
    Creed Bratton, Slim Melo And Mt Rushmore Of Things That Happened Since Sports Were Cancelled

    en-usJuly 21, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • NBA Bubble Debut and Return of Sports CoverageHosts discuss NBA bubble, strange feeling of watching games without fans, look forward to baseball return, and promote Father's Day collection

      The hosts of Pardon My Take are excited about the return of sports after a long hiatus due to the pandemic, and they're looking forward to providing real sports coverage again. They discussed the NBA bubble and the debut of the first look at the court, surrounded by jumbotrons, and acknowledged that it might be strange to have games without fans in the arena. They also mentioned the upcoming return of baseball and their plans to watch and discuss the games. Additionally, they promoted a Father's Day collection from G4 and offered a discount for listeners. Creed Bratton, known for his roles in The Office and his music career, shared some interesting stories about doing acid in San Francisco during the late sixties.

    • NBA Bubble Stories Captivating Public AttentionThe NBA bubble is generating captivating stories, with figures like Myers Leonard and Dwight Howard making headlines, while Ravel and Woj remain notable figures outside the bubble.

      The NBA is providing an abundance of intriguing stories from the bubble, leaving some notable figures, like Ravel and Windhorse, feeling left out. From Myers Leonard chugging a beer to Dwight Howard's vaccine skepticism, these stories are capturing the public's attention. Ravel, in particular, made a misstep with a wood meme, leading to a rare defense from the speaker. Despite his absence from the bubble, Woj remains a top contender for envy due to his reputation for breaking news. Meanwhile, Doctor Fauci will be throwing out the first pitch at a baseball game, bringing a bit of normalcy to the sports world. The NFL is also working on figuring out their plans for the upcoming season. Overall, the NBA bubble is a treasure trove of stories, leaving many craving more.

    • NFL pushes forward with games, MLS struggles with attentionThe NFL continues to play games while MLS faces challenges in gaining attention, with the Marlins and Astros dealing with their own controversies and live Jenga offering a fun distraction on Twitch.

      The NFL is pushing forward with games despite the absence of college sports, potentially leading to more Saturday games for teams like the Falcons. Meanwhile, in the sports world, the Marlins continue to struggle without fans, and the Astros' Alex Bregman and Jose Altuve faced some consequences from their past scandal. On a lighter note, live Jenga is making a comeback on Twitch, offering a chance to win a "Not a Drug Guy" shirt for those who can guess the winning team and losing block. However, it seems MLS is struggling to gain attention with its "MLS is back" tournament, playing games at odd hours with empty stadiums. Despite the return of some sports, it's clear that the industry is still adapting to the new normal.

    • Discussions on professionalism, body positivity, and unusual solutions for social distancingTwo individuals' unexpected cancellation of season tickets sparked conversations on professionalism in sports, body positivity, and creative solutions for social distancing during the pandemic, including the Dallas Stars' casual attire, the acceptance of larger bodies, and the promotion of glory holes

      The unexpected cancellation of season tickets by two individuals led to discussions on various topics, including professionalism in sports, body positivity, and unusual solutions for social distancing during the pandemic. The Dallas Stars' decision to forgo suits and wear more casual attire was discussed in relation to professionalism. The topic then shifted to body positivity, with the observation that those who work out and prioritize fitness may have larger bodies and not necessarily the typical "popcorn muscles." The conversation then took an unexpected turn to the promotion of glory holes as a solution for social distancing during sexual encounters. The discussion ended with a concern over the rapid battery drain and overheating of iPhones, leading to the speculation that a new iPhone model might be on the horizon.

    • Nostalgia for Old Technology and Basketball CareerOld technology and basketball careers hold sentimental value, inspiring nostalgia and excitement for past innovations and performances.

      Technology, whether it's an old iPhone or an outdated digital network, has its charm and significance, even when newer versions come along. The speaker reminisced about the ESPN phone and older iPhones, acknowledging their impact on Internet technology and innovation. They also discussed their fascination with Carmelo Anthony and his basketball career, expressing hope for his performance in the NBA bubble. Additionally, they joked about the constant evolution of technology and the obsession with having the latest gadgets, despite the potential drawbacks. Overall, the conversation highlighted the nostalgia and excitement surrounding both technology and sports, and the anticipation for what's to come.

    • Discussing Madden ratings, shark attacks, and creating a bubble worldThe group debated the impact of naming animals in news stories and explored the idea of using sports as a model for creating a bubble world to solve the coronavirus crisis.

      The discussion touched upon various topics, some of which were covered in the previous show, while others were new. These topics ranged from Lil Wayne's tweet about Madden ratings to a historical shark attack on a whale. The group debated the significance of naming animals in news stories and the impact it has on public reaction. They also discussed the idea of creating a bubble world to solve the coronavirus crisis, with sports serving as a potential model. A guest interview with Creed Bratton from "The Office" was also featured, during which it was revealed that his name is indeed Creed Bratton. Overall, the conversation showcased a range of topics and perspectives.

    • Using one's real name in a TV show can boost recognition and connectionUsing one's real name in a TV show can increase recognition and create a stronger bond between the actor and their character, leading to enduring popularity and cultural impact.

      Using one's real name as a character name in a TV show, as was the case for Creed Bratton in "The Office," can lead to increased recognition and a stronger connection between the actor and their character. However, it's important to remember that the character is still an actor playing a part, even if there are similarities between the real person and the fictionalized version. During the filming of "The Office," Creed Bratton himself didn't fully realize the show's potential for becoming a cultural phenomenon, but its longevity and popularity are now astonishing, with new generations discovering the show through streaming platforms. Despite not knowing the specifics of Creed's day-to-day job duties in the show, it's clear that he was an integral part of the office dynamics, much like the real-life Dilbert character's Wally, who is known for avoiding work.

    • Creed's Nostalgic Reflections on the Late 60s and His Failed Blog ClaimMusician Creed Branan shares stories of his experiences in the music industry during the late 60s, his failed attempt to claim his old blog, and his belief that the world could have been changed for the better with more love and peace.

      Creed Branan, a musician and actor, shared stories about his experiences in the music industry during the late 1960s, a time of peace and love, and his unsuccessful attempts to claim his old blog, Creed Thoughts. He expressed his desire to create a personal blog filled with phishing scams and hacking attempts, just like how his fictional character Creed would do in a reboot. Additionally, Creed reminisced about his musical career that started when he was young, influenced by his musical family, and his experiences performing at various festivals during the summer of love. He shared his belief that the world could have been changed for the better if more people had embraced the message of love and peace during that time, and he still holds onto that belief today. He also jokingly suggested that more acid use could have helped in achieving that goal.

    • Speaker's intuitive experiences with psychedelics during performancesBeing intuitive and listening to inner voice during psychedelic experiences can lead to profound connections with music and audience.

      The speaker's experiences with psychedelics involved careful preparation, immersion in nature, and spontaneous, unplanned moments during performances. He emphasized the importance of being intuitive and listening to one's inner voice, which led him to significant experiences during his time in the psychedelic scene. The speaker's anecdotes include hallucinations on stage during a performance, where he felt connected to the music and the audience in a unique way. Despite the unexpected events, he saw these experiences as a result of his intuition and the pervasive use of psychedelics in the scene at the time.

    • Being in the right place at the right time: Hard work, intuition, and seizing opportunitiesHard work, intuition, and seizing opportunities can lead to being in the right place at the right time for success and leaving a lasting impact.

      Being in the right place at the right time is a valuable quality, but it's not just luck. It's the result of hard work, intuition, and seizing opportunities. As the speaker shared, he made intentional efforts to be a part of significant moments in history, such as joining "The Office," and he attributes his success to his consistent work ethic and intuition. Moreover, even after a career, one can leave a lasting impact and become a cult classic through memorable performances or quotes. The speaker emphasized the importance of hard work, intuition, and seizing opportunities, and how they can lead to being in the right place at the right time. He also highlighted the value of philosophy, particularly stoicism, which can provide grounding and eliminate unnecessary distractions.

    • Creed Bratton shares memorable Office moments and upcoming projectsCreed Bratton reflects on iconic Office scenes, discusses upcoming tour and new dog adoption, and promotes 3 Chi's cannabis products.

      During the discussion about favorite episodes of "The Office," the interviewee, Creed Bratton, shared memorable moments such as the guitar scene with Kate and the fire incident. He also mentioned his upcoming tour plans and the adoption of a new dog, Iggy Pup. The interview ended with a promotion for 3 Chi's cannabis products. Creed was also included in the Mount Rushmore of office characters. Despite the challenges of canceled tours due to fires and the pandemic, Creed expressed his excitement to perform for fans once again. The interview showcased Creed's charisma and his connection to the fans, as well as his upcoming projects.

    • Unusual events and trends during sports shutdownPeople creatively coped with the absence of sports through unusual events and trends, which quickly became popular online before moving on to the next topic.

      During the last 4 months without sports, various unusual events and trends emerged as notable, including Tom Brady joining the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, the Tiger King phenomenon, and the rise of soy-based products. These topics were frequently discussed and memed about online, with some becoming so ubiquitous that they eventually expired as fresh content. For instance, Tiger King was a popular topic for over a month before people moved on to other things. Another example is the discussion surrounding Tom Brady's move to the Bucs, which generated significant buzz both before and after the sports shutdown. Overall, these events and trends show how creatively people coped with the absence of sports and how quickly the internet can move on from one topic to the next.

    • Shifting Social Interactions During the PandemicPeople found unique ways to connect during the pandemic through virtual events and shared experiences, with some trends continuing to persist

      The pandemic led to an unusual shift in social interactions, with virtual events like Zoom happy hours and group texts about wood memes becoming popular for a while, before fading out. Some events, like the NFL draft, faced uncertainty and controversy. The discussion also touched upon the emergence of new trends, such as the popularity of The Last Dance documentary. The conversation was filled with shared memories and humor, highlighting the way people found ways to connect during a challenging time. While some trends have faded, others continue to persist, reflecting the enduring power of community and shared experiences.

    • Entertainment and community during quarantineThe power of entertainment, community, and resilience helped people cope during quarantine. Acknowledging past mistakes and learning from them is important.

      During the early days of the quarantine, various forms of entertainment and unexpected events provided moments of relief and excitement, helping people get through the difficult times. These included the return of sports, Netflix shows, celebrity videos, and even the antics of their friends. While some moments brought joy and laughter, others led to panic buying and unnecessary purchases. Looking back, these experiences served as a reminder of the power of community, entertainment, and resilience in tough times. The discussion also highlighted the importance of acknowledging past mistakes and learning from them.

    • Exploring stress relief and fitness, with a dash of controversyDiscussed a stress-relieving gum, fitness challenges, past events, and a potential coronavirus coloring book, while touching on Roger Goodell's controversial decision to decline a large donation.

      The conversation touched on various topics, some serious and some light-hearted. One topic was a synthetic chewing gum that acts as a stress reliever, drawing a comparison between humans and dogs. Another topic was fitness challenges and staying in shape. The conversation also delved into past events, such as oil prices, canceled sports events, and celebrity news. A notable discussion point was Roger Goodell's decision to decline a large donation from Marlins Man for COVID-19 relief, sparking controversy. Lastly, the group brainstormed ideas for a coronavirus coloring book and a potential motorcycle adventure around Manhattan. Overall, the conversation showcased a range of topics and a mix of humor and seriousness.

    • Discovering the Right Sunglasses and Receiving Honest FeedbackFinding the right sunglasses for your face shape and personal style can boost your confidence. Honest feedback from friends can provide playful yet valuable insights into your appearance and personality.

      Sunglasses can significantly improve one's appearance, but it's essential to find the right pair that suits one's face shape and personal style. Hank received a surprising compliment when his friends suggested he looked like a wildlife photographer, and they even discussed the possibility of him enrolling in the University of Toledo once social distancing measures are lifted. Another amusing discussion revolved around the interpretation of a comment about a girlfriend's "dump truck" butt. The conversation also touched upon the importance of finding humor in everyday situations and the significance of having good friends who can provide honest yet playful feedback. Additionally, it was mentioned that social media can influence people's perspectives and that some individuals might not be familiar with certain online trends. Overall, the conversation showcased the importance of self-confidence, friendship, and finding joy in the little things.

    • Acceptance of Unique PreferencesUnderstanding and accepting individual differences is key to maintaining healthy relationships, whether it's about Instagram following or peculiar eating habits.

      Everyone has quirks and habits, no matter how unusual they may seem to others. In the first part of the discussion, the topic shifted from growing an Instagram following for a dump truck to a boyfriend's peculiar eating habit. The group suggested that everyone has their unique preferences and that trying to change someone might not be necessary. In the second part, the conversation revolved around gift ideas for a long-term boyfriend, with the suggestion being that cash is a universally appreciated gift. Overall, the conversation emphasized acceptance and understanding of individual differences.

    • Impact of societal norms on emotional communication in relationshipsSocietal norms can influence how individuals perceive and express emotions, leading to misunderstandings and tension in relationships. Effective communication, empathy, and understanding are essential for maintaining healthy partnerships.

      Societal norms and expectations can significantly impact how individuals perceive and communicate emotions. In the discussion, Amy Schumer shared her frustration with her boyfriend's anxiety and constant need to check if she's upset. She jokingly suggested that if men were made to wear dresses or skirts, they might be more in tune with their emotions and understand when their partners are upset without needing to ask. This highlights the importance of understanding the role societal norms play in shaping communication and empathy between partners. Additionally, the conversation touched on the topic of miscommunication and how it can lead to misunderstandings and tension in relationships. The group discussed how sometimes, people may misinterpret each other's emotions or intentions, leading to unnecessary conflict. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of effective communication, empathy, and understanding in maintaining healthy relationships.

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    Real Bros Jimmy Tatro & Christian Pierce, Best of KSR W/Rick Pitino, NBA Draft + Mt Rushmore Of Hobbies That Become Your Personality

    Packed Show today and we start with the NBA Draft and Bronny somehow got drafted by the lakers (00:00:00-00:19:26). Mt Rushmore of hobbies that become a person’s personality (00:19:26-00:49:20). Jimmy Tatro and Christian Pierce join the show to talk about the Real Bros From Simi Valley movie coming July 5th, how they became writing partners, the Lakers, Boner Dogs and tons more (00:49:20-01:41:51). We hosted Kentucky Sports Radio and have the best of on the podcast including our interview with Rick Pitino and Jack Gohlke (01:41:51-02:12:30). We then finish with Fyre Fest of the week and a sober recap of Beer Games (02:12:30-02:34:22).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    Will Compton, Panthers Win The Cup Plus A Drunk Ending Of The Show Live From Beer Games

    Will Compton, Panthers Win The Cup Plus A Drunk Ending Of The Show Live From Beer Games

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
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    Ryan Whitney, Game 7 Of The SCF, Hank Is Part Of Joe Mazzulla's Family Now And Mt Rushmore Of People Who Can't Win The Big One

    Ryan Whitney, Game 7 Of The SCF, Hank Is Part Of Joe Mazzulla's Family Now And Mt Rushmore Of People Who Can't Win The Big One

    Hank had the greatest day of his life on Friday and is now a member of Joe Mazzulla's family after riding a duckboat in the championship parade (00:00:00-00:12:57). The Oilers force a Game 7 (00:12:57-00:13:59). Protestors tried to stop Scottie Scheffler and the Hawk Tuah girl has taken over the internet (00:13:59-00:28:41) . Who's back of the week including Klutch going after MJ's stats and the Oilers girl has found more fame (00:28:41-00:45:33). Ryan Whitney joins the show to talk about the Stanley Cup Final, how the Oilers have come all the way back, what he expects Monday night and more (00:45:33-01:22:30). We finish with the return of Mt Rushmore season and the Mt Rushmore of people who can't win the big one, with some bonus case race recap (01:22:30-01:45:32).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    en-usJune 24, 2024

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    Derrick White, Adam Thielen, Hank Shaves His Head And Gets An Incredible Offer From A Special Call In

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 21, 2024

    Celtics Coach Joe Mazzulla Fresh Off The NBA Title, Oilers Force Game 6 And A Show Announcement

    Celtics Coach Joe Mazzulla Fresh Off The NBA Title, Oilers Force Game 6 And A Show Announcement

    The Celtics win the Title and the summer of Hank is officially on. We talk about Monday night, Finals MVP, Mavs future and more (00:00:00-00:32:36). We then talk about the Oilers dragging the Panthers back to Edmonton and RIP Willie Mays (00:32:36-00:44:16). Hot Seat/Cool Throne including Rory's non apology and Jerry O'Connell's congratulations to Hank (00:44:16-01:09:59). Celtics Coach Joe Mazzulla joins the show to talk about Monday night, coaching with a torn MCL, what he said to the team before winning it all, when Hank needs to shave his head by and tons more (01:09:59-01:41:03). We finish with a show announcement (01:41:03-02:01:05).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 19, 2024

    All Time US Open, Smylie Kaufman Calls In From Pinehurst, Mike Florio Talking Football + Celtics And Panthers Drop An Stinkers In Game 4's

    All Time US Open, Smylie Kaufman Calls In From Pinehurst, Mike Florio Talking Football + Celtics And Panthers Drop An Stinkers In Game 4's

    Incredible Sunday finish to the US Open as Bryson DeChambeau wins and Rory chokes. We talk about Rory leaving Pinehurst before doing media and Bryson's complete 180 (00:00:00-00:27:21). Celtics get smoked in Game 4 and we check in on Hank's mentals before Game 5 (00:27:21-00:37:23). The Panthers laid an egg in Edmonton and that series is going back to Florida (00:37:23-00:46:01). Who's back of the week including Bill Belichick's new girlfriend and Jimmy Carter sleeping through full days (00:46:01-01:08:39). Smylie Kaufman joins us from Pinehurst after an incredible US Open and gives us a breakdown of what he witnessed following the last 2 groups on Sunday, Rory's putts, and more (01:08:39-01:45:00). Mike Florio joins the show to talk some football with the guys before teams break for the summer (01:45:00-02:35:50). We finish with Max's minute (02:35:50-02:47:10)

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 17, 2024

    Matt Barnes And Stephen Jackson, Celtics Up 3-0, Hank Recaps His Night With Tom Brady + US Open And Fyre Fest

    Matt Barnes And Stephen Jackson, Celtics Up 3-0, Hank Recaps His Night With Tom Brady + US Open And Fyre Fest

    Hank had a night of lifetime going to Tom Brady's retirement ceremony and being mentioned in the speech while the Celtics went up 3-0 in the NBA Finals (00:00:00-00:20:06). Luka got absolutely torched by Windy and it was well deserved after his pathetic second half on Wednesday Night (00:20:06-00:37:24). US Open and a spirited debate about Scottie Scheffler's haircut (00:37:24-00:49:56). Trevor Lawrence got paid (00:49:56-00:53:48). Oilers are down 3-0 and more details about Danny Hurley turning down the Lakers (00:53:48-01:11:38). Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson join us in studio to talk about their careers in the NBA, their podcast success, having too many crazy people on one team, coaching in the NBA and tons more (01:11:38-02:13:53). We finish with Fyre Fest of the week (02:13:53-02:31:00).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 14, 2024

    Joey Chestnut Is Out Of The Hot Dog Competition, US Open With Caddie Michael Collins, NBA Finals With Kevin Love, Kristaps Hurt And Pardon Your Take

    Joey Chestnut Is Out Of The Hot Dog Competition, US Open With Caddie Michael Collins, NBA Finals With Kevin Love, Kristaps Hurt And Pardon Your Take

    Emergency beginning of the show had to be retaped after we get news that Joey Chestnut is out of the 4th of July Hot Dog Eating Competition after taking money from a vegan hot dog brand and our whole world has been shattered (00:00:00-00:17:49). Kristaps is hurt and Hank had a rough day (00:17:49-00:28:39). Pug might be a coward (00:28:39-00:35:58). Danny Hurley is staying at Uconn and SCF Game 2 (00:35:58-00:56:38). Hot Seat/Cool Throne and Buster Olney has been hacked and Kevin Durant is back on twitter (00:56:38-01:19:31). Caddie Michael Collins joins us to talk about the US Open, hardest part about being a caddie, his crazy career jump from comedian to caddy to ESPN golf personality and more (01:19:31-01:52:21). We then are joined by recurring guest and good friend Kevin Love to talk about the NBA Finals, what does Kyrie need to do to find it, his top 5, and how sick it was playing on the Olympics (01:52:21-02:23:44). We finish with listener submitted Pardon Your Takes (02:23:44-02:42:02).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 12, 2024

    Greg Olsen, Celtics Take Game 2, SCF G1 And Vanny Woodhead Is Back

    Greg Olsen, Celtics Take Game 2, SCF G1 And Vanny Woodhead Is Back

    The Celtics take a commanding series lead after winning Game 2. Jrue Holiday dominates and Kyrie is letting the Mavs down (00:00:00-00:27:09). Caitlin Clark left off the Olympics team and people are big mad (00:27:09-00:39:52). Who’s back of the week including Scottie Scheffler, James Harden and College Baseball (00:39:52-00:56:31). Greg Olsen joins the show to talk about upcoming TEU, winning an Emmy, being the second FOX game this year, what NIL would’ve looked like for him and more (00:56:31-01:45:27). We finish the show talking about the triumphant return of Vanny Woodhead (01:45:27-01:57:31).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 10, 2024

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