
    CSS Preprocessors and Structuring CSS - 003

    enJuly 19, 2017
    What projects are Wes and Scott currently working on?
    How do CSS preprocessors simplify writing CSS code?
    What is the purpose of variables in CSS preprocessors?
    What features make CSS preprocessors valuable for developers?
    How did Wes describe his experience at the Dinosaur JS conference?

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring New Projects and Inspiring ConferencesWes is creating advanced React and GraphQL courses, attended Dinosaur JS, while Scott works on a breakdancer app and shares experiences of building projects to solve personal itches.

      Wes and Scott from the Syntax podcast discussed their current projects and shared their thoughts on CSS preprocessors and CSS structuring. Wes is exploring the creation of an intermediate-advanced React course, as well as a GraphQL course. He recently attended the Dinosaur JS conference, which he described as inspiring and engaging, with great speakers and well-rounded talks that didn't delve too heavily into code. Scott has been working on an app for breakdancers, including a jukebox feature that pulls music from SoundCloud. They also touched upon the concept of building projects to scratch one's own itch and shared personal experiences of doing so with Angular. Overall, the conversation highlighted their ongoing involvement in the tech community and their enthusiasm for sharing knowledge and creating useful tools.

    • Preprocessing Styles with Stylus and PostCSSDevelopers can choose between Stylus, Sass, Less, and plain CSS for styling web projects, with personal preferences and project requirements influencing the decision. Stylus and PostCSS offer unique strengths in preprocessing and auto-prefixing, respectively.

      There are various tools and techniques available for developers when it comes to styling web projects, and personal preferences play a significant role in the choice of tools. For instance, some developers prefer Stylus over Sass due to its optional use of brackets and semicolons. The speaker, Scott, shares his preference for Stylus and PostCSS for their respective strengths in preprocessing and auto-prefixing. However, other developers might find Stylus too challenging for beginners due to its indentation-based syntax. Ultimately, the choice between Stylus, Sass, Less, or even plain CSS depends on individual developers' comfort levels and project requirements. The discussion also touched upon the concept of PostCSS and its role in handling auto-prefixing and other modern CSS features.

    • Using CSS preprocessors like Stylus or SassPreprocessors like Stylus and Sass offer features such as variables, mixins, and nesting for efficient and consistent coding. They help eliminate repetition and ensure consistency, despite minor syntax rules.

      Using CSS preprocessors like Stylus or Sass can greatly enhance the development experience by providing features such as variables, mixins, and nesting selectors. These features allow for more efficient and consistent coding, as well as the ability to easily reuse common patterns and code snippets across projects. Additionally, the use of variables with the "bubbling up" feature in Stylus can help eliminate the need for repetition and ensure consistency in nested selectors. While there may be edge cases where syntax rules like semicolons or colons must be followed, the benefits of using CSS preprocessors often outweigh these minor inconveniences. Ultimately, the choice between Stylus and Sass is a matter of personal preference, as both offer similar capabilities.

    • CSS preprocessors offer functions, variables, and mix-ins to simplify and enhance CSS codingCSS preprocessors like Stylus and Sass save time and effort by automating common tasks through functions, maintaining consistency with variables, and applying complex styles consistently with mix-ins.

      CSS preprocessors like Stylus and Sass offer various features to simplify and enhance the process of writing CSS code. One such feature is the use of functions, which can manipulate colors in various ways. For instance, you can use functions like darken or lighten to adjust the shade of a color, or use ratio calculations to maintain consistent dimensions. These functions can save time and effort by automating common tasks. Another key feature is the use of variables, which allow you to store and reuse specific values throughout your CSS code. This can help maintain consistency and reduce redundancy. Additionally, mix-ins are reusable pieces of code that can be included in multiple places, making it easier to apply complex styles consistently. These features make CSS preprocessing worth it overall, as they offer a more efficient and streamlined way to write and manage CSS code. By using variables, mix-ins, and functions, developers can save time, reduce repetition, and ensure consistency across their projects. Furthermore, these tools offer additional functionality that goes beyond what is possible with standard CSS, making them a valuable addition to any front-end developer's toolkit.

    • Using variables, mixins, and functions in StylusImprove efficiency and consistency in web development projects by defining variables for colors, using mixins for reusable styles, and employing functions to generate or manipulate values

      Using variables, mixins, and functions in Stylus (or other CSS preprocessors) can significantly improve your workflow and consistency in web development projects. By defining variables for your colors and overwriting default ones, you avoid the need for extensive find-and-replace searches. Mixins act as reusable chunks of code, saving you time by applying common styles to multiple selectors without repeating the code. Functions, on the other hand, can generate or manipulate values, acting similarly to JavaScript functions. They can return any value, including strings, numbers, or even random gradients for unique designs. This modular approach not only makes your code more efficient but also ensures a consistent look and feel across projects, allowing you to set it and forget it.

    • Nesting CSS selectors for cleaner and more efficient codeNesting CSS selectors allows for cleaner, more concise code and easier-to-understand relationships between selectors. It also introduces the use of the ampersand symbol for parent-child or direct descendant selectors. However, it can lead to longer selectors and potential specificity issues.

      Nesting in CSS preprocessors like Sass, Stylus, and Less offers a more efficient way to write and organize CSS by allowing you to nest selectors as children of their parent selectors. This results in cleaner, more concise code and easier-to-understand relationships between selectors. Nesting also introduces the use of the ampersand symbol, which can be used to create parent-child or direct descendant selectors. This feature is particularly useful when working with complex selectors and can save time and effort in writing repetitive code. However, it's important to note that nesting can lead to longer selectors, which can negatively impact specificity and make it harder to locate and modify specific selectors in the codebase. It's a trade-off between convenience and maintainability, and it's essential to consider the potential downsides when using nesting extensively. Overall, nesting is a powerful tool that can help streamline your CSS and make your code more organized and easier to manage.

    • Streamline CSS selection with a top-level selector system like BEMUsing a consistent naming convention like BEM simplifies CSS development and reduces specificity wars, saving time and improving the development process. Sass is a popular choice for CSS preprocessing due to its speed, flexibility, and full-featured capabilities.

      Using a top-level selector system, like BEM, helps streamline the CSS selection process and reduces specificity wars. This approach saves time and simplifies the development process. We also discussed our experiences with different CSS preprocessors, specifically comparing Sass, Stylus, and Less. While all three have their merits, Less was initially popular due to its simplicity and ease of use, especially for those unfamiliar with the build process. However, it lacks some features compared to Sass and Stylus. Less is written in JavaScript, which was a plus for those using PHP-based build pipelines, but it can compile in the browser, which is not recommended for production. Overall, Sass has become a more popular choice due to its speed, flexibility, and full-featured capabilities. My personal preference is for Sass, but the best choice depends on individual project requirements and developer comfort levels.

    • PostCSS: A flexible and adaptable tool for modern CSS developmentPostCSS is a post-processing tool that offers a more streamlined and adaptable approach to CSS development by focusing on extending core CSS features and simplifying the process without built-in functionality. It saves time by handling browser prefixes and supports modern CSS features like CSS variables.

      PostCSS is a post-processing tool for CSS that focuses on extending core CSS features and simplifying the development process. Unlike pre-processors like Sass, Less, or Stylus, PostCSS doesn't come with built-in functionality but instead acts as a framework that can be extended with plugins. This makes it more flexible and adaptable to various use cases, as developers can write their own transforms to handle specific requirements. PostCSS gained popularity for its ability to handle browser prefixes, which was a significant pain point in the past. With PostCSS, developers can write CSS without worrying about prefixes, as the tool takes care of generating the appropriate prefixes for the target browsers. This not only saves time but also makes the code cleaner and easier to read. Another advantage of PostCSS is its compatibility with modern CSS features, allowing developers to use the latest CSS without worrying about browser support. Additionally, PostCSS supports features like CSS variables, which can make the development process more efficient. While some might argue that PostCSS is not as feature-rich as pre-processors, its flexibility and ability to handle specific use cases make it a valuable addition to a developer's toolkit. Overall, PostCSS offers a more streamlined and adaptable approach to CSS development, making it a worthwhile consideration for modern web projects.

    • Exploring PostCSS: A Flexible and Powerful CSS ProcessorPostCSS is a powerful CSS processor that offers flexibility through plugins, including auto-prefixers, shorthand positioning, and quantity query pseudo selectors. Its vast plugin library and evolving features make it a valuable tool for modern CSS development.

      PostCSS is a flexible and powerful tool for transforming CSS with the help of plugins. Unlike Sass and Less, which come with built-in features, PostCSS requires you to research and include plugins for specific functionalities. However, this also means that there's an enormous library of plugins available, allowing you to customize your CSS to a great extent. Some popular plugins include auto-prefixers, shorthand positioning, and quantity query pseudo selectors. PostCSS is also evolving, with new features like variables and RGBa being added, and the ability to use hex codes with alpha values. While it may require more effort to set up compared to preprocessors like Sass and Less, the vast array of plugins and the flexibility they offer make PostCSS a valuable tool for modern CSS development. For instance, the quantity query pseudo selectors enable complex combinations of nth child selectors, allowing for dynamic width adjustments based on the number of elements in a container. Overall, PostCSS offers a unique approach to CSS development, empowering developers to easily extend and customize the language.

    • Modern web development tools like CSS Next and preprocessors make advanced CSS features more accessible and easier to implementCSS Next compiles advanced CSS features for older browsers, preprocessors like Sass improve code organization and efficiency, and source maps help developers quickly find and edit specific styles.

      Modern web development tools, such as CSS Next and preprocessors, enable developers to write code using the latest CSS features without worrying about browser compatibility. CSS Next compiles new CSS functions, media query ranges, custom properties, and other advanced features into equivalent code that works in older browsers. Preprocessors like Sass allow for easier file organization and importation at compile time, rather than at runtime. This results in more efficient and manageable code. Additionally, keeping styles close to components and utilizing source maps can further enhance the development experience by making it easier to find and edit specific styles. Source maps act as a treasure map for bugs, guiding developers back to the original source file for debugging. Overall, these modern tools make advanced CSS features more accessible and easier to implement on a wider range of projects.

    • Source maps and media queries in large CSS projectsSource maps help locate errors in large CSS projects, while media queries can be written efficiently using Stylus' one-liner syntax or Flexbox, and avoid overusing class names to keep the code clean.

      Source maps are essential for large CSS projects as they help developers quickly locate the origin of errors, even if they are defined in a different file or framework, such as Sass. This saves time and effort in debugging. Regarding media queries, the speaker prefers using a lot of them in Stylus, as it allows for simple syntax and minimal rewriting of selectors. Media queries can be written as one-liners using "plus above" or "plus below" syntax, and the speaker finds that writing media queries in this way makes the code more manageable. Additionally, the speaker has found that using Flexbox has significantly reduced the need for media queries by making mobile styles more compact. When it comes to adding class names, the speaker advises against overusing them as it can result in excessive CSS selectors and bloated code. Instead, consider extending existing class names or using more specific selectors to avoid repetition and keep the code clean.

    • CSS Approaches: Mixins vs ClassesThe speaker prefers using mixins over classes for reusability but regrets long selector names. Sharing CSS in node modules or open-source projects can be challenging, and solutions include copying and pasting, using webpack, or looking into projects like eyeglasses.

      When it comes to writing CSS, there are different approaches to using classes and mixins. The speaker prefers using mixins to avoid excessive class usage and make the code more reusable. However, they have had some regrets when using extend due to the lengthy selector names it generates. They also expressed the challenge of sharing CSS in a node module or open-source project and keeping it up-to-date. Some solutions discussed include copying and pasting, using webpack, or looking into projects like eyeglasses. Ultimately, they admitted that they don't have a perfect solution and are open to suggestions. The speaker also mentioned that the React community has a more streamlined approach to handling CSS with their components. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of finding a CSS workflow that works best for the team and project.

    • Discovering Simple Solutions for Complex ChallengesCopy and paste CSS code for a simple solution to importing external files. Starting fresh on a new laptop can prevent issues. Switch from Bartender to Vanilla for managing menu bar icons. Consider PowerBlocks for space-saving, quick weight change dumbbells.

      Even when trying to avoid coupling components, challenges can still arise, such as importing external CSS files. In this case, a simple solution was to copy and paste the CSS code. Another takeaway is the importance of starting fresh when setting up a new laptop, as it can lead to fewer issues and a cleaner system. Regarding new discoveries, Westbos shared his recent experience of switching from Bartender to Vanilla for managing menu bar icons. Vanilla is a simple and effective alternative that allows users to hide and show icons with ease. Lastly, Scott introduced PowerBlocks, a smart solution for dumbbells that combines multiple weights into one, saving space and allowing for quick weight changes. While PowerBlocks are expensive, they offer the convenience of having a wide range of weights in a single dumbbell.

    • Quick and efficient workout tools for muscle buildingResistance bands are affordable and portable workout tools that help build muscle with minimal time investment and cost. Wes offers a free JavaScript 30 video course and a combined deal on Sketch Course and UX Prototyping with Principle series for learning design and development skills.

      There are quick and efficient workout tools available, such as resistance bands, which can help individuals build muscle without requiring a significant time investment or large financial commitment. These bands can be easily passed back and forth during workouts and can be extended by adding more weight. The cost varies, with a basic set starting around $129 and more extensive sets costing up to $500. Wes mentioned his personal experience with a $70 set. For those looking to get started, Wes recommends his free JavaScript 30 video course, which includes 30 exercises designed to help individuals build real-world projects using JavaScript. The course is up-to-date with the latest ES6 standard and does not require any compilers or frameworks. Additionally, Wes recently released a combined deal on his Sketch Course and UX Prototyping with Principle series, which allows users to learn how to design and prototype apps using Sketch and Principle.

    • Exploring Sketch: A Design Tool for Mac UsersSketch is a popular design tool for Mac users, offering comprehensive features for efficient design workflows. Listen to learn more about Sketch and its benefits.

      Sketch is a powerful design tool, particularly for Mac users, serving as a Photoshop alternative. It's used extensively every day and offers comprehensive features for designing. During our discussion, we touched upon the various aspects of Sketch and how it can help keep designers up-to-speed with its efficient workflow. If you're interested in learning more about designing or diving deeper into Sketch, consider tuning in for a dedicated episode on the subject. Don't forget to check out the full archive of Syntax episodes at Syntax.fm. Be sure to subscribe in your podcast player and leave a review if you enjoy the show. Until next time!

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 01:11 Brought to you by Sentry.io.
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