
    Conversation with Ian Bremmer — 2024’s Top Geopolitical Risks

    enJanuary 11, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Collaboration Tools and Geopolitical RisksEffective teamwork and collaboration tools can improve business operations and help teams overcome challenges, while geopolitical risks like internal conflicts and external tensions can pose significant threats.

      Effective teamwork and collaboration, enabled by tools like Atlassian's Jira, Confluence, and Loom, can help teams overcome challenges and achieve great things, even for large organizations like the Fortune 500. Simplifying complex processes, as Mercury does with financial workflows, can also significantly improve business operations. A key geopolitical risk identified for 2024 is the United States tearing itself apart internally, with other global conflicts like Russia versus Ukraine and Israel versus Hamas also posing threats. A notable event was a Boeing 737 MAX 9 losing a door mid-air, although it's unclear if anyone was injured. Congress invited a government shutdown, with Speaker Pelosi holding firm to her position.

    • Universities in the Crosshairs: Controversies and ChangesUniversities face criticism for political leanings, plagiarism scandals, and shifting roles, while media scrutiny and donor pressure continue to impact their leadership.

      The discussion touched upon various topics, including controversial beliefs linking school shootings to the teaching of evolution, the worst start to a year for stock and bond markets in over two decades, the plagiarism controversy surrounding a university president, and the changing role and governance of universities. The speaker expressed his views on the plagiarism allegations, the firing of the university president, and the evolution of universities from centers of excellence to politically charged institutions. He criticized the media's obsession with past mistakes and the insular nature of university governing bodies. Despite his criticisms, he believed that President Gay should have resigned due to donor pressure. The conversation also touched upon the history of personal lives becoming fair game for the media and the shifting landscape of universities.

    • Reevaluating Affirmative Action CriteriaConsider income-based affirmative action to help those most in need, as academic gap between rich and poor surpasses racial gap, and it has a high return on investment

      While affirmative action has made significant progress in increasing diversity in elite universities, it's important to reevaluate the criteria for who qualifies and consider income-based affirmative action instead. The academic gap between rich and poor has surpassed the gap between black and white, indicating a need for change. Additionally, income-based affirmative action would help those most in need and have a high return on investment, as kids from lower income households are more likely to become a drain on society if not given opportunities. The ultimate goal should be to ensure that every student, regardless of income, has an equal opportunity to succeed.

    • Atlassian software keeps teams connected despite size or location. US identified as biggest risk in 2024 due to internal divisions and polarization.Atlassian software fosters team alignment, while US political landscape poses significant global risks due to internal divisions and lack of trust in institutions, contributing factors being income inequality and complex root causes.

      Despite the size or location of a team, Atlassian software ensures everyone stays connected and aligned towards shared company goals. Meanwhile, the world stage presents significant challenges, with the US being identified as the biggest risk in 2024 due to its internal divisions and polarization. This issue is not solely about Trump, but a crisis of trust in institutions that has been decades in the making. The stakes are high for both sides, and the impact of the US political landscape is felt globally, long before the election itself. The root causes of this situation are complex, but income inequality and lack of trust in institutions are significant contributing factors.

    • The role of algorithms in shaping young people's worldviews and the impact on American democracyThe erosion of traditional institutions and the rise of algorithms have left young people more susceptible to polarizing influences, putting American democracy at risk. Strengthening institutions and counteracting algorithmic influence is crucial for a more stable and united future.

      The erosion of traditional institutions and the rise of algorithms in raising children in the US are significant contributors to the current state of division and instability in American democracy. The weakening of families, churches, community groups, and other institutions that once provided nurture and support has left young people less connected and more susceptible to polarizing influences. In their place, algorithms have stepped in, shaping the way we consume information and interact with each other. This shift, combined with other factors like inequality and identity politics, has created an environment in which the health of American democracy is at risk. The concern is not just about the symptoms, but the underlying causes that are driving this division. Leaders from around the world are privately expressing their concerns about the state of US democracy, but are unwilling to speak out publicly due to the potential backlash. This collective silence, along with the normalization of divisive rhetoric, is allowing the problem to worsen incrementally. The challenge is to find a way to strengthen the institutions that once provided nurture and support, and to counteract the influence of algorithms in shaping our young people's worldviews. Only then can we begin to address the underlying causes of the current state of American democracy and work towards a more stable and united future.

    • Social media's impact on children's development and societal cohesionSocial media algorithms can negatively impact children's development, and there's a need for regulation and community. Young people's perspectives on Israel differ significantly from older generations, highlighting the importance of education and dialogue.

      Technology, specifically social media algorithms, can have detrimental effects on children's development if it replaces nurture and community. The lack of regulation in business models that prioritize division and hate over human connection is concerning. National service, such as mandatory volunteerism, can help young people feel a sense of belonging and civic duty, which is essential for social cohesion. Regarding the current political climate in the US, there is a significant divide between older and younger generations when it comes to support for Israel. While 70% of people over 45 years old support Israel, only 20% of those under 25 do. This shift in perspective is likely due to a lack of understanding of the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the influence of social media, which can perpetuate anti-Israel sentiment and even antisemitism. It's essential to address these issues and promote education, dialogue, and understanding to foster a more inclusive and empathetic society.

    • Navigating the Israeli-Palestinian conflict's moral and geopolitical complexitiesIsrael should respect Palestinian human rights and engage in peaceful negotiations, while the US should uphold its values and promote peace in the region, understanding the nuances of anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiment.

      The Israeli-Palestinian conflict raises complex moral and geopolitical issues for the United States. While some Americans sympathize with Israel as an underdog facing existential threats, others criticize its actions towards Palestinians, fueled by perceived US bias and a sense of injustice. The speaker argues that Israel, with its military might and US support, should not engage in ethnic cleansing or violate Palestinian human rights. Instead, the US should encourage peaceful negotiations and respect for international law. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of understanding the nuances of anti-Semitism versus anti-Israel sentiment and the need to engage constructively with young people's growing skepticism towards US foreign policy in the Middle East. Ultimately, the US must navigate these complexities while upholding its values and promoting peace and stability in the region.

    • Double standard in media coverage of conflictsIsrael faces greater scrutiny in media for civilian casualties, reflecting both anti-Semitism and disregard for Muslim life, speaker argues.

      There seems to be a double standard when it comes to how the media and the international community react to conflicts involving Israel and those involving other countries, particularly Muslim-majority ones. The speaker argues that Israel is held to a higher standard, and when civilians are killed in conflicts involving Israel, it receives significant attention and scrutiny, while similar incidents in other parts of the world may be ignored or dismissed. This perception of a double standard reflects both anti-Semitism and a devaluation of Muslim life, according to the speaker. The speaker also suggests that Israel's strong relationship with the United States and its military power contribute to this dynamic. Ultimately, the speaker calls for greater awareness and equality in how conflicts are reported and responded to, regardless of the parties involved.

    • Israel-Hamas conflict and regional powers involvementThe Israel-Hamas conflict poses a complex situation with potential involvement of regional powers, including Iran, and raises concerns for democratic values and civilian casualties.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, and the potential involvement of other regional powers, presents a complex and dangerous situation. Historically, there have been good reasons for supporting the existence of an Israeli state where Jews can defend themselves, but the current situation raises concerns when democratic values are undermined and civilian casualties occur. The responsibility for these casualties is not solely on Hamas, and the US's stance on this issue has been criticized. The risk of this conflict expanding into a larger regional conflict is real, with Iran potentially becoming involved. The US and other major powers have expressed reluctance to get directly involved, but the situation remains volatile. The potential consequences of a full-blown war between the US and Iran could be disastrous, leading to a global recession and skyrocketing oil prices. Biden is facing significant challenges in containing the situation and preventing further escalation. It's a precarious situation with the potential for serious consequences.

    • Productivity tools enhance work efficiency and qualityGrammarly and Mercury improve productivity and quality through AI assistance and financial simplification, respectively.

      Technology tools like Grammarly and Mercury can significantly enhance productivity and improve the quality of work for individuals and businesses. Grammarly, an AI writing assistant, helps generate prompts, strike the right tone, and personalize writing based on audience and context. It integrates seamlessly with various apps and websites, making writing more efficient. Mercury, a financial technology company, simplifies financial workflows by powering banking operations from the bank account, enabling faster bill payments, better control over company spending, and streamlined reconciliation. Regarding geopolitical matters, George Friedman, in his 2024 risk assessment, discussed the potential partition of Ukraine, acknowledging that it's not a desirable outcome but a realistic one. He emphasized that the situation is challenging for Ukraine and may worsen if a potential President Trump wins in 2024, potentially leading to fragmentation within NATO and a lack of support for Ukraine from the US and its allies. Despite the gravity of the situation, Friedman highlighted the importance of acknowledging reality and working with it, rather than wishing for unattainable outcomes. Both Grammarly and Mercury offer practical solutions to help individuals and businesses navigate their respective challenges and succeed in their endeavors.

    • Geopolitical tensions impacting inflationDespite US-China differences, economic and geopolitical pressures necessitate effective relationship management. Inflation persistence and geopolitical risks may be underestimated by markets.

      The current geopolitical landscape, with ongoing conflicts in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, as well as tensions between the US and China, is causing economic challenges and making it difficult for inflation to be fully reined in. The US and China, despite their differences, have a mutual interest in managing their relationship more effectively due to economic and geopolitical pressures. However, a complete thaw in relations is unlikely due to various areas of conflict. Additionally, the markets may be underestimating the persistence of inflation and the challenges posed by ongoing geopolitical risks.

    • Markets overestimating perceived perfectionExpect rate cuts, supply chain diversification, but watch for AI impact on labor, increased costs from politics, and Taiwan election risks

      The markets may be overestimating the perceived perfection of current situations, particularly regarding the Fed and supply chains. While there are expectations of multiple rate cuts and corporations working to diversify their supply chains, there are also concerns about the impact of AI on labor and the potential for increased costs due to political drivers and industrial policies. The upcoming election in Taiwan is a significant but underreported risk, with potential consequences for global trade and geopolitical stability. Despite the complexities and uncertainties, it's essential to keep an eye on these developments and their potential impact on the economy.

    • Geopolitical risks and the US electionThe US election in 2024 could bring significant changes, with potential trade challenges, military exercises, and internal dysfunction being the main risks.

      While there are geopolitical risks, such as potential trade challenges and military exercises with China, there are also less discussed risks that could significantly impact certain regions or countries, like the ongoing conflict between Ethiopia and Somalia. The optimistic scenarios for the US in 2024 include a decisive win for Biden or Nikki Haley, but these are considered unlikely. The most significant risk, according to the speaker, is the dysfunction within the world's largest democracy, which Trump is a symptom of rather than the root cause. Despite the negative sentiment leading up to the election, the speaker believes that the country would benefit from some breathing room and moving on to the next generation of leadership. However, it's important to recognize that these statements contain bias and there are valid counterarguments.

    • The political crisis in the US is a result of a weak and vulnerable system exploited by elitesUnderstand the root causes of anger and hostility, reset, revitalize, and recharge to support those in need, and focus on the present.

      The current political crisis in the United States cannot be solely blamed on former President Trump. Instead, it's a result of a weak and vulnerable system that people have lost faith in, which can be exploited by elites. It's essential to address the legitimate reasons for the anger and hostility among the population to prevent it from escalating. Ian Bremmer, the president and founder of Eurasia Group, emphasizes the importance of understanding this dynamic and being resilient in the face of challenges. For him, the New Year is about resetting, revitalizing, and recharging to be there for those who need support. In essence, it's crucial to focus on the present and engage with the world around us, recognizing the irrelevance of our worries and concerns about the future or the past.

    • The importance of focusing on what truly matters in lifeReflect on what inspires us and how it can change our behavior and approach to life, prioritize relationships and physical health, and express love without societal pressure.

      It's important to prioritize and focus on what truly matters in life, whether it's our professional goals, personal relationships, or physical health. The speaker shares how he is driven by his work in economic security but also recognizes the importance of improving relationships and taking care of his physical health. He encourages us to be inspired by things that move us and reflect on how they can change our behavior and approach to life. The speaker shares an inspiring story about a father's love for his son and how it reminds him to focus on expressing his love to his own children without worrying about societal expectations or the need to correct or coach them all the time. The episode was produced by Caroline Shagran, Jennifer Sanchez, and Drew Burrows.

    • Importance of staying informed in financial marketsListen to Prop g Pod for valuable market insights, humor, and unique perspective every Saturday and Monday

      Learning from today's Prop g Pod episode is the importance of staying informed and engaged in the financial markets. Each week, the podcast covers various market topics with a mix of humor and insight, providing listeners with valuable information to help them make informed decisions. On Saturday, listeners can tune in for George Hahn's no-holds-barred commentary, while Monday's episode offers a more in-depth look at the markets in the 2024 context. Overall, the Prop g Pod offers a unique perspective on the financial world, making it a must-listen for anyone interested in the markets. So, whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting out, be sure to catch the Prop g Pod every Saturday and Monday for the latest market insights.

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    With the world adjusting to a new life after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, how do we best utilize the tools that we have so that we can continue our levels of productivity even in remote working situations?


    In this episode, Alexander McCaig discusses this issue with Phil Simon, a keynote speaker, adviser, and Zoom and Slack educator. He is also the author of eleven non-fiction works, the most recent of which is Reimagining Collaboration: Slack, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and the Post-Covid World of Work.


    Adjustments in the Workplace


    According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of Americans working remotely more than doubled from around 30 percent to 60 percent in March 2020, and organizations began embracing new collaboration platforms such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom as part of the adjustment process as a result of this increase. 


    At the start of 2020, few people would be familiar with the names of even one of these tools, much alone all of them. Several of us are now working remotely as a consequence of COVID-19, and Zoom has been so widely used that it has become a verb: to "Zoom" means to communicate using video conferencing technology.


    When businesses were forced to close and employees were required to wear masks, just a few businesses were allowed to continue operations as usual. The vast majority of people were entirely unprepared for the enormous changes that were about to take place in their lives. When it came to internal communication, they continued to rely on email as well as on typical corporate processes and attitudes.


    A New Age of Productivity


    To cope with COVID-19’s repercussions on corporate organizations, employers, human resource managers, and consultants were obliged to think creatively about how they might implement a remote work strategy. Businesses had an urgent need to alter these barriers in dealing with the international economic instability caused by the virus.


    If a shift to a new system is the path moving forward, what possible methods can businesses use to better utilize the tools that we currently have in this day and age?


    Phil Simon suggests that companies should start embracing the Hub-Spoke model of collaboration. This model is a technique of distribution wherein a centralized "hub" operates. From the hub, products are sent outward to smaller groups known as spokes for further storage and delivery.


    With this model, it aims to help firms significantly increase staff productivity, simplify current business procedures, and provide the basis for subsequent machine-learning and artificial intelligence advances.


    The hub may be thought of as a meta-organization that functions in parallel to established innovation laboratories. Employees at the innovation-hub can connect informally over the web and work freely on innovation to bolster the firm's performance.


    Out with the Old, In the New?


    Efficiency should not be dependent on one factor alone. While the hub-spokes model creates a more systematic approach in revamping business models to fit the current situation, it is best to have it hand-in-hand with tried and tested organizational techniques.


    By adopting particular initiatives and establishing a culture that supports their virtual workforce, executives may boost their teams' performance output and engagement. They must build and sustain a culture of trust, as well as modernize leadership communication methods and procedures in order to properly educate virtual personnel. 


    Additionally, team members must be encouraged to share leadership. Finally, executives must establish and conduct frequent alignment checks to ensure that virtual workers adhere to the organization's cultural values, including their commitment to its goals.


    All of these procedures begin with the realization that team formation will be significantly different with remote members, demanding the creation of new leadership strategies, communication routines, and tools.


    Final Thoughts


    In a world where social distancing and remote work has become the new normal, it is now more important than ever to make good use of the current technologies we have to be just as productive as before the pandemic hit the globe.In Simon’s concluding statements, he deems it important that for a collaborative system to work, employees must be willing to commit to the shift fully. Problems will surely arise when employees refuse to use certain technologies because they either find it too complicated or too time-consuming to actually learn new things instead of going the more traditional route of working.


    The willingness to change is always the first step towards growth. Just as the world has changed, we must also be willing to adapt to this change. Resistance will always be a hindrance to progress, just as the refusal to learn denies a person the chance to be more efficient and productive.


    It is part of TARTLE’s vision to create a world where knowledge is shared and problems are solved through a collective and collaborative effort. We believe that teamwork is power, and collaboration is the key to progress. The power is back in your hands.


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    The show is hosted by Co-Founder and Source Data Pioneer Alexander McCaig and Head of Conscious Marketing Jason Rigby.


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