.

    • A multicultural upbringing fueled their love for cookingGrowing up with diverse food traditions inspired an individual's passion for cooking, leading them to experiment and create unique dishes that brought their family together.

      The love for cooking for this individual was influenced by their multicultural family background and their appreciation for good food. They grew up with various food traditions from their Persian, Italian, German, UK, and Indian relatives, leading them to experiment with different flavors at a young age. Cooking allowed them to create dishes that brought their family together, and even as a child, they found joy in making desserts, starting with a lemon meringue pie. During an audition for Top Chef, they showcased their unique fusion of Persian and Italian flavors in a shrimp and chive ravioli. Despite the large number of contestants and the potential for taste fatigue, the taste testers took small bites and provided valuable feedback. Cooking for this individual was not just about survival in a competition, but a deeply rooted passion passed down from their family and nurtured through their experiences.

    • Rules and Isolation in Reality Cooking ShowsReality cooking shows like MasterChef impose strict rules, isolation, and unpredictability to create intense focus on the cooking experience and competition.

      Participating in reality cooking shows like MasterChef involves strict rules and isolation from the outside world. Contestants are not allowed to reveal their participation to anyone except their immediate family, and they are provided with only limited communication through phone calls. The food preparation and evaluation process can be unpredictable, with unknown origins of ingredients and potential safety concerns. Reality shows may prioritize television appeal over the dish itself, and the selection process can be lengthy and rigorous, involving background checks and evaluations. Contestants are typically provided with accommodations and meals, but with limited access to technology and the outside world. These conditions aim to create an intense focus on the cooking experience and competition.

    • A day in the life of a MasterChef contestantLong hours, intense pressure, and criticism from judges, but also opportunities to meet renowned chefs and travel to new places.

      Participating in a cooking competition like MasterChef involves long and intense days on set, with little connection to the outside world. Contestants spend their days cooking, meeting judges, and being eliminated. Despite the challenges, many find the experience rewarding, with highlights including meeting renowned chefs like Gordon Ramsay and traveling to London. However, contestants also face intense pressure and criticism from the judges, which can be both intimidating and motivating. Overall, the experience requires a strong commitment and the ability to adapt to new and challenging situations.

    • Contestant finishes in third place but finds opportunitiesThough disappointed with third place, the contestant remained positive and was rewarded with job offers, including an undercover food inspector position, but ultimately chose to explore other opportunities.

      The contestant was surprised and a bit disappointed when he finished in third place on the cooking competition show, but he kept his cool and was eventually offered numerous job opportunities as a result. Before the show, he was supposed to accept a job as an undercover food inspector at McDonald's, but he decided to pursue other opportunities instead. The contestant also shared that the chef he spoke about was playful and goofy when the cameras weren't rolling. Despite the initial shock and disappointment of not winning, the contestant remained positive and was grateful for the experience and the opportunities that came after. The undercover food inspector job, which included a six-figure salary and benefits, seemed appealing, but the contestant ultimately decided to explore other paths.

    • Applying for a McDonald's franchise inspector jobThe speaker applied for a job inspecting McDonald's franchises but declined due to unexpected opportunities from a TV show, highlighting the company's strict hiring process and high standards for franchise ownership.

      The speaker had applied for a job inspecting McDonald's franchises for the company, which involved visiting various locations, evaluating food quality, cleanliness, and reporting back to the franchise owners. The job offered flexibility and excitement, but the speaker ultimately decided against it due to his participation in a TV show and the unexpected opportunities that came with it. McDonald's is known for its strict requirements for franchise owners, who typically own multiple locations and have prior business ownership experience. The job required checking various aspects of the McDonald's, such as food quality and cleanliness. Despite the flexibility, the speaker did not end up taking the job due to his new opportunities from the TV show. The hiring process for McDonald's franchises is rigorous, with high standards for ownership and operations.

    • Unexpected success from creating unique content on TikTokCreating unique content on social media can lead to unexpected success. Be open to new opportunities and consistently create engaging content.

      Creating engaging content on social media platforms can lead to unexpected success. The speaker, a former MasterChef contestant, started making videos of his hamster eating luxury food on TikTok, which unexpectedly gained millions of views. This experience encouraged him to continue creating unique content, leading to his massive following on the platform. He also mentioned experimenting with different growth strategies and even building a computer program to optimize his videos. Despite the success, he eventually had to delete TikTok from his phone due to the time-consuming nature of the platform. Overall, this anecdote highlights the importance of being open to new opportunities and consistently creating unique content on social media.

    • Impact of TikTok vs YouTube on Attention Span and LearningTikTok's addictive nature and fast-paced content may negatively affect attention span and mental development, while YouTube offers a learning experience and knowledge expansion.

      While both YouTube and TikTok have their unique offerings, the content consumption experience on TikTok can be detrimental to one's attention span and mental development due to its addictive nature and fast-paced content. In contrast, YouTube provides a learning experience and allows users to expand their knowledge. The speaker expresses concern about the potential impact of TikTok on children's attention spans and the oversaturation of the platform. They also discuss their differing approaches to content creation, with the speaker leaning towards outsourcing tasks and the interviewee preferring to do everything themselves. The conversation also touches upon the rapid growth of the interviewee's YouTube channel, which has been fueled in part by the success of their short videos.

    • Understanding the unique strengths and opportunities of each platformMaximize growth and income as a content creator by understanding the potential of TikTok for quick reach and YouTube for substantial financial rewards through brand deals and ad revenue.

      While TikTok might be the most important platform for reach due to its algorithm, it doesn't necessarily equate to significant financial gains for creators. For instance, the speaker mentions losing money on TikTok despite its potential to reach a large audience quickly. However, brand deals on TikTok are still emerging, offering a potential revenue source. On the other hand, YouTube, though requiring a larger team and consistent content production, offers more substantial financial rewards through brand deals and ad revenue. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding each platform's unique strengths and opportunities to maximize growth and income as a content creator.

    • Creating engaging content for YouTube or TikTok involves teamwork and unique ideasTeamwork and unique ideas are crucial for creating successful and engaging videos on YouTube or TikTok. Collaborate with professionals and generate ideas from everyday experiences or trends.

      Creating engaging content for YouTube or TikTok requires a team effort. The content creator may come up with ideas, but they also need help from various professionals such as editors, lawyers, and even virtual assistors for creating thumbnails. These team members may be full-time or freelance, and they can bring unique perspectives and expertise to the table. Moreover, generating content ideas can strike at any moment, even in the shower or while scrolling through social media. Some ideas may be inspired by unexpected sources, like a sad-looking thumbnail leading to an interesting interview. Other ideas may come from everyday experiences or trends, like turning an orange into a perfect, shaved cup. The cost of outsourcing tasks, such as thumbnail design, can be reasonable, starting at $30 per thumbnail. However, it's important to consider the potential risks and ethical implications of certain ideas, like using ramen as a weapon in prison. Overall, building a team and generating unique content ideas are essential components of creating successful and engaging videos on YouTube or TikTok.

    • Exploring Creative Food Ideas and Brand Partnerships on YouTubeYouTuber generates income through ad revenue and brand deals, experimenting with unique food ideas, and collaborating with favorite brands.

      The discussed individual is experimenting with unique food ideas, such as grilled cheese balls filled with tomato soup, and has had successful brand partnerships with companies like Nutella, leading to popular and engaging content on YouTube. The individual's income is primarily from YouTube, with a 50-50 split between monthly ad revenue and brand deals. Ideas for content are brainstormed through dedicated strategizing sessions. The individual has had offers to start a frozen food line but has not pursued it yet. The individual has not met Joshua Wiseman, despite being in the same network, and has expressed interest in collaborating with him on a video. The individual's content often features cooking experiments and partnerships with favorite brands.

    • Believing in a project and being persistentPassion and creativity can lead to new opportunities, even with initial challenges. Be persistent and believe in your project to overcome hurdles and find success.

      Passion and creativity can lead to new opportunities, even if there are potential challenges. Nick, from the discussion, is planning to start a new channel focused on cocktails despite concerns about alcohol and younger audiences. He's excited to explore this new realm and find a new audience. Similarly, he had initially been hesitant about a salt partnership due to quality concerns but eventually came on board and saw success. Both instances show the importance of believing in a project and being persistent, even when faced with initial hurdles. Additionally, the power of collaboration was highlighted, as Nick mentioned the impressive branding of Osmo Salt and his partnership with Noelle for the coffee business.

    • The speaker's dislike for Salt Bae's extravagant dining experienceThe speaker criticizes Salt Bae's high prices and unconventional presentation style, finding it odd and unnecessary.

      The speaker expresses strong dislike for a celebrity chef named Salt Bae, known for his extravagant dining experiences and high prices. The speaker has never met Salt Bae in person but has criticized his excessive pricing and unique presentation style, such as dry humping the table and using gold leaf on steaks. The speaker acknowledges that Salt Bae might be a nice person but finds his actions odd and overpriced. The speaker has considered confronting Salt Bae at his restaurant but thinks it might not be productive and could lead to unwanted attention. Instead, the speaker has found humor in Salt Bae's style and has even attempted to use his salt shaker at one of his restaurants. Overall, the speaker's opinion is that Salt Bae's unique dining experience comes with an exorbitant price tag and unconventional presentation, which some might find entertaining, but others, like the speaker, might find odd and unnecessary.

    • Balancing Work and RelationshipsDespite demanding schedules, maintaining a relationship requires effort and communication. Prioritize sleep and find activities to enjoy together.

      The speaker, who is a content creator, works long hours, approximately 12 to 14 hours a day, five days a week. Despite this demanding schedule, he maintains a relationship with his girlfriend, who works even longer hours in investment banking. They have found a way to make it work, despite the challenges, and have a puppy and a hamster to keep them busy. The speaker values his sleep and films at a studio near Harvard University. He used to play volleyball with his girlfriend before he left for three and a half months to participate in MasterChef, causing some misunderstandings. However, they have managed to maintain their relationship despite their busy schedules.

    • The first few years of building a business or career require dedication and hard workSuccess requires long hours, financial stability through savings and investments, and a long-term vision

      Building a successful business or career, whether it's in venture capital, investment banking, or content creation on YouTube, requires dedication, resilience, and hard work. The first few years are crucial, and the individual should be prepared to put in long hours and face challenges. While the rewards can be significant, the expenses can also be high. Savings and investments can help secure financial stability and future growth. For instance, the interviewee mentioned investing in Tesla since high school, which has paid off handsomely. However, it's essential to strike a balance between spending and saving, ensuring that essential expenses are covered while also investing in team members and high-quality resources. Ultimately, the key to success lies in staying committed, making smart financial decisions, and having a long-term vision.

    • Early Tesla investment led to significant returns, but risks of having all eggs in one basketInvest wisely, save 50% of income, and diversify investments to mitigate risks and secure financial safety net

      The interviewee made a significant return on an early investment in Tesla, leading them to put a substantial portion of their money into the company. However, they acknowledge the risk of having all their eggs in one basket and recommend diversifying investments. The interviewee also expresses concern about the unpredictability of social media and the potential financial impact if their audience were to decrease. To mitigate this risk, they suggest saving at least 50% of one's income in a diversified investment portfolio. The interviewee's philosophy is to save and invest monthly or yearly, ensuring that they have a financial safety net regardless of the success or failure of their creative endeavors.

    • Balancing legitimacy and audience growth for influencer chefsInfluencer chefs strive to create authentic recipes and grow an audience, facing costs and potential animosity from professional chefs. They observe menus and understand kitchen operations, aiming to engage viewers while maintaining culinary respect.

      Being an influencer chef involves finding a balance between creating legit recipes respected by professional chefs and generating enough interest to grow an audience. The influencer-chef lifestyle comes with significant costs, including travel and renovation expenses, but can also lead to respect from the culinary community. While some chefs may initially have animosity towards influencer chefs, there can be an inflection point where they come to appreciate the influence on home cooks and their families. When dining out, influencer chefs often observe menus for themes and enjoy the food as a normal person, but they also have a keen understanding of the kitchen operations behind the scenes. Despite the challenges, the goal is to create engaging content that resonates with viewers while maintaining respect from the culinary world.

    • Repurposing Ingredients in Cooking and MenusChefs creatively use various parts of ingredients to make different dishes, and diners strategically order based on cuisine and location preferences, seeking joy in the food experience.

      In the culinary world, chefs repurpose various parts of ingredients to create different dishes, just like how a sushi chef uses the entire fish, including the spicy parts that can't be served in nigiri. This concept is also seen in menus where different parts of an ingredient, such as lobster, are used in various dishes. When dining out, people have preferences and can be strategic about their orders based on the cuisine and location of the restaurant. For instance, someone might not order seafood in the Midwest unless it's at a reputable seafood place, or they might always order a burger when presented with that option. Ultimately, it's essential to find joy in the food experience, whether it's at a fancy restaurant or a hole-in-the-wall eatery. The world is filled with an abundance of doors and wheels, but the debate on which one outnumbers the other might never be settled. Instead, let's focus on enjoying the journey and the delicious food along the way.

    • Exploring the world of stock trading with free offers and researchStart trading with free stock offers, research thoroughly, and build a bankroll for success. Stay informed and resilient in the competitive stock market.

      Stock trading can be a challenging and competitive endeavor. As one speaker put it, "That's actually a fight. You down, you're done." However, despite the risks, there are opportunities to get started with little to no investment, such as through free stock offers. For instance, by signing up using a specific link, viewers could potentially receive up to $1,000 worth of free stock. Additionally, building a bankroll over time is a key aspect of successful trading. The speakers also highlighted the importance of doing thorough research and staying informed about market trends. They also expressed their appreciation for those who helped make the event possible, such as Noelle for making the arrangements and Nick for joining the discussion. Lastly, they encouraged viewers to engage with the content by liking the video and checking out the resources mentioned in the description, such as Osmo Salt. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of preparation, resilience, and staying informed in the world of stock trading.

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    “How To Go From $0 to Millionaire” Leila Hormozi’s Guide To NOT Being Broke
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    Justin Waller: The Ultimate Guide to Being High-Value, Rich, and Successful

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    MasterClass: Visit https://MasterClass.com/ICH for 15% off ANY Annual Membership ZocDoc: Go to https://www.zocdoc.com/ICED and download the Zocdoc App for FREE Shopify: Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://shopify.com/ich Streamyard: Start creating high-quality content easily with https://clickurl.ca/ICH-StreamYard https://www.instagram.com/justinwinwaller7/ https://x.com/Waller7J NEW: Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! Add us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jlsselby https://www.instagram.com/gpstephan Official Clips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeBQ24VfikOriqSdKtomh0w For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Time Stamps: 0:00 - Intro 1:10 - The Best Way To Cold Approach Women 6:50 - Justin Waller’s Background 7:32 - Getting BANNED From YouTube 14:40 - Earning Confidence vs Building Confidence 19:46 - Stop Watching Videos, Start Doing. 28:58 - Has The Entrepreneurial “Grindset” Gone Too Far? 32:20 - How People In Their 20’s & 30’s Are Getting SCREWED 40:25 - Fake Happiness vs Real Happiness 49:51 - “Be Frugal With Things You Don’t Care About & Extravagant With Things You Do” 1:00:23 - High Value vs Low Value Men 1:05:28 - The Disadvantages Of Being Attractive 1:08:32 - The Ultimate Guide To Having Relationships With Women 1:19:18 - The Viral “Break Up Song” W/ The Tate Brothers 1:27:26 - How To Get Out Of “The Friend Zone” & Get Back W/ An Ex 1:32:33 - How To Tell If A Woman Is Interested In You 1:47:42 - Bro Code 1:53:37 - Fasting & Getting A 6 Pack 2:04:01 - Justin Waller’s Gym Routine 2:10:49 - How “Failing” Is The Real Key To Success 2:14:20 - How To Handle Your Emotions As A Man 2:19:18 - Story: Justin Waller’s Dog Passing Away 2:25:07 - The Importance Of Religion 2:26:40 - Justin Waller Breaks Down His Businesses 2:29:31- How Much Does Justin Work? 2:38:48 - Justin On Online Hate 2:40:47 - The Time Justin Met Donald & Baron Trump 2:47:54 - Closing Thoughts *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    NetSuite: Take advantage of NetSuite’s Flexible Financing Program: https://www.netsuite.com/ICED Oracle: Free test drive of OCI at https://oracle.com/iced Vanta: Get $1,000 OFF at https://www.Vanta.com/ICED Streamyard: Start creating high-quality content easily with https://clickurl.ca/ICH-StreamYard FOLLOW PETER SCHIFF: https://schiffgold.com/ https://x.com/PeterSchiff https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIjuLiLHdFxYtFmWlbTGQRQ NEW: Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! Add us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jlsselby https://www.instagram.com/gpstephan Official Clips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeBQ24VfikOriqSdKtomh0w For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Time Stamps: Intro - 0:00 Peter’s Viral Street Interviews - 0:41 What Nobody Is Listening To - 7:35 The Upcoming Housing Market Collapse - 9:44 Renting is Better Than Owning - 16:18 Homes Are A TERRIBLE Investment - 22:43 Will Home Prices Go Down? - 26:02 Why Peter is Against US stocks - 26:50 Why People Spend Money - 33:35 The US Dollar as a "Reserve Currency” - 36:39 China- 41:04 How to Actually FIX the US economy - 45:09 The Lady Who Got RICH Off Social Security - 48:47 How To Help People Who CAN’T Help Themselves - 53:36 Bankruptcy - 59:12 Bitcoin As A Retirement Investment - 1:01:46 What is Bitcoin ACTUALLY worth? - 1:06:46 What it Would Take for Bitcoin to Drop to $100 - 1:09:42 Is Bitcoin a Threat to Gold? - 1:14:44 Is it YOUR FAULT if You're Poor In America? - 1:20:48 What SHOULD the Government Be Responsible For? - 1:24:24 Flat Rate vs Consumption Tax - 1:28:51 $0 Minimum Wage - 1:31:12 Peter’s Advice for Young People - 1:43:52 Peter on Elon Musk's Compensation Package Being Revoked - 1:48:35 Closing Thoughts - 1:49:56 *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

    The Iced Coffee Hour
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    The Iced Coffee Hour
    enJune 02, 2024

    Kevin O’Leary: “The BIGGEST Myth About Money That Keeps You POOR!”

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    NetSuite: Take advantage of NetSuite’s Flexible Financing Program: https://www.netsuite.com/ICED Oracle: Free test drive of OCI at https://oracle.com/iced Yahoo Finance: Visit https://www.Yahoofinance.com for comprehensive financial news & analysis Vanta: Get $1,000 OFF at https://www.Vanta.com/ICED https://www.instagram.com/kevinolearytv NEW: Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! Add us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jlsselby https://www.instagram.com/gpstephan Official Clips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeBQ24VfikOriqSdKtomh0w For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Time Stamps: Intro - 0:00 Why You Shouldn't Become An Entrepreneur - 0:50 Why "Watch Insurance" Is A Scam - 6:14 The BEST First Watch To Get - 11:08 The Most Overrated Watch - 15:38 Why Kevin Fired His Own Mother - 16:59 Kevin O’Leary Explains The Value Of Time - 20:29 What Body Language Tells You About A Person - 28:23 Kevin O'Leary's BEST Shark Tank Investments - 34:08 Why A Morning Routine Is Crucial - 38:11 Pitching A Product VS Pitching Yourself - 50:36 Kevin O'Leary On TikTok Being Chinese Spyware - 54:33 What Is The Role Of The Government? - 58:07 Is Being Poor Your Fault? - 1:02:03 Why The Tax Rate Should Be Flat - 1:06:22 Why California's $20 Minimum Wage Is A Huge Mistake - 1:10:00 Will AI take over the US job market? - 1:10:48 Kevin’s Dating Advice To Jack - 1:15:00 Why Kevin LOVES Business Of Death & Divorce - 1:27:56 Something Most People Don't Know About Kevin O'Leary - 1:30:42 *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

    The Iced Coffee Hour
    enMay 27, 2024

    Confronting Don Lemon On Failed Elon Musk Interview

    Confronting Don Lemon On Failed Elon Musk Interview

    MasterClass: Visit https://MasterClass.com/ICH for 15% off ANY Annual Membership ZocDoc: Go to https://www.zocdoc.com/ICED and download the Zocdoc App for FREE Shopify: Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://shopify.com/ich Follow Don Lemon: YouTube @TheDonLemonShow Twitter / X: https://x.com/donlemon/ Instagram:   / donlemonofficial   Add us on Instagram:   / jlsselby    / gpstephan   Official Clips Channel:    / @theicedcoffeehourclips   For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Time Stamps: Intro - 0:00 Does Mainstream Media Divide People On Purpose? - 1:37 How Self-Reporting "Neutral Networks" Are A Big Problem - 8:43 Why CNN Is The "Most Trusted News Source" - 12:04 Why Don Was Fired From CNN - 15:48 Don Lemon on "X" As A News Source - 17:59 Do Billionaires Pay Less In Taxes? - 22:48 Should There Be Billionaires? - 24:16 Is Don Lemon A Patriot? - 25:41 Is Social Media Moderation A Violation Of Free Speech? - 26:06 Don Explains His Disagreement W/ Elon Musk On "Free speech" - 32:46 Should People Listen To The News? - 38:55 Don Lemon Explains Why “The Elon Musk Interview" Went Well - 40:10 How Don ALMOST Signed A Contract W/ Elon Musk - 44:53 How Don Prepped For The Elon Musk Interview- 57:44 Don Explains The Dangers Of Echo Chambers - 1:04:29 How Tucker Carlson Could’ve Interviewed Putin Better - 1:10:26 Common Misunderstandings About Don Lemon - 1:12:00 Don Clarifies His Controversial Comment: "White Men Are the Biggest Terror Threat" - 1:16:30 Rapid Fire Questions About “The Republican Party” - 1:19:28 Closing Remarks - 1:22:32 *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

    The Iced Coffee Hour
    enMay 21, 2024

    FBI’s Most Wanted Con Artist: How To Get Insanely Rich | Matthew Cox

    FBI’s Most Wanted Con Artist: How To Get Insanely Rich | Matthew Cox

    NetSuite: Take advantage of NetSuite’s Flexible Financing Program: https://www.netsuite.com/ICED Oracle: Free test drive of OCI at https://oracle.com/iced Yahoo Finance: Visit https://www.Yahoofinance.com for comprehensive financial news & analysis    / @insidetruecrime   NEW: Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! Add us on Instagram:   / jlsselby    / gpstephan   Official Clips Channel:    / @theicedcoffeehourclips   For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Time Stamps: Intro - 0:00 The First Fraud Mathew Cox Ever Committed - 3:24 Matt’s Secret To Staying Calm Under Pressure - 12:34 Exploring Matt Cox's History with Fraud - 18:00 How Much Money Matt Was Making From His First Scam - 24:14 Matthew Starts His Own Fraudulent Brokerage - 30:16 Getting Caught By The FBI (Wearing A Wire) - 48:03 Why Criminals ALWAYS Turn In Their Accomplice - 58:52 Matt Cox On Cheating and His CRAZY Ex Wife - 1:06:51 Making Synthetic Identities & Buying Houses W/ Them - 1:11:16 How To Make A Living After 13 Years In Prison - 1:46:07 How Matthew’s Henchmen Started Getting Arrested - 1:55:31 What It's Like To Be "On The Run" - 2:06:43 Matt Almost Gets Caught At The Bank - 2:16:58 Why Matt Started Stealing Homeless People’s Identities - 2:23:42 Matt’s Scheme Begins To Unravel - 2:28:23 Running From The Secret Service & Fleeing To Tennessee - 2:53:33 Matt’s Big Mistake: A New Girlfriend - 2:56:42 Matt Gets Caught - 3:06:38 The Lawyer In Prison Who Stole $200 Million From The Federal... - 3:36:14 Matt Cox On Meeting His Ex Wife - 4:01:24 Why It’s Easier To Commit Worse Crimes After You’ve Done One - 4:08:47 The Real Story Behind The Movie "Catch Me If You Can" - 4:13:14 How The Fraud Matt Cox Committed Could've Been Stopped - 4:15:21 Matt Cox Teaches Jack How To Get A Girlfriend - 4:18:23 Closing Thoughts - 4:25:50 *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

    The Iced Coffee Hour
    enMay 14, 2024

    Mikhaila Peterson on Cancel Culture, Depression, and Fighting The Woke Mob

    Mikhaila Peterson on Cancel Culture, Depression, and Fighting The Woke Mob

    Ahrefs: Sign up for Ahrefs Free Webmaster Tool at https://www.ahrefs.com/awt Yahoo Finance: Visit https://www.Yahoofinance.com for comprehensive financial news & analysis Shopify: Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://shopify.com/ich Subscribe to @mikhaila Mikhaila Peterson Here Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! Add us on Instagram:   / jlsselby    / gpstephan   Official Clips Channel:    / @theicedcoffeehourclips   For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Intro - 0:00 What It Is Like Growing Up With Jordan Peterson As Your Father - 1:20 Don't Listen To Stupid Rules - 5:51 How Jordan's VIRAL Argument Impacted The Peterson Family - 7:27 Why Mikhaila ONLY Eats Steak - 12:31 How Mikhaila Knew She Was Depressed - 13:22 Can Depression Be Solved For Anybody? - 16:12 How Diet Cured Mikhaila's Depression - 17:31 Mikhaila Explains 'The Lion Diet' - 20:54 The Ideal Diet For The Average Person - 41:06 How Mikhaila Prepares Her Steaks - 42:12 Mikhaila's Thoughts On Veganism - 42:54 Why Mikhaila & Jordan Are So Controversial - 43:41 Mikhaila On 'The Sunday Times' Hit Piece & Negative Media - 49:38 Why Billionaires Support Media Publications - 52:40 Why Mikhaila Has ZERO TRUST For The Medical System - 59:11 Depression vs Deep Sadness - 1:04:45 How The "Trans Issue" Has Gotten Out Of Hand - 1:07:57 The Negative Effects Of Social Media On Children - 1:10:36 Mikhaila's Relationship W/ God & Religion - 1:13:58 Mikhaila On Her Dad - Jordan Peterson - 1:21:56 Does Mikhaila Feel Like She Is Living In Her Father's Shadow? - 1:23:49 Is Modern Dating Screwed? - 1:27:11 Why Mikhaila Got Married After ONLY 3 Months - 1:35:14 The Advantages Of Working With Your Spouse - 1:40:53 What Divorce Taught Mikhaila - 1:44:01 Is It Good To Be Brutally Honest? - 1:49:08 Closing Thoughts - 1:59:03 *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

    Confronting The Squatter Living In My Home (Actual Footage)

    Confronting The Squatter Living In My Home (Actual Footage)

    Oracle: Free test drive of OCI at https://oracle.com/iced NetSuite: Take advantage of NetSuite’s Flexible Financing Program: https://www.netsuite.com/ICED Prolon: Go to https://prolonlife.com/ich for 10% off their 5-day nutrition program https://www.youtube.com/@FlashShelton https://www.gofundme.com/f/helping-elderly-remove-their-squatters NEW: Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! Add us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jlsselby https://www.instagram.com/gpstephan Official Clips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeBQ24VfikOriqSdKtomh0w For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 1:50 - Why Flash Started Hunting Squatters 5:12 - The Type Of Person Who “Squats” 8:56 - How Flash Got Squatters Out Of His Mom’s House 12:41 - How Much It Costs to Remove A Squatter 17:25 - The ONE WAY To Stop Squatters 23:28 - The Common Ways Squatters Are Taking Homes Right Now 26:33 - It’s ILLEGAL For Homeowners To Do This… 28:55 - The Commonalities Between People Who Squat 31:16 - How Flash Gets Squatters To Leave 37:05 - What Flash CAN vs CAN’T Do To Get Rid Of Squatters 40:12 - How This Old Woman’s Caregiver Ruined Her Life 42:58 - The Adam Fleishman Squatter Story *SUPER SAD* 52:20 - Why Suing A Squatter Is Nearly Impossible 56:12 - How YOU Can Protect Your Property From Squatters 59:42 - Flash’s Thoughts On Florida Taking A Stand Against Squatting 1:03:36 - How Do Squatters Pick A House? 1:09:01 - Why Lease Agreements Aren’t Treated Like Contracts 1:14:06 - ‘Getting Rid Of Squatters’: How Flash’s Business Works 1:19:17 - The Hardest Squatter Flash Has Ever Tried To Remove 1:24:52 - Backlash Flash Has Received For Removing Squatters 1:27:33 - Squatter In Hollywood Hills EXPLOITS AirBnB 1:32:10 - The CRAZIEST Squatter Situation Flash Has Dealt With 1:36:14 - The Person Trying To SCAM Flash For $100,000?! 1:46:09 - Closing Thoughts *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

    Mental Health Expert: The #1 Secret To Achieving ANYTHING You Want | Dr. John Delony

    Mental Health Expert: The #1 Secret To Achieving ANYTHING You Want | Dr. John Delony

    Zocdoc: Go to https://www.zocdoc.com/ICED and download the Zocdoc App for FREE 

    Yahoo Finance: Visit Yahoofinance.com for comprehensive financial news & analysis

    Shopify: Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://shopify.com/ich 

    NEW: Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! 

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    Official Clips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeBQ24VfikOriqSdKtomh0w

    For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com

    For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram!


    Understanding Anxiety W/ John Delony - 0:44

    Insights From A Crisis Negotiator  - 5:12

    Why Anxiety & Depression Are On The Rise - 9:36

    Why John DOESN'T Believe In The DSM - 19:10

    John Explains The New Reward Systems in Children - 26:40

    The “Choose Your Hard” Framework  - 36:42

    Spirituality's Influence on Happiness - 43:34

    Impact of Travel Sports on American Families - 50:15

    How To Read Body Language Like A Good Therapist - 51:50

    Environmental vs Genetic Factors in Anxiety - 1:04:02

    Why John’s Daughter Wouldn’t Hug Him… - 1:05:53

    How To Communicate Effectively In Relationships - 1:15:44

    Why Marriage Is Hard - 1:40:44

    Strategies For Tough Conversations W/  Partners - 1:54:44

    When To Make A Decision For Somebody Else - 2:02:45

    Do People Create Their Own Problems? - 2:10:39

    How To Deal W/ Your Child Bully - 2:24:14

    John’s #1 WORRY For The Next Generation  - 2:31:56

    Closing Thoughts - 2:34:18

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    FOLLOW Jason: https://linktr.ee/calacanis

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    FOLLOW Taylor: https://youtube.com/taylorbell

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    It’s Never Too Late To Start | INSIDE 4Ds

    It’s Never Too Late To Start | INSIDE 4Ds

    Podcast community, today is a really special Inside 4Ds episode. This session took place on July 23 out of our NYC office. As you know 4Ds is one of my favorite things to do as I get to answer tactical and strategic business problems that entrepreneurs, SMBs and personal brands deal with. Fires me up!! Tweet me @garyvee with your favorite moment and / or if you need clarity on any of the topics

    If you're interested in attending a 4Ds session, please share a bit more about yourself and business here: https://vaynermedia.com/service/4ds/

    Topics From Today's Episode:

    1:50 | How I measure my content

    3:10 | Gary Vee Content Model

    3:40 | Triple Arbitrage of Podcasts

    9:00 | You watch me because I bring value

    13:30 | Top of Funnel Lead Strategy

    19:00 | mistakes small business owners make

    22:15 | I value the trenches, others value ivory towers

    25:30 | When Goliath starts behaving like David, a lot of good stuff can happen

    27:00 | Share your Authentic Story

    30:00 | They don’t have the context to judge you

    37:30 | What awakened my self-awareness

    42:25 | Texting is open for business

    50:00 | Accountability

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message

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    Sign up for my free weekly newsletter: https://benmumme.substack.com/subscribe?


    Gerald Celente is the Founder/Director of the Trends Research Institute and publisher of the weekly Trends Journal magazine. He is the author of the highly acclaimed and best-selling books “Trend Tracking” and “Trends 2000” (Warner Books).

    With a 40+ year track record of identifying, tracking, and forecasting trends, Celente is world-renowned as today’s #1 Trend Forecaster. Celente has earned a reputation as a trusted name in trends for his many accurate forecasts; among them, the 1987 Stock Market crash, Dot com bust, “Gold Bull Run,” the “Panic of ‘08,” the rise of organic foods, and the popularity of gourmet coffee long before Starbucks was a household name.

    Celente, who developed the Globalnomic methodology to identify, track, forecast, and manage trends, is a political atheist. Unencumbered by political dogma, rigid ideology, or conventional wisdom, Celente, whose motto is “Think for Yourself,” observes and analyzes current events forming future trends for what they are – not for how he wants them to be.

    A true American Patriot, Celente owns three pre-Revolutionary stone buildings on the most historic corner in America, where the seeds of Democracy were sown, Colonial Kingston, New York’s first Capitol.

    Self-described as a “Warrior for the Prince of Peace,” Gerald Celente is also the Founder of “Occupy Peace & Freedom,” a not-for-profit movement to honour the Constitution and Bill of Rights and restore Freedoms.


    Host: Ben Mumme







    Guest: Gerald Celente







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