
    Could we be Living in a Holographic Matrix? By Billy Carson special guest Robert Grant

    enJuly 12, 2024
    Who is the special guest on the podcast?
    What is Robert Edward Grant known for?
    What topics were discussed during the podcast?
    What is the purpose of the Forbidden Conscious Awards?
    How does gratitude impact individuals according to the podcast?

    Podcast Summary

    • Fractal Holographic UniversePolymath Robert Edward Grant discussed the possibility of living in a fractal holographic universe on Forbidden Knowledge TV's podcast with Billy Carson. The conversation touched on Grant's background, his contributions to various fields, and the excitement of being part of the Forbidden Knowledge community.

      During this unscheduled podcast, Billy Carson welcomed listeners from all over the world and introduced his special guest, Robert Edward Grant. Robert is a polymath and entrepreneur who has made significant contributions to various fields including music theory, mathematics, geometry, Egyptology, and esoterica. He is also a board member of Forbidden Knowledge TV and wrote the forward for Billy's latest book, "Fractal Holographic Universe." Billy and Robert discussed the possibility of living in a fractal holographic universe and touched on other topics such as the Conscious Awards, the Enneadki Docu-series, and Forbidden Knowledge's speaking conference in Miami. Robert shared his background and expressed his excitement about being part of the Forbidden Knowledge community. Billy's audience, which included people from different parts of the world, engaged in the live chat and showed their support by sharing and liking the video. The podcast provided insights into the depth of knowledge and expertise that the Forbidden Knowledge community offers, and the discussion on the holographic universe added to the intrigue and fascination surrounding the topic.

    • Perception of RealityOur perception of reality is influenced by consciousness and the presence of light at unseen frequencies, challenging objective notions of the material world

      Our perception of reality may not be as objective as we once believed. The speaker suggests that light and dark are not opposites but rather different conditions of the same thing. They argue that everything, including the seemingly darkest spaces, is resonating with light at various frequencies that we can't always see. Furthermore, our consciousness plays a role in shaping our perception of reality, making it subjective. The speaker also mentions the influence of quantum physics and the idea that the universe might be more mental than material. This perspective challenges traditional notions of objective reality and invites us to consider new ways of understanding the world around us. The recent Nobel Prizes in physics further support this idea, as they've shown that local realism, the belief in a material universe, is false. This shift in perspective has significant implications for various fields of science and our understanding of the universe as a whole.

    • Universal consciousness, creation processOur creations are a reflection of the larger universal consciousness, and the universe learns and grows through the unique perspectives of its creations

      Our brains function not as hard drive storage units, but as receivers of inspiration from a higher consciousness. This concept was illustrated through a personal story of creating a clay man sculpture, which the creator later discovered was a golem, a Jewish mystical creation meant to represent the act of God creating Adam. This realization led the creator to understand that everything we create is a part of the larger universal consciousness and that the universe itself is a self-replicating, fractal entity. The creation process is a cycle of division into many perspectives and then coming back together as one. The film "The Maker" provides a metaphor for this concept through the story of a clay man creating another clay man and eventually disappearing into the universe. Ultimately, the universe creates and learns through the unique perspectives of its creations.

    • Universe InterconnectednessWe exist in a vast, interconnected universe where our brains function as holographic perceivers, creating limited realities, and we're immersed in a multiverse, learning and transcending duality through love and acceptance.

      We are living in a vast, interconnected universe where everything is intertwined and operating within fractals. Our brains function as the universe, collecting data through our senses and creating a holographic perception of reality. We are creating digital universes through technology, and we are immersed in a multiverse, possibly not even close to base reality. Our perception is limited to less than 1% of the life spectrum, and we are dimensionally limited avatars of a higher self. The purpose of our existence is to learn, accept our shadows and egos, and transcend duality through love and acceptance. We are here to learn through opposites and help mold our reality through our thoughts and somatic frequencies. It's important to focus on love, light, and solutions to create positive change in our reality.

    • Transcendence and PerceptionWe have the power to control our thoughts, emotions, and perceptions, ultimately shaping our experiences in life. Our beliefs influence reality through the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, and embracing emotions and experiences is essential for living a fulfilling life. The universe generates empathy and contributes to the expansion of consciousness and wisdom.

      We have the power to control our own thoughts, emotions, and perceptions, ultimately shaping our experiences in life. This concept, known as transcendence, allows us to overcome adversity and find meaning in seemingly difficult situations. The idea that our perception shapes reality is further emphasized by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which suggests that our beliefs influence the world around us. By recognizing this and taking responsibility for our thoughts, we can avoid victimhood and live a more fulfilling life. Additionally, the universe can be seen as an empathy-generating process, with each unique perspective contributing to the expansion of consciousness and wisdom. Ultimately, the only thing that's truly real is how we feel, making it essential to embrace our emotions and experiences. The simulation hypothesis, while still a topic of debate, adds another layer to this idea, suggesting that our reality might be an intricately designed simulation. Regardless, our perception and interpretation of the world around us play a crucial role in shaping our experiences.

    • Cosmic codeWe are a unique expression of the cosmic code, which operates on a binary system and repeats in patterns throughout the universe. As conscious beings, we can understand and interact with this code, contributing to its evolution.

      We are living in a created universe, and our existence is not a contradiction to this fact. Instead, we are a part of the creator itself, a unique expression of the cosmic code. This code, which can be seen in the structure of the periodic table and the properties of DNA, operates on a binary system of zeros and ones, much like music or sound waves. This code is not only present on a large scale, but also on a small scale, repeating in patterns throughout the universe. As conscious beings, we have the ability to understand and interact with this code, even contributing to its evolution through our own discoveries and innovations. So, rather than feeling disconnected, we can embrace our role as active participants in this grand experiment of existence.

    • Self-awareness expansionExpanding self-awareness and developing empathy can be achieved by breaking free from limiting beliefs and comfort zones, and embracing fears to discover our super selves. The universe communicates through geometry and symbolism, and our realizations and applications of knowledge hold true power.

      We have the power to control our own lives and consciousness, and the universe is a mental construct of our own creation. We can expand our awareness and develop empathy by breaking free from limiting beliefs and comfort zones. The universe communicates with us through geometry and symbolism, and our realizations and applications of knowledge hold the true power. We are all unique avatars in a spiritual game, designed by our higher selves to expand awareness and increase empathy and wisdom. By embracing our fears and expanding our comfort zones, we can discover our super selves and contribute to the collective consciousness expansion happening across humanity. Our mindset and beliefs shape our reality, so it's essential to question and challenge them to unlock our full potential.

    • Forbidden Conscious AwardsAttending events that expose individuals to unique ideas and experiences can create emotional connections, inspire growth, and motivate positive impact.

      Exposing people to ideas or experiences that stretch their imagination and expand their perspective can create a strong emotional connection and desire to possess those things. This concept was illustrated through the discussion of real estate and the Forbidden Conscious Awards event. The awards ceremony honors individuals who have made a positive impact through their unique ideas and consciousness. By bringing these individuals together, attendees are inspired and motivated to grow and make a difference in their own lives. This event serves as a platform for connection, learning, and personal growth.

    • Recognition and motivationExpressing gratitude and recognizing the value of others can inspire people to think bigger and do more, and it's a transferable form of motivation.

      Recognizing and appreciating others can be a powerful source of inspiration and motivation. Instead of waiting for external validation, we have the ability to give recognition and gratitude to those around us. This can inspire people to think bigger and do more, and it's a transferable form of motivation. The Forbidden Conscious Awards is an initiative to give recognition and validation to individuals, and the first annual conference is coming up. Additionally, there's an upcoming interview on this YouTube channel with a quantum physicist named Mikey Moliase that's sure to be insightful. Overall, expressing gratitude and recognizing the value of others can have a profound impact on both the giver and the receiver.

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