
    Conversation with Mustafa Suleyman — The Proliferation of AI & the Next Wave of Technology

    enSeptember 07, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Mercury and State Farm cater to startup needs and small business owners respectivelyMercury offers banking solutions for startups with a modern, seamless experience, while State Farm Small Business Insurance provides personalized policies for small business owners with expert agents

      Mercury provides modern banking solutions for startups, offering a seamless experience, control, and security without compromising precision. Meanwhile, State Farm Small Business Insurance offers personalized policies for small business owners, with agents who understand their unique needs. The podcast host shared his experiences of traveling and returning to work, expressing optimism about New York City's economic recovery, despite the ongoing recession concerns. The city seems to be thriving, with new retail establishments and high retail sales, contrasting the weaker recovery of some left-leaning cities on the West Coast. It was a pleasure to be back in New York for the podcast, and the host looked forward to continuing the conversations with listeners.

    • The Unheralded Business Success Story of 2023: Obesity DrugsNovo Nordisk's obesity drugs, like Ozempic and Wegovy, have become game-changers due to their popularity for weight loss, making Novo Nordisk Europe's most valuable company and the obesity drug market a $50 billion opportunity.

      The underreported business story of the year is the significant impact of Ozempic and similar drugs for treating obesity. Novo Nordisk, the Danish company behind these drugs, has become the most valuable company in Europe, surpassing LVMH, due to their popularity among celebrities and TikTokers as a weight loss solution. With obesity affecting approximately 100 million adults in the US and the obesity drug market expected to be worth $50 billion by 2030, the potential impact of these drugs is enormous. The drugs work by signaling to the brain that one is less hungry and slowing down digestion, allowing people to eat less. For instance, Novo Nordisk's Ozempic is FDA-approved for treating diabetes, while Wegovy can be prescribed for weight loss. The drugs have helped people lose an average of 8-14 pounds with Ozempic and 15% of their body weight with Wegovy. The market for obesity treatments is significant, as obesity is a major health issue facing modern economies, especially in the US, where it is estimated to have cost $73 billion in annual medical expenses in 2019. The potential impact of these drugs on the healthcare industry and the lives of millions of people is enormous.

    • Keeping People Unhealthy for ProfitSocietal taboos and corporate interests hinder investments in promoting healthy habits, perpetuating cycles of addiction and dependency on processed foods and medications.

      The industrial food and medical complexes have a vested interest in keeping people unhealthy, leading to a cycle of addiction and dependency on processed foods and medications. This is often masked by societal taboos around discussing obesity and physical fitness, resulting in a lack of investment in programs that promote healthy eating and physical activity. The speaker also notes the unfair advantage wealthy students have in college admissions, particularly in sports, and calls for a renewed focus on giving everyone the opportunity to develop healthy habits and be rewarded for physical fitness. The speaker's personal experience with his father and the Royal Navy workout highlights the importance of early physical fitness education and the positive impact it can have on a person's life.

    • The Impact of Fitness on Mental Health and Overall Well-BeingRegular fitness not only improves physical health but also prevents depression, boosts self-confidence, and contributes to overall well-being. The future of business lies in adapting to the changing health and wellness landscape.

      Regular fitness and a healthy lifestyle not only have significant physical health benefits but also contribute greatly to mental health and overall well-being. The speaker shares his personal experience of working out for the past 40 years and the profound impact it has had on his life, preventing depression and improving self-confidence. He also mentions the powerful impact of fitness on mental health and the potential for it to reverse the trend of obesity. The speaker also discusses the potential disruption to industries like food and advertising due to the increasing popularity of drugs like Ozempic that promote weight loss and improve overall health. He believes that the shift towards a healthier population will lead to massive market capitalization gains for certain industries and significant losses for others. In essence, the future of business lies in understanding and adapting to the changing health and wellness landscape.

    • Impact of Synthetic Biology and Artificial Intelligence on SocietySynthetic biology and artificial intelligence will significantly impact society by altering our perception of intelligence, engineering new compounds, and learning their own strategies, potentially leading to a reshuffling of industries and unlocking new opportunities.

      The advancements in synthetic biology and artificial intelligence will significantly impact our lives by altering our perception of intelligence. These technologies, unlike previous ones, have the capability to engineer new synthetic compounds or life itself in the case of synthetic biology, and learn their own strategies to perform well at new types of prediction problems in the case of artificial intelligence. This could lead to a reshuffling of various industries, including healthcare, sports, and more. For instance, if obesity rates decrease significantly, it could lead to increased participation in physical activities like mountain biking. The potential impact on society is immense and could unlock new opportunities. The reduction in body mass index of Americans, driven by the use of drugs like Ozempic, is an underreported business story of the summer of 2023. This is just the beginning, and it's essential to keep an eye on these technological advancements and their potential implications.

    • Technological Revolution: Exponential Improvements with AI and Advanced TechnologiesAI and advanced technologies are on the brink of exponential improvements, making tasks more efficient and accessible to all, leading to a highly meritocratic society.

      We are on the brink of a technological revolution where AI and other advanced technologies like biotech, robotics, quantum computing, and new sources of energy have the potential to operate autonomously, improve themselves, and even define their own goals. This could lead to exponential improvements in productivity and efficiency, making tasks more like using a bulldozer compared to a shovel. The common theme of valuable technologies getting cheaper and more accessible is evident in the history of microchips and software, and we are now seeing an unprecedented increase in compute used to train AI models. Over the next decade, many people, regardless of wealth, are predicted to have equal access to this intelligence, leading to a highly meritocratic society. This is a positive story with the potential to significantly change the way we live and work.

    • The Impact of AI on Our WorldAI's ability to reason and act on knowledge, combined with natural language processing and interaction, will fundamentally change how we live and work. It's crucial to consider ethical implications and potential consequences in various fields.

      The advancement of AI technology represents a significant compression of power, enabling these systems to reason over information and take action in various settings. This capability holds immense potential for productivity and progress, but also poses risks, particularly in the hands of those who may seek to spread misinformation or amplify polarization. It's crucial for society to prepare for this new reality, recognizing both the opportunities and challenges that AI presents. The ability to act on knowledge, combined with the potential for natural language processing and interaction, will fundamentally change the way we live and work. However, this transformation also requires careful consideration of ethical implications and potential consequences, particularly in areas like academia, politics, media, and commerce. Ultimately, the impact of AI on our world depends on how we choose to use this technology, and it's essential to engage in open and thoughtful dialogue about its future role and implications.

    • The democratization of AI capabilitiesAI technology is becoming more efficient and accessible, leading to smaller models performing as well as humans or larger models. Long-term trend towards constant improvement, but short-term dominance by resourceful companies with high-quality models.

      AI technology is becoming more efficient and accessible, leading to a democratization of capabilities that were once the domain of human expertise. This efficiency trajectory, which has been seen for centuries, means that smaller and smaller models will be able to perform as well as humans or even the largest models. This trend is expected to continue over the long term, making it difficult for any one company to maintain a monopoly. However, in the short term, larger companies with the resources to produce the highest quality AI models will likely dominate the market. Google, for example, has achieved significant success through its search technology, which is a great example of this trend towards efficiency and accessibility. Yet, its success also highlights the potential for lock-in, as Google has built a strong brand and controls both the user base and the advertising market. Overall, the future of AI is one of constant improvement and increasing accessibility, with the potential for both widespread productivity gains and the emergence of new ecosystems of value.

    • Traditional challenges pose significant risks with AIWhile AI models can make it easier for malicious actors to manufacture weapons, collaboration among industry leaders and open-source providers can help mitigate these risks. AI models generally behave as intended and won't suddenly become sentient.

      While the fears surrounding AI are valid, the most pressing threats may not be the fantastical scenarios often portrayed in science fiction. Instead, the traditional challenges of misinformation, income inequality, and potential misuse by bad actors are more likely to pose significant risks. As AI models become increasingly powerful and accurate, they could make it easier for malicious actors to manufacture biological or chemical weapons, for instance. However, these threats are not insurmountable, and collaboration among industry leaders and open-source providers can help mitigate these risks. It's crucial to remember that AI models will generally behave as intended and won't suddenly become sentient and take control. By addressing these near-term challenges, we can ensure that the benefits of AI are realized while minimizing its downsides.

    • Technology bringing changes in job market, opportunities and challengesOver short term, job losses due to new tech, but long term, new industries and jobs. Focus on social issues, adapt to transition period, and prioritize productivity and purpose.

      Technology, specifically artificial intelligence and automation, will bring about significant changes in the job market, leading to both opportunities and challenges. Over the short term, there may be job losses as new technologies emerge, but over the long term, these technologies are expected to create new industries and jobs. However, there is a concern that over the next decade, there could be a transition period where people will need to adapt and find new opportunities in the workplace. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of focusing on solving pressing social issues, such as energy production, synthetic food, water desalination, and carbon sequestration, to ensure human progress and productivity. He suggests that as intelligence becomes a commodity, it will lead to rapid compounding of capital, which is a good thing, but it may also lead to significant disemployment for those who cannot compete in the workplace. The speaker concludes by stating that the goal of society should be productivity and purpose, freeing people from the obligation of working in ways they don't want to, and helping them find creative ways to stay productive and enjoy life.

    • Investing in the Nation State for a Smooth TransitionTo ensure a smooth transition into a future of cheaper goods and services, we need to reverse the current tax structure, reduce taxes on labor, and increase taxes on capital, including land, stocks, and AI. We also need forward-thinking elected officials and attractive public sector wages to attract high-quality talent.

      As technology advances, particularly in the realm of energy and artificial intelligence, the cost of goods and services will decrease significantly. However, managing this transition requires careful consideration of tax policy. The current tax structure, which favors capital over labor, should be reversed to help people remain competitive in the workforce. This can be achieved by reducing taxes on labor and increasing taxes on capital, including land, stocks, and software, especially AI. The current state of public policy is not keeping pace with technological advancements, and we need younger, forward-thinking elected officials to address this issue. The nation state must survive and adapt by having technical decision-makers at the top and offering public sector wages commensurate with the open market to attract high-quality talent. In essence, we need to show love and respect for the nation state and invest in it to ensure a smooth transition into a future of cheaper goods and services.

    • The Complex Relationship Between Tech and GovernmentSome tech leaders value government support, others resist. A lack of understanding of governance and public policy contributes to skepticism. The rise of personal AI is expected to transform everyday life, with potential business models including user payments.

      The relationship between the tech community and government is complex and varied. While some tech leaders appreciate the role of government in funding and supporting technological innovation, others are more skeptical and even hostile. This bias towards self-reliance and success being attributed solely to individual effort can extend beyond the tech sector. The speaker argues that a lack of understanding and experience with the challenges of governance and public policy contributes to this perspective. Another key topic discussed was the rise of personal AI, such as Inflection AI's PIE, which is expected to become a ubiquitous part of everyday life. This AI would act as a personal assistant, helping users navigate information, prioritize tasks, and interact with other AIs. The business model for such a company could involve users paying for the service, as the speaker is committed to this approach despite it not being the most profitable option.

    • Business leader prioritizes ethics over shareholder valueBusiness leader creates personal AI, funded through subscriptions, prioritizing ethical practices and user interests, reflecting on cultural differences between US and UK, preferring US for business opportunities and UK for lifestyle, expressing love for American culture.

      The speaker, a business leader, prioritizes ethical business practices above shareholder value in their corporation. They believe in creating a personal AI that is aligned with users' interests and funded through a subscription model, ensuring a fiduciary relationship. The speaker also shares their personal experience of the significant cultural differences between living in Palo Alto, Silicon Valley, and London. They find the US culture more encouraging of risk-taking, optimism, and a "yes" attitude towards business, while the UK culture is more skeptical and pessimistic. From a personal perspective, the speaker prefers the US for its business opportunities and the UK for its lifestyle. Lastly, the speaker expresses their love for American culture and their current residence in California.

    • Using sports to connect with loved onesSports and shared interests can help bridge gaps and strengthen relationships, as seen in Mustafa's bonding experience with his sons and Scott's memories of lost friends.

      Technology and sports have the power to connect people, regardless of their differences. Mustafa Soleyman, the CEO of Inflexion AI, shared how he uses Premier League Football to bond with his sons, despite supporting different teams. Meanwhile, Scott Ozarp spoke about the tragic loss of his friends, who he bonded with over their shared love for football and good times. These stories illustrate the importance of cherishing the moments we have with loved ones and the role that shared interests can play in our lives. Furthermore, Mustafa's work in AI and his advocacy for democratic governments highlights the potential of technology to bring people together and create positive change.

    • The Significance of FriendshipFriendship provides comfort, support, and endures beyond the present, positively impacting our lives and even our lifespan.

      The power of friendship was vividly demonstrated during a difficult time. Three successful men dropped everything to support a friend in need and later helped in his passing. Unfortunately, many men lack close friendships, which can negatively impact their lives and even shorten their lifespan. The importance of friendship extends beyond the present, as it endures and provides comfort and support to loved ones when we're no longer able to do so ourselves. The men's actions were a poignant reminder of the significance of friendship and the importance of expressing it to those around us.

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    Fique por dentro do Podcast, Redes Sociais: Muito mais que fotos com filtros

    A Mariana Dalaqua atualmente é médica chefe adjunta do serviço de Neurorradiologia Diagnóstica do Hôpital du Valais, Suíça.
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    Quer saber como usar as redes sociais a seu favor? Ouça o episódio do podcast!

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    Você pode falar também diretamente com o host Lorenzo Tomé pelo Instagram, Linkedln ou Telegram no @lorenzotome

    Música usada no episódio:

    'Moody Swing' by Oshóva is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 3.0) Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: https://youtu.be/CPhnejWBYtc

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