
    COVID: Health vs. economy?!

    enMarch 29, 2021

    About this Episode

    After a year of living with the pandemic, it's painfully obvious that we can't treat health and economy as either/or. So how to we treat them as both/and? What's the equivalent of sustainable development -- which economic development with sustainability -- for integrating economic development with *health*? And....what could such a phenomenon be CALLED? Put your ideas in the comments below :)

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    Recent Episodes from Infinite Lunchbox

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    This episode is better watched on YouTube: http://bit.ly/newincsteph

    In related news: Deep Reckonings was nominated for a Webby Award! LET'S WIN :) Please take a minute to vote: bit.ly/deepwebby

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    This video is a teaser for a NEW INC talk I'm giving *this* Friday 4/16 from 11am-12:15 PT / 2-3:15pm ET. Join me to build some steel versions of our straw men: http://bit.ly/steelsteph

    Check out Deep Reckonings: https://www.deepreckonings.com

    Be in touch on Twitter: https://twitter.com/stephlepp​​​

    Join the party on Patreon: http://patreon.com/stephlepp

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    Post-Pandemic Education

    The New York Times has a headline this week: "Online Schools Are Here to Stay, Even After the Pandemic." The article does the predictable tug-of-war between online and in-person learning, ultimately arriving at the obvious conclusion that online learning works better for some students than others, and that online and in-person can be mixed-and-matched. Perhaps that conclusion is the place to start? And if we STARTED with an understanding that different schooling styles work better for different students, where would we END up?

    Show Notes:
    • New York Times' "Online Schools Are Here to Stay, Even After the Pandemic": https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/11/technology/remote-learning-online-school.html
    • Infinite Lunchbox episode on the integral matrix & integral strategy: https://bit.ly/integralstrategy

    Be in touch on Twitter: https://twitter.com/stephlepp​​

    Join the party on Patreon: http://patreon.com/stephlepp

    How about a new game, Bezos?

    How about a new game, Bezos?

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    Also -- for those of you on Clubhouse, I'm hosting a conversation about the future of journalism! Friday, April 2nd from 10-11:30am PT / 1-2:30pm ET. To attend, join the Dent club or follow this link: https://www.joinclubhouse.com/event/xkryBA6y

    Be in touch on Twitter: https://twitter.com/stephlepp​ 

    Join the party on Patreon: http://patreon.com/stephlepp 

    COVID: Health vs. economy?!

    COVID: Health vs. economy?!

    After a year of living with the pandemic, it's painfully obvious that we can't treat health and economy as either/or. So how to we treat them as both/and? What's the equivalent of sustainable development -- which economic development with sustainability -- for integrating economic development with *health*? And....what could such a phenomenon be CALLED? Put your ideas in the comments below :)

    Say howdy on Twitter: https://twitter.com/stephlepp​ 

    Join the party on Patreon: http://patreon.com/stephlepp 

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    If you appreciate this video, please tweet it at Chloé Valdary: https://twitter.com/cvaldary

    And if you appreciate this channel, please become a patron!: http://patreon.com/stephlepp

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    Watch on YouTube: http://bit.ly/gunformers

    Show Notes
    • Reckonings episode #10 — about the unlikely friendship between Congressional NRA 'point man' Jay Dickey and CDC director Mark Rosenberg: https://www.reckonings.show/episodes/10
    • Reckonings episode #17 — featuring climate skeptic turned climate activist Jerry Taylor: https://www.reckonings.show/episodes/17
    • Against Violent Extremism Network — searchable database of former extremists: http://www.againstviolentextremism.org
    • Footsteps — community of former Orthodox Jews: https://footstepsorg.org

    Show some love for the Infinite Lunchbox: http://patreon.com/stephlepp

    The Inner Transition from Coal to Wind

    The Inner Transition from Coal to Wind

    The New York Times' The Daily podcast on 3/16/21 was about how conservative lawmakers are increasingly embracing wind. Host Michael Barbaro and reporter Dionne Searcey refreshingly bring up the phenomenon of *identity* -- and talk about how a shift from coal to wind isn't just a change in jobs, but a change in identity. Which implies that coal miners, fossils fuel industry workers, and HUMAN BEINGS IN GENERAL need support with the personal dimension of social change. How can we steward the personal dimension of social change? Is this something the integral right could take leadership on?

    Show Notes:
    • The Daily's A Wind Farm in Coal Country: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/16/podcasts/the-daily/wind-power-wyoming-climate-change.html
    • Cultural eulogies: https://www.facebook.com/steph.g.lepp/posts/10158024476951983

    Show some love for the Infinite Lunchbox: patreon.com/stephlepp

    How To Transcend Post-Truth? A New Enlightenment

    How To Transcend Post-Truth? A New Enlightenment

    What if the way to transcend our post-truth crisis is not to double-down on our Enlightenment-era relationship with truth and knowledge? What if transcending post-truth requires...a NEW Enlightenment?

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    NOTE: Infinite Lunchbox is better viewed than heard — consider watching on YouTube: http://bit.ly/anewenlightenment 

    Show Notes:
    • Deep Reckonings video of Alex Jones: http://www.deepreckonings.com/jones
    • Infinite Lunchbox episode about Post-Normal Science: https://bit.ly/pnscovid

    If you appreciate this video and want more like it, please support the Infinite Lunchbox: patreon.com/stephlepp