
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring listener-submitted stories about encounters with supernatural creaturesThis episode of Believe in the Bizarre delves into four listener-submitted tales of encounters with mysterious creatures, inviting listeners to ponder the believability of these unsettling stories.

      The latest episode of Believe in the Bizarre, titled "Creature Feature Volume 1," explores listener-submitted stories about encounters with supernatural creatures. These stories were carefully selected by the host, who expresses a fondness for creature-themed horror. The episode features four tales, some of which have been marinating for a while, and one of which takes place in Arkansas. In the first story, Hayden recounts his birthday experience when, while out in the woods for an airsoft battle with friends, he comes across a creature that leaves him shaken. The host expresses excitement about the new format and invites listeners to join him in exploring the believability of these strange and unsettling stories.

    • Encounters with the unknown: fear and intrigueEncountering the unknown can evoke fear and intrigue, leaving lasting impacts. Preserve unique storytelling voices and perspectives.

      Encounters with the unknown can be both terrifying and surreal. In the first story, a man claimed to have encountered a large, hairy creature with glowing yellow eyes and unbearable stench. Despite being scared, he managed to escape, but the creature haunted him for two years. In the second story, Hannah shared her belief in the existence of werewolves, emphasizing that some stories are best told in their original form due to the unique voice and style of the storyteller. Both stories highlight the fear and intrigue that comes with encountering the unknown, whether it's a large, mysterious creature or a supernatural being. These stories serve as reminders of the unexplored mysteries that exist in our world and the importance of preserving the unique voices and perspectives of those who share their experiences.

    • Family lineage may include werewolvesSpeaker believes their family's Czech heritage, family crest with a wolf, and personal experiences suggest possible werewolf lineage, but evidence is intriguing rather than conclusive

      The speaker believes their family lineage may include werewolves, based on their Czech heritage, family crest featuring a wolf, and personal experiences with family members exhibiting unusual traits. The werewolves in this context are not shape-shifters in the traditional sense, but rather humans with wolf-like characteristics such as heightened senses, sensitivity to heat, and canine teeth. The speaker's cousin, in particular, exhibits many of these traits and has a perfect fit with a family heirloom ring that bears the family crest. The speaker is unsure if this is a coincidence or evidence of werewolf lineage, but finds the mounting evidence intriguing.

    • Discovering Daily Nutrition and Unexpected AdventuresAG1 Athletic Greens provides a convenient and effective daily nutrition solution, while unexpected adventures remind us to enjoy nature's simple pleasures.

      AG1 Athletic Greens offers a convenient and effective solution for daily nutrition with its delicious and grain-free shake, which contains 75 high-quality vitamins, minerals, superfoods, and probiotics. The bonus of supporting organizations that help feed children in need and the offer of a free year's supply of vitamin D and travel packs make it an even more attractive choice. In another encounter, Thomas from Tennessee shared his experience of camping with a friend on a secluded farm, which led to an exciting adventure. Despite the isolation and lack of electricity, their experience highlights the importance of making the most of unexpected opportunities and enjoying the simple pleasures of nature. In essence, both stories emphasize the significance of prioritizing health and well-being, whether through daily nutrition or spontaneous adventures.

    • An Unsettling Night at the CampsiteThe unknown can create intense fear and unease, even in the presence of a rational explanation

      The isolation of the campsite, combined with the darkness of the new moon night, created an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty for Thomas and Tyler. The unexpected appearance of an armadillo, followed by the more ominous presence of an unidentified creature behind the barn, heightened their sense of unease. The intentional disappearance of the creature when Thomas shone his light on it added to the fear, leaving them both shaken and unsure of what they had encountered. The reaction of Thomas, despite Tyler's dismissive explanation, highlights the power of the unknown in creating fear.

    • Encountering a creature in the woodsTwo friends had an unexplained experience in the forest, encountering a creature larger and more elusive than they could comprehend, leaving them with a lasting sense of fear and uncertainty.

      The experience in the forest left the two friends with a profound sense of fear and uncertainty. They had witnessed something inexplicable, something larger and more elusive than they could comprehend. Despite their initial doubts and assumptions, they both came to the realization that they had encountered a creature in the woods. The experience left them shaken and in disbelief, leading them to quickly pack up and leave the area. The speed and audibility of the creature's movements added to their terror, and when Tyler revealed what he had actually seen by the barn, they both understood the gravity of their encounter. The event left a lasting impact on them, and they couldn't help but feel a sense of unease and fear even after they had left the forest.

    • Encounters with the Unknown: Lasting ImpactDiscoveries of the unknown can leave lasting effects on individuals and communities, shaping daily lives and interactions with the environment.

      Encounters with the unknown can leave a lasting impact on individuals and communities. In the first story, the witnesses' discovery of a non-humanoid entity in Tennessee led them to research a local cryptid, the Wai Uter. The fear and unease from this experience stayed with them for years, affecting their daily lives and interactions with their environment. Similarly, in the second story from Wolf Davis, the narrator's desire to prove his masculinity led him to seek out encounters with the unknown, resulting in a chilling experience with a possible skinwalker. These stories serve as reminders of the power of the unknown and the impact it can have on our lives.

    • Mysterious Encounter with an Unknown AnimalA woman hears distressing screams outside and discovers mysterious rotting bones, but remains unscared and investigates with her dog. The next morning, the bones have disappeared, leaving her puzzled about their origin.

      The speaker had an unexplained encounter with an unknown animal that left behind mysterious rotting bones the next morning. The event started with the speaker hearing distressing screams coming from outside, which led her to investigate and discover the bones. Despite the potential danger, she was not scared and even went outside to investigate with her dog. The next morning, she found the bones had disappeared, leaving her puzzled about the origin of the animal and the bones. The speaker also mentioned that her mother, who is usually sensitive to noise, didn't hear anything during the night. The speaker's Patreon subscribers get exclusive access to more personal stories, interviews, bonus movie content, and community interactions.

    • Exploring Unique Creature StoriesThis episode showcases four intriguing creature tales, challenging typical Hollywood portrayals and leaving listeners questioning origins and purposes.

      The recent episode of the podcast featured four intriguing and unique creature stories, each with its own memorable moment. For those interested in bonus content, becoming a Patreon member grants access to exclusive merchandise like a Patreon-only t-shirt. One story that stood out was about a possible werewolf, which challenged typical Hollywood portrayals by presenting a human with wolf traits. Another story involved a gray, hunching creature called the Waiuteer, which left listeners questioning its origins and purpose. The episode also featured a discussion about the significance of the rotting bones found in one story, with theories ranging from ritualistic artifacts to messages from the creature itself. Overall, the episode showcased a range of engaging and thought-provoking creature stories.

    • Permission to share a storyGive storytellers permission to share their believable or viable tales to reach wider audience

      The quality of a story matters. Our rating system has four levels: believable, viable, skeptical, and unbelievable. Not every story needs to reach the highest level, but if you want us to freely share your story, you need to give us permission. Think of us as story vampires, needing your permission to feed on your tale. My personal favorite from the episode was "The Wyeter," a story filled with isolation, friendship, jump scares, and a surprising twist. It's the sense of camaraderie and shared experiences that makes it a standout. Remember, if you want your story to be told, let us in. We're here to bring you the best and most intriguing tales.

    • Appreciating the unique listener storiesHosts value listener submissions but look forward to themed episodes, encourage engagement, and share upcoming events

      The hosts of Believe in the Bizarre podcast value the unique and diverse stories shared by their listeners, comparing it to a meaty steak platter compared to a sampler platter. They appreciate the listener submissions but are excited about the upcoming episodes featuring specific themes, such as creatures and potential otherworldly beings. They encourage listeners to engage with them through social media and leave reviews on podcast platforms. Exciting events coming up include a live episode for Halloween and Charlie getting a tattoo on October 1st, which will be documented and shared with their audience.

    Recent Episodes from Believing the Bizarre: Paranormal Conspiracies & Myths

    The Warped Faces and Shadow Entity

    The Warped Faces and Shadow Entity
    It's listener submission time and we have two creepy tales for you today! In the first story, Chris and his friend Mike were interested in the paranormal and started using a Ouija board. Initially, nothing unusual happened, but then they connected with a spirit named Adam Greene. They asked for signs of his presence, and the planchette spun rapidly and flew off the board. Another time, they heard slow, pounding footsteps behind a sheet hung in the doorway, followed by a flash of light. 
    Over time, Adam's messages turned darker and insulting, and he seemed to shift to an evil persona named "Fuzzy". Paranormal events intensified. Chris had an out-of-body dream where he flew over Mike and his parents. Mike revealed they had all seen a shadow fly over them in real life. Chris believes the entity may have been the demon Zozo based on the double Z in the name, the evil energy, and the bad luck they experienced, including Mike's uncle passing away. Eventually, they stopped using the board as too many disturbing things were happening.
    Story #2 involves Robin.
    When Robin was six, his friend Jason's father took them to a cemetery in the woods at 2-3am after giving them beer. They opened a grave, saw a skeleton, then heard loud footsteps and shrieking. Soon after, Robin began seeing terrifying faces peeking into his room at night that would vanish when he looked directly at them. It caused him great fear, keeping him up at night. One time, he woke to see a face at the foot of his bed staring at him, then his covers flew off by themselves. He ran out of the house in terror. At age 16, Robin returned to the cemetery with friends and was chased off by the angry landowner. That night, they all had the same nightmare of a ghostly female figure screaming at them from the disturbed grave. Now at 21, Robin still sees the scary faces and also hears disembodied sounds. Most frighteningly, he sees a tall, pitch-black figure darker than the surrounding darkness appearing in doorways and on the stairs. It sometimes charges at him on all fours before vanishing. Photos never capture this haunting presence. Robin doesn't believe enough in God to get an exorcism, so he is trying to cope with the ongoing supernatural torment.

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    Mike Ricksecker | Paranormal Researcher and Author - Interview

    Mike Ricksecker | Paranormal Researcher and Author - Interview
    We are excited to continue our monthly interviews with Mike Ricksecker.
    Mike is the author of the best-selling books A Walk In The Shadows, and Alaska's Mysterious Triangle, as well as several historic paranormal books. His latest best-selling book is Travels Through Time: Inside the Fourth Dimension, Time Travel, and Stacked Time Theory, published in 2023. He has appeared on multiple television shows and programs, including History Channel's Ancient Aliens and The UnXplained, Travel Channel’s The Alaska Triangle, Discovery+’s Fright Club, Animal Planet’s The Haunted, multiple series on Gaia TV, and more. Mike is the producer and director of the docu-series, The Shadow Dimension, available on several streaming platforms, and produces additional full-length content on ancient wisdom, lost civilizations, and the supernatural on his extensive YouTube channel.

    For more than six years he has hosted The Edge of the Rabbit Hole livestream show and also hosts the Connecting the Universe interactive class. He operates his own book publishing and video production company, Haunted Road Media, representing a number of authors, and winning the award for Excellent Media in The Paranormal Field at the 2019 Shockfest Film Festival.Mike’s historic paranormal articles have been published in The Baltimore Sun, Paranormal Underground Magazine, and he previously wrote an Oklahoma City paranormal column for Examiner.com (2010 – 2014). His work has also been featured in The Oklahoman, The Frederick News-Post, Marshall University’s The Parthenon, and Louisiana State University’s Civil War Book Review. He now hosts many of these articles along with informational videos and learning courses on the Connected Universe Portal website.

    In this interview, Mike Ricksecker discusses his personal experiences with shadow entities and other supernatural phenomena that set him on his current path. He explains his "stacked time" theory, proposing that time is not linear but that past, present and future exist concurrently. Ricksecker suggests some ghostly encounters may actually be "time slips" where two moments resonate at the same frequency. He also shares insights on the unique energy and phenomena of the Alaska Triangle, the possible link between aliens and shadow people, and his view that while some shadow entities may be demonic, interdimensional, or extraterrestrial, we shouldn't overgeneralize them as all being evil. Finally, Ricksecker discusses astral projection and his belief that the key to time travel lies in achieving specific meditative states, something challenging for busy modern lifestyles. His ideas provide an open-ended, thought-provoking perspective on the paranormal.

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    The Kelly Cahill Alien Abduction

    The Kelly Cahill Alien Abduction
    In August 1993, Kelly Cahill, a 27-year-old mother of three from Victoria, Australia, experienced a life-changing UFO encounter. While driving home from a party with her husband, Andrew, they witnessed a mysterious craft with orange lights in a nearby field.
    Later that night, they encountered the same object hovering above the road, and as they approached it, they saw figures inside before it disappeared.
    Suddenly, a bright light engulfed their car, and they experienced a mysterious blackout, losing an hour of time. In the following weeks, Kelly and her husband suffered from various inexplicable symptoms, including headaches, nausea, and fatigue. Kelly discovered a strange triangular mark and a scar on her body. As her memories of the encounter began to resurface, she recalled being approached by tall, thin, black figures with luminous red eyes.
    Despite the entities' telepathic reassurances, Kelly felt an overwhelming sense of evil and terror. Kelly reached out to Bill Chalker, a renowned UFO researcher, who investigated the incident and discovered additional witnesses who had similar experiences that night.
    The investigation uncovered physical evidence at the site, including chemical and magnetic anomalies, unusual radiation readings, and inexplicable marks in the field. As Kelly's story gained media attention, she became a prominent figure in the UFO research community. She appeared on television shows, participated in conferences, and authored a book titled "Encounter:
    The True Story." Despite the incredible nature of her account, Kelly Cahill has been consistently regarded as a credible witness, with no history of mental illness or apparent motive for deception. Her experience remains one of the most compelling and well-documented cases in UFO history.

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    Finland's Myths and Monsters

    Finland's Myths and Monsters
    Finland, a land of breathtaking landscapes and rich history, is home to a captivating array of mythical creatures and tales.
    From the depths of the sea to the heart of the forest, these legends have been woven into the fabric of Finnish culture for centuries. The malevolent Iku-Turso, known as the "ox of death" and "father of diseases," lurks in the ocean's depths, while the mischievous Menninkäinen, reminiscent of hobbits and gnomes, dance in the woods and delight in riddles and shiny treasures. 
    In the vast forests, one may encounter the shape-shifting Peikko, giant trolls feared as bogeymen who kidnap and torture children.
    The enchanting Keiju, delicate fairy-like beings, grace the skies and woodlands in three distinct forms: Luonnotar, Ilmatar, and Metsänneito. The enigmatic Hiisi, towering humanoid creatures, dwell in the mountains and forests, marking sacred sites and challenging those who dare to enter their domain.
    These powerful spirits can be both malevolent and beneficial, causing harm or offering aid when summoned by skilled shamans. The Näkki, a seaweed-clad immortal water demon, haunts the depths of ponds and rivers, luring unsuspecting children to their watery graves. Only through the utterance of magical incantations can one hope to escape its grasp.
    Lastly, the majestic Otso, the king of the forest and bear spirit, is revered as a friend, brother, or even a transformed human, symbolizing the deep connection between the Finnish people and the natural world.
    These mythical beings, each with their unique characteristics and stories, continue to capture the imagination and inspire awe in those who explore the fascinating realm of Finnish mythology.

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    Sleep Paralysis Stories: Vol 1

    Sleep Paralysis Stories: Vol 1
    Sleep Paralysis Stories: Volume 1

    Over the years we have had tons of listeners submit potential sleep paralysis stories, so we decided to combine a handful of them into a new, unique listener submission collection - sleep paralysis stories!
    Sleep paralysis is a terrifying experience where individuals find themselves conscious but unable to move, often accompanied by hallucinations of shadow figures, entities, and the infamous "old hag."
    Theories range from supernatural encounters to a dream-like state caused by the brain's inability to control the body during sleep. People from various locations have shared their unsettling experiences, highlighting the fear and helplessness felt during these episodes.
    Some individuals, like Madison, have had sleep paralysis for years, with recurring visions of a woman in a 1920s dress and the mysterious "Hat Man." Despite the initial terror, Madison eventually found comfort in these encounters, particularly during a difficult period in her life when a shadow figure appeared to offer support. Alex, on the other hand, had a particularly vivid experience involving a menacing dog and a shadowy figure, leaving him questioning the line between reality and dreams.
    Zacharia, a 15-year-old living in an old San Francisco house, has been sensitive to the paranormal for years. He has seen balls of light, experienced unexplained occurrences, and even encountered an apparition he calls "George."
    Recently, Zacharia has been experiencing nightly episodes of sleep paralysis, accompanied by strange noises and a feeling of being weighed down, leading him to believe that a poltergeist may be responsible.
    Kieren, who has had various paranormal encounters, including UFO sightings and experiences with spirits, learned about sleep paralysis through his studies as a biology major.
    While his first experience was relatively tame, a subsequent episode involved a shadow person appearing in the corner of his eye. By reminding himself that it was a trick of the mind and focusing on relaxing his muscles, Kieren was able to make the shadow disappear and regain control of his body.

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    Bizarre News and Alien Abduction Blind Ranking

    Bizarre News and Alien Abduction Blind Ranking
    It's time for a new monthly segment! On the fourth Friday of every month, you can expect Bizarre News and Blind Rankings.

    This month in Bizarre News, we discuss a wide variety of topics. From a puzzling earthquake in Turkey followed by a dazzling display of UFOs, to a mysterious neon blue cloud hovering over Quincy, Massachusetts, we explore the strange and the supernatural.
    But that's not all! We also delve into the fascinating world of paranormal curiosity, as we reveal which U.S. state tops the charts for ghostly searches. West Virginia, with its rich history and eerie landscapes, takes the crown as the epicenter of the otherworldly.
    Next, we venture into the cosmos, where scientists may have stumbled upon evidence of hyper-intelligent civilizations living in theoretical Dyson spheres. Could these advanced beings be harnessing the power of stars and black holes?
    We'll explore the tantalizing possibilities. Finally, we'll take you on a journey into the heart of the Angeles National Forest, where a hiker's recent encounter with a set of mysterious tracks has sparked a frenzy among Bigfoot enthusiasts. 
    Also, we finally have Producer Ben on the main feed and are playing Blind Rankings.
    This month, Ben has chosen 8 Alien Abduction stories that must rank, but the catch is, we don't know the list of abductions when we start ranking them.
    We hope you enjoy these new segments!

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    The Contorting Entity Hugo

    The Contorting Entity Hugo
    The Contorting Entity Hugo

    It's listener submission time again! The listener has requested to stay anonymous, so as always, we got a Sophia story!

    From a young age, Sophia possessed an innate sensitivity to the paranormal, able to sense the emotions and energy of those around her, including spirits. Despite her belief in ghosts, she had never directly encountered a shadow person until she was 12 or 13 years old. 
    In her bedroom, she began to feel a presence watching her, which she eventually named "Hugo." Initially, the presence seemed benign, but after a series of unsettling events, including a lotion bottle mysteriously moving and recurring dreams of Hugo clinging to her wall with large, black eyes, Sophia's fear grew, forcing her to seek refuge in her sister's room. 
    Sophia's family home in Georgia, shared by her parents, sister, and grandparents, held its own secrets. She always felt nervous in her grandparents' house, hearing strange noises at night that were dismissed as the settling of an old house.
    As a young adult, while living in a nearby mother-in-law suite with her fiancé, Sophia experienced intense feelings of panic and unease when alone in the main house, particularly while using the bathroom. These feelings eventually subsided, only to be replaced by scratching sounds and other unexplained occurrences.
    One morning, while Sophia's grandfather was confined to a hospital bed in the living room, she heard knocking and footsteps while showering. The footsteps ran down the hallway towards the spare rooms, but the door, known for its loud creak, never opened. When Sophia emerged from the bathroom, she found the door still shut and her grandfather claiming to have heard nothing.
    Shaken, she quickly left the house, marking the end of her personal encounters in the family home. Despite the passing of her grandfather, Sophia's grandmother (Nanny) continues to reside in the house, claiming to have friendly encounters with ghosts.
    Both Sophia and her Nanny have experienced moments that felt like the presence of her late grandfather, leaving them to wonder about the reality of their experiences. Though the fear was genuine at the time, Sophia now reflects on these events with a sense of curiosity and wonder, forever changed by her journey through the paranormal.

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    Want to discuss the episode on the day it drops with Tyler and Charlie? Follow on Twitch and check out the extended Twitch streams every Tuesday.

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    Madeleine Arnoux, Marius DeWilde, and Maurice Masse Alien Encounters

    Madeleine Arnoux, Marius DeWilde, and Maurice Masse Alien Encounters
    This week on Believing the Bizarre we have three incredibly alien encounters that took place in France.

    Our first story takes place in the summer of 1944, when 13-year-old Madeleine Arnoux was on a bicycle ride to pick up food from a nearby farm. 
    During a brief rest in a meadow, she stumbled upon a strange, metallic craft and tiny humanoid creatures dressed in brown one-piece suits. Frozen in fear, Madeleine eventually fled the scene, keeping her encounter a secret for nearly 30 years before finally sharing her story with the world.
    Fast forward to 1954, when railway worker Marius Dewilde experienced a chilling encounter near his home in Nord, France. One night, his dog's incessant barking led him to discover a strange object and two small humanoid figures near the railroad tracks.
    Paralyzed by a beam of light from the object, Marius helplessly watched as the beings boarded their craft and ascended into the night sky. In the aftermath of the incident, investigators discovered physical evidence supporting Marius's account, solidifying his place in UFO history.
    Our final story takes us to the picturesque region of Valensole, France, where farmer Maurice Masse had a close encounter of the third kind in July 1965. While taking a cigarette break, Masse noticed an oval-shaped object landing in a nearby lavender field, accompanied by two humanoid figures.
    When one of the figures raised a cylindrical device, Masse was struck by a beam that left him paralyzed on the ground. As the figures boarded their craft and flew away, they left behind physical evidence that would later support Masse's incredible story.
    These three extraordinary French alien encounters serve as a testament to the enduring mystery and allure of UFOs in France and beyond.

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    Want to discuss the episode on the day it drops with Tyler and Charlie? Follow on Twitch and check out the extended Twitch streams every Tuesday.

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    Jim Harold - Interview

    Jim Harold - Interview
    We are so excited to interview the paranormal podcaster himself, Jim Harold. Another Northeast Ohio paranormal podcaster, Jim Harold is a podcasting pioneer - starting all the way back in 2005.

    In this interview, we get into why he got into podcasting, some of his favorite stories, any campfire stories that were less than believable to him, retro causality, and more. 

    Jim Harold hosts the Paranormal Podcast along with Jim Harold's Campfire.

    Additionally, Jim Harold releases books that include stories told to him on the Jim Harold's Campfire Podcast, and his newest book - Volume 6 - just dropped May 7th, 2024.

    Pick up your copy here: https://www.amazon.com/True-Ghost-Stories-Harolds-Campfire-ebook/dp/B0CTHQSX85/

    Make sure to check out both The Paranormal Podcast and Jim Harold's Campfire. 

    By the way, you can now expect a new interview with someone in the paranormal world every second Friday of the month!

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    Want to discuss the episode on the day it drops with Tyler and Charlie? Follow on Twitch and check out the extended Twitch streams every Tuesday.

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    The Haunted Monte Cristo Homestead

    The Haunted Monte Cristo Homestead
    Trigger Warning - Animal abuse and suicide 

    The Haunting of Monte Cristo Homestead: Australia's Most Haunted House

    In the heart of Junee, nestled between Sydney and Melbourne, lies the Monte Cristo Homestead – a place that has earned the reputation of being Australia's most haunted house. The history of this eerie residence dates back to 1885 when Christopher William Crawley, a wealthy farmer and founder of Junee, built the homestead for his family.
    Despite the initial struggles, Crawley's fortune changed when the Great Southern Railway Line opened in 1878, and he established a successful hotel along the rail line. 
    However, the Crawley family's story took a dark turn following Christopher's death in 1910. His wife, Elizabeth, became a recluse, confining herself to the attic chapel for the next 23 years. After the last Crawley left in 1948, the house fell into disrepair until Reginald and Olivia Ryan purchased it in 1963, transforming it into a doll museum.
    It was then that the true extent of the homestead's haunting became apparent. The Ryans reported numerous supernatural occurrences, including ghostly lights, the inexplicable deaths of their animals, and the presence of at least ten ghosts.
    Among these spirits are Christopher and Elizabeth Crawley, a pregnant maid who jumped to her death from the balcony, Harold – a disabled boy chained in the coach room, Morris – a stable boy who died in a fire, Ethel – an infant who died on the stairs, and Jack Simpson – a caretaker shot to death on the porch in 1960.
    Visitors to the Monte Cristo Homestead have experienced a range of paranormal phenomena, from feeling icy hands on the stairs to hearing the screams of the deceased. The bloodstains of the pregnant maid are said to reappear on the steps, and children become inexplicably agitated when entering certain areas of the house.
    The haunting of Monte Cristo Homestead has solidified its status as one of the most terrifying and intriguing paranormal locations in Australia, drawing in those brave enough to explore its dark history.

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    Related Episodes

    Child Like Demons and Vengeful Spirits

    Child Like Demons and Vengeful Spirits
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    This show would not be possible without the listeners and the Patreon members including madjoe, P.A. Nightmares, Ivy Iveryson, Jenn Misievous, John Newby, Patrick, and 933TheVolt.com.

    If you would like to find out how you can support the show by becoming a Patron or sporting cool Spooky Boo merchandise visit www.scarystorytime.com/support. Sharing the episodes with your friends on social media is also a great way to support the show. You can find me pretty much anywhere by searching for Spooky Boo's Scary Story Time.

    Where Spooky Boo tells the scary stories of the internet.
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    About Spooky Boo

    Spooky Boo Rhodes is both an author and a podcaster. She has three podcasts available: Spooky Boo's Scary Story Time where she writes her own stories and tells them on the podcast, Creepypasta and Scary Stories where she tells the creepy stories of the internet written by other authors, and Creepy True Scary Stories where people send in their own true scary stories for Spooky Boo to read.

    Visit Spooky Boo's favorite punk band at https://www.officialstayout.com

    This podcast includes stories of a dark nature and may not be suitable for all listeners. If you're comfortable listening to stories that are paranormal or twisted dark horror then this podcast is for you.

    I love telling horror stories. Subscribe to both of my channels to listen to true and fictional scary stories of nightmares, ghosts, demons, witches and witchcraft, haunted houses, Halloween, x-files, cryptids, monsters, vampires, ghosts, and other creatures that go bump in the night!

    I'll see you in your nightmares!

    World Penguin Day 2020

    World Penguin Day 2020

    Dr. Hannah Kriesell describes her fieldwork discovering the subtle differences between male and female communication within a penguin colony. 

    Meet the Ocean is a listener-supported podcast and nonprofit. Help us continue to create meaningful educational content by donating on our website. 

    Subscribe to never miss an episode, and share our podcast on your social media to inform your community.


    251 | TERRIFYING Lost in the Woods, Closing Shift, and Cold Winter Night Stories!

    251 | TERRIFYING Lost in the Woods, Closing Shift, and Cold Winter Night Stories!
    Send us your scary encounters with the unexplained at so we can narrate them on the show! https://www.darkstories.org/ Follow, rate and review Unexplained Encounters on your favorite podcasting app to help us grow! https://pod.link/1152248491 Listen to the other show I host as well as a ton of other FREE and SCARY podcasts like this! https://eeriecast.com/ Follow me on twitter for cringe and updates! https://twitter.com/darkprevails Music in Unexplained Encounters was or may have been created all or in part by: CO.AG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA Myuu: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiSKnkKCKAQVxMUWpZQobuQ Jinglepunks: https://jinglepunks.com/ Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/ Kevin MacLeod: http://incompetech.com/ Dark Music: https://soundcloud.com/darknessprevailspodcast Soundstripe: https://app.soundstripe.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    SC EP:97 The Chicken Man

    SC EP:97 The Chicken Man

    In the late 1960’s a creature simply known as the “Abominable Chicken Man” had been reported on a farm west of Oklahoma City near El Reno. According to the Oklahoma Journal, a farmer found the door to his chicken coop ripped off and lying on the ground. On the surface of the door and inside the coop itself were strange hand prints about seven inches long and five inches wide. When he saw that several of his chickens had disappeared without a trace, he called the local state game ranger. The door was shipped to zoologist Lawrence Curtis, director of the Oklahoma City Zoo. After a study that included comparisons with the hand and paw prints of human beings, apes, monkeys, bears and other animals, Curtis confessed his bafflement. “I don’t know what this is,” he said. “It resembles a gorilla but it’s more like a man.” According to Curtis the creature’s thumb crooks inward as if deformed or injured.

    I will be speaking with a law enforcement officer who has had his own run ins with Sasquatch. He says in several parts of Oklahoma, the locals still call this creature the Chicken Man because of the incident that took place back in the 1960’s and 70’s. It is interesting how around the U.S. everyone calls this creature Bigfoot or Sasquatch, but in the Midwest and in the South the locals who have been seeing these creatures for a long time give them names based on what they observe them doing, like “Corn Man”, “Chicken Man”, “Night Stalker” and “Wild Man”. The list goes on and on with local names. The Chicken Man Incident is an interesting case because so much physical evidence was left behind and was examined. Locals in the area would report seeing a large upright orangutan like creature harassing and killing their livestock.