
    Creating A HealThy Life & Home

    enDecember 13, 2022

    About this Episode

    Creating a healthy life and home takes time, energy, patience, and most importantly love! This episode is full of ways to begin to live a healthier lifestyle. Take notes and start healing today! Here are the steps that helped me overcome and comeback from so many difficult times and illnesses:

    1. It starts with God & you!
    ◦ Relationship with God! Prayer, meditation, quiet time.
    ◦ Relationship with You! Caring for you, self love and care. Lay out your desires/goals.
    2. Continues with You! Eating healthy. Exercise. Growing/Learning. Hobby. Fun!
    3. Calling & Finances: Are you happy in you career/money or with your business? If not what needs to happen to get there?
    4. Your Home needs to align with your goals and desires or you will not have peace.
    ◦ First step to healing your home is Love! Give it generously.
    ◦ Express desires for your home.
    ◦ Decide what is a non-negotiable and express that.
    ◦ Anyone/anything that is not on board with working toward peace, love, care, & values…help with an exit plan & timeline. That goes for people and stuff.
    5. Anything that has life and brings life requires love, care, and nurturing. So this daily for your relationship with God, yourself, and your home. Even when it doesn’t seem like it’s helping…it is! Keep going!

    I hope and pray this episode blesses you!

    If you are feeling stuck, trying to live a healthier life, trying to improve your life and your home but struggling, join my weekly HealThy Life Group Coaching Program. For more information or to join my weekly group coaching program, email me at karivazquezco@gmail.com.  Have an amazing week and be sure to come back next week for another awesome episode!


    Recent Episodes from reBUILD U

    Grief, The 5 Letter Word

    Grief, The 5 Letter Word

    Grief is a 5 letter word that that carries so much weight, pain, and heartache. My sister-friend and our guest, Dr. Heather Jackson, shares with us how losing her nephew (that was like her son) rocked her world. We took time to dive in to the things people say that do and don't help, ways to work through grief, and the understanding that it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. Grief comes in many different ways and looks different for everyone. We hope this episode helps you navigate through your grief or help someone who may be grieving. 

    Be sure to connect with Dr. Heather Jackson through her website www.drheatherjackson.com. Connect with me at www.karilifestyleco.com, on IG @karivazquezco, and on YouTube www.youtube.com/@karilifestyleco

    If this episode served you well, please give it a good rating so I can serve others throughout the world! Thank you for listening. 

    A Father's Healing & Grieving Journey with Michael Arechavaleta

    A Father's Healing & Grieving Journey with Michael Arechavaleta

    It's an honor to have Michael back as my guest. Michael shared his story on how he lost his wife on Episode 23 & Episode 43 he spoke about forgiving the person who took her life. This Episode he shares his powerful journey of healing while still grieving his loss. Michael shares all the many blessings, the challenges, the successes, & losses he's had. Michael struggled with thoughts to end his life, his kids have had their challenges, yet he's been able to overcome these dark times.  He's remained focus on his call from God to share his testimony, help people who are struggling, & want to give up.  His energy & motivation to keep going & never give up is contagious. This Episode will encourage you to rise above the pain, to heal, & grow through your grieving process. Thank you for listening & be blessed!

    Stay connected for more about future episode by following me on IG: @karivazquezco & @rebuildupodcast. My Group Coaching Program begins February 1, 2023 for more information email karivazquezco@gmail.com, this Group will help you develop a healthy lifestyle, have accountability, & community with life-minded women. 

    Creating A HealThy Life & Home

    Creating A HealThy Life & Home

    Creating a healthy life and home takes time, energy, patience, and most importantly love! This episode is full of ways to begin to live a healthier lifestyle. Take notes and start healing today! Here are the steps that helped me overcome and comeback from so many difficult times and illnesses:

    1. It starts with God & you!
    ◦ Relationship with God! Prayer, meditation, quiet time.
    ◦ Relationship with You! Caring for you, self love and care. Lay out your desires/goals.
    2. Continues with You! Eating healthy. Exercise. Growing/Learning. Hobby. Fun!
    3. Calling & Finances: Are you happy in you career/money or with your business? If not what needs to happen to get there?
    4. Your Home needs to align with your goals and desires or you will not have peace.
    ◦ First step to healing your home is Love! Give it generously.
    ◦ Express desires for your home.
    ◦ Decide what is a non-negotiable and express that.
    ◦ Anyone/anything that is not on board with working toward peace, love, care, & values…help with an exit plan & timeline. That goes for people and stuff.
    5. Anything that has life and brings life requires love, care, and nurturing. So this daily for your relationship with God, yourself, and your home. Even when it doesn’t seem like it’s helping…it is! Keep going!

    I hope and pray this episode blesses you!

    If you are feeling stuck, trying to live a healthier life, trying to improve your life and your home but struggling, join my weekly HealThy Life Group Coaching Program. For more information or to join my weekly group coaching program, email me at karivazquezco@gmail.com.  Have an amazing week and be sure to come back next week for another awesome episode!


    When Rebuilding Your Relationships With Mom Feels Like You're Finally Home With Fedna Morency, PA

    When Rebuilding Your Relationships With Mom Feels Like You're Finally Home With Fedna Morency, PA
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    She shares how she's improved her communication with her mom and how she set healthy boundaries with her dad. Parents have such a powerful role in the lives of our children. Parents can build wedges between parents/children which result in hurting adults or they can create a home where children feel loved, safe, and grow up to be healthy adults. 

    Fedna is a Physical Assistant and a Health & Fitness Coach. She's excited about helping people live healthy lives. Be sure to connect with her on IG @travelingpa_c or email fed.atc.pa@gmail.com

    If you enjoyed this episode, please be sure to share, rate, and review this episode! I'd love to connect with you, follow me on IG @karivazquezco and you can email me at rebuildupodcast@gmail.com. Thank you for listening! And remember to Love Hard!

    Celebrating Mothers And How To Comeback From Winter Blues

    Celebrating Mothers And How To Comeback From Winter Blues

    The first week in May we celebrate Mother's Day, so Happy Mother's Day! My mom is so special and she always loved hard and cared for us the best way she could.  I am so blessed to have her, even if we didn't always get along. What are your traditions for Mother's Day? I'd love to know!

    I took some time away from my podcast and I missed you all! I've come to realize how rough winter blues can be, so in this episode I share some tips on how to comeback from winter blues. I speak on the importance of sleep, nutrition, exercise, self-care, and time with God. Most importantly Love Hard! When we love our hardest each day, we leave little to no room for regret. 

    Be sure to connect with me on IG @karivazquezco or email rebuildupodcast@gmail.com Thank you for listening!

    You Are In Control Of Creating Your Happy Life

    You Are In Control Of Creating Your Happy Life

    It took me a long time to realize that no one could MAKE me happy and it was up to me to make myself happy.

    When we get to a place that we take control of our lives and our calling, things begin to change. When we try to find our happiness in people and things around us, we will live a life full of disappointments. We also create a lot of disappointment for people around us when they are constantly feeling like they are letting us down.

    Unfortunately, you create relationships based on fear and tension when you are dependent on someone making you happy. When you take control of your happiness and you create a life that you love, then people and things around you simply enhance your life and give you happy moments.

    When you create your own happy life, you can then spread joy to the people and world around you. You become the victim of your own unhappiness when you don't take responsibility for creating your own joy and happiness. God and you are the only ones that can create true joy and happiness in your life.

    Be intentional about creating and living a life you love so you can be happy no matter what is going on around you. Romans 15:13 “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

    Be sure to connect with me on IG @karivazquezco, my website www.rebuilduniversity.com and you can always email me at rebuildupodcast@gmail.com

    Thank you for listening!

    The Power Of Forgiveness, Raw Moment He Forgives The Man Who Caused His Wife's Death With Michael Arechavaleta

    The Power Of Forgiveness, Raw Moment He Forgives The Man Who Caused His Wife's Death With Michael Arechavaleta

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    Forgiveness releases you from bondage, hurt, and pain.  You get your power back the moment you choose forgiveness. 

    Thank you for listening and be sure to connect with me on IG: @karivazquezco and @rebuildupodcast. Visit my website www.rebuilduniversity.com for more on me and my services. 

    If you would like to join my reBUILD U Group Coaching program so you can begin to rebuild and restore your life, email me karivazquezco@gmail.com. I look forward to seeing you there!

    Her Death Was Not In Vain, Turning Tragedy Into Determination To Transform Lives With Michael Arechavaleta

    Her Death Was Not In Vain, Turning Tragedy Into Determination To Transform Lives With Michael Arechavaleta

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    Connect with Michael on IG: @mikearcangel1982 or email mikearec1982@gmail.com. His Life Coaching will surely transform your life!

    Connect with me IG @karivazquezco or email rebuildupodcast@gmail.com

    reBUILD U Group Coaching Program starts February 15th! Email me to join or for more information.

    Women's Pelvic Health Is More Than Kegels With Dr. Betty DeLass

    Women's Pelvic Health Is More Than Kegels With Dr. Betty DeLass

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    Be sure to connect with Dr. Betty DeLass on IG: @drbettydelassdpt or Facebook: Reborn Pelvic Health & Wellness, LLC

    Thank you so much for listening, be sure to connect with me on IG: @karivazquezco or visit www.rebuilduniversity.com  

    Open Your Heart And Be Ready To Receive

    Open Your Heart And Be Ready To Receive

    Open your heart and be ready to receive. I share 4 steps you can take today to open your heart. Many times you experience heartache, pain, disappointments and you close your heart to love, to receive. But it's only when you can become vulnerable by opening up, being honest, forgiving everyone who's ever hurt you, being generous and kind, and having no judgement toward people, then you will be able to receive and see abundance!

    Proverbs 4:23 NIV "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." Guard your heart but don't close it to the world. You will become a bigger and better version of yourself. Don't allow people or things to drag you down, find good, healthy habits and routines to help you rebuild yourself!

    For more about me and my services visit www.rebuilduniversity.com or email me at rebuildupodcast@gmail.com

    reBUILD U Group Coaching starts February 2021, to join the group, simple email me letting me know why you'd like to join the group and I will send you more information.

    Thank you for listening! Be blessed!