
    About this Episode

    The Preliminary CTE Teaching Credential integrates core academic knowledge with technical and occupational knowledge. CTE Credential holders have increased job opportunities, help students connect college preparation with post-secondary career readiness, work with career pathways via Linked Learning and connect schooling to the industry sectors.
    This credential is valid for three years and authorizes the holder to teach in the subject, also known as the industry sector, listed on the credential. Leeann O’Bear sat down with Lorna and Dawn to help explain how to get your CTE credential. Leeann is the Outreach & CTE Teacher Development Coach in the Department of College and Career Connections Department in the
    Elk Grove Unified School District. She helped break down the steps and explain the process. Listen and find out how you can use your industry experience to help students become ready for the 21st Century.
    #ctecredential #cte

    Elk Grove Unified School District CTE Website:

    California Commission on Teacher Credentialing

    Information for the CTE Credential from CCTC

    Email: credentials@ctc.ca.gov

    Recent Episodes from Digital Divas: All Things CTE

    CTE Credential | FAQs | How to Get Your Credential Ep 2

    CTE Credential | FAQs | How to Get Your Credential Ep 2
    The Preliminary CTE Teaching Credential integrates core academic knowledge with technical and occupational knowledge. CTE Credential holders have increased job opportunities, help students connect college preparation with post-secondary career readiness, work with career pathways via Linked Learning and connect schooling to the industry sectors.
    This credential is valid for three years and authorizes the holder to teach in the subject, also known as the industry sector, listed on the credential. Leeann O’Bear sat down with Lorna and Dawn to help explain how to get your CTE credential. Leeann is the Outreach & CTE Teacher Development Coach in the Department of College and Career Connections Department in the
    Elk Grove Unified School District. She helped break down the steps and explain the process. Listen and find out how you can use your industry experience to help students become ready for the 21st Century.
    #ctecredential #cte

    Elk Grove Unified School District CTE Website:

    California Commission on Teacher Credentialing

    Information for the CTE Credential from CCTC

    Email: credentials@ctc.ca.gov

    Digital Divas: All Things CTE-What Is CTE? Featuring Kathy Hamilton

    Digital Divas: All Things CTE-What Is CTE? Featuring Kathy Hamilton
    As student employability skills become more prevalent in the 21st Century, Dawn and Lorna help define Career Technical Education. Kathy Hamilton, former Director of Elk Grove Unified School District’s College and Career Connections Department, visits our studio and explains the history and evolution of CTE in the school district. Engaging students through hands-on experiences, Kathy aims to prepare them for a successful future and solidify state-wide funding for CTE programs