
    Cousin Sal, Ozzie Guillen, Lebron Vs Courtside Karen, And Billy's Fight Song

    en-usFebruary 03, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Sleep for Athletes and NFL HopefulsOptimize recovery and enhance performance with quality sleep, try Qualysleep and Candrips CBD.

      The quality of sleep is crucial for athletes, especially those entering the NFL, as it provides the necessary recovery for intense training. On today's episode of the podcast, two notable interviews were featured: Cousin Sal discussing his new book and Super Bowl props, and Ozzie Guillen sharing advice for football teams and reminiscing about baseball. While the conversation touched on various topics, the importance of sleep was emphasized, with Qualysleep being presented as a solution for optimizing recovery. Additionally, listeners were encouraged to try Candrips CBD for free after the Super Bowl. The hosts also shared their Super Bowl predictions and reminisced about past experiences. Overall, the episode highlighted the significance of sleep, recovery, and expert advice in the world of sports.

    • Super Bowl LV: Unusual Circumstances and Betting PredictionsSpeakers discussed the lack of fan attendance and COVID concerns for Super Bowl LV, shared betting predictions, and one speaker's superstition of wearing a lucky vest during games. The group acknowledged the unusual circumstances but remained focused on the upcoming game.

      Despite the unusual circumstances surrounding Super Bowl LV, such as the lack of fan attendance and COVID concerns, the game itself is still expected to go on regardless of any positive tests from players. The speakers in the discussion were split on their bets for the game, with some favoring the Chiefs and others the Buccaneers. One speaker shared his superstition of wearing a lucky vest during Patriots games, raising the question of whether it would now become a Tom Brady vest if it helped him win another Super Bowl. The conversation also touched on the strange feeling of Super Bowl week without the usual fanfare and complaints about the weather. Overall, the group acknowledged the unique situation but remained focused on the upcoming game.

    • Super Bowl Uniform Colors DebateFans believe Bucs' red uniforms could impact Super Bowl outcome based on Brady's past record in white uniforms, but decision is not confirmed yet

      The color of the uniforms in the upcoming Super Bowl between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Kansas City Chiefs has become a topic of debate among sports fans. Some believe that the Bucs' supposed decision to wear red uniforms, which is the same color the Chiefs wore last year when they lost to the Bucs, could affect the outcome of the game. Tom Brady, the Bucs' quarterback, has a record of winning Super Bowls when his team wears white uniforms. However, the Bucs' decision to wear red has not been officially confirmed, and some fans are staying loyal to their initial pick, the Kansas City Chiefs. Despite the uncertainty, the anticipation for the game is high, and fans are eagerly waiting for the final decision on the uniform colors and the outcome of the Super Bowl.

    • Arians and Mathieu's ConnectionBruce Arians took a chance on Tyron Mathieu, leading to a standout season for the Chiefs' defensive player. Despite the team's potential defensive MVP, they've been overlooked in the NFL.

      The connection between Bruce Arians and Tyron Mathieu, also known as the "Honey Badger," has been an intriguing storyline in the NFL this season. Arians took a chance on drafting Mathieu due to their shared past experiences. Mathieu has been a standout defensive player for the Chiefs, who as a team have been overlooked despite having potential defensive MVP Chris Jones. The discussion also touched on LeBron James' encounter with a courtside fan, with some debate on whether she fit the Karen or Becky stereotype. The conversation veered off topic, discussing the virality of the incident due to the fan's age and appearance. Overall, the conversation showcased the unique blend of sports analysis and entertainment that makes the show engaging.

    • Golden-agers under scrutiny for using PEDsA Florida couple, believed to be in their golden years, were exposed for using performance-enhancing drugs, sparking debates about fairness in sports and societal pressure to look young.

      Appearances can be deceiving in the world of sports and celebrity. In a surprising turn of events, a Florida couple, who appear to be in their golden years, were revealed to be using performance-enhancing drugs. The husband, a fisherman, was seen shirtless with an impressive physique, leading to speculation about his methods. The couple's Instagram profiles hinted at a connection to an anti-aging clinic, fueling further suspicion. LeBron James had previously called out the husband as an "old steroid ass," adding to the intrigue. The use of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) and Human Growth Hormone (HGH) by younger athletes is a controversial topic, with some arguing that it gives them an unfair advantage. The discussion also touched upon the complexities of aging and the societal pressure to look young. Ultimately, the conversation served as a reminder that appearances can be misleading and that the use of performance-enhancing drugs is a complex issue with far-reaching consequences.

    • Discussion on Barstool Sports betting, NCAA video game return, and Punxsutawney PhilStarting today, Manitobans can bet on Barstool Sports and win real money. The NCAA video game is back, bringing excitement to the gaming community. Despite winter storms, spring is predicted to arrive soon, but Punxsutawney Phil's prediction was criticized. Beavers are larger than many assume.

      During the discussion, the speakers touched upon various topics including betting on Barstool Sports, the return of the NCAA video game, and their opinions on Punxsutawney Phil. The speakers also made some humorous comments about small hands and beavers, and expressed their dislike for Punxsutawney Phil. A key takeaway is that starting today, people in Manitoba can now bet on Barstool Sports and win real money. Another exciting news is the return of the NCAA video game, which has been universally welcomed by the Internet community. Despite the winter storm Ursula or Orlena, spring is predicted to arrive soon, and Punxsutawney Phil, a groundhog often used to predict the arrival of spring, was criticized by some speakers. It's important to note that beavers are larger than many people think, and the speakers had some amusing misconceptions about their size. Overall, the discussion was filled with humor, sports talk, and opinions on various topics.

    • NCAA Football video game return brings excitement with potential real player likenessesThe upcoming NCAA Football video game is generating excitement due to the potential inclusion of real player likenesses, with some hoping it won't follow the same path as Madden.

      The return of NCAA Football video game is generating excitement due to the potential inclusion of real player likenesses, which was not possible before. The speaker expresses his disappointment with the current state of Madden and hopes that the new college football game will not follow the same path. He also mentions some other topics, such as Jeff Bezos stepping down as CEO of Amazon and the upcoming Olympic basketball schedule, but the main focus remains on the upcoming college football video game. The speaker's enthusiasm is clear, and he expresses his excitement for the challenges Peloton's workouts offer during the spring season to prepare for summer.

    • A Gambler's Tale of Pranks and Life LessonsCousin Sal shares humorous stories from his book, 'You Can't Lose Them All,' filled with pranks and life lessons. His unique perspective on life and storytelling shines through, even in professional settings.

      Key takeaway from this conversation with Cousin Sal is his unique perspective on life and storytelling. Sal, a degenerate gambler, shares tales from his book, "You Can't Lose Them All," filled with humor and pranks. He even pokes fun at the cover, which might leave readers confused. Sal also mentions his forward written by Jimmy Kimmel, showcasing his ability to build connections outside his circle. The conversation reveals Sal's love for pranks and how he uses them to entertain, even in professional settings. Despite being the "sober guy," he manages to stay one step ahead of his friends, who are often his targets. The conversation provides a glimpse into Sal's world, showcasing his charisma and ability to make even the most mundane situations entertaining.

    • Sharing a love for sports and gambling during the off-seasonCousin Sal and the speaker bond over their passion for sports and betting, finding joy in the unpredictability and excitement of college basketball and unique betting opportunities like hot dog eating contests and national anthem lengths at the Super Bowl.

      Cousin Sal and the speaker share a love for sports and gambling, particularly during the "dog days" of February when major sports like football are on hiatus. Sal fondly recalls his experience participating in a hot dog eating contest and betting on the outcome, while the speaker expresses his appreciation for the unpredictability and excitement of college basketball during this time. Despite the challenges of filling podcast hours and pretending to care about awards and MVPs, they both find joy in the chaos and uncertainty of sports betting during this period. The speaker also shares his experiences with betting on the length of the national anthem at the Super Bowl and reveals his strategy of holding notes as long as possible to encourage over bets. Overall, their conversation highlights the shared passion and camaraderie between two sports enthusiasts and their creative ways to engage with the sports world, even during the off-season.

    • The unpredictability of college football and live bettingCollege football's unpredictability and occasional 'bad beats' make live betting a challenge, but the thrill of guessing the point spread in games like 'What's the Spread' keeps some engaged.

      The excitement of betting on college football during the fall season, even if it's not the top FBS teams, can help tide sports bettors over during times when other leagues or events may not be available. However, the unpredictability of college football and the occasional "bad beats" can be frustrating, as seen in the examples given of Oklahoma State's grounding call and the infamous La La Land/Moonlight Oscar mix-up. These unexpected twists can make live betting a challenge and leave bettors wondering what could have been. While some may find solace in games like "What's the Spread," where the focus is on guessing the point spread rather than the outcome, the unpredictability of sports betting is a constant reminder of the thrill and potential disappointment that comes with the territory.

    • Memorable experiences betting on Tom Brady and the Patriots in the Super BowlThe speaker shares stories of close losses and the psychological impact of betting against Tom Brady and the Patriots, favoring parlaying multiple favorites, and enjoying the excitement of betting on unusual propositions.

      The speaker, who enjoys betting on sports, has had some memorable experiences, both good and bad, when it comes to wagering on Tom Brady and the New England Patriots in the Super Bowl. He shares stories of close losses and the psychological impact of betting against a legendary quarterback like Brady. The speaker also discusses his betting preferences, favoring parlaying multiple favorites instead of betting on underdogs with big money lines. He also mentions the excitement of betting on unusual propositions like the coin toss outcome. Despite the risks, the speaker continues to enjoy the thrill of sports betting, even when the outcome doesn't go as planned.

    • Sports Superstitions and Emotional BettingSome fans hold onto superstitions and patterns in sports and betting, believing they can influence outcomes, despite probability not working that way.

      Despite the unpredictability of sports and betting, some fans, including the speaker, hold onto certain superstitions and patterns, believing that they can influence the outcome. The speaker shares an example of a call against a player that was not changed, despite it being a long shot, and how he applies this thinking to sports betting. He acknowledges that this is not how probability works but finds comfort in his belief. The speaker also shares an experience of making a bet on a Nickelodeon game and losing while getting slimed, adding to the insult. The conversation then shifts to Tony Romo and his excitable commentary during games, with the speaker expressing a desire for him to let the game speak for itself at times. The conversation also touches on the performance of coaches, with the speaker expressing a willingness to give Mike McCarthy another chance despite initial doubts. The speaker's perspective on sports and betting highlights the emotional connection fans have to the games they love, even if it means defying logic at times.

    • Friends bonded over shared pranks and traditionsFriendship transcends age and circumstance, built on shared interests and a sense of humor, embracing the ups and downs of life together.

      Despite the rules and consequences, the friends in this group continue to engage in their long-standing prank tradition, finding joy and camaraderie in their shared experiences. The group, which includes Brad, the unpredictable jinx, and Harry, the college friend who fueled their gambling habits, has been collecting friends for decades, creating a bond that transcends age and circumstance. The key to their success and relatability lies in their authenticity – they are not afraid to show their nerves, their losses, or their quirks. Their friendship, built on shared interests and a sense of humor, has carried them through various endeavors, from football watch parties to podcasts and beyond. Ultimately, it is their ability to embrace the ups and downs of life together that makes them an enduring and entertaining group.

    • Acknowledging losses and owning mistakesAuthenticity and relatability are crucial in sports broadcasting. Admitting mistakes and acknowledging losses can make broadcasts more engaging and entertaining for audiences.

      Authenticity and relatability are key in engaging sports broadcasting. The speaker emphasized the importance of acknowledging losses and owning mistakes, as audiences often find it more relatable and entertaining than constant victories. He also mentioned that people enjoy feeling intellectually superior, and broadcasting losses provides ample material for that. The speaker shared an anecdote about Dicky Barrett, a musician and announcer, who learned to adjust his voice to accommodate late-night audiences, saving his voice in the process. The speaker also addressed the Ringer union and answered a question about a coworker's frequent weightlifting discussions. Overall, the speaker emphasized the importance of authenticity, relatability, and flexibility in sports broadcasting.

    • Unexpected events and actions can leave a lasting impressionDon't hedge bets during the Super Bowl and consider longshot prop bets, like Kelsey Waltrip getting over 7.5 receptions. Unusual touchdown dances, like Adam Carolla's, can become iconic.

      Sometimes unexpected events or actions can leave a lasting impression, even if they seem strange or nonsensical at the time. The story of Adam Carolla auditioning his unique touchdown dance for Tom Cruise and his mother at a Super Bowl party is a perfect example. While it may have seemed odd to Cruise and his mother, it has since become a well-known and replicated touchdown dance. Additionally, the discussion touched on the topic of gambling and making bets, specifically during the Super Bowl. One tip given in the book is not to hedge bets, as it can lead to unnecessary losses. Another prop bet mentioned was Kelsey Waltrip getting over 7.5 receptions, which seemed like a good bet at 7 to 1 or 7.5 to 1. Lastly, the discussion briefly touched on Ozzie Guillen joining the podcast to offer advice to an intern named Billy who was going to fight Jose Canseco. Guillen advised Billy to move around and not fight toe to toe with Canseco, as he may intimidate Billy but may not actually know how to fight effectively. Overall, the conversation covered a range of topics, from unusual touchdown dances to sports betting and even a potential fight between two well-known figures.

    • The power of mental preparation and focus in achieving successSuccess requires mental preparation, focus, and growth. Learn from experiences and be aware of potential distractions to stay on track.

      Mental preparation and focus are crucial for success, whether in sports or other areas of life. Jose, as an example, was known for his determination and single-mindedness in baseball. He put his mind to what he wanted to do and went for it, making his opponents run around him instead of trying to hit the target. Mentally, he was prepared and focused, which contributed to his success on the field. However, it's important to remember that growing with experiences and learning from them is also essential. Jose, despite his mental toughness, faced challenges off the field, and it's important to be aware of the potential pitfalls and distractions that can come with fame and success. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of mental preparation, focus, and growth in achieving success.

    • The importance of intelligence and strategy in boxingIntelligence and strategy can outweigh physical strength in boxing, as shown by successful boxers like Floyd Mayweather and Mike Tyson.

      Strength and size are not the only factors in a successful boxing match. Intelligence and strategy also play a crucial role. The speaker shares his excitement for an upcoming boxing event and his preparation for it, emphasizing the importance of being smart in the ring. He also recalls past experiences with media figures and shares how personal attacks have fueled his determination. Despite the challenges, the speaker remains focused and confident, ready to prove himself in the ring. Additionally, he expresses his belief that intelligence and strategy can outweigh physical strength, citing examples of successful boxers like Floyd Mayweather and Mike Tyson. Overall, the speaker's message is one of perseverance, intelligence, and the power of a well-thought-out strategy.

    • Ozzy supports Billy in his fight against JoseOzzy expresses his commitment to supporting Billy in his upcoming fight against Jose, acknowledges size difference, shares coaching experiences, and reflects on baseball.

      Despite the joking and banter between Ozzy and Jose, Ozzy is fully committed to supporting Billy in his upcoming fight against Jose. Ozzy acknowledged the size difference between the two and joked about identifying Jose by his wrinkles and size, but made it clear that he holds no ill will towards Jose and is looking forward to the fight. Ozzy also shared his experience of being a baseball coach and the importance of tailoring coaching methods to individual players, expressing concern that his close friendship with Jose might influence his advice to Billy. The conversation also touched on Ozzy's current work in television and podcasting, and his reflections on the state of baseball.

    • Balancing Data and Gut Feeling in Authentic LeadershipAuthentic leaders in baseball balance data and gut feeling, value collaboration and mentoring, and aim to grow the game by giving more teams a chance to compete.

      Authentic leadership in baseball, as in any organization, requires a balance between data and gut feeling, experience, and mentoring. The manager or leader should aim to bring everyone together towards a common goal, rather than imposing their own way. The speaker expresses a desire for more equality and collaboration in decision-making processes and less emphasis on statistics alone. He also shares his dislike for rules that limit managerial freedom and his appreciation for technology that highlights good calls. Ultimately, the goal is to grow the game by giving more teams a chance to compete in the playoffs.

    • The Evolution of the Designated Hitter Role and Nostalgia for Baseball's PastThe DH rule allows teams flexibility, but the speaker longs for baseball's past camaraderie and leadership, lamenting technology's impact on the game.

      The role of the Designated Hitter (DH) in baseball has evolved, allowing teams to rest players and provide an additional roster spot. The speaker also reminisced about the camaraderie and leadership in baseball from the past, lamenting the loss of unscripted moments and the influence of technology and modern distractions on the game. He believes that the game would benefit from a return to the raw passion and hard work of the past, where leaders emerged naturally and players interacted more with each other, rather than focusing on social media and personal statistics.

    • Ozzy believes Tony La Russa is the right choice for managing the White SoxOzzy expresses confidence in Tony La Russa's leadership abilities and shares fond memories of Wrigley Field, while revealing a teammate's personal fears

      Tony La Russa was a good choice for managing the White Sox, according to Ozzy, despite his past experiences with the team. Ozzy believes that Tony will bring the necessary leadership and preparation to help the team succeed. Additionally, Ozzy shared his fond memories of Wrigley Field, acknowledging that there were once issues with rats in the area but expressing his love for the historic ballpark. Lastly, Ozzy revealed that Jose Cardenal, a former teammate, is not afraid of animals but has fears related to commitment, truth, family, and giving a 100% performance without steroids.

    • A Misunderstanding Between Jose and Nick SwisherDespite conflicting on-field opinions and personal differences, respecting teammates as individuals is crucial for effective team dynamics.

      The speaker, Jose, shared a story about a misunderstanding with a teammate, Nick Swisher, leading to a heated feud. Jose admitted that he purposely provoked Nick to get a reaction, as he believed Nick's on-field performance was lackluster compared to his off-field persona. Despite hating Nick's playing style, Jose acknowledged that he respected Nick as a person. The conversation also touched on the topic of partying and celebrating after fights, with the speaker expressing his intentions to play video games, have sex, and drink, while acknowledging that his wife might not appreciate his actions. The conversation ended with an invitation to a fight night event. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complex dynamics of team dynamics, interpersonal conflicts, and the importance of separating personal and professional relationships.

    • Entertainment value of public fightsSpeakers embraced public fights as a source of entertainment and personal growth, with potential business opportunities arising from such events.

      The discussion revolved around the idea of more public fights between individuals, viewing it as entertainment and an opportunity for growth. The speakers expressed their enthusiasm for such events and hoped that others would follow suit. Additionally, there were lighter moments in the conversation, including a potential business venture between Jeff Bezos and Lenny Dykstra, and a man sharing his unusual boyfriend's obsession with his belly button. Despite the challenges of managing guest lists during the pandemic, the speakers emphasized the importance of saying no and focusing on the upcoming event.

    • Understanding and accepting idiosyncrasiesAccept people's quirks, even if they seem unusual, as they are normal for them. Idiosyncrasies add color to individuals and make them unique.

      Sometimes people have quirky habits that might seem unusual, but are normal for them. In the discussion, a caller described her boyfriend's obsession with collecting pee bottles, claiming he believed the urine would turn into vinegar and help him pass drug tests. While some might find this behavior strange, others might normalize it as a harmless habit. The call also touched on various other topics, including sparring before fights, Conor McGregor, and a shanty song about Billy the Berserker. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of understanding and accepting people's idiosyncrasies, even if they don't make perfect sense to us. It also showcased the lighthearted and entertaining nature of the PFT and Big Cat podcast.

    • Billy's Aggressive Song: Overindulgence and ConsequencesBilly sings about someone's overindulgence leading to consequences, using aggressive and confrontational language, in a song reminiscent of Imagine Dragons' style.

      Billy, a character in this discussion, is expressing frustration and aggression towards someone, possibly through a song. He mentions that the person is overindulgent, possibly in relationships or substance use, and that they will face consequences for their actions. The song is described as being in the style of Imagine Dragons and includes references to elephants, religion, and belief systems. Billy seems confident that he will come out on top in this situation. The tone is aggressive and confrontational. The discussion ends with a call to action for someone to remix the song.

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    Ryan Whitney, Game 7 Of The SCF, Hank Is Part Of Joe Mazzulla's Family Now And Mt Rushmore Of People Who Can't Win The Big One

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    Celtics Coach Joe Mazzulla Fresh Off The NBA Title, Oilers Force Game 6 And A Show Announcement

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    Matt Barnes And Stephen Jackson, Celtics Up 3-0, Hank Recaps His Night With Tom Brady + US Open And Fyre Fest

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 14, 2024

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    Joey Chestnut Is Out Of The Hot Dog Competition, US Open With Caddie Michael Collins, NBA Finals With Kevin Love, Kristaps Hurt And Pardon Your Take

    Emergency beginning of the show had to be retaped after we get news that Joey Chestnut is out of the 4th of July Hot Dog Eating Competition after taking money from a vegan hot dog brand and our whole world has been shattered (00:00:00-00:17:49). Kristaps is hurt and Hank had a rough day (00:17:49-00:28:39). Pug might be a coward (00:28:39-00:35:58). Danny Hurley is staying at Uconn and SCF Game 2 (00:35:58-00:56:38). Hot Seat/Cool Throne and Buster Olney has been hacked and Kevin Durant is back on twitter (00:56:38-01:19:31). Caddie Michael Collins joins us to talk about the US Open, hardest part about being a caddie, his crazy career jump from comedian to caddy to ESPN golf personality and more (01:19:31-01:52:21). We then are joined by recurring guest and good friend Kevin Love to talk about the NBA Finals, what does Kyrie need to do to find it, his top 5, and how sick it was playing on the Olympics (01:52:21-02:23:44). We finish with listener submitted Pardon Your Takes (02:23:44-02:42:02).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 12, 2024

    Greg Olsen, Celtics Take Game 2, SCF G1 And Vanny Woodhead Is Back

    Greg Olsen, Celtics Take Game 2, SCF G1 And Vanny Woodhead Is Back

    The Celtics take a commanding series lead after winning Game 2. Jrue Holiday dominates and Kyrie is letting the Mavs down (00:00:00-00:27:09). Caitlin Clark left off the Olympics team and people are big mad (00:27:09-00:39:52). Who’s back of the week including Scottie Scheffler, James Harden and College Baseball (00:39:52-00:56:31). Greg Olsen joins the show to talk about upcoming TEU, winning an Emmy, being the second FOX game this year, what NIL would’ve looked like for him and more (00:56:31-01:45:27). We finish the show talking about the triumphant return of Vanny Woodhead (01:45:27-01:57:31).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 10, 2024

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