
    Daily Wire Backstage: America’s Identity Crisis

    enSeptember 13, 2023
    What cultural trend regarding villains was discussed by the Daily Wire group?
    How has the Steven Avery case impacted public perception?
    What do the speakers suggest about critical thinking in today's media?
    What concerns were raised about President Joe Biden's age and performance?
    How do opinions differ on implementing age limits for political leaders?

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing the dangerous trend of viewing villains as heroesBe cautious of blurred lines between fact and fiction, and use critical thinking to separate truth from conspiracy theories.

      There's a growing cultural trend to view villains as heroes, even in real life, and this can be dangerous. This was discussed during a recent episode of Daily Wire Backstage, where Michael Knowles and his guests, including Candace Owens, Ben Shapiro, and Matt Walsh, talked about the Steven Avery case and the impact of documentaries on public perception. The group noted how the line between fiction and reality is becoming blurred, and people are willing to believe conspiracy theories presented in documentaries over facts. They also discussed the case of Steven Avery, who was convicted of murder despite having multiple fiances in prison and a cult following. The group emphasized the importance of having a well-developed BS detector and being able to separate fact from fiction. They also touched on the phenomenon of people wanting to marry or support psychopathic killers, which was highlighted in the Steven Avery case. Overall, the discussion underscored the need for critical thinking and fact-checking in today's media landscape.

    • The Importance of Institutional Trust in True Crime CasesTrue crime cases, like Making a Murderer, can challenge our beliefs about the justice system, but it's crucial to understand the complexities and human errors involved to separate fact from fiction.

      The true crime genre, as showcased in the Making a Murderer case, highlights the importance of institutional trust and the potential consequences of mistrust. The case, like the Free Britney movement, can make us question what we know and believe in the justice system. However, it's crucial to remember that if we don't understand the system, we may misconstrue evidence and create alternative narratives. The media, including documentaries and podcasts, can exploit this mistrust and fuel conspiracy theories. It's essential to recognize that police work is not like what we see in movies or on TV. Mistakes are made, and human error is inevitable. Understanding this can help us navigate the complexities of the justice system and separate fact from fiction.

    • Discussing the implications of harmful actions and motivesAcknowledging and addressing harmful actions is crucial, regardless of motives or background.

      Justifications and excuses do not negate the fact that harmful actions were taken. The discussion revolved around a man's disturbing behavior towards his dog, his family, and the murder of Theresa Halbach. Despite his past in prison, the question of his motives and the implications of his actions towards a young man, Brendan Dassey, who was involved in the crime at a young age, was raised. The moral dilemma of whether to let a youth offender go free or keep them in prison was debated, with the consensus being that neither option is just or safe for society. The importance of acknowledging and addressing harmful actions, regardless of the circumstances or background of the perpetrator, was emphasized.

    • Age and Responsibility: A Complex IssueSociety's inconsistent views on age and responsibility can lead to confusion and tension, especially regarding criminal responsibility and societal norms. Tools like the Grillblazer offer convenience and versatility, while ongoing political tensions continue to shape our world.

      Our society's perspectives on responsibility and age can be inconsistent, leading to confusion and debate. For instance, a 16-year-old can be considered an adult for some things but not for others, like joining the military or committing a crime. This inconsistency can cause tension and confusion, especially when it comes to criminal responsibility. Additionally, the speaker mentioned the societal normalization of certain behaviors, such as hormone treatment for transgender individuals and the lack of responsibility assigned to them for certain actions. These issues can lead to a blurring of lines regarding age and responsibility, creating a complex and nuanced issue. Moving on, the speaker also discussed the importance of tools like the Grillblazer, which can help us navigate various situations, such as lighting charcoal grills or even experimenting with candles. The Grillblazer offers convenience and versatility, making it an essential tool for outdoor enthusiasts and professional chefs alike. Lastly, the speaker touched on the ongoing impeachment discussions regarding President Joe Biden. While the details of the allegations against him are not yet clear, the speaker questioned the wisdom of pursuing another impeachment inquiry, given the frequency of such proceedings in recent history. The situation remains uncertain, but it serves as a reminder of the political tensions and complexities that continue to shape our world.

    • Republicans consider impeachment inquiry against BidenLack of legal significance, potential political harm, ongoing FBI investigation, insufficient support, and ethical concerns are factors influencing the decision to pursue an impeachment inquiry against President Biden.

      The decision to pursue an impeachment inquiry against President Biden lacks legal significance and may not be politically advantageous for the Republicans. The term "impeachment inquiry" does not grant any additional powers to Congress and can be declared without a vote. Moreover, if the Republicans do not have sufficient support among their ranks, pursuing an impeachment inquiry could make them appear vindictive and foolish. The ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden by the FBI provides a more effective reason for withholding information from the public, and the plan seems to be to keep the investigation going until the statute of limitations runs out. The speaker also expressed doubts about the existence of new evidence that could emerge from an inquiry and questioned the ethical implications of using a family member as a conduit for bribes. Ultimately, the decision to pursue an impeachment inquiry against President Biden is a political one, and its success depends on the ability of the Republicans to unite behind the effort and convince the American public of its necessity.

    • The debate over age limits for political leadersOlder politicians face challenges in leading effectively, but age limits are a complex issue, with some arguing for and against them, ultimately emphasizing the importance of evaluating the capabilities and effectiveness of political leaders at all ages

      There's ongoing debate about the potential implications of the age of political leaders and whether there should be age limits in office. Some argue that older politicians, such as President Joe Biden, may face challenges in effectively leading and addressing the needs of a modern society. They point to the lengthy tenure of many politicians and the potential for declining health and cognitive abilities as they age. Others argue against age limits, believing that the voters should decide who is fit to serve. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of considering the capabilities and effectiveness of political leaders at all ages and the potential benefits and drawbacks of age limits.

    • Unease over advanced age in presidencySpeakers discussed concerns about presidents not facing consequences due to age, contrasted Biden's perceived decline with Trump's energy, debated age vs competency tests, and discussed cultural dominance of older generations in politics.

      The discussion revolved around the age requirement for presidency and the current state of political leadership, specifically regarding President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. The speakers expressed unease about a president who won't face the consequences of their actions due to their advanced age. They acknowledged Trump's mental acuity and energy during his presidency, contrasting it with Biden's perceived decline. While they agreed on the need for competency, they debated whether an age test or a competency test would be more suitable. They also touched upon the cultural issue of the dominance of older generations in politics and the lack of new ideas. The speakers argued that Biden's age is less problematic than his poor performance and corrupt policies. They also disagreed on the effectiveness of the age attack against Biden, with some believing it would not play a significant role in the upcoming election. They raised concerns about polling data, specifically regarding Biden's support among minorities and the enthusiasm gap between the two parties.

    • 2024 Presidential Race: A Bitter ContestTrump's base remains strong despite ongoing investigations. Perceived political motivations could sway voters towards him, and primaries favor him. An upset is possible but requires a strong campaign and early knockout.

      The 2024 presidential race is shaping up to be a bitter contest between the two major parties, with Donald Trump currently holding a strong lead due to his ability to mobilize both Republican and Democratic voters. The ongoing indictments and trials against Trump may not affect his base, but could potentially bring out more support. A significant number of Americans believe these prosecutions are politically motivated, which could sway independents and even some Democrats towards Trump. The primaries, particularly in South Carolina, are set up to favor Trump, with potential challengers drawing support from each other. Despite this, some believe there's still a chance for an upset, but it would require a strong campaign and early knockout of Trump. Overall, the election is widely viewed as an unwanted rematch, and the outcome could have serious consequences for the political landscape.

    • A young woman's tragic decision leads to fatal consequencesMaking rational decisions, especially during high-stress situations, can save lives. Proper police procedures and respecting the value of life are crucial.

      Dangerous decisions can have tragic consequences. A young pregnant woman, Takiyah Young, robbed a liquor store and, when confronted by the police, refused to comply and drove off, leading to a fatal confrontation. Her actions, fueled by poor decision making and potentially influenced by external factors, resulted in her death and the potential harm to the officers involved. It's a reminder that making reasonable choices, especially during high-stress situations, can save lives. Additionally, the incident underscores the importance of proper police procedures and the potential consequences of deviating from them. The incident is a sad reminder of the importance of valuing one's own life and the life of others, and the potential long-term consequences of our actions.

    • Societal and individual factors contributing to crimeThe root causes of crime are complex, involving societal and individual factors, and require a holistic approach to address, with policy makers taking the most responsibility.

      The complex issue of crime and societal failure, as highlighted in the discussion, can be traced back to various factors including individual choices, family dynamics, and societal influences. The speaker emphasizes that this woman's criminal actions were not driven by fear but rather a belief that she was above the law due to societal messages encouraging lawlessness. The family and societal failures are also highlighted as significant contributors to the woman's actions. The media and politicians are criticized for their roles in perpetuating this cycle of blame shifting and misunderstanding of the root causes of crime. Ultimately, the speaker argues that policy makers hold the most responsibility for high crime rates and that the media and law enforcement should work together to address the underlying issues rather than perpetuating a cycle of blame and misunderstanding.

    • Age verification laws for online pornography: Protecting children and upholding free speech?Age verification laws for online pornography aim to protect children from inappropriate content and uphold free speech, but critics argue they're a violation. The First Amendment doesn't cover pornography, and industry reliance on young viewers makes age checks essential.

      Age verification laws for online pornography make sense due to the age restrictions on other items and the potential harm to children. These laws, which require users to prove their age before accessing adult content, have been effective in other industries, such as alcohol and tobacco sales. However, some argue that these laws are a violation of free speech. While this is a complex issue, it's important to note that the First Amendment was intended to protect political and religious speech, not pornography. Furthermore, the porn industry's business model relies on attracting young viewers, making age verification laws crucial to protect children from inappropriate content. Despite some criticisms, such as the difficulty of enforcing these laws and the industry's ability to bypass them, stronger measures, such as device-level age verification, can help address these concerns. Ultimately, the goal is to protect children from harmful content and potentially bankrupt the porn industry.

    • Perspective on Sexual Expression and its Impact on SocietyThe left views sexual expression as an essential aspect of personality, while the right sees it as secondary. The impact of pornography on children and societal desensitization is a concern, potentially linked to a shift from viewing humans as rational beings to primarily sexual beings.

      According to the discussion, there's a significant difference in perspective between the left and right when it comes to the role of sexual expression in society. The left sees sexual expression as an essential aspect of personality, while the right sees it as secondary to ideas, politics, and cultural values. The conversation also touched on the issue of pornography and its impact on children, particularly when they're exposed to it at a young age. The woman expressed her concern about the desensitization to pornography in society and how it contributes to various social ills. She believes that the root cause of these issues lies in the shift from viewing humans as rational beings to seeing them as primarily sexual beings, as suggested by Freud and Nietzsche. Ultimately, the discussion underscores the importance of considering the philosophical and theological foundations of social issues and their potential consequences.

    • Sexual Impulses and Personality: A Complex InterplaySexual impulses influence personality, but societal norms and personal experiences also play significant roles in shaping values and behavior.

      The idea of sexual impulses shaping personality, as proposed by Freud, is partially false. While it's true that sexual impulses can manifest in mental and moral issues, the notion that society imposes moral values and suppresses native instincts, as Freud suggested, is flawed. Freud failed to establish the origin of societal norms and instead focused on the conflict between the sexual and moral impulses. Moreover, the discussion highlighted the impact of societal changes on values and norms, with the example of the mainstreaming of pornography leading to concerns about its effects on younger generations. The speaker also shared personal experiences and observations about societal attitudes towards marriage and divorce. In essence, the conversation emphasized the importance of understanding the complex interplay between individual impulses, societal norms, and personal experiences in shaping one's personality and values.

    • The allure and potential harm of the 'dink culture' on TikTokThe 'dink culture' on TikTok can be misleading and harmful, especially for young women, leading to a focus on consumerism rather than personal growth or meaningful relationships. It's important to remember that everyone's circumstances and choices are unique and to strive for personal growth and fulfillment.

      The current trend on TikTok, often referred to as the "dink culture" or the "dual income, no kids" lifestyle, can be harmful and misleading, especially for young women. The portrayal of a carefree, effortless life without the responsibilities of marriage or children can be alluring, but it can also lead to a sense of dissatisfaction and a focus on consumerism rather than personal growth or meaningful relationships. The discussion also touched upon the issue of bullying and the way the media and public react to it. The example of a TikTok influencer who mocked married people with children was criticized for her attitude, but she also received a significant amount of attention and coverage, which only perpetuated the cycle of negativity. It's important to remember that everyone's circumstances and choices are unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach to life. Being single and childless at a young age can offer certain freedoms and opportunities, but it's not inherently better or worse than any other lifestyle. The key is to make the most of the time and resources we have, and to strive for personal growth and fulfillment, rather than simply being a consumer.

    • The Misconception of SinglenessSociety's pressure to conform to certain aspirations, such as marriage and children, is unrealistic and wrong. Singleness does not equate to narcissism or emptiness, and individuals can find fulfillment and contribute to society in various ways.

      The discussion revolves around the perception of single life and the societal pressure to conform to certain aspirations, such as getting married and having children. The speaker argues that it's unrealistic and wrong for society to expect everyone to aspire to the same lifestyle, and that singleness does not equate to narcissism or emptiness. Instead, there are numerous ways to contribute to society and find fulfillment, regardless of relationship status. The speaker also criticizes shows like "Whatever" for targeting individuals who are victims of societal pressures, particularly women, and for promoting a culture that devalues those who don't fit the norm. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of recognizing and respecting individual choices and the need for a society that values a diverse range of lifestyles.

    • The Principle of Serving and Caring for OthersAristotle believed happiness comes from active engagement in life, and taking on responsibilities like parenthood is necessary for personal growth and societal progress.

      Everyone, regardless of circumstances, is called to serve in a nurturing role, be it fatherhood or motherhood, in some capacity. Traditional forms of these roles may not apply to everyone, but the principle of serving and caring for others remains essential. Happiness, according to Aristotle, is achieved through active engagement in life, not passive consumption. The speaker expresses concern for a woman who denies the importance of obligations and responsibilities, seeing it as a failure of older generations to pass on the importance of parenthood and growth. The speaker believes that taking risks and facing challenges, such as those presented by parenthood, is necessary for personal growth and the preservation of civilization. The speaker, who homeschools her kids, emphasizes the importance of taking on these responsibilities and not shying away from the challenges they bring.

    • Homeschooling for values and cultural awarenessParents believe in the importance of addressing cultural issues and nurturing biology and sociology for a fulfilling life, leading to the decision to homeschool for values and personal growth.

      The discussion revolved around the decision to homeschool children due to concerns about the American education system and the potential negative influences outside the home. The speakers expressed their belief that the previous generation failed to communicate important values, leading to a need for parents to take a stand. They emphasized the importance of addressing cultural issues and nurturing biology and sociology for a fulfilling life. The speakers also acknowledged the potential for misery in parenthood but emphasized the opportunity for joy and the importance of making deliberate choices. Ultimately, they encouraged engagement and purpose over ease and floating free of responsibilities.

    • Parenting and Happiness: A Complex RelationshipParents may report lower happiness levels but experience higher fulfillment from raising children. The pursuit of happiness involves finding deeper meaning and purpose in actions that benefit society, rather than just momentary feelings.

      While happiness and fulfillment often coincide in various areas of life, there is a significant divergence when it comes to parenting. While single people may report feeling happy, those with multiple children often report lower happiness levels. However, fulfillment levels are higher for parents due to the deeper meaning and purpose derived from raising children. The pursuit of happiness, as it was originally intended, goes beyond momentary feelings and involves finding meaning and purpose in actions that benefit society. The ongoing debate about a proposed bill in California, which could impact custody battles based on a parent's acceptance of their child's gender identity, raises ethical concerns and potential unintended consequences. Ultimately, it's crucial to question the values we uphold and consider the potential long-term consequences of our actions.

    • Parenting Involves Saying No and Setting BoundariesWhile affirming children is crucial, parents must also set boundaries and say no for their safety and wellbeing. Society's increasing pressures and regulations threaten traditional values and parenting styles, leading some families to consider relocating.

      While affirming children is important, it's not the only role of a parent. In fact, 90% of parenting involves saying no and setting boundaries for the safety and wellbeing of the child. However, in today's society, there are increasing pressures and regulations that make it difficult for traditional values and parenting styles to thrive. This was a major reason why the speaker moved his family out of California. The government's overreach into family life is a concern, as they are trying to regulate even homeschooling and private schools to conform to their agenda. The speaker urges parents to consider their survival instincts and seriously consider leaving if they feel their values are not being respected. The situation is not only concerning but terrifying for every parent, and an exodus is happening, but it may not be happening fast enough.

    • Cultural Shift: A Threat to Traditional ValuesThe current cultural trend towards radical self-expression, radical inclusion, and immediacy threatens traditional values and is being imposed upon the next generation, potentially with devastating consequences.

      The current cultural shift towards radical self-expression, radical inclusion, and immediacy, as exemplified by events like Burning Man, is a cause for concern. This culture, which values individual freedom above all else, is being imposed upon the next generation and threatens to undermine traditional values. The left is actively working to instill their beliefs in children, often at the expense of parental autonomy. This cultural dominance is defined and reinforced by media and entertainment industries, leading to a situation where good is considered bad and vice versa. The comparison to historical events, such as the Holocaust, may seem extreme, but the idea of a society that turns against its own values is a chilling prospect. The consequences of this cultural shift could be far-reaching and potentially devastating. It is essential that conservatives and traditionalists engage in the ongoing cultural battle and inculcate their values in the next generation to counteract this trend.

    • Actions have natural consequencesConsidering the potential risks and consequences of our actions is crucial for personal and societal well-being.

      Our actions have consequences, as discussed in relation to ancient pagan practices and modern societal issues. The Bible warns against participating in harmful cultures, not as a threat of divine retribution, but as a reminder of the natural consequences of such actions. This concept applies to contemporary issues, such as the disregard for children and the consequences of ideological chocolate production. Additionally, history shows that ignoring the natural consequences of actions can lead to negative societal outcomes. For instance, Riza Bellucci's determination to cross the Atlantic Ocean in a hamster wheel resulted in multiple arrests, highlighting the importance of considering the potential risks and consequences of our actions.

    • Desire for adventure and innovation can face resistancePeople's dreams and unconventional pursuits should be encouraged, not stifled, despite potential opposition from authorities or societal norms.

      People's desire for adventure and innovation, no matter how unconventional, can be met with resistance and even legal obstacles. The story of the man and his hamster wheel serves as a reminder of this, as his dream was shut down by the Coast Guard for seemingly no reason other than jealousy or fear of the unknown. This desire to push boundaries and explore new frontiers, whether it's in the depths of the ocean or through unconventional means, is a natural human instinct that should be encouraged rather than stifled. The discussion also touched on various topics, including the importance of dreams, the role of authorities, and the impact of media on public opinion. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of questioning authority and staying curious, even in the face of adversity.

    • Media and public perception in criminal trialsThe media and public perception can significantly shape the narrative of criminal trials, particularly when it comes to race and celebrity.

      The documentary "Making a Murderer" raises important questions about the role of media and public perception in shaping the narrative of criminal trials, particularly when it comes to race and celebrity. The discussion also touched upon personal experiences and the impact of the OJ Simpson case on public opinion, as well as the significance of religious holidays like Halloween and their connection to pagan traditions. The group expressed differing opinions on the spookiness of the season and the significance of dressing up for Halloween, with some emphasizing the religious aspects and others embracing the fun and creativity of costumes. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complex and multifaceted nature of popular culture and its influence on our perceptions of justice and identity.

    • Finding common ground during holidays and supporting loved onesMaintain respectful boundaries, stand by truth, and have faith for bridging gaps during holidays and transgender issues. Stand up for beliefs even if alone in the family.

      While families may have different traditions and beliefs during holidays like Halloween, it's essential to find common ground and support each other. Some families may see Halloween as a fun commercial invention, while others may view it as having deep religious significance. Regarding transgender issues, it's crucial to stand by the truth and support loved ones while maintaining respectful boundaries. Matt Walsh advises not to submit to delusions and to have faith that things will work out in the long run. While it may be difficult in the short term, ultimately, love and truth can help bridge the gap. Additionally, the discussion touched on the importance of standing up for what one believes in, even if it means being the only one in the family with that perspective.

    • Expressing concern and providing guidance in loveLove doesn't mean supporting harmful decisions. Speak up when someone's making a mistake without condemning or rejecting them.

      Love does not mean unconditional support for harmful decisions. Instead, it's about expressing concern and providing guidance to those we care about, even if it's difficult. The Bible's message about not placing a stumbling block in front of a blind person applies here – it's essential to speak up when someone is making a mistake, not just go along with it. Furthermore, there are various ways to communicate love and concern without condemning or rejecting someone. The discussion also touched on the complexities of marriage, particularly in the Catholic faith, where annulments can be sought if a marriage was not valid in the first place. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of taking relationships seriously and being willing to work through challenges rather than giving up or giving in.

    • Navigating the Challenges of Finding Meaningful RelationshipsBuild a network of friends, utilize relationship-focused platforms or traditional matchmaking methods, and prioritize mutual respect, understanding, and shared values for successful relationships.

      The current dating landscape, particularly through dating apps, can be challenging for those seeking meaningful relationships based on shared values and cultural backgrounds. The fear of misinterpretation, harassment, and societal pressures can deter both men and women from pursuing relationships. However, building a network of friends, particularly married ones, and utilizing relationship-focused platforms or traditional matchmaking methods can increase the chances of finding a compatible partner. It's essential to remember that the value of a relationship lies in mutual respect, understanding, and shared values, rather than societal pressures or trends.

    • Societal Expectations and Finding a PartnerPersonal growth and shared values are essential for successful relationships. Focusing on chastity, self-improvement, and common interests can increase the chances of finding a compatible partner.

      The imbalance in societal expectations for marriage age between men and women in certain communities can lead to difficulties in finding a partner. The speaker suggests that returning to traditional values, specifically chastity before marriage, could help rectify this issue. Additionally, focusing on self-improvement through working on one's appearance and virtues is essential to increase the chances of attracting a suitable partner. The speaker shares their personal experience of making mistakes in their past relationships but eventually finding a virtuous partner. They also express skepticism towards the Darwinian theory of evolution and the concept of animals giving birth to humans with human souls. Instead, they believe in the importance of common values and interests in finding a compatible partner. Overall, the key takeaway is that focusing on personal growth and shared values can lead to successful relationships.

    • Punctuated Equilibrium: Sudden Species AppearanceThe evolutionary process involves stable periods followed by sudden explosions of new species, challenging the idea of a gradual, God-ordained creation process.

      The evolutionary process is not a smooth, gradual scale as classically understood, but rather, it involves periods of stability followed by sudden explosions of new species, a concept known as punctuated equilibrium. This idea challenges the notion that God must have created life in a certain way, as He has the freedom to use any mechanism He chooses. The existence of preexisting DNA before these explosions raises questions about the origin of this material, but ultimately, the belief in God's ability to create however He desires remains unshaken. The debate over evolution often centers around the concept of randomness, which is a challenge for some, but the larger question for some is the potential for devolution rather than evolution itself. While the validity of evolution as a scientific theory is a subject of ongoing debate, the belief in a common ancestry for all life, as asserted by Pope Pius XII, holds spiritual significance.

    • The Significance of the Belief in a Common Monogenesis of Human BeingsThe belief in a common human origin, whether literal or metaphorical, doesn't negate the Bible's deeper truths about the human condition and our relationship with God.

      The belief in a common monogenesis of human beings, the idea that we all descended from a literal Adam and Eve, is significant for various aspects of human life, including political life, human solidarity, and theological concepts like original sin and salvation history. However, if science were to prove that humans evolved separately but in the same places and then intermingled, it wouldn't negate the fundamental messages in the Genesis story, according to the speaker. The Genesis story, as they see it, is meant to convey the human condition of attempting to supplant God's logic with our own, leading to our expulsion from a state of innocence. The speaker emphasizes that the Bible's truth remains regardless of the historical accuracy of the story of Adam and Eve. They also mention that they view the stories of Cain and Abel, and Noah in the same way. The speaker acknowledges that there might have been an Adam and Eve, but they are not dogmatic about the details and believe the Bible's deeper truths remain unchanged.

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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


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    Today’s Sponsors:


    Balance of Nature - Get 35% off Your Order + FREE Fiber & Spice Supplements. Use promo code KNOWLES at checkout: https://www.balanceofnature.com/


    Lumen - Get 15% off your purchase! http://go.lumen.me/KNOWLES


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    Ep. 1561 - Woke University Targets Michael Knowles

    Ep. 1561 - Woke University Targets Michael Knowles

    The University of Buffalo permanently denounces me for saying that men and women are different, Tulsi Gabbard endorses President Trump, and California tries to mandate taxpayer funding for homosexual IVF.


    Click here to join the member-exclusive portion of my show: https://bit.ly/4biDlri




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    Get your BRAND NEW 2nd Generation Jeremy’s Razor here: https://amzn.to/3KfSEFc


    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


    Get 35% off an Annual Membership NOW with code FIGHT: https://dailywire.com/subscribe


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    Today’s Sponsors:


    Birch Gold - Text “KNOWLES” to 989898, or go to https://birchgold.com/knowles, for your no-cost, no-obligation, FREE information kit. Qualifying purchases will get an exclusive GOLDEN Truth Bomb.


    PureTalk - Get one year free of DW+ Insider: http://www.PureTalk.com/Knowles


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    Ep. 1560 - RFK Jr. & Trump Join Forces Against the Woke Left

    Ep. 1560 - RFK Jr. & Trump Join Forces Against the Woke Left

    RFK Jr. endorses President Trump, young women are bringing veils back to church, and the founder of Telegram is arrested in France.


    Click here to join the member-exclusive portion of my show: https://bit.ly/4biDlri




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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


    Join The Candle Club! Become a Founding Member for 20% OFF, plus receive an exclusive members box with limited-edition candle at https://TheCandleClub.com.


    Get 35% off an Annual Membership NOW with code FIGHT: https://dailywire.com/subscribe


    Order your Mayflower Cigars here: https://bit.ly/3Qwwxx2 (Must be 21+ to purchase. Exclusions may apply)


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    Today’s Sponsors:


    Good Ranchers - Get the Michael Knowles box: https://www.goodranchers.com/dailywire. Use code KNOWLES for additional savings.


    Hillsdale College - Enroll for FREE today at https://www.hillsdale.edu/knowles


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    "They Treat You Like The Mob" Libs Try To JAIL Trump Teams | Jeff Clark

    "They Treat You Like The Mob" Libs Try To JAIL Trump Teams | Jeff Clark

    In this explosive interview, Michael Knowles sits down with former Trump DOJ official Jeff Clark to discuss the shocking tactics being used to try and jail members of Trump's inner circle, revealing the intense pressure and legal battles they face. Clark, who has been at the center of these attacks, provides firsthand insights into the political warfare being waged and what it means for the future of American justice.

    Michael Knowles REACTS to Conspiracies | YES or NO with Luke Rudkowski

    Michael Knowles REACTS to Conspiracies | YES or NO with Luke Rudkowski

    In this thrilling episode of "YES or NO," Michael Knowles sits down with renowned conspiracy theorist and journalist Luke Rudkowski to delve into some of the most popular and controversial conspiracy theories. From government cover-ups to secret societies, watch as Michael reacts to these intriguing ideas. Will he dismiss these theories, or do some of them hold a kernel of truth? Find out as these two dive deep into the world of conspiracies in a fast-paced, no-holds-barred discussion.



    Today's Sponsor:



    Hallow - Download the Hallow app and get 3 months free at https://hallow.com/Knowles

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    Our theme song was written and performed by Anna Bosnick. If you’d like to support the show on a per episode basis, you can find our Patreon page here.  Be sure to check our website for more details.

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    D. B. Cooper, the Parachute Pirate [True Crime Special]

    Dan Cooper is the pseudonym of an unidentified man who hijacked a Boeing 727 aircraft in the northwest United States, in the airspace between Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington, on the afternoon of Wednesday, November 24, 1971.[1][2] The man purchased his airline ticket using the alias Dan Cooper but, because of a news miscommunication, became known in popular lore as D. B. Cooper. He extorted $200,000 in ransom (equivalent to $1,260,000 in 2019) and parachuted to an uncertain fate. Despite an extensive manhunt and protracted FBI investigation, the perpetrator has never been located or identified. It remains the only unsolved case of air piracy in commercial aviation history.

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