
    Cris Collinsworth, Sports Are Back (This Week) And Zuckerberg's Ass Implants

    en-usJuly 20, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • The Return of Excitement: Sports, Controversy, and NormalcyChris Collinsworth shares his broadcasting career experiences and football predictions, while we discuss golf, soccer, and the return of sports with controversy and excitement

      Sports are back in full swing, bringing back excitement, controversy, and normalcy to our lives. On today's episode of the podcast, we had Chris Collinsworth discussing his broadcasting career and football's return, including predictions for the upcoming season. Additionally, we touched on various topics such as Mark Zuckerberg's recent controversy, a new legal defense for being fired, and the importance of quality sleep for professional athletes. Sports fans, including ourselves, are thrilled to be back in the midst of debates, arguments, and the overall energy that comes with sports. Golf and soccer have already returned, and now football is following suit. Bryson DeChambeau's recent rules violation at the US Open added fuel to the fire, making him a contender for the "Sports Ball Back Bitch of the Year." Overall, the return of sports means the return of passion, excitement, and the opportunity to focus on the trivial matters that make us, as Americans, who we are.

    • Heated moment between players and tournament winsDespite challenges, sports continue to make a comeback with Brooks' resilience and Jon Rahm's win, while the NFL faces uncertainty

      The golf tournament saw a heated moment between two players, with one displaying poor sportsmanship and anger, while the other, Brooks, managed to make the cut despite injuries. Meanwhile, Jon Rahm won the tournament with a significant lead. In the world of sports, the NFL is facing challenges in finalizing plans for the upcoming season due to health protocols and financial matters, causing uncertainty and potential delays. Amidst this, there have been positive developments, such as the return of baseball and basketball, and Trevor Lawrence's engagement. Overall, sports are gradually making their comeback, despite the challenges, and fans remain hopeful.

    • Engagements and sports: Making memoriesEngagements during senior year can be memorable, especially with a romantic setting. Sports' absence of fans led to appreciation for sounds like batcracks. Love is back in sports with notable figures dating famous women. Father's Day approaches, and golf brand g4 offers special collections for dads.

      Getting engaged during your senior year of college, even if it happens on the 50-yard line, can be a questionable decision. However, the context and timing of the engagement can add to its significance. For instance, doing it at 7 o'clock in the evening with a nice glow can make it a memorable moment. Moreover, sports are back, and fans are showing up in unique ways, such as the potential Buffalo Blue Jays. The absence of fans in stadiums has led to a greater appreciation for solid contact batcracks, a sound that is beloved by many. Additionally, love is back in the sports world, with notable figures like Patrick Mahomes and Aaron Rodgers dating famous women. Rodgers' obsession with dating famous women might be a strategy to keep his bachelor lifestyle in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Lastly, Father's Day is coming up, and golf brand g4 has a special collection for dads, offering traditional, modern, and fun options for golf looks. Use the discount code "FOREPLAY" for a 10% discount on your first order.

    • Unexpected love and the power of ordinary activitiesTrue love can be found in the most unexpected places and it's important to remember that everyone has unique bodies and there's no one-size-fits-all definition of attractiveness or fitness. The media can manipulate public discourse, so critical thinking is crucial when consuming news.

      True love can manifest in unexpected ways and can be found in the most ordinary activities. Skip Bayless and Ernestine's bond over their weekly catch game is a testament to this. Meanwhile, the ongoing debate over Zac Efron's supposed dad bod highlights the confusion surrounding the term and the societal pressure to maintain a certain physique. Ultimately, it's important to remember that everyone has unique bodies and that there is no one-size-fits-all definition of attractiveness or fitness. The discussion also touched upon the power of the media to manipulate public discourse and the importance of critical thinking when consuming news.

    • Billy strategically introduces steroid topic with a jokeBilly's unique approach to discussing steroids kept the conversation engaging and allowed for a smooth transition.

      Billy, during a discussion, strategically waited until later in the conversation to bring up the topic of steroids and added a joke to keep the conversation light. He also suggested adding a segment for steroid talk in every list presented. Billy's unique approach kept the conversation engaging and allowed for a smooth transition to the topic. Additionally, Billy expressed his belief in Swag Kelly's potential as a sleeper in the NFL and encouraged creating content around student athletes' daily lives. Chris Collinsworth, a special guest on the show, emphasized the consistency of New Amsterdam Vodka's presence in hockey games regardless of the outcome.

    • Chris Collinsworth's Viral 'Slide' on Sunday Night FootballBroadcasters must adapt and be flexible, as demonstrated by Chris Collinsworth's viral 'slide' on Sunday Night Football. Despite initial simplicity, the slide became a tradition and a viral sensation, highlighting the importance of being aware of the impact on colleagues and executing effectively.

      Adaptability and flexibility are key in broadcasting, as demonstrated by Chris Collinsworth's experience with the infamous "slide" on Sunday Night Football. Initially a simple solution to get out of the shot during Al Michaels' monologue, the slide became a viral sensation. Collinsworth shares the story of how it started, with him literally lying down to get out of the shot. He also mentions the reaction from audiences, both in the studio and on the internet, when he slid in from the other side of the camera. Despite the unexpected fame, Collinsworth emphasizes the importance of being aware of the impact on the show's legendary host, Al Michaels. He also notes the significance of the traction on the pants for executing the slide effectively. The slide became a tradition, with various images replacing the slide during the broadcast. Even after it became a viral sensation, Collinsworth continued to reverse the slide, surprising audiences with his adaptability.

    • The Collinsworth slide and unexpected elementsMaintaining doubt and surprise, balancing preparation and enjoyment, and cherishing unique connections with audiences are crucial for successful broadcasting.

      The subtle and unexpected elements of their broadcasting routine, such as the Collinsworth slide, have become a key part of their success and appeal to viewers. The speakers emphasized the importance of maintaining an element of doubt and surprise, even if it means biting their lips or oversliding their slides unintentionally. They also shared how they learned to balance their preparation with enjoying the moment and their friendship with Al Michaels. The speakers acknowledged the importance of stats and information, but emphasized that chemistry and entertainment value are essential for a successful broadcast. They joked about the potential commercialization of their slides and other quirks, but ultimately cherished the unique connection they've built with their audience.

    • The importance of authenticity and humor in sports contentAuthenticity and humor are essential for creating successful sports content. Connecting with viewers and creating a sense of community through shared experiences and a good sense of humor can make the content more relatable and enjoyable.

      Authenticity and a good sense of humor are key elements in creating successful sports-related content, whether it's a show or an analysis platform. The speaker, who runs a football analysis website, admires the chemistry and authenticity of another sports show and has modeled their own show after it. He emphasizes the importance of not taking oneself too seriously and allowing for mistakes and humor to make the content more relatable and enjoyable for viewers. The speaker also acknowledges the challenges of providing objective analysis and opinions, especially when dealing with sensitive topics or when teams or individuals take offense to criticisms. However, he believes in the importance of staying true to the facts and the grades, even if it means ruffling some feathers. Overall, the speaker values the ability to connect with viewers and create a sense of community through shared experiences and a good sense of humor.

    • Discussing the importance of recognizing fullbacks in football analysisProposal to introduce 'fullback assist' statistic in football analysis by Pro Football Focus, recognizing fullbacks' role in scoring touchdowns within 5 yards.

      During the discussion, a proposal was made to introduce a new statistic called "fullback assist" in football analysis by Pro Football Focus. The fullback assist would be given to a fullback if a running back scores a touchdown from within 5 yards and there's a blocking back on the field. The speaker was passionate about this statistic and wanted it to be recognized and included in the database. He even suggested negotiating terms for its inclusion during a Sunday Night Football game. The conversation also touched upon various topics like Tony Romo, dinner expenses, and name-changing, but the core idea remained the importance and recognition of the role of fullbacks in football. The speaker believed that Pro Football Focus was behind the times in measuring fullback efficiency and wanted to contribute to rectifying that. The negotiation was tabled for further discussion, and the focus shifted back to the upcoming football season.

    • Navigating the Challenges of the 2020 Football SeasonThe NFL is likely to play, while college football faces hurdles like fan approval and empty stadiums. College football might shift to the spring for fan satisfaction. Football players' heart and grit matter, regardless of physical mold.

      Despite the challenges and uncertainties surrounding the 2020 football season, particularly in college football, there is a strong likelihood that some form of the game will be played. The NFL is expected to give it a go, while college football faces hurdles such as getting approval from mamas, boards of regents, and professors, and dealing with the potential absence of students and empty stadiums. The speaker believes that college football might shift to the spring to accommodate fans' desires for fantasy football and betting. The speaker also emphasized the importance of heart and grit in football players, who may not always fit the ideal physical mold but can still make significant contributions to the team. Overall, while there are many variables at play, the speaker remains optimistic that football will continue in some capacity.

    • Surprising Undrafted Talents and Al Michaels' Dinner During NFL BroadcastsUnexpected athletes can go undrafted but still make significant impacts in football. Al Michaels, a renowned broadcaster, was not drafted but still achieved success. Collinsworth discussed Michaels' eating habits during NFL games and shared humorous stories about relieving himself during interviews.

      Unexpected talent can be found outside of the first three picks in football drafts. Chris Collinsworth shared his surprise that Al Michaels, a well-known broadcaster, was not selected in the first three picks, but great athletes sometimes miss opportunities. Meanwhile, Collinsworth also discussed Al Michaels' eating habits during NFL broadcasts, revealing that Michaels consumes a full dinner during the game. Collinsworth joked about the potential challenges of serving food during quarantine broadcasts and shared stories about his own experiences with having to relieve himself during interviews. Another interesting topic that came up was Collinsworth's curiosity about Al Michaels' missing top teeth. Collinsworth speculated that Michaels might have knocked them out while playing golf, but he hasn't asked him about it yet. Moving on to football, Collinsworth mentioned the Chicago Bears as a team to watch this upcoming season, despite their current roster of quarterbacks. He expressed his fondness for Nick Foles but acknowledged the uncertainty surrounding his position as the starter. Overall, the conversation touched on various topics, from sports to food to personal anecdotes.

    • Unexpected quarterback performances defy statistics and expectationsFootball's unpredictability means exceptional performances by unexpected players will continue to surprise us, despite advanced stats and grading systems

      Unexpected performances by quarterbacks, such as Nick Foles' in the Super Bowl and Colin Kaepernick's in a Sunday Night game against New England, can defy statistics and expectations. These games were notable for their challenging weather conditions, with Foles playing against Tom Brady when they were down 28-3 and Kaepernick leading a comeback with less than two minutes left on the clock. Despite their impressive performances, both quarterbacks have faced criticism and controversy, with Foles being known for his inconsistent play and Kaepernick being a polarizing figure off the field. Pro Football Focus grades every play in every game for every player, and while their grades are considered the best indicator of a player's long-term potential, they acknowledge that there are limitations to their evaluation. Ultimately, the unpredictability of football means that even the most skilled graders can't account for every variable, and exceptional performances by unexpected players will continue to surprise us.

    • Grading football plays for blind individuals focuses on player performance, not outcomeBlind graders evaluate football plays based on player actions, not results, for a more accurate assessment of performance.

      Grading football plays for blind individuals is a complex process involving multiple evaluators who debate the merits of each play based on the actions of the players involved, rather than the final outcome. The focus is on the player's performance on the play, rather than the result. For example, a quarterback who throws an incomplete pass that is dropped by a receiver may still receive a high grade if he made a great throw, while a defensive back who intercepts a pass may receive a low grade if he was beaten badly on the play. This system can lead to controversial grades and heated debates among evaluators, but it provides a more accurate assessment of a player's performance on each play. Additionally, the importance of a player's cool factor or ability to make impressive throws, such as Josh Allen's long bombs, is also considered in the grading process.

    • Travis Kelce's exceptional receiving skills and blocking prowessTravis Kelce is a versatile NFL player known for his outstanding receiving abilities and unmatched blocking skills, making him an indispensable asset to his team.

      Travis Kelce, a standout tight end in the NFL, is not only an exceptional receiver but also an unmatched blocker, making him an indispensable asset to his team. His unique combination of receiving skills and blocking prowess sets him apart from other players in the league. The speaker also shared an interesting anecdote about Kelce's father, who was named Abraham Lincoln but was given a birth certificate with the name Charles instead. The conversation also touched upon the importance of tight ends in modern offenses, particularly in Kyle Shanahan's system, where they play a crucial role in executing the outside zone running plays. The speakers praised Kelce's tenacity and determination, as well as his ability to live up to the high expectations set for him, both on and off the field.

    • Broadcasters add unique phrases to engage audiences and create memorable moments, but must navigate incorporating gambling references into commentaryBroadcasters like Al Michaels use unique phrases to stand out, but must adapt to societal changes and network guidelines regarding gambling references

      Broadcasters like Al Michaels add unique phrases to their repertoire to engage audiences and create memorable moments. Michaels' use of phrases like "dude" and "hoss" adds personality to his commentary and sets him apart from others. However, as gambling becomes more normalized and accepted in society, broadcasters must navigate how to incorporate it into their commentary while staying within network guidelines. Michaels' use of gambling references has been a part of his "rascal" persona, but with changing times, he may need to find new ways to maintain his edgy reputation. Additionally, Michaels does not write down his bets beforehand and instead relies on his memory to share insights on games. The conversation around adapting to the modern era of legalized gambling and maintaining a "rascal" persona is a third homework assignment for the team. Michaels' experience of floating down the Ohio River during the Jeff Ruby's restaurant incident is a real one.

    • Unexpected situations can challenge even the wealthy and successfulDespite wealth and power, one cannot control every situation and unexpected events can bring unintended consequences

      No matter how successful or wealthy you become, unexpected situations can still put you in challenging positions. The speaker, a part-owner of a multimillion-dollar restaurant on a river, found himself stranded on the boat when the raging waters made it impossible to get off. Despite his wealth and position, he had to use his resourcefulness to get off the boat and save himself. The experience gained him unwanted national attention, and he was criticized for his actions. However, he realized that his presence was necessary to ensure the safety of the people on the boat. The incident served as a reminder that no matter how much power or influence you have, you cannot control every situation, and unexpected events can bring unexpected consequences.

    • Negotiating a catchphrase and discussing Peloton workoutsDuring negotiations, be open to creative solutions and compromise while focusing on continuous improvement and exploring various leverage points.

      During a negotiation, it's essential to consider different leverage points and be open to compromise. In this particular conversation, the speakers discussed a negotiation where they were offering a new catchphrase to a client in exchange for other benefits. They also emphasized the importance of continuous improvement and the variety of challenging workouts available on Peloton to help individuals power up their fitness routine during the spring season. Additionally, they touched upon the topic of a potential new segment and joked about a hypothetical lawsuit involving a straight man's rights to express attraction. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of flexibility, creativity, and a sense of humor in various aspects of life, from negotiations to fitness to entertainment.

    • Discussing hypothetical Supreme Court cases and personal appearancesThe group engaged in a lively discussion about potential Supreme Court cases involving Jeremy Roanoke and Whitney and Biz, and speculated about Mark Zuckerberg's appearance and use of cosmetics.

      The discussion touched on the hypothetical involvement of Jeremy Roanoke and Whitney and Biz in a Supreme Court case, with Clarence Thomas potentially questioning Jeremy's heterosexuality. The group also speculated about Mark Zuckerberg's appearance and potential use of cosmetic enhancements. The conversation showcased a mix of humor and analysis, with the group pondering the implications of these hypothetical situations. The discussion also highlighted the group's interest in pop culture and current events, as well as their willingness to explore various perspectives and possibilities.

    • Personal beliefs vs scientific consensusExpressing individual opinions is crucial, but be mindful of potential misinformation consequences.

      During a discussion about Mark Zuckerberg's appearance and Dwight Howard's opinions on vaccinations, the speakers shared their personal views, showcasing the importance of expressing individual beliefs, even if they go against scientific consensus. However, the conversation also highlighted the potential consequences of spreading misinformation. Additionally, one speaker expressed his struggle with adjusting to life after football and contemplated career alternatives. Overall, the conversation touched upon various topics, demonstrating the importance of open dialogue and personal growth.

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJuly 08, 2024

    Gunnar Henderson, Dingers Only Draft, NBA Free Agency And USMNT May Suck

    Gunnar Henderson, Dingers Only Draft, NBA Free Agency And USMNT May Suck

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJuly 03, 2024

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