
    Curious Minds Mini | Becoming Resilient to Imposter Syndrome

    enNovember 24, 2020

    About this Episode

    How do we understand imposter syndrome? And how do we turn down the volume on the voice of imposter syndrome and turn up the voice of resilience? This week Dr. L explores the threat of imposter syndrome and how to become more resilient in the face of negative self-talk. 

    For More on Dr. L:

    Website: www.drlarapence.com

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/drlarapence

    LIGHFBOX: www.lighfbox.com


    Recent Episodes from Curious Minds with Dr. L

    Kressa Peterson | The Imbalance of Building a Business

    Kressa Peterson | The Imbalance of Building a Business

    Is it possible to create balance when building a business? How do you execute on an idea? And, what are the ways that you use your strengths to propel yourself to the top? Lots of questions and curiosity with Kressa Peterson. 

    Kressa Peterson is the founder and CEO of shower toga, an item that allows anyone to strip down and clean up in public places without needing changing rooms. She landed a spot on Shark Tank on NBC in 2019 and her product won substantial praise, as she walked out of the Shark Tank a winner with a partner who believed in her, Mark Cuban. She is also an athlete, adventurer, cancer survivor, and mother.

    On this episode Kressa and Dr. L dive into how to go from idea to real business. They explore all of the growing pains that come from starting your own business, how to delegate (or not), how to create balance (or not), and how to stay above the fray. 



    Zoë Rom | The Synonymous Nature of Curiosity and Empathy

    Zoë Rom | The Synonymous Nature of Curiosity and Empathy

    How are curiosity and empathy related or even the same? What are the ways that we can get creative about establishing a connection with others? And, what steps are needed to set goals, crush them, and find joy in all of it? This and so many nuggets of wisdom with the incredible Zoë Rom.

    Zoë is a Boulder based writer and journalist. She is the associate editor of trail runner magazine, host of the DNF podcast and an outspoken advocate for environmental justice. She has a master’s degree in environmental journalism from the University of Colorado and has a deep passion for our public lands. 

    In this episode of curious minds, Dr. L dives deep with Zoë into the intersection of journalism, empathy, and curiosity. we explore the intricacies of building connections with strangers, how inquiry can serve as an investment platform into the other, and what we can learn from allowing ourselves to become vulnerable in the process. Zoë provided so many nuggets of wisdom it was hard to pick an audio clip to share on social media! Listen to this one twice…maybe even three times if you can :)



    Scott Mann | The Power of Story

    Scott Mann | The Power of Story

    How do you use story to work through difficult times? What does the role of your own body play in healing and discovery? And how can you heal wounds through curiosity and expression? Scott Mann joins us to share his powerful story. 

    Scott Mann is the President of Rooftop Leadership, a leadership consulting and training company, and Co-Founder of the Heroes Journey, a non-profit dedicated to helping Veterans and Military Families find their voice and tell their story as they transition out of military service. As a former Army Green Beret with multiple combat tours to Afghanistan and Iraq, Scott takes the lessons from working in low-trust environments to help leaders build relationships and bridge the human trust gaps we all face today. Scott has appeared on numerous media platforms, including CNN and Fox. Scott is also a playwright and actor currently bringing his award-winning play "Last Out: Elegy of a Green Beret" to life as a major film this Memorial Day weekend.

    In this week's episode, Dr. L and Scott discuss how curiosity can be used to fuel the healing process. They explore the ways in which we can use our body to understand our experience and what we need to know about the cost of war. This is a special episode as we lead into Memorial Day weekend. Enjoy!



    Mike Eckert | Breaking World Records and Smashing Expectations

    Mike Eckert | Breaking World Records and Smashing Expectations

    How do you continue to level up after smashing your goals? What do you need to stay motivated? And, how do you maintain confidence in training after an injury? Lots of questions answered with super-athlete Michael Eckert. 

    Mike Eckert is a United States Marine, World Record Breaker for the most pull-ups in hour, an American Ninja Warrior, and trainer. For over 13 years Michael has been competing as an athlete while also training thousands of marines and civilians in high-performance fitness.

    On this week's episode, Dr. L and Mike get curious about motivation, dedication, and the true mindset required to break a world record. This is a fun episode with critical wisdom from a marine who reminds us that no one is getting out of here alive. Enjoy!



    Caroline Burckle | Negotiating the Tension Between Extreme and Moderate

    Caroline Burckle | Negotiating the Tension Between Extreme and Moderate

    How do you learn to ask yourself the kinds of questions that move you towards self-awareness? How do you navigate being extreme and moderate at the same time? And how do we use the physical space to create healing? On this week's episode we have Caroline Burckle to unpack all things internal superpowers. 

    Caroline Burckle is an Olympic Bronze Medalist from the 2008 Beijing Games in swimming. She is a World & NCAA Champion and has a Masters of Sport Psychology and an Associate of Arts in Product Development. She is also the founder of RISE athletes – a mentoring program for youth athletes - and an artist. 

    On this week's episode, Dr. L and Caroline explore all things learning to understand yourself. They discuss the ways in which athletes can often operate through all-or-nothing thinking, the power of using the word AND, and what happens when your body breaks and you are forced to look inward for solutions. This one goes deep so grab that note pad and listen up!



    Curious Minds Mini | A Failed First Attempt

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    Jessica Lahey | Becoming Sober Curious

    Jessica Lahey | Becoming Sober Curious

    How do we use curiosity with our kids to foster connection? Why it's not helpful to use your kids as a report card for your parenting efforts? And, what does it mean to be sober curious? All this and so much more with Jessica Lahey.

    Jessica Lahey is a teacher, writer, and mom. Over twenty years, she’s taught every grade from sixth to twelfth in both public and private schools. She writes about education, parenting, and child welfare for The Atlantic, Vermont Public Radio, The Washington Post and the New York Times and is the author of the New York Times bestselling book, The Gift of Failure: How the Best Parents Learn to Let Go So Their Children Can Succeed and her newest book, The Addiction Inoculation: Raising Healthy Kids in a Culture of Dependence. She is a member of the Amazon Studios Thought Leader Board and wrote the educational curriculum for Amazon Kids’ The Stinky and Dirty Show

    On this episode, Jessica Lahey and Dr. L get curious about how learning can lead to doing things differently, why parents get caught up in their own kids experience, and how we can become more curious about what's keeping us stuck. Jessica is a powerful force of wisdom and her enthusiasm is contagious! 



    Dr. Carl Hart | On Being and Seeing the Human

    Dr. Carl Hart | On Being and Seeing the Human

    Where can curiosity take you when your brain and belief system are searching for confirmation? How have we become a land driven be fear rather than freedom? And what is necessary to see the humanness in everyone? This and so much more with the incredible Dr. Carl Hart. 

    Dr. Hart is an experimental psychologist specializing in neuropsychopharmacology. He is a ziff professor of psychology at Columbia University and is known for his research in drug use and addiction. Dr. Hart was the first tenured African American professor of sciences at Columbia University, and he has been featured in films such as The House I Lived In and Crack, a Netflix documentary. He is the author of High Price and the recently released book Drug Use for Grown Ups: Chasing Liberty in the Land of Fear.

    In this episode, Dr. L goes beyond the controversy of Dr. Hart's book and explores with him his own journey in using curiosity to fuel alignment with his career and research. They discuss how to explore congruence when judging or making assumptions about another human, the political nature of science, and why it is necessary to consider liberty in all choices. This is a deep dive of epic proportions and an incredible listen. 



    Dr. Danielle McGinnis | When Suffering Meets Spirituality

    Dr. Danielle McGinnis | When Suffering Meets Spirituality

    How do you begin to understand fully the mind-body connection? What does it mean to shift your own trajectory and choose alignment over your own ‘shoulds’? And what happens when suffering meets spirituality? An incredible deep dive with Dr. Danielle McGinnis.

    Dr. Danielle McGinnis is a Doctor of Physical Therapy turned integrative embodiment coach. She is an advocate for humanity and is interested in helping individuals move through in a more expressive and expansive way. Dr. Danielle is currently pursuing a phd in depth psychology and archetypal studies and incorporates depth psychological principles into her work. oftentimes, deep healing reveals itself when we don’t flatten our embodied experience into a box. Her job is to provide you with safe space and guidance as you learn to discover this deeper problem and work creatively and dynamically with it in order to draw you into a deeper exploration of the mystery and meaning of your life.

    On this episode of Curious Minds, Dr. Danielle and Dr. L take a deep dive into spirituality, the mind/body connection, and suffering. They explore all of the ways that we listen to intuition and what happens when we don’t, what is required to shift course, and how lessons are being lobbed our way at various moments in time - but it is up to us to listen to them. This is an episode that may best be listened to twice and with a pencil, as the nuggets of wisdom that Dr. Danielle shares are of tremendous value.



    Evan DeMarco | Being and Becoming Complete

    Evan DeMarco | Being and Becoming Complete

    How do you navigate what matters to you in a way that is meaningful? What are the best ways to explore the passions that you crave? And, what does it mean to explore and make curiosity your best asset? This and more with the ultimate game changer, Evan DeMarco.

    Evan DeMarco is a leading sports medicine and nutrition expert, published author, public speaker and frequent guest on television, radio, and digital platforms. He is the co-founder of Complete Human, a platform that seeks to cross cultural boundaries and embrace the uniqueness of all people on this planet while shining a light on the major issues of our time. He is also the host of the Complete Human podcast. 

    On today's episode, Evan and Dr. L get curious about all things being and becoming complete. They explore how social media is shaping our own stories, how we can move what matters to us into a meaningful pursuit, and how we use curiosity with others to activate powerful conversations. This episode will leave you curious yourself about what mark you want to leave on the world and how you want to show up.


