
    About this Episode

    In Egyptian Mythology, Apep was the serpent of chaos, lies, and delusion. Every day, Ra’s Sun Barque floats across the sky, and as he reaches the end and night begins to fall, the writhing black serpent known as Apep appears and threatens to end the day forever. It is Set who then strides forth with his spear to do battle with Apep, dispelling chaos and delusion so that the sun may rise again. When Set does battle with Apep, he signifies the principle of consciousness and truth doing battle with the principle of lies and delusion. The ancient Zoroastrians knew of the force of Apep and called it ‘The Druj’ – which literally means ‘The Lie.’ This principle will come into play in a very material sense when we activate Engine S2, but as a preliminary step, we need to do some clean-up in the psychic sense. Consider this a form of mental house-keeping. Imagine for a moment that the individual mind-body complex could be represented by a house; clearing out lies and delusion might be considered the same as clearing out your basement or garage. Now imagine that the Nebu Generator is actually a large machine that you will need to keep in your basement or garage, where you can safely fire up the three engines of the Generator, and keep them running. You need to clear out the space so the Generator will have a place to run safely and efficiently. It is the same in the psychic sense – you will need to make room for the Nebu Generator to exist and function, and you will need to make mental space for it. Once it’s running, your biggest threat is the dirt, grease, and grime it will accumulate over time. You will need to return to clean your house and the Generator periodically, just as Set must do battle with Apep through the darkness of every single night. Let’s start with the idea of cleaning your house – where ever it is you might live in the real world - in a very literal sense. Do you make your bed in the morning? Do you vacuum, dust, pick-up debris regularly? Your house/primary dwelling-space is a representation of your psyche – if you can’t clean your room, how can you expect to clean your psyche? Learn to start with the simple, obvious, and tangible items. Seriously, after your own honest self-assessment, you will realize you need to clean your room. You need to focus on this first, because if you don’t, the chaos of Apep will already be clouding your

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