
    Cricketer David Gower

    enJuly 26, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Unexpected twists in a conversationMark was surprised and frustrated when his friend shared a picture of his cousin with Jimmy White instead of himself, and was intrigued by the discussion on cricket and the skill of stroke players.

      During a conversation, Mark was expecting to send a picture of himself with Jimmy White, but his friend sent a picture of his cousin with Jimmy White instead. The cousin's head was resting on Jimmy White's shoulder, which Mark found surprising and inappropriate. Mark was frustrated that his friend had "top-trumped" him by sharing this picture. The conversation then shifted to discussing cricket and the skill of stroke players. Mark was puzzled as to why a talented stroke player like David Gower would bat at position 3 or 4 instead of opening the batting. The conversation ended with Mark expressing his surprise at David Gowar's unexpected appearance on the call. The key takeaway from this conversation is the unexpected turn of events and the frustration Mark felt when his friend shared a picture of his cousin instead of himself with Jimmy White. Mark was also intrigued by the discussion on cricket and the skill of stroke players, particularly the debate around why a talented player like David Gower would bat at a lower position instead of opening the batting. Overall, the conversation was filled with unexpected twists and turns, highlighting the importance of being adaptable and open to new experiences.

    • David's Admiration and RebellionDavid shared stories of his past experiences, including friendships, admiration for cricket legends, and occasional rebellion, highlighting the human side of public figures.

      Everyone, including public figures like David, has moments of resistance and indulgence in their lives. David shared stories of his past experiences, including his admiration for cricket greats like W.G. Grace and his own aspirations to be a professional cricketer. He also discussed his friendship with his long-time agent, John Holmes, and their shared January "lunacy," which often led David to make unexpected decisions like flying a plane. Despite the occasional mischief, David emphasized that they were of an era where enjoying oneself was allowed, even if it came with consequences like fines. The conversation showcased the human side of public figures, revealing their admirations, aspirations, and moments of rebellion.

    • A plane flies over during a cricket matchCricket culture allows for spontaneous moments of fun, even during professional matches, creating unforgettable experiences.

      The camaraderie and spontaneity of cricket culture, even in a professional setting, can lead to unforgettable experiences. During a match between England and Queensland, a player named Linacre managed to arrange for a small plane to fly over the ground for fun. Though it disrupted the game and caused a minor controversy, the players involved, including the speaker, found the experience to be worth the $75 cost and the subsequent consequences. This incident highlights the unique atmosphere of cricket, where such moments of levity can occur despite the pressures of competition. The speaker's nonchalant attitude towards the situation, even during a serious discussion with team management, further emphasizes the lighthearted nature of the sport.

    • Balancing effort and relaxation in sportsMaintaining the right balance between trying hard and staying relaxed is crucial for optimal sports performance. Personal motivation and focus can help manage nerves and improve performance.

      Performing at your best in sports requires finding the right balance between trying hard and staying relaxed. The speaker shares an anecdote about a cricket match where he was in good form but then had a poor performance due to trying too hard. He also mentions that everyone experiences off days in sports and that there are various ways to motivate oneself, such as personal pleasure or the fear of looking foolish. The speaker reflects on his first game for England and how he dealt with nerves by focusing on the balance between being too nervous and too relaxed. He emphasizes that this balance is crucial for optimal performance. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of mental preparation and staying calm under pressure in sports.

    • Talent vs. Pressure in CricketSuccess in cricket or any high-pressure field goes beyond talent; the ability to handle pressure and perform consistently under scrutiny is crucial.

      Talent alone does not guarantee success in cricket or any other high-pressure field. The speaker shares his personal experience of competing with another promising player, Chris Tabre, and how their paths diverged despite making their debuts in the same year. Chris went on to become a free-flowing player for Kent and a stonewall for England, while the speaker continued to play for fun and took risks that sometimes resulted in spectacular successes but also failures. The speaker also mentions the case of Prince Graham Hick, a talented player who struggled to perform at the highest level due to intense pressure and strong opposition. It's unclear why some individuals thrive under pressure while others don't, but it seems that dealing with the audience and external expectations plays a role. The speaker uses the analogy of walking out as an England player at Lord's to illustrate the pressure and excitement of performing in front of a large audience. Ultimately, success in cricket or any other field requires more than just talent; it also demands the ability to handle pressure and perform consistently under scrutiny.

    • The impact of playing in front of a large crowd on cricket performanceEmbracing the crowd's energy can enhance cricket performance, while feeling overwhelmed can negatively impact it.

      The atmosphere of playing in front of a large crowd, whether it's 28,000 people at Lords or 90,000 people at the Boxing Day test in Melbourne, can significantly impact a player's performance. If a player embraces the atmosphere and feels energized by it, they can thrive and potentially win the game for their team. Conversely, if a player feels overwhelmed and wishes they were somewhere else, the pressure can negatively impact their performance. The feeling of walking out to play in front of such a large, passionate crowd is indescribable and can be both exhilarating and intimidating. The Colosseum in Rome serves as a fitting analogy for the modern cricket ground, with every player's performance under the watchful eyes of the crowd. The first few minutes of the game are particularly significant as everyone is looking for signs of what might happen later. Embracing the atmosphere and focusing on the game can lead to a successful day on the field.

    • Overcoming fear of fast bowling in cricketMaking quick decisions under pressure, like facing a fast bowler, requires practice and experience. It's not an easy task, but with time, it becomes manageable like learning to drive a car at increasing speeds.

      Making quick decisions under pressure, such as when facing a fast bowler in cricket, is a skill that requires practice and experience. The speaker shares his personal experience of feeling overwhelmed by the speed of the balls and the pressure of performing in front of a large crowd. He also mentions an attempt to hypnotize a friend to overcome his fear of fast bowling, which failed. The speaker emphasizes that making decisions in such a short time frame, which could be as short as 0.4 seconds, is not an easy task and can be compared to learning to drive a car and gradually getting used to increasing speeds. Overall, the discussion highlights the challenges and complexities of performing under pressure and the importance of building up skills and experience to handle such situations.

    • The Power of Instinct in CricketInstincts are crucial in cricket, especially during high-pressure situations. Staying prepared and practicing with intensity can help build instincts and trust oneself to react quickly.

      Instinct plays a crucial role in cricket, especially during high-pressure situations. Building instinct and trusting oneself to react quickly is essential for success on the field. Instincts kick in better when players stay in the right position and are prepared, rather than taking evasive action too early. Adrenaline and sharpened reactions help build instincts, making practice sessions with the same intensity important. Great all-rounders like Gary Sobers and Ian Botham are rare, and their ability to excel in both batting and bowling is inspiring. For some players, fear seems to have no value, and they can perform exceptionally even after a long night out.

    • Lessons from Beasty: Believe in YourselfAffirm self-belief and abilities for mental strength; not everyone finds it effective; prepare for varied reactions based on performance

      Beasty, a cricket icon, possessed an extraordinary strength, both physical and mental. He led a life filled with challenges, yet never doubted himself or succumbed to hangovers. His ability to reset and maintain self-belief was a valuable lesson for all, especially in the face of adversity. The mantra of affirming one's abilities and accomplishments can serve as a psychological lift during difficult times. However, it's important to remember that not everyone may find this technique as effective, and it may depend on individual circumstances. Additionally, the way people treat us can change based on our performance, and it's essential to be prepared for both positive and negative reactions.

    • Memorable moments in cricket despite harsh criticismCricket taught the speaker resilience, focus, and appreciation for camaraderie and passion despite facing harsh criticism and adversity

      Sports, especially cricket, in the past could be harsh and unforgiving environments for players. Criticism and insults were common, even from unexpected sources like a window cleaner 18 stories up. But these experiences, both good and bad, kept players grounded and motivated. One of the most memorable moments for the speaker was facing Malcolm Marshall, a formidable bowler for the West Indies team. Despite the challenges, the speaker admired Marshall's skill and character, and even moved to Hampshire to play on the same team as him. Overall, the speaker's experiences taught him to stay resilient and focused, and to appreciate the camaraderie and passion that comes with being part of a sports team.

    • Legendary Cricketers' Intimidating Presence and LongevityViv Richards and Graham Stevenson, despite not being fast bowlers, had intimidating presences. West Indies team, even in their forties, continued to dominate with their agility and skill. Players like Pollock and de Beale struggled to keep up. Camaraderie between legends like Viv and Beefy added to their legendary status.

      Viv Richards, the legendary West Indies cricketer, was an intimidating figure for opposing bowlers, despite not being a fast bowler himself. Graham Stevenson, another cricketer mentioned, also had an intimidating presence, making opponents doubt their strategies. These players had an aura of power and control, even decades after their prime. Viv Richards, now in his seventies, still looks in great shape and could still potentially play. The West Indies team, even in their forties, continued to dominate with their agility and skill. Players like Graham Pollock and Vincent de Beale, who were part of the South African team that returned to international cricket after a 20-year ban, struggled to keep up with the West Indies' energy and fitness levels. The camaraderie between players like Viv Richards and Beefy (Ian Botham) was also highlighted, with Beefy often encouraging Viv to have a drink, despite Viv not being a regular drinker. Overall, the conversation emphasized the awe-inspiring abilities and longevity of these cricketing legends.

    • Cricket Tactics: Getting Opponents Drunk to Impair PerformanceHistorically, some cricket players used underhanded tactics like getting opponents drunk to gain an edge, but this practice goes against the spirit of fair play and is not condoned in modern cricket.

      Cricket, like many other sports, has a rich history of players using various tactics to gain an edge over their opponents. One such tactic involved getting the opposition player drunk before a game to impair their performance. Beefy, a renowned English cricketer, used to take opposing fast bowlers out for drinks the night before matches to disrupt their game. This tactic, known as "sneaking," was considered a part of the game and was believed to have worked effectively for Beefy. However, it's important to note that this practice is not condoned in modern cricket and goes against the spirit of fair play. Another example of this tactic was seen during an international game in Holland when the English team was given a bottle of Scotch on the eve of the match, which affected one of their bowlers' performance. While this may seem unconventional, it highlights the competitive nature of cricket and the lengths players went to gain an advantage. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the evolution of protective gear in cricket, with helmets becoming mandatory to protect players from high-speed balls.

    • The Intimidating Experience of Participating in 'They Think It's All Over'Contestants faced Nick Hancock's wit and panelists' quick humor for a chance to win a free drink on national TV, creating a successful show for over a decade.

      The experience of participating in "They Think It's All Over" was both terrifying and exhilarating for the contestants, who were paid to endure Nick Hancock's acerbic wit and the quick-witted banter of other panelists like Lee Hirst, Jonathan Ross, and Rory McGrath. The show's premise was based on the choice between having a free drink or being publicly humiliated on national television. The professionals' quick reactions and instinctive humor made the experience even more intimidating for the contestants. Despite the intimidation, it was a massive success with good ratings for over a decade, providing a new lease of life for the contestants, Gary and the speaker. The challenge was to come up with a genuine, off-the-cuff line that made it into the final edit. The speaker fondly recalled his experiences with Rory McGrath, who was known for his knowledge and brilliance. The show's success can be compared to the difference between playing cricket with amateurs and professionals, where the professionals' speed of reaction requires a quick response. Overall, "They Think It's All Over" was a unique and memorable experience for the contestants and viewers alike.

    • Memorable moments from the recording of A Question of SportThe team's dynamic led to unforgettable moments filled with humor, camaraderie, and friendly banter, creating an enjoyable and engaging atmosphere for listeners.

      The dynamic between the team members during the recording of a radio show, in this case, "A Question of Sport," could lead to memorable moments filled with humor, camaraderie, and friendly banter. The team, including personalities like Lee Hirst, Jonathan Pearce, and Chris Eubank, brought unique energies to the table, leading to unforgettable exchanges. These moments ranged from Lee's imaginative rants to the team's attempts to one-up each other with their attire. Despite the occasional jabs and intimidating appearances, the team maintained a strong bond, creating an enjoyable and engaging atmosphere for listeners.

    • An Unexpected Encounter with Chris EubankChris Eubank's dislike for interruptions and his quirks, including his monocle and large truck, were discussed during an unexpected encounter with the interviewer at a charity event.

      Chris Eubank's appearance on a talk show led to an unexpected encounter years later. During the show, Eubank shared his dislike for interruptions, which became a notable aspect of his persona. Later, at a charity event, the interviewer ran into Eubank and his wife. His wife mentioned a past altercation between her and Eubank, stemming from a comment Eubank made about her husband's monocle. The interviewer was surprised by this, as he had no recollection of the incident. They discussed Eubank's quirks, including his monocle and his large truck, which drew attention. The interviewer learned that Eubank is a man who values finishing his thoughts before being interrupted, a trait that was evident during his talk show appearances. The conversation ended with the interviewer expressing interest in a painting rumored to exist, depicting various celebrities, including Eubank with a monocle. The pursuit of this painting became the focus of the podcast.

    • The importance of experience, teamwork, and adaptability in delivering effective and engaging commentary.Experienced commentators and good teamwork are crucial for delivering engaging commentary in virtual cricket games or live sports events. Adaptability is also essential to handle unexpected situations.

      Experience and teamwork play crucial roles in delivering engaging commentary, even in a virtual cricket game setting. David, a former cricket player and current England cricket manager in Cricket 22, shared his insights on the experience of providing commentary for the game. He mentioned feeling underwhelmed yet excited about the possibility of reprising his role in future versions. David also shared that his team was currently losing against the West Indies B team in the game. During the conversation, Joe and the host discussed the intricacies of commentating, wondering how commentators know when to speak and how to keep the audience engaged. David shared an anecdote about his early days at the BBC, where he worked with Ritchie Bennett, who would often leave the commentary to his partner during tea breaks. However, since the microphones were not always on, David once missed his cue to speak when a wicket fell. These stories highlight the importance of experience, teamwork, and adaptability in delivering effective and engaging commentary. Whether it's in a virtual cricket game or a live sports event, the ability to work well with a team and adapt to the situation is essential for providing an enjoyable commentary experience.

    • The Art of Silence in BroadcastingAllowing pauses and silence in broadcasting enhances the viewing experience by letting actions unfold and adding meaningful commentary.

      Key takeaway from the conversation is the importance of allowing pauses and silence in broadcasting. The speaker shared his experience of working in television where there was a expectation to fill every moment with commentary, but he valued the ability to let things be seen and appreciated by the audience. He also highlighted the art of adding meaningful and insightful commentary, like describing the presence of exotic birds during a cricket match, to enhance the viewing experience. The speaker admired broadcasters who had the confidence to not speak constantly and instead let the action unfold on screen. He also touched upon the nostalgia of past broadcasting days and the camaraderie built during charity walks. Overall, the conversation emphasized the significance of thoughtful commentary and the power of silence in broadcasting.

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    His career in Ambulance Victoria has been rich with opportunities. Only a few years had passed after qualifying as a paramedic he was offered the opportunity to undertake intensive care training, known as MICA. He found the role at times challenging, but highly rewarding.

     Tenures at the different ambulance colleges unearthed a love of teaching that continues today and has spanned more than 25 years. Assisting paramedics to master their craft has been one of his most satisfying achievements.

    After 15 years as a paramedic, he achieved his ultimate career goal after joining Air Ambulance, working on fixed and rotary wing aircraft. He describes the role as extreme, attending to the sickest and most seriously injured patients. A role that has seen him in the waters of Bass Straight, the deep Victorian bush and on top of the highest snow-covered mountains, all to help a person in need.

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    To work in a team of people committed to helping a patient in crisis is a privilege. To know that your team has played a small part in saving a life, there can be no greater reward”.

    For more go to, https://www.darrenhodge.com/ 

    Follow me on Instagram and  YouTube.

    For more, go to  https://www.paramedicmindset.com.au/


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    Through the completion of ultramarathons and high-altitude climbing expeditions, including a successful ascent of Mt Everest, he is passionate about translating this understanding to how our bodies and minds function when under extreme pressure.

    Follow me on Instagram and  YouTube.

    For more, go to  https://www.paramedicmindset.com.au/


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    The Story Shared:

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    Career Highlights:

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    → Successfully completed SASR selection and supported multiple courses.


    → Building and maintaining robust resilience. 

    → Medical response in high-threat environments.

    → Transition from the military, law enforcement, and first responder roles. 


    For more on Dr. Dan Pronk, go to  https://danpronk.com/


    Follow me on Instagram and  YouTube.

    For more, go to  https://www.paramedicmindset.com.au/


    Music by Ehrling Music.