
    Daily Flow

    enApril 24, 2023

    About this Episode

    What is something you can do every day so you can get to the productive state? 


    Daily Flow — Morning


    Check calendar

    • Note today’s appointments/locations - check in with people to confirm?
    • Note travel time - how long does it actually take to get to these places?
    • Meals - what am I going to eat?
    • 60-90 minutes of clarifying and organizing - do I have this?
    • Rest/recharge time
    • Planed time to go to sleep


    Review Next Actions Lists

    • Put your eyes across your options for when you go to do work
    • Pull out any critical action steps
    • “You can only feel good about what you’re not doing when you know what you’re not doing.” 


    Review Waiting For Lists

    • Anyone you need to ping today?



    • Anything pop 


    Ins to zero

    • Clear out your inboxes (task manager, paper, email, slack, etc) 


    Daily Flow — Evening


    Check calendar

    • What actually happened today?
    • What’s happening tomorrow?
    • Anything to communicate with spouse, family, friends, coworkers?



    • Anything that might keep you awake tonight?
    • What has your attention the most? 

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    Daily Flow

    Daily Flow

    What is something you can do every day so you can get to the productive state? 


    Daily Flow — Morning


    Check calendar

    • Note today’s appointments/locations - check in with people to confirm?
    • Note travel time - how long does it actually take to get to these places?
    • Meals - what am I going to eat?
    • 60-90 minutes of clarifying and organizing - do I have this?
    • Rest/recharge time
    • Planed time to go to sleep


    Review Next Actions Lists

    • Put your eyes across your options for when you go to do work
    • Pull out any critical action steps
    • “You can only feel good about what you’re not doing when you know what you’re not doing.” 


    Review Waiting For Lists

    • Anyone you need to ping today?



    • Anything pop 


    Ins to zero

    • Clear out your inboxes (task manager, paper, email, slack, etc) 


    Daily Flow — Evening


    Check calendar

    • What actually happened today?
    • What’s happening tomorrow?
    • Anything to communicate with spouse, family, friends, coworkers?



    • Anything that might keep you awake tonight?
    • What has your attention the most? 
    Energy and Focus
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    Here is a link to the productivity tool mindmap I use to visualize this process:


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