
    Counsel for aspiring lawyers - with Career Big Sis Mel Storey!

    enJuly 17, 2024
    What resources does Interview Boss offer for job seekers?
    How did Kendra use the podcast to secure her job?
    What alternative opportunities exist for legal graduates?
    How can LinkedIn assist in job searching?
    What is the hidden job market in the legal industry?

    Podcast Summary

    • Job search resourcesThe Interview Boss podcast offers categorized episodes and personalized coaching to help job seekers at various stages of their career journey succeed.

      The Interview Boss podcast offers valuable resources and advice for job seekers at various stages of their career journey. With hundreds of episodes available, it can be overwhelming to find the right information for your specific situation. To help, the podcast team has created playlists that categorize episodes based on job search topics, from resume writing to acing interviews. They also offer coaching and an interview academy for more personalized guidance. A listener named Kendra shared her experience of using the podcast to land a director role in HR, despite having no prior experience. She credits the podcast with helping her shift her mindset and tell her unique story during interviews, leading to a customized role and significant salary increase. If you're feeling stuck in your job search or need extra support, Interview Boss offers various resources to help you succeed.

    • Networking and mentorship, Legal clerkshipsNetworking and seeking advice from like-minded individuals can lead to valuable opportunities, even if they seem out of reach initially. Legal clerkships offer valuable experience and exposure to top firms, but they're just one pathway to a successful legal career.

      Building connections and seeking advice from like-minded individuals can lead to valuable opportunities, even if they seem out of reach at first. This was exemplified in the story of how the guest, who is a career coach, discovered the podcast through a mutual connection and recommended it to her listeners. Another key point discussed was the importance and competitiveness of clerkships in the legal field, which can be daunting for students who are unsure of the process or feel excluded by industry jargon. These clerkships offer valuable experience and exposure to top firms, making them highly sought after. However, it's important to remember that they are just one pathway to a successful legal career, and there are many other ways to gain experience and build a strong foundation in the field.

    • First job after graduationSmaller companies offer valuable experiences and opportunities, marks and averages importance varies, keep trying for graduate programs, legal degree opens doors to diverse careers, research on LinkedIn, explore new possibilities

      The first job after graduation can be challenging to secure, but it's not impossible. While large graduate programs may seem attractive, there are also opportunities in smaller companies that can provide valuable experiences. The importance of marks and averages in securing jobs varies, and not every industry or employer places the same emphasis on them. For those who don't get accepted into legal graduate programs, it's important to keep trying and think creatively about alternative opportunities. The legal degree can open doors to various careers, including in-house roles, not-for-profits, and government agencies. LinkedIn is a valuable tool for researching potential employers and job opportunities, and reaching out to professionals in your desired field. Remember, there are many unique and exciting jobs out there that you may not have even considered, so be open to exploring new possibilities.

    • Legal Recruitment ProcessThe legal recruitment process involves both human and automated elements, with a focus on academic achievements, but firms are recognizing the value of diverse experiences and backgrounds, and enthusiasm and curiosity can make a strong impression.

      The legal recruitment process can be challenging and complex, involving both human and automated elements. Applications may be screened by AI before being reviewed by humans, and certain qualifications or grades may be required to even be considered. However, it's important to remember that firms are starting to recognize the value of diverse experiences and backgrounds, and enthusiasm and curiosity can go a long way in making a strong impression. The recruitment process is not just about academic achievements, but also about demonstrating a genuine interest in the field and the ability to work well under pressure. It's important to research the firm and practice area, and show up to interviews with energy and passion. Remember, every experience, no matter how seemingly insignificant, can provide valuable skills and insights that can benefit your legal career.

    • Transferable skillsExperience and skills gained outside of a specific industry or role can be valuable assets during job interviews. Demonstrating problem-solving abilities and a genuine interest in a new role are essential for success in a career shift.

      Experience and skills gained outside of a specific industry or role can be valuable assets when interviewing for a job. The paralegal interviewee's experience in managing a defiant teenager helped her connect with the interviewer and demonstrate her problem-solving abilities, which were applicable to the role's challenges despite not having legal experience. Additionally, when considering a career shift, such as moving from private practice to in-house, it's essential to have a genuine interest and passion for the new role, rather than just wanting to escape the current situation. Networking, building relationships, and understanding the industry and companies that align with your strengths are crucial for success in a new role.

    • Legal industry hidden job marketThe legal industry has a hidden job market with valuable opportunities not publicly advertised. Recruiters help connect candidates to these roles, and reputation plays a role, but finding the right fit based on skills and experiences is increasingly important.

      The legal industry, like many others, has both publicly advertised roles and a hidden job market. The hidden job market, also known as the in-house roles, can offer opportunities that aren't publicly advertised. These roles can lead to valuable connections and experiences. Recruiters play a crucial role in connecting candidates with these opportunities. Reputation, both personal and institutional, can influence hiring decisions, but it's important to remember that the legal industry is changing, and there's a growing emphasis on finding the right fit based on skills, experiences, and human connections. For new lawyers, it's essential to be persistent, network, and focus on developing valuable skills. While long hours and high expectations are still common in the legal industry, building resilience, staying focused on your goals, and seeking support from mentors and colleagues can help you navigate these challenges.

    • Workplace challenges for junior lawyersJunior lawyers must prioritize their mental health and career sustainability by seeking help and leaving toxic workplaces, while the legal industry slowly addresses workplace bullying and toxic work environments, and transitioning to an in-house role requires a shift in mindset

      While technology is helping to reduce the manual workload for junior lawyers, the profession still faces challenges such as workplace bullying and toxic work environments. It's important for junior lawyers to know their limits and seek help when necessary, even if it means leaving a job for their mental health and career sustainability. The legal industry is slowly changing, but it's crucial for those experiencing toxic workplaces to speak up and hold those responsible accountable. The future looks promising as more firms are facing financial consequences for harboring unacceptable behavior. Additionally, transitioning from a law firm to an in-house role requires a shift in mindset, as in-house lawyers must help their business take calculated risks and find ways to mitigate potential legal issues.

    • In-house lawyer communication styleAdaptability, communication, and flexibility are crucial for in-house lawyers. They need to adjust communication styles based on audience, build relationships, and project manage effectively to add value as a cost-saving measure.

      To excel as an in-house lawyer, you need to be adaptable, communicative, and comfortable with saying "yes, if" or "yes, but" instead of just saying "no." You must be able to adjust your communication style based on the audience and understand that you'll be working closely with various functions within the organization. Additionally, you'll need to be flexible and project manage effectively, as well as build relationships with external law firms. Remember, as an in-house lawyer, you're no longer the money-maker and may be perceived as a cost center, but you can still add value by saving costs through effective risk management and advice. Lastly, don't forget to master the correct pronunciation of key legal terms, such as "ombudsman" and "resume," to avoid unnecessary debates!

    • Creating career communitiesCreating a community for early career females can provide valuable opportunities for learning, connection, and sharing wisdom. Engaging with such content can be mutually beneficial for personal and professional growth.

      Creating a community or space for individuals, particularly those who identify as female and are in the early stages of their careers, can be incredibly valuable. Mel, a guest on Interview Boss, expressed her gratitude for the platform and the opportunities it provides for learning, connection, and sharing wisdom. By fostering such a space, we can help individuals feel seen, heard, and supported as they navigate their professional journeys. Additionally, engaging with this type of content can be mutually beneficial - by listening, learning, and sharing, we can all grow and improve together. If you're looking to make a positive impact and connect with like-minded individuals, consider creating or contributing to a community of your own. And if you find value in resources like Interview Boss, don't forget to support the creators by following, sharing, or even buying them a virtual coffee!

    Recent Episodes from Interview Boss

    The inside scoop on assessment centres - including cringey ice breakers!

    The inside scoop on assessment centres - including cringey ice breakers!

    You’ve applied for a job, and you’ve landed an interview - BUT you’ve found out you won’t be the only candidate in the room, you're headed to an assessment centre! Employers use these a lot to save time OR when they're hiring in bulk, especially for grad programs.

    Having planned and facilitated dozens of assessment centres, in this week's episode, Sarah gives you the inside scoop on what you kind of tasks you can expect to complete.

    We discuss what an employer is looking for and share some helpful tips to do yourself justice in the group environment.

    🏀 Shoot Your Shot - Shoutout to Sophie who bought us 2 coffees!

    "“Dear Emma & Sarah, thank you so much for putting this podcast out into the world! I’ve been unhappy in my job for quite a while but was able to keep my role and move down to Melbourne from Brisbane 4 months ago which was great for job security, but I was still ready for a change. After going on a job applying rampage, the rejection emails started flowing in and it was a humbling experience to say the least as all my previous roles I’d gotten in Brisbane were through making connections and my network. But now being in Melbourne I felt like a small fish in a much bigger pond with no way to get my foot in the door. I finally got a video screening call which went well and then only had a few days to prepare before an in-person interview. I was very nervous leading up to it as I hadn’t been for an interview in 2 years and felt very out of practice. Luckily, I went to a wine bar with a friend who recommended your podcast. I binge-listened to your interview episodes which helped me so much with my prep and helped me focus on my best bits. I walked out of the first interview feeling like I nailed it and got the call the next day to say that I’d progressed to the second and final interview. Here we go again. After listening to you ladies some more (and even having you in my ears right up until I walked in the door), I also felt confident coming out of the second interview and am so happy to share that I got the role. It’s a pay increase and at a company that I think will really align with my values. I start next month. Thank you so much and keep putting out this fantastic, practical and helpful content.”

    🎧 Mentioned in this episode: Standing out from the crowd in a group interview

    📄 To get step by step help with your interview prep on demand check out our Interview Academy https://www.interviewboss.com.au/interview-academy

    ☕ Did our podcast help you out? Want to say thank you in coffee form? Shout us a virtual coffee here: www.buymeacoffee.com/interviewboss

    📄 To book an interview coaching session with Sarah, go to www.interviewboss.com.au/coaching 

    💌  Follow us on Instagram

    💻  Check out our website for free jobseeker resources


    Interview Boss
    enAugust 28, 2024

    Why showing TOO much enthusiasm in an interview can be a BAD thing!

    Why showing TOO much enthusiasm in an interview can be a BAD thing!

    We always tell people starting out in their careers 'what you lack in experience you can make up for with enthusiasm,' BUT this golden rule does have caveats!

    This week's episode is dedicated to listener Kirby, who was told he came off 'too excited' in the interview after finding out he was unsuccessful.

    We unpack why extreme enthusiasm could make a prospective employer potentially concerned that you aren't forming a realistic view of the job.

    Disclaimer: This feedback should be taken with a grain of salt. You should never change your entire approach based on one piece of feedback and we certainly don't want anyone intentionally dulling their sparkle!

    🏀 Shoot Your Shot - Shoutout to Rachel who bought us 3 coffees!

    "I just had to share this story with you because I could not have gotten through this wild second round interview without your advice. I had prepared stories that I could mould to any question. I accepted the water. I accepted the coffee (I had drinks double parked like I was Friday night clubbing). I was clenching those butt cheeks like a pro. I’d stalked everyone on that interview panel like a serial killer. If the cleaner had got in the lift with me, I’d have smiled, asked how her kids were and known their names. My outfit was smart, but not desperate. I arrived 10mins early but no earlier. I greeted the security guard like a long lost pal. I had my notebook. My questions were prepped and on point. I was ready. The interview was in two parts – the first with my manager and a team member – which included a test case scenario. I did the deep breathing. I took my time. I smashed it. They were smiling and nodding and talking in the positive give-aways “YOU would be reporting to….”. I was feeling good. The second part of the interview was with HR who wanted to see if I was a “good fit”. I had no idea if she was going to come in with a tape measure and a snap on plastic glove - I never got to that podcast. But I’d researched the company values – I knew them. I’d made up an acronym to remember them (CRAPPER – Customer focused, Responsibility, Achievement, Perseverance, Preparation, Enthusiasm, Reward). What I wasn’t prepared for was to be asked for a “tell me a time when…” for EVERY SINGLE VALUE. Well, I ran out of stories. I think Agatha Christie would have struggled with this one. I swear if she’d have asked me anymore "tell me a time when" scenarios, Goldilocks and the three bears would have rocked up somewhere in my career history to demonstrate how enthusiastic I am about porridge. 45 MINUTES this went on, whilst she furiously scribbled down page after page of notes. I was starting to wilt. I lost my thread but thanks to your advice, I stopped, asked her to repeat the question and got right back on point. When it was finally over, I felt like I’d been through a blender. I left there bewildered - having no idea at all how it went. I’ve listened to the “Listen to this right after your interview” podcast and I know I can’t do anymore than I’ve done. Feedback? Apparently, they loved me. Me? I'm wondering if I can sell my soul to this cult and if they offer me the job whether I’ll need to have CRAPPER tattoo’d on my tightly clenched butt cheek. I am still pressing forward, applying for jobs, not waiting for a response on this one. Its all great practice, I'm learning a skill, and the better I get, I know in the end something will come up. Thank you both for helping me through what has been a really stressful time, you guys are the best."

    🎧 Mentioned in this episode - the mindset activity at the end of this ep

    📄 To get step by step help with your interview prep on demand check out our Interview Academy <a href="https://www.interviewboss.com.au/interview-academy" rel="noopener noreferrer"...

    Interview Boss
    enAugust 21, 2024

    HELP! I have NO references to put down on my application!

    HELP! I have NO references to put down on my application!

    You've made it to the final step in the recruitment process - you might be the final candidate OR you might still be up against someone else. But what happens when you have no suitable people to put down as a reference?

    In this week's episode Emma and Sarah answer a conundrum sent in by a listener who feels like they have no options for references due to bouncing between jobs and industries and not staying in touch with former employers.

    We share our tips for hitting up old bosses for references, explain why requesting a statement of service can be a good plan B and brainstorm ideas on how you can begin to secure some solid references - because this problem isn't going to go away on it's own!

    🏀 Shoot Your Shot - Shoutout to to Lori who bought us 5 coffees!

    "Emma and Sarah, words cannot express how much I appreciate you both and the impact you made on me landing my new job. I was laid off from my job after working for the same company for 27 years. While I stayed positive and hopeful that I would eventually find a great role, my confidence (in all areas of my life) plummeted! If the company I dedicated so much of myself did not choose me, who would?! I listened to your podcasts every time I went to the gym (which made me more eager to go! win!) and took away something from every episode. It was the "best bits" exercise that turned everything around for me. After writing all of them down and connecting them to skills and qualifications so I could speak to them in interviews, I realised I DO have value to bring to an organisation. My next screening interviews progressed to seconds, thirds, fourths, and ultimately- offers! I am so excited to start my new role on August 5th and I owe a lot of it to both of you! Thank you!”

    🎧 Listen to our other episodes on references here:



    📄 To get step by step help with your interview prep on demand check out our Interview Academy https://www.interviewboss.com.au/interview-academy

    ☕ Did our podcast help you out? Want to say thank you in coffee form? Shout us a virtual coffee here: www.buymeacoffee.com/interviewboss

    📄 To book an interview coaching session with Sarah, go to www.interviewboss.com.au/coaching 

    💌  Follow us on Instagram

    💻  Check out our website for free jobseeker resources


    Interview Boss
    enAugust 14, 2024

    Global career moves: Is working abroad right for you?

    Global career moves: Is working abroad right for you?

    Are you contemplating working overseas but unsure if it's the right move for your career? In this episode, Emma and Sarah dive deep into the pros and cons of taking your professional life abroad.

    Whether you're dreaming of a career adventure in a new country or weighing the practicalities of the move, this episode will provide you with the guidance and inspiration you need to make the best choice for your professional journey

    🏀 Shoot Your Shot - Shoutout to Lewis who bought us 5 coffees!

    Hi Emma and Sarah. I wanted to say thank you for all your help, listening to the podcast has changed my outlook on the job search and has given me the motivation to get through a tough period in my career. I came across your podcast while I was interviewing for a new role in a small tech start-up, after listening to most of your episodes I nailed the interview and was offered what I thought was my dream job. However, things did not turn out how I expected and I ended up in a very toxic work environment which was starting to affect my health. After 6 months of working there, I started listening to the podcast again on my commute which gave me the confidence in myself to resign with no job lined up. After a bit of stressing and panic, I ended up with interviews for two companies. Listening to the podcast on the way to the interview makes me feel like I have a support team backing me. I went into the interview confident and explained honestly why I left my previous role and what I was looking for in my career. I couldn't believe it when I was offered both positions within two weeks of resigning from my previous job! After careful consideration, I went with the company and project that aligned more closely with my personal values. I can't thank you enough for your advice, insight and Aussie humour. I tell everyone I know to have a listen. Thank you so much. Lewis. (Listening all the way from Scotland)

    🎧 Episode about moving to a new city: https://player.captivate.fm/episode/87daf688-8f7f-484d-9511-44dcb317298b

    📄 To get step by step help with your interview prep on demand check out our Interview Academy https://www.interviewboss.com.au/interview-academy

    ☕ Did our podcast help you out? Want to say thank you in coffee form? Shout us a virtual coffee here: www.buymeacoffee.com/interviewboss

    📄 To book an interview coaching session with Sarah, go to www.interviewboss.com.au/coaching 

    💌  Follow us on Instagram

    💻  Check out our website for free jobseeker resources


    Interview Boss
    enAugust 07, 2024

    When your interview example doesn't do you justice...leaning on hypothetical situations

    When your interview example doesn't do you justice...leaning on hypothetical situations

    Ever found yourself in a situation where you don't have an ideal story or example for an interview question?

    If you have something in mind, but feel like it doesn't show off your whole approach to decision making, you can consider adding a hypothetical at the end of your answer. It could sound like "but if that didn't work I would have done xyz" or "if the customer responded with x I would have then..."

    In this week's episode Emma and Sarah unpack the strategy which can be a lifeline in a pinch.

    Disclaimer: Real examples come first! You shouldn't use hypotheticals in response to every question.

    🏀 Shoot Your Shot - Shoutout to Darcy who bought us 5 coffees!

    "Emma and Sarah, I have been waiting to share good news with you since I started listening a few months back - and here it is! I was devastated when I lost my job last summer. I was struggling to figure out how to move forward with my career, feeling like I would never find my confidence or a job I was proud of again. After nearly 9 months of the brutal job search cycle, I had been interviewed for 3 different roles, but I still wasn't getting any job offers. I found your podcast and it changed everything! The things that flipped the script for me were: 1) Best Bits: It sounds so simple, but controlling the narrative on my career story was hands down the best advice I've ever heard about interviewing! 2) Just SAYING the thing: I was dancing around the reason I left the previous employer because I was so traumatized by it. I thought that if they wanted to know about it, the interviewer(s) would ask outright! Your episode on how to talk about the thing that you're worried about made such a big difference. 3) Preparing for the interview: So many things in this bucket. Stopping the interview prep the day before, getting a good pep talk from a friend, listening to your pep talk episode, preparing genuine questions to ask the interviewer... Just so many incredible suggestions! I finally felt like I was not only qualified, but truly the best candidate for this job! I applied for a job I really was excited about, which would take me out of the private sector I worked in and into a role with a state government agency. I went through multiple rounds of panel interviews, both over the phone and in person. I followed your advice on the thank you emails - not trying to sell myself, but just building on the connections I made with each interviewer. I am so thankful to you both because without your podcast, I may not have been selected as the finalist for this role. I got word the day before my birthday that I'll be receiving the official written job offer once all the background & reference checks come back in! Please know that you changed my life and I talk about it with anyone who will listen! I'll be listening to your episodes on starting a new job in the near future, and I'll always come back for any career advice you have to offer :)"

    📄 To get step by step help with your interview prep on demand check out our Interview Academy https://www.interviewboss.com.au/interview-academy

    ☕ Did our podcast help you out? Want to say thank you in coffee form? Shout us a virtual coffee here: www.buymeacoffee.com/interviewboss

    📄 To book an interview coaching session with Sarah, go to www.interviewboss.com.au/coaching 

    💌  Follow us on Instagram

    💻  Check out our website for free jobseeker resources


    Interview Boss
    enJuly 31, 2024

    ALL the flow on benefits of doing AMAZING in your job interview!

    ALL the flow on benefits of doing AMAZING in your job interview!

    If you have an interview coming up and are a little tempted to wing it, then this episode is for you!

    It's easy to think "I just need to do a good enough job to get the role." BUT the truth is, smashing an interview out of the park will pay DIVIDENDS long into your career at the company.

    In this week's motivating episode, Sarah and Emma discuss all the ongoing benefits of giving an AMAZING interview, like having the role entirely changed to better suit you and your skills, getting offered a higher salary than you asked for and getting to work on the best projects.

    Disclaimer: Skip this ep if you're a perfectionist who is prone to panic and has already put in hours and hours of prep.

    🏀 Shoot Your Shot - Shoutout to Hay who bought us 6 coffees!

    "Emma and Sarah, I am so grateful for you! I trained and worked in a very 'traditional' field for a few years before going into a startup. I had always wanted to work in tech and never had the opportunity to find out if it was right for me. I loved it but realised through this career pivot what my true professional loves are and made the decision to return to my previous field with a tech focus. In previous roles, I was badly scarred by bullying and even (TW) assault, where both HR and managers told me that it was just 'something that happened in the industry' and I had to deal with it. I was made to feel worthless, and I truly believed I was. I'd also held two positions in two years, and I was so worried about how people saw me. When I started interviewing, I was really disheartened by how interviewers treated my 'unconventional' experience - they saw it as a poor choice. Some even suggested I would have to be on a lower salary because it didn't count as relevant work experience in their eyes! At first, I felt quite sorry for myself and wallowed, but then I found you. Your podcast helped me take ownership of my entire career trajectory and taught me to highlight how all of my work experience is not just transferable, but meaningful. I loved your episode about taking a 'dream role' off the pedestal; going into my interviews, this was an absolute game changer! It meant I could just focus on being myself and treating the interview like an opportunity to learn about the role and why I might like it, instead of treating it as a 'dream role' I needed to be perfect for. I'm happy to report I accepted a great role, and I'm going in with realistic expectations, eyes wide open but also excitement and happiness about the experience overall. I couldn't have done it without you."

    📄 To get step by step help with your interview prep on demand check out our Interview Academy https://www.interviewboss.com.au/interview-academy

    ☕ Did our podcast help you out? Want to say thank you in coffee form? Shout us a virtual coffee here: www.buymeacoffee.com/interviewboss

    📄 To book an interview coaching session with Sarah, go to www.interviewboss.com.au/coaching 

    💌  Follow us on Instagram

    💻  Check out our website for free jobseeker resources


    Interview Boss
    enJuly 23, 2024

    Counsel for aspiring lawyers - with Career Big Sis Mel Storey!

    Counsel for aspiring lawyers - with Career Big Sis Mel Storey!

    This week, Sarah and Emma are joined by a very special guest, Mel Storey! She’s a tech in-house lawyer, but not just any in-house lawyer, she was 2023 In House Lawyer of the Year, she is the Podcast Host of Counsel, she’s your career big sis on Tiktok and an all round Thought Leader.

    We cover SO much in this episode with Mel, including clerkships and work experience while studying, the recruitment phase, whether the reputation of a law school matters and pro's and con's of being an in-house lawyer vs working in a firm.

    This episode is a MUST listen for anyone hoping to pursue, or currently in the legal field. BUT we guarantee there is a piece of wisdom in this episode for EVERY LISTENER, whether you have a legal background or not.

    🏀 Shoot Your Shot - Shoutout to Kendra who bought us 5 coffees!

    Hi Emma and Sarah! Y'all's podcast was a *GAME CHANGER* for my job search! Prior to finding your podcast, I was somewhat actively job hunting for about 3 years. My resume and experience were enough to have the interview door's open. But every single time- my in person interviews fell flat due to overthinking and rehearsing whatever answers other social media "experts" advised. Rehearsing over and over the "best" responses, like a script. I found your podcast at the best possible time! I was interviewing for a director level role in HR, with no prior direct experience in HR. One of the first podcasts I listened to- y'all gave the advice "want to know what you'll be asked during an interview? News flash- you can't predict what you'll be asked. The facade was lifted. I would answer each question moving forward with my "best bits", and how to be a story teller of my experiences. My "best bits" showed the interviewers the unique value I bring to the table. After an introductory conversation, the hiring leaders took a step back and completely changed the function of the role so that it aligned with the skillsets I have. In a sense, customizing a role so they could hire me. I greatly appreciate the enthusiasm, humor, and wisdom you share on every episode. I "graduated" about 6 months ago. At the time of accepting this director role, my salary went up 59%! And about a month ago, I received another raise due to industry competitiveness. My salary today is now 91% above what I was making 6 months ago in my last role where my skillsets were valued, but I wasn't. The interview process for this position was brutally long (4 months) with multiple rounds of interviews, but your podcast was like a warm cup of coffee to figuratively (and literally) fuel me. Thank you for all you continue to do! I've recommended your podcast to multiple friends and family members!"

    📄 To get step by step help with your interview prep on demand check out our Interview Academy https://www.interviewboss.com.au/interview-academy

    ☕ Did our podcast help you out? Want to say thank you in coffee form? Shout us a virtual coffee here: www.buymeacoffee.com/interviewboss

    📄 To book an interview coaching session with Sarah, go to www.interviewboss.com.au/coaching 

    💌  Follow us on Instagram

    💻  Check out our website for free jobseeker resources


    How to find more of Mel's content:

    • Follow her on TikTok here
    • Listen to her podcast "Counsel" <a...
    Interview Boss
    enJuly 17, 2024

    How to GRACIOUSLY turn down a job offer WITHOUT burning the bridge!

    How to GRACIOUSLY turn down a job offer WITHOUT burning the bridge!

    One minute you're in the job seeking trenches, PRAYING you'll receive ANY offer and before you know it, you've been offered multiple opportunities all at once, and have to decide which to decline.

    Sound familiar? It's a conundrum we see ALL the time!

    In this week's episode, Sarah and Emma discuss how to gracefully turn down an offer or role.

    We discuss what this should look like, depending on what stage of the recruitment process you're in. Because pulling out of the race before you've even sat your interview is very different to pulling out after you've signed a contract.

    Side note: If you haven't already listened to our power move episode about juggling multiple offers. Click here to listen, and come back to this episode afterward!

    Goodluck and remember, having too many offers is a GREAT problem to have!

    🏀 Shoot Your Shot - Shoutout to Adam Gee who bought us 3 coffees!

    “Emma and Sarah, the real bosses!! I found your podcast while preparing for an interview for a Graphic Design Manager position. I listened to the entire "Prepare for your Interview" Playlist, and then some!! Your advice, confidence, and above all, your humor got me feeling fully prepared. I played my power song (Van Halen's 'Jump') and walked into the conference room with confidence. I aced the interview and got the job!! Now I am going through your "How to Resign" episodes so I can quit my current job with class 😎 I'm sharing your podcast with everyone I talk to. Cheers to you both and thank you for the amazing content!!”

    📄 To get step by step help with your interview prep on demand check out our Interview Academy https://www.interviewboss.com.au/interview-academy

    ☕ Did our podcast help you out? Want to say thank you in coffee form? Shout us a virtual coffee here: www.buymeacoffee.com/interviewboss

    📄 To book an interview coaching session with Sarah, go to www.interviewboss.com.au/coaching 

    💌  Follow us on Instagram

    💻  Check out our website for free jobseeker resources


    Mentioned in this episode:

    New To the Podcast? Start Here!

    Episodes For Your Situation

    Interview Boss
    enJuly 10, 2024

    Help! Should I accept a short-term contract?

    Help! Should I accept a short-term contract?

    Join us as we unpack short-term contracts! In this week's episode Sarah and Emma discuss how they differ from permanent roles and the different types of short-term contracts from agency placements, to fixed-term gigs.

    We share some pro's and con's, like diverse experiences and maybe a higher paycheck, against cons like job insecurity and a lack of benefits.

    We also share our advice on what to keep in mind if you do take on a short-term contract, to ensure you're able to reap the rewards!

    🏀 Shoot Your Shot - Shoutout to Xuanmad who bought us 5 coffees!

    "I GOT THE JOB ! I can’t believe I’m finally writing these words. Coming out of uni, I accepted the first okay job offer I got, because I was terrified of ending up with nothing. First week in, and I knew this wasn’t it, but I decided to hold on and gain the experience. I found your podcast and started listening to it to prepare for the application and interview process. One year in, I was actually depressed. I’d break down crying in the bathroom multiple times a month, but I was feeling so worthless that applying for jobs seemed pointless: who would want to hire someone like me? Even though I was praised for my job, I felt like an absolute fraud. The only thing that kept me hoping was you two girls. Hearing your voices would soothe me and helped me believe that there was a better job for me out there, and that I would get it! At the start of 2024, I gave myself the goal of switching jobs before the end of the year. I had made a few changes to my lifestyle which helped with depression, and I felt ready to tackle that next step. I remade my resume using your advice, I networked using your advice, I prepared for interviews using your advice… I was going to make you proud! Two weeks ago, day of the third and final interview, I walked to their office feeling like a badass, listening to your breathing exercises, and I CRUSHED it. Well, at the time, I didn’t feel like it, but on the way out, the manager started talking about how great the food was at the office and how I’d appreciate all the lunch options available and that’s when I knew I had nailed it! The wait was a bit long (too long in my opinion), but I just got the call AND I HAVE THE JOB !!! You’re actually the fourth people I’m telling, after my boyfriend, mom and best friend. Now, I have to go back to the podcast and listen to the resignation episodes. Thanks to you for being the voice of hope in times of darkness, for helping me, for providing some Australian comfort in the depths of French winter, and for being absolutely amazing. It’s my turn to keep you caffeinated, so you can keep the content coming, so I can keep building my career (it’s the ciiiircle of jooobs!) Thanks again! Your Number 1 French Fan!"

    📄 To get step by step help with your interview prep on demand check out our Interview Academy https://www.interviewboss.com.au/interview-academy

    ☕ Did our podcast help you out? Want to say thank you in coffee form? Shout us a virtual coffee here: www.buymeacoffee.com/interviewboss

    📄 To book an interview coaching session with Sarah, go to www.interviewboss.com.au/coaching 

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    Interview Boss
    enJuly 03, 2024

    What kind of manager are you / do you like working for?

    What kind of manager are you / do you like working for?

    If you're a manager who conducts interviews, there's a fair chance you might be asked about your leadership style. In this week's episode, Sarah and Emma unpack the different management styles to help you identify and explain what kind of manager you are.

    This episode is also for those who have left a role due to not seeing eye-to-eye with a manager. Reflecting about what kind of boss you like to work under will help you avoid ending up in a similar situation! If you know what management style you thrive under, it's a great idea to ask how your interviewers would describe their management style, to see it aligns with your preference.

    🏀 Shoot Your Shot - Shoutout to Sabrina who bought us 3 coffees!

    "Sarah and Emma, hello from California and I'm excited to finally have a success story to share! I cannot express how grateful I am for all of your advice and support; it has been a lifeline in my job search. I am a career pivoter who decided to switch to design in the middle of applying to medical school. As a nervous introvert type of person, I have always struggled at interviewing and would go into fight-or-flight mode at every interview. I was able to avoid this issue for the most part because I interned at the same lab every summer in college and never really had to interview. As a result, I also never improved my interview skills or overcame my extreme interview anxiety. While interviewing for my first design job, I wrote out scripts and read them word for word because it was the only way I could answer the questions at the time. Somehow I got the job due to my portfolio and genuine passion for the company, but my manager later joked that I was "like a robot and almost seemed like I was reading from a script" (spoiler alert: I was!). After 2 years and management changes, I was laid off after being gaslit into thinking I was incompetent, too young, and needed a design degree to deserve a place in the field. Although tech mass layoffs are common nowadays, I was the only person who got laid off from my company and I felt immense shame and self-doubt for it. After meeting with mentors and getting honest feedback, I realized that I DO have what it takes and am worthy of the job I want. However, being dumped into the current tech job market was terrifying and although I managed to land interviews, many companies had intensive interview processes that I completely fumbled. Finding this podcast was a godsend, and I spent several days binging episodes. The podcast became like a best friend to me during these interviews: I listened before and after every interview (and laughed at the off-beat sniffs every time), while I was waiting to hear back, after rejection, and everything in between. Before every interview, I walked to my mirror and said 'You are the shit' in an Australian accent. I'm happy to say that I started leaving interviews feeling like I killed it and was finally able to let my personality and thinking process shine through during interviews instead of being a nervous wreck. THANK YOU again for all that you do!!!"

    📄 To get step by step help with your interview prep on demand check out our Interview Academy https://www.interviewboss.com.au/interview-academy

    ☕ Did our podcast help you out? Want to say thank you in coffee form? Shout us a virtual coffee here: www.buymeacoffee.com/interviewboss

    📄 To book an interview coaching session with Sarah, go to www.interviewboss.com.au/coaching 

    💌  Follow us on Instagram

    💻  Check out our website for free jobseeker...

    Interview Boss
    enJune 26, 2024