
    Crypto Security and the New Web3 Mindsets for Users

    enOctober 15, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Shifting from intermediaries to self-managed crypto securityUnderstand the importance of managing your own crypto security, as intermediaries are no longer responsible for securing your assets. Be vigilant against phishing attacks and other methods used to steal private information.

      In the world of crypto security, the shift from traditional financial institutions to decentralized systems brings both incredible opportunities and terrifying responsibilities. While the underlying crypto networks are strong and secure, users must take charge of their own security by managing the secrets that grant access to their assets. This means a mindset shift from relying on intermediaries to controlling access directly. However, it's important to understand that not all crypto hacks involve breaches of the blockchain itself. Some hacks involve tricking users into revealing their private information, which can then be used to gain unauthorized access to their crypto assets. As we navigate this new era of Web 3 and crypto, it's crucial to stay informed and prioritize security best practices.

    • Social engineering attacks in cryptoStay vigilant against social engineering attacks in crypto by never sharing your seed phrase and double-checking transactions, especially on new and unverified sites.

      While the security of cryptocurrency vaults has remained strong, users have fallen victim to various forms of social engineering attacks. One common method is when individuals posing as support agents ask for seed phrases under the guise of debugging issues. This is equivalent to handing over your password in the web 3.0 world. Another attack vector is during NFT transactions on untrusted sites. Users may unknowingly sign transactions that transfer funds or grant permissions to adversaries. As the crypto landscape has evolved over the last 12 years, the importance of security has become more apparent. Early adopters often stored keys on hard drives or wrote them down in notepad, but these methods were far from secure. The introduction of mnemonic seed phrases has made it easier for users to store and retain their keys. However, it's crucial to remember that these sequences are valuable and must be kept secret. The Wild West days of crypto are slowly fading, but users must remain vigilant against social engineering attacks. Always double-check transactions, especially on new and unverified sites, and never share your seed phrase with anyone.

    • The Importance and Portability of BIP 39 Seed Phrase in Web 3 WalletsThe BIP 39 seed phrase is a crucial component of web 3 wallets, representing your private key and allowing easy transfer of crypto assets between different wallet interfaces. Ensure its safe storage and recovery as it's the key to accessing your digital assets.

      The BIP 39 seed phrase is a crucial component of web 3 wallets, acting as a portable and encrypted representation of your private key. Unlike traditional banking methods, where you must close an account and create a new one to transfer funds, the seed phrase allows you to easily move your crypto assets between different wallet interfaces. However, it's essential to ensure the safe storage and recovery of these seed phrases, as they are the keys to accessing your digital assets. A common misconception is that the seed phrase is merely a password or a login credential. Instead, it is the actual representation of your private key. This portability is a significant improvement in the user experience of web 3, making it more accessible and convenient than the old banking models. Currently, people store their seed phrases on paper or use metal wallets to ensure their longevity. However, relying solely on memory or paper storage is not secure and user-friendly. As technology advances, new methods for securely storing and managing seed phrases will likely emerge. In summary, understanding the importance and portability of the BIP 39 seed phrase is vital in the world of web 3 and crypto wallets. It represents the future of secure, accessible, and decentralized financial transactions.

    • The future of crypto security goes beyond individual controlMethods like multi-party computation and Shamir's secret sharing offer more robust solutions for storing private keys by splitting them among trusted parties, ensuring recovery even if one piece is lost.

      The future of storing private keys in crypto security is not just about individual control but also about mitigating risks and avoiding single points of failure. While mnemonic cold storage wallets and personal control are steps in the right direction, they come with their own vulnerabilities. The best solution lies in methods like multi-party computation and Shamir's secret sharing, which involve splitting the private key among trusted parties to ensure recovery even if one piece is lost. This approach aims to address the potential loss of funds due to physical damage or theft. However, it's important to recognize that not everyone is comfortable with the level of control and responsibility required in crypto security. As mainstream adoption grows, there will be a demand for more bank-like experiences, where users can hold their assets in exchanges and recover them through traditional methods if lost. While this may limit the ability to use certain features, it offers a more convenient and reassuring experience for those who prefer not to worry about security complexities. Ultimately, the evolution of crypto security will involve catering to a diverse range of users, offering various solutions that allow them to choose their preferred balance of control, risk, and convenience.

    • Where is your private key stored?Software wallets store private keys in browsers, increasing vulnerability to hacking. Hardware wallets store keys offline and generate signatures, improving security. Cold wallets generate keys offline and never connect to the internet for the highest level of security.

      For users seeking control and security over their cryptocurrency, the question of where private keys are held is paramount. If you use a software wallet like MetaMask, the private key is stored in your browser, making it vulnerable to hacking. To enhance security, consider using a hardware wallet, which stores the private key offline and generates signatures for transactions. This removes the vulnerability of having the private key stored in your computer's memory. Even with hardware wallets, there's still a need to connect them to a computer or phone to issue transactions. For the highest level of security, consider a cold wallet, which never touches the internet. Cold wallets generate a seed phrase or private key offline, calculate the public key, and receive funds to that address without the private key ever being online. In summary, understanding where your private keys are held is crucial for maintaining control and security over your cryptocurrency. While software wallets offer convenience, they come with increased risk. Hardware wallets provide a significant improvement, but cold wallets offer the highest level of security by never exposing the private key to the internet.

    • Storing Cryptocurrency Offline with Cold WalletsCold wallets provide extra security by storing cryptocurrency offline with a private key, but it's essential to balance convenience and security. Modern devices can store keys securely, but seed phrases must be kept safe.

      A cold wallet is a method of storing cryptocurrency offline, using a private key that corresponds to a public address without the private key ever being accessed on the blockchain. This provides an extra layer of security, but it's not necessary for everyone interacting with crypto. Instead, there's a balance between convenience and security. Modern smartphones with secure enclaves can store private keys securely, but the risk is losing access to the key if the device is destroyed or lost. In such cases, methods like social recovery or seed phrases come into play. However, it's essential to remember that the seed phrase is the critical component, and it should be stored securely, not the hardware wallet itself. A hardware wallet is a recommended first step for new users, and they should never share their seed phrase with anyone.

    • Shifting to web 3.0 for crypto and DeFiWeb 3.0 will make crypto and DeFi more accessible and user-friendly through user-friendly interfaces, increased security, and mobile device connectivity.

      The future of crypto and DeFi adoption will rely heavily on user-friendly interfaces and connecting mobile devices to decentralized applications (DAPs) for increased security and accessibility. This paradigm shift towards web 3.0 will abstract away complex crypto features, allowing anyone to create high-quality interfaces, while maintaining personal control and responsibility over assets and data. The use of secure methods like QR codes, wallet Connect, and phone signatures will become the norm, making the crypto experience more accessible to a larger audience. This new security paradigm is a significant departure from the web 2.0 model, where control and data are centralized, and will lead to more personal control, greater interoperability, and superior interfaces. Ultimately, this transition will make crypto and DeFi more accessible and user-friendly for the masses, while maintaining the decentralized and secure nature of the technology.

    • Web 3 networks offer more secure authenticationWeb 3 networks provide a decentralized, single interface for authentication, reducing risk of hacks and technical issues, while using cryptography and blockchain for data security and immutability.

      Web 3 networks offer a more secure authentication system compared to traditional Web 2 methods due to their single interface design and decentralized nature. This single interface, which can be used by everyone, eliminates the need for individuals to implement their own security systems and reduces the risk of technical issues or hacks. The use of cryptography and blockchain technology further enhances security by ensuring the immutability and validity of data. However, current systems have limitations, such as the one-to-one relationship between private and public keys, which makes it difficult to rotate keys or maintain privacy. To address this, decentralized identifiers and multiple public keys can be used, allowing for greater flexibility and security. Overall, Web 3 networks represent a significant improvement in security, offering a more trustworthy and reliable authentication system for users.

    • The Future of Crypto: Easier Recovery of Lost AccessAdvancements in tech may lead to more secure and user-friendly methods for managing private keys, reducing the risk of losing access to crypto networks and assets.

      The future of cryptocurrency may hold more secure and user-friendly methods for managing private keys and recovering lost access, allowing users to maintain their networks, relationships, and assets even if they lose their seed phrase. Currently, losing a seed phrase can be a worst-case scenario, but as technology advances, easier recovery systems will likely be developed. People have varying risk tolerances and concerns, and while some may trust institutions or third parties, others prefer self-control. The flexibility of crypto to allow individuals to opt out and manage their own keys is a unique aspect of the technology. Eddie, thank you for your insightful discussion on this topic.

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    Learn more about pricing, packaging, and monetization strategies: a16z.com/pricing-packaging

    Find Dan on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BurrillDaniel

    Find Travis on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/travisferber

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    Link to the Gen AI 100: https://a16z.com/100-gen-ai-apps

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    Find Olivia on Twitter: https://x.com/omooretweets


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    OpenAI’s Spring announcement: https://openai.com/index/hello-gpt-4o/

    Google I/O announcements: https://blog.google/technology/ai/google-io-2024-100-announcements/


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    Remaking the UI for AI

    Remaking the UI for AI

    Make sure to check out our new AI + a16z feed: https://link.chtbl.com/aiplusa16z

    a16z General Partner Anjney Midha joins the podcast to discuss what's happening with hardware for artificial intelligence. Nvidia might have cornered the market on training workloads for now, but he believes there's a big opportunity at the inference layer — especially for wearable or similar devices that can become a natural part of our everyday interactions. 

    Here's one small passage that speaks to his larger thesis on where we're heading:

    "I think why we're seeing so many developers flock to Ollama is because there is a lot of demand from consumers to interact with language models in private ways. And that means that they're going to have to figure out how to get the models to run locally without ever leaving without ever the user's context, and data leaving the user's device. And that's going to result, I think, in a renaissance of new kinds of chips that are capable of handling massive workloads of inference on device.

    "We are yet to see those unlocked, but the good news is that open source models are phenomenal at unlocking efficiency.  The open source language model ecosystem is just so ravenous."

    More from Anjney:

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    Making the Most of Open Source AI

    Safety in Numbers: Keeping AI Open

    Investing in Luma AI

    Follow everyone on X:

    Anjney Midha

    Derrick Harris

    Check out everything a16z is doing with artificial intelligence here, including articles, projects, and more podcasts.


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    a16z Podcast
    enMay 16, 2024

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    Now, with Discord's recent release of embeddable apps, what can we expect now that it's easier than ever for developers to build? 


    Find Jason on Twitter: https://twitter.com/jasoncitron

    Find Anjney on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnjneyMidha


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    Disclaimer: We are not financial advisors. No information spoken, displayed, portrayed, or inferred within or from this broadcast should be considered financial advice. This is for educational purposes only.

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    Join in the conversation and let's talk security!

    Safe links to all software & hardware mentioned in today's episode:


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    ✅ Click for Brad Lambert's Twitter

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    Disclaimer: We are not financial advisors. No information spoken, displayed, portrayed, or inferred within or from this broadcast should be considered financial advice. This is for educational purposes only.

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    Josh’s Bitcoin ATM Video: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRHc4wMe/ 

    Wanna learn more about Mt. Gox: https://buybitcoinworldwide.com/mt-gox-hack/#what-was-mt-gox 

    Aptos White Paper: https://aptos.dev/assets/files/Aptos-Whitepaper-47099b4b907b432f81fc0effd34f3b6a.pdf 



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    66 - Crypto’s Existential Threat | MEV Panel: Phil Daian, Georgios Konstanopolus, Charlie Noyes

    66 - Crypto’s Existential Threat | MEV Panel: Phil Daian, Georgios Konstanopolus, Charlie Noyes

    Phil Daian is a researcher and software engineer and is leading the charge into mapping MEV with the Flashbots Project. Georgios Konstantopoulos and Charlie Noyes are both partners at Paradigm.

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    Bankless Podcast #66: MEV Panel
    Guests: Charlie Noyes, Phil Daian, & Georgios Konstantopolous

    In this State of the Nation, we bring on big-brain experts behind projects like Paradigm and Flashbots to explain the complex but critical topic of MEV - commonly known as Miner Extractable Value, but as discussed in this episode, Maximum Extractable Value is a more appropriate descriptor. MEV is arguably the single most important unsolved problem in the crypto space.

    In the context of incentives and network security, MEV generally refers to the ability of miners & validators to take advantage of their position as securers of the network. Blocks are verified by single entities, and these block producers have tremendous power when they are the ones adding a particular block to the blockchain. We refer to this instance as ‘God-Mode,’ in which a node has the power to assemble & order transactions at will. The threat here is the potential gaps between what is best for the network and what is best for the node.

    As an internal and unbounded threat to blockchains, solving the problems that MEV presents is critical to maintaining proper consensus and ensuring decentralization and permissionless access. We take a deep dive into potential solutions, and the impact of EIP-1559 and Proof-of-Stake on MEV. Dive in to learn why despite the challenges ahead, Charlie says:

    “In the absence of certainty, I’m willing to take the optimistic perspective.”


    Phil on Twitter
    Georgios on Twitter
    Charlie on Twitter
    Exploring Ethereum’s Dark Forest with Dan Robinson
    Investing in DeFi Paradigms with Charlie Noyes

    Not financial or tax advice. This channel is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This video is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.

    Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. Additionally, the Bankless writers hold crypto assets. See our investment disclosures here: