
    Cosmic Queries: Time and Higher Dimensions

    en-usDecember 08, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the concept of higher dimensionsThrough the lens of Flatland, we learned about the challenges of understanding dimensions beyond our own, emphasizing the importance of an open mind for new discoveries in mathematics and physics.

      Our understanding of dimensions goes beyond the three spatial dimensions we experience in our daily lives. During this episode of StarTalk, Neil deGrasse Tyson and his co-host Harrison Greenbaum explored the concept of higher dimensions in space and time with mathematician John Allen Paulos. They discussed the idea of a 2-dimensional being in Edwin Abbott's Flatland and the social commentary hidden within the story. While 2-dimensional beings can only move in height and width, they have a limited perspective of the universe. When introduced to the third dimension, they struggle to accept its existence. Similarly, we, as 3-dimensional beings, may have a hard time grasping the concept of higher dimensions, but they could provide new ways to understand the universe. The episode also touched upon the fourth dimension as time and the limitations it imposes on us. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of an open-minded perspective and the potential for new discoveries in mathematics and physics.

    • Understanding the limitations of our 3D realityHigher dimensions challenge our perception of reality, with 2D beings finding 3D objects mysterious and 4D beings having access to every part of a 3D being, requiring significant energy to transition.

      Our perception of the world around us is limited by the number of dimensions we exist in. In the discussion, it was explained that a 2D being, like a flatlander, would find it mysterious if they saw a 3D object passing through their universe, just as we find the inner workings of a 2D being completely transparent. A 4D being, on the other hand, would have access to every part of a 3D being, which would be completely incomprehensible to us. The idea of escaping our 3D reality requires a significant amount of energy, much like how a substance needs energy to change phases or dimensions. This concept, though familiar, should still astonish us, as demonstrated by the example of a seemingly harmless object like water turning into an explosive substance when it freezes and transitions into a new phase. The discussion also touched upon the idea that the three dimensions we experience may have been established in the early moments of the universe and locked in due to the cooling of energy. Overall, the conversation highlights the intriguing and mind-bending implications of higher dimensions and the limitations of our current understanding of the universe.

    • Exploring the Possibility of More Than Three DimensionsThe universe may have more dimensions than the three we experience, with potential implications for early universe phase transitions, organism complexity, and travel through wormholes.

      Our understanding of the universe and its dimensions goes beyond the three we experience. We've discussed the possibility of missing phase transitions in the early universe that could have resulted in four or more dimensions. Furthermore, the concept of dimensions extends to organisms, where even a two-dimensional being would face challenges with digestion and separation of food intake. Wormholes, which are often depicted as having fewer dimensions, are actually holes in every direction, requiring a higher dimension for travel. Hypercubes are cubes in four or more dimensions, and the concept of dimensions can be applied to various aspects of a person or thing, potentially numbering in the hundreds. These intriguing concepts challenge our current understanding and offer a glimpse into the vastness and complexity of the universe.

    • Everyone is unique and strange in their own wayIn a 100-dimensional space, most individuals reside on the edge of a hypercube, emphasizing the uniqueness of each person.

      According to the speaker, in a 100-dimensional space, almost everyone is located on the edge of a hypercube, as only a small percentage occupies the interior. This concept, which the speaker's father used to say, implies that everyone is unique and strange in their own way. In the context of online dating, the speaker questions whether their dimensionality is properly represented in their social profiles. The speaker also shares their disdain for people who believe in astrology as a filter for potential partners. The discussion then delves into the mathematical explanation of how a line becomes a square, and then a cube, and the concept of a 4-dimensional cube. The speaker admits that they cannot fully comprehend 4-dimensional entities but finds animated versions helpful. Overall, the conversation highlights the idea that everyone is unique and occupies a distinct place in a complex, multi-dimensional space.

    • The 4th dimension in physics: A theoretical conceptThe 4th dimension, a theoretical concept in physics, suggests the existence of additional dimensions beyond the three spatial and one temporal dimensions we experience. While intriguing, these dimensions remain beyond our current reach and understanding, with ongoing debates in the scientific community.

      While there are theories suggesting the existence of higher dimensions beyond the three spatial and one temporal dimensions we experience, the 4th dimension stands out due to physical arguments, such as the second law of thermodynamics, which suggest it may have been born from the early universe. However, these extra dimensions, if they exist, remain beyond our current reach and understanding, as we only concern ourselves with the phenomena that can be measured and observed. The idea of higher dimensions, including the possibility of time travel, often finds its way into popular culture, particularly in superhero movies and stories. While these theories are intriguing, it's important to remember that in physics, what something is if it's not revealed to us through a measurement holds no significance. The debate around the existence and nature of higher dimensions is ongoing, with various theories proposing different numbers and types of dimensions. Ultimately, the search for a deeper understanding of the universe continues, with physicists and scientists exploring the fundamental laws of nature and the mysteries of the cosmos.

    • Exploring Time Travel's ComplexitiesDespite the intrigue of traveling through multiple time dimensions, theoretical challenges and paradoxes make it a complex issue. Currently, there's no scientific evidence for using cannabis to reach different dimensions or understanding singularities as the 0th dimension.

      While the concept of traveling through different time dimensions is intriguing, there are theoretical challenges that make it difficult to achieve. The discussion touched upon the idea of multiple time dimensions and the possibility of taking "time shortcuts" by traveling through alternate routes. However, the presence of the grandfather paradox and the potential for creating alternate universities make time travel a complex issue. Additionally, the question about using cannabis to reach different dimensions was addressed with skepticism, as there is currently no scientific evidence to support such a claim. The conversation also touched upon the concept of singularities as the 0th dimension, but the limitations of current physics in understanding them were emphasized. Overall, the discussion highlighted the complexities and challenges of exploring dimensions beyond the three we experience in our daily lives.

    • Exploring the mysteries of higher dimensionsThe concept of higher dimensions, though challenging to measure and understand, offers intriguing possibilities for scientific exploration, including the existence of powerful deities or the expansion of dimensionality during the Big Bang.

      The concept of higher dimensions, such as those discussed in relation to the singularity or the origins of the universe, presents challenges for scientific understanding due to the lack of measurable evidence and the potential breakdown of existing equations. However, the idea of higher dimensions can also offer intriguing possibilities, such as the existence of powerful deities or the expansion of dimensionality during the Big Bang. Ultimately, while we may not be able to fully comprehend or measure these dimensions, they can expand our imagination and understanding of the universe. Regarding the specific questions discussed, there is ongoing debate about the nature of the singularity and the origins of dimensions. Some theories suggest that dimensions did not exist before the Big Bang, while others propose that they expanded at the speed of light or existed in a hidden state. As for the idea of deities existing in higher dimensions, this concept can be seen as a metaphorical way to describe beings with abilities beyond our current understanding. Overall, the exploration of higher dimensions challenges our current scientific understanding and offers intriguing possibilities for the future. While we may not have all the answers, the ongoing dialogue and debate among scientists and experts can help us continue to push the boundaries of our knowledge.

    • The Tesseract's Role in the Marvel UniverseThe Tesseract, initially perceived as a simple portal, was later revealed to be an Infinity Stone granting control over space.

      The Tesseract, a concept originating from mathematics, was depicted as a 4-dimensional cube in the Marvel Universe, serving various roles such as a real estate device for the Fantastic 4 and a portal. However, it was later revealed to be one of the Infinity Stones, granting control over space. Initially perceived as a simple portal, the Tesseract's true power was recognized when the Avengers discovered the existence of the Infinity Stones. The cosmic cube, another cube-shaped concept, shares similarities with the Tesseract as it can alter reality in the comics. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has introduced various Infinity Stones, including the Reality Stone (the Tesseract/Cosmic Cube) and the Time Stone, which Doctor Strange possesses.

    • Exploring the mysteries of the universe and multiverseThe multiverse theory suggests independently expanding zones within a larger metaverse could intersect, creating a boundary between universes. Einstein's quote emphasizes the importance of perspective and theory in understanding complex concepts like time and dimensions.

      Our understanding of the universe and its fundamental properties, such as time and dimensions, continues to be a subject of intrigue and exploration in the fields of cosmology and physics. Nanook's question about the possibility of the edge of the universe being the start of another dimension or reality touches on the concept of the multiverse, where independently expanding zones within a larger metaverse could potentially intersect, creating a boundary between universes. Another topic discussed was the Higgs field and its relationship to time. While massless particles do not experience time, all particles, regardless of mass, seem to experience it in the same way. However, the mysteries of particle decay and the interplay between language and physics were also highlighted, emphasizing the ongoing quest for understanding in these complex fields. Einstein's quote, "time is invented to make motion look simple," underscores the importance of perspective and theory in our comprehension of these concepts.

    • Interstellar's depiction of higher dimensionsThe movie 'Interstellar' explores the idea of traveling through higher dimensions, but its portrayal raises questions and may not accurately represent reality. We can't definitively say how many dimensions exist or why they might exist.

      While the movie "Interstellar" provides an intriguing attempt to portray the concept of higher dimensions, its depiction raises questions and may not accurately represent the true nature of traveling through multiple dimensions. During a discussion, the participants touched upon the movie's portrayal of the fifth dimension and the character's ability to move around in time. They also pondered the possibility of fabricating an artificial dimension and storing objects in higher dimensions. While the idea of manipulating dimensions is intriguing, it remains a theoretical concept, and there is no definitive answer as to whether there is an upper limit to the possible number of dimensions or why it might exist.

    • Exploring the limits of dimensionsDespite mathematical theories suggesting infinite dimensions, physical evidence is lacking, keeping the concept of higher dimensions a theoretical construct.

      While mathematically there's no limit to the number of dimensions we can work with, physically, we don't have enough evidence to prove the existence of dimensions beyond the three spatial and one time dimension we currently know. The concept of an "infinity plus one" deity is a theoretical one, and until we find evidence for higher dimensions or encounter beings from other dimensions, it remains a theoretical construct. The discussion also touched upon the infinite dimensional vector space and the idea that even if there are infinite dimensions, it would still be considered infinite and not subject to any limitations. The hosts also shared their personal experiences and expressed their love for math and science. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of evidence and the ongoing exploration of the universe's mysteries.

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