
    Daily Wire Backstage: Barbiegate and other Kenspiracies.

    enAugust 02, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Challenges in proving Trump's intent in Capitol riots indictmentDespite the January 6th Capitol riots indictment against Trump, proving his intent to subvert the election and the application of legal theories are uncertain.

      The latest indictment against former President Donald Trump on charges related to the January 6th Capitol riots is facing challenges due to the difficulty of proving intent and the application of certain legal theories. The indictment includes charges of conspiracy to defraud the government, obstruction of justice, and civil rights violations, but proving that Trump actively attempted to subvert the election rather than exercising his free speech rights could be a stretch. Additionally, the application of the legal theories in question to this case is not clear-cut. Trump's belief in the validity of his election claims at different points in time could complicate efforts to establish his intent.

    • Trump's Legal Team to Use Multiple Defenses in Ongoing InvestigationsTrump's legal team plans to argue he didn't incite Capitol riot, inflammatory speech isn't prosecutable, and he can't effectively defend in multiple trials at once. Cases include DC indictment, Manhattan DA, and Florida classified documents.

      Donald Trump's legal team is expected to use several defenses in response to the ongoing investigations and potential indictments, including the argument that he did not incite the Capitol riot and that inflammatory speech is not prosecutable. Trump's team also plans to argue that he cannot effectively mount a defense in multiple trials at once, particularly during an election cycle. The ongoing investigations include the DC indictment, the Manhattan DA's case, and the Florida classified documents case, with the latter being considered the most dangerous for Trump due to the potential for a damning jury verdict. Trump's legal team is also expected to argue for jury nullification in the Florida case, claiming that the charges are politically motivated and unfairly targeting him. Overall, the legal proceedings against Trump are expected to be lengthy and complex, with the outcome of each case potentially having significant implications for his political future.

    • Legal Issues Surrounding Trump: Complex Issues of Intent and CorruptionThe ongoing legal issues against Trump involve complex issues of intent and corruption, with potential focus on classified documents and perceived double standards.

      The ongoing legal issues surrounding former President Donald Trump involve complex issues of intent, corruption, and the historical precedent of not prosecuting former presidents or opposition leaders. The discussion highlights the defense that it may be difficult to find a significant number of fraudulent votes, and the focus on the classified documents case, which could potentially hinge on the argument that Trump believed he had the power to declassify documents. The conversation also touches upon the perceived double standard in prosecution, with reference to the lack of action against Hillary Clinton for similar actions. The most straightforward explanation for Trump's actions, according to the speaker, is that he keeps things because he likes them. Ultimately, the speaker suggests that the most compelling case against Trump could be his own admission of keeping classified documents, but the perceived corruption within the Biden DOJ could potentially be used as a defense.

    • DOJ's Handling of Hunter Biden Investigation and Other Topics DiscussedPolitical interference concerns in Hunter Biden investigation, potential presidential candidate from prison, importance of 2024 election turnout, abortion pill harm and call to action, and UFO hearings with an open mind

      The DOJ's handling of the Hunter Biden investigation, under Merrick Garland's direction and allegedly at Joe Biden's request, has raised concerns about political interference. Meanwhile, the discussion touched on the possibility of a presidential candidate running from prison and the importance of the 2024 election turnout. Another topic was the abortion pill and its harmful effects, with a call to action for saving babies' lives through Preborn Network. Lastly, a brief mention was made about the UFO hearings ongoing at Capitol Hill, emphasizing the importance of an open mind when evaluating evidence.

    • Skepticism towards Unexplained Sky PhenomenaWhile unexplained sky phenomena may be intriguing, they lack compelling evidence to shift consensus beliefs and require a cautious, evidence-based approach.

      While some individuals claim to have encountered unexplained objects in the sky that defy the laws of physics, and even report finding non-human biologics, the evidence presented is not compelling enough to shift the consensus belief that such claims require substantial and verifiable evidence. The speaker emphasizes that the laws of physics are fundamental and non-negotiable, and that any claims of objects violating these laws must be backed up by solid evidence. The speaker also acknowledges that there could be explanations other than alien spacecrafts for such phenomena, such as optical illusions or radar malfunctions. Ultimately, the speaker encourages a cautious and evidence-based approach to evaluating such claims.

    • The Controversy Surrounding UFOs and Extraterrestrial LifeDespite ongoing debate, the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrial life remains unproven. Some attribute reported sightings to natural phenomena or human error, while others believe in government cover-ups or advanced civilizations. The discussion also considered the possibility of demons as non-human entities.

      The existence of extraterrestrial life or UFOs remains a controversial and complex topic, with theories ranging from the possibility of advanced civilizations to spiritual entities. Some argue that evidence, such as reported sightings and alleged encounters, may be explained by natural phenomena or human error. Others suggest that governments and organizations have concealed information about UFOs and extraterrestrial life for various reasons, including national security or the inability to comprehend the implications. The speaker also introduced the idea that demons could be interpreted as non-human entities or extraterrestrial beings. The discussion highlighted the importance of questioning sources of information and considering multiple perspectives. Ultimately, the search for answers continues, with ongoing research and debate among scientists, enthusiasts, and the general public.

    • A heated debate about the Barbie moviePeople deeply care about their beliefs and values, leading to intense discussions and differing opinions, even if it means respecting contradictory viewpoints.

      The ongoing debate about the Barbie movie reveals how deeply people care about their beliefs and values, even if they differ greatly from others. During a conversation, it was discussed that some individuals find the movie to be a feminist triumph, while others see it as anti-feminist. The intensity of these opinions led to passionate arguments, with some even going as far as criticizing or defending the movie financially. Ultimately, the conversation highlights how personal values can shape our perspectives and lead to heated discussions. It also showcases the importance of respecting differing viewpoints, even when they seem contradictory.

    • Exploring feminism and gender roles through Barbie's worldBarbie challenges societal expectations of motherhood and feminism, highlighting the importance of personal growth and experiences beyond societal norms

      "Barbie" explores the concept of feminism and gender roles through the lens of the iconic doll. In the fictional Barbie land, women hold powerful positions, but the presence of a pregnant Barbie is quickly dismissed. Barbie herself expresses a desire for happiness over feminist ideals. The film's central theme revolves around motherhood. Greta Gerwig, the director, challenges the notion of a patriarchy as a made-up concept, and the final scene emphasizes motherhood and the importance of personal growth and experiences outside of societal expectations. Despite Gerwig's past works suggesting conservative leanings, "Barbie" offers a nuanced exploration of gender roles and feminism.

    • Feminist Criticism of 'Barbie' Movie and Director Greta GerwigSome feminists criticize 'Barbie' movie for regressive ending, while others see it as thematic mess. Director Greta Gerwig faces backlash for not presenting nuanced critique or alternative vision, despite identifying as feminist. Coffee, specifically Black Rifle Coffee, plays a role in fueling discussions on feminism and alternative viewpoints.

      There is a growing movement of left-wing women rejecting feminism due to their concerns about the transgender movement. This conversation was sparked by the movie "Barbie," which some argue presents a deep critique of feminism, but others believe is a thematic mess. Regardless of interpretation, the film's ending, which establishes a matriarchy with men in subservient positions, has been criticized as regressive. Director Greta Gerwig, who has identified as a feminist, has been criticized for being trapped by feminist ideology and unable to present a nuanced critique or alternative vision. The conversation also touched on the importance of coffee, specifically Black Rifle Coffee, which fuels the Daily Wire's office and supports veterans. The discussion was a complex exploration of feminism, movies, and the challenges of presenting alternative viewpoints.

    • Exploring Gender and Identity in 'Barbie' Beyond PoliticsGreta Gerwig's 'Barbie' challenges simplistic interpretations of gender roles and invites viewers to consider complex issues related to identity and society.

      The speaker is discussing the complexities of art versus politics, as exemplified in Greta Gerwig's film "Barbie." While some viewers may interpret Gerwig's work as a feminist critique, the speaker argues that it transcends politics and offers a more nuanced perspective. The film explores the idea that women can find happiness without men, but it also challenges this notion and raises questions about the role of women in society. The speaker admires Gerwig's filmmaking abilities and believes that the film is meant for a specific audience, namely upper-class white women. However, the film's message is not as straightforward as some may think, and it invites viewers to consider complex issues related to gender and identity. The presence of a trans character in the film adds another layer to this discussion and challenges simplistic interpretations. Overall, the speaker argues that Gerwig's art is more complex and thought-provoking than traditional political debates.

    • Barbie movie sparks debate on feminist ideals and men's portrayalThe Barbie movie ignited a conversation about the role of feminism in challenging traditional gender roles and the depiction of men, particularly in Barbie's relationship with Ken.

      That the movie "Barbie" raises questions about feminist ideals and the portrayal of men, specifically in the context of Barbie's relationship with Ken. While some argue that Ken represents a problematic patriarchal figure, others see him as a harmless character. The conversation also touched upon the topic of feminism's impact on society, with some arguing that it has led to the destruction of traditional gender roles and the rise of transgenderism. The debate highlighted the complex and nuanced nature of these issues, with some seeing feminism as a positive force for change and others as a destructive one. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the importance of ongoing dialogue and critical thinking when it comes to understanding the complexities of gender and feminist ideology.

    • Myths Debunked: Transgenderism and Oppenheimer's LoyaltyDespite theories linking traditional gender roles to transgenderism and accusations against Oppenheimer's loyalty, evidence from various cultures and historical facts disprove these claims.

      Traditional gender roles did not cause transgenderism as some theorized in the 1970s, as evidence from cultures around the world that practiced these roles for thousands of years shows no existence of transgenderism. Furthermore, Oppenheimer, a key figure in the development of the atomic bomb, was not a communist spy, but his associates raised valid concerns about his potential security risks. The movie "Oppenheimer" explores these topics in depth, offering compelling arguments and spectacular acting. Another topic touched upon is the significant decrease in war deaths since the mid-20th century, a result of the threat of mutually assured destruction. Despite the movie's length, it is worth watching for its fascinating insights and excellent production quality. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the HR lawsuit against The Daily Wire and Hunter Biden's business dealings.

    • Joe Biden's Business Dealings with Son Hunter Could Impact 2024 ElectionRevelations about Biden's involvement in Hunter's business dealings could shift voter perception, potentially impacting turnout and election outcome.

      The ongoing revelations about Joe Biden's involvement in his son Hunter's business dealings could significantly impact the 2024 presidential election. Despite the polls suggesting otherwise, public perception can change rapidly, as seen in the Watergate scandal. Joe Biden's campaign ran on restoring honor and cleaning up corruption, but his character is now an issue. Previous attempts to dismiss allegations, such as "I was never on calls with my son's friends" or "I'm not in business with my son," have been met with questions and counterarguments. The defense that Joe was only discussing weather during business meetings is considered an embarrassingly bad defense. The potential impact of these revelations lies mainly in voter turnout. A high turnout could secure Biden's victory, while a lower turnout could allow a challenger, such as Trump or DeSantis, to sneak by. The defense that Biden might use, "I love my family too much," could also be countered, potentially leading to further damage to his campaign.

    • Joe and Hunter Biden's Relationship Raises Ethical ConcernsThe relationship between Joe and Hunter Biden raises ethical concerns due to Hunter's involvement with Burisma during his father's tenure as Vice President, allegations of influence peddling, and financial entanglements.

      The relationship between Joe and Hunter Biden raises serious questions about potential conflicts of interest and influence peddling. Hunter Biden's involvement with Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, while his father served as Vice President and oversaw U.S. policy towards Ukraine, has been a subject of controversy. Hunter Biden allegedly asked for $83,000 from Burisma to help broker a deal, and he boasted about his access to his father, implying that the vice president could be contacted directly. These allegations suggest a potential quid pro quo arrangement, which could undermine the integrity of U.S. foreign policy. The defense that Hunter Biden's business associates didn't have direct access to Joe Biden is disingenuous, as such access, even indirectly, can still amount to significant influence. The text message from Hunter Biden to his daughter, in which he mentions paying his father's bills, further highlights the financial entanglements between the two men. Overall, the relationship between Joe and Hunter Biden raises serious ethical concerns and underscores the need for transparency and accountability in public office.

    • Acknowledging the complexity of historical eventsRecognizing the full complexity of historical events is crucial for meaningful dialogue and understanding, rather than reducing them to simplistic narratives.

      The ongoing political discourse surrounding education standards and historical contexts, such as slavery, has devolved into a contentious and divisive issue. Accusations of pro-slavery sentiments have been levied against Governor Ron DeSantis for acknowledging that some enslaved people gained skills that benefited them post-slavery. However, this recognition is not a glorification of slavery but rather an acknowledgement of human resilience and adaptability. The media's response to this issue has been criticized for oversimplifying complex historical narratives and engaging in gaslighting tactics. It is essential to recognize the importance of acknowledging the full complexity of historical events, rather than reducing them to simplistic, black-and-white narratives. The ongoing politicization of education standards and historical contexts risks further deepening the divide in our society and hindering meaningful dialogue and understanding.

    • Trump's deep connection with supporters sets him apartTrump's emotional connection to voters, ability to monopolize media attention, and oppositionality make him a formidable force in the Republican primaries.

      Donald Trump's connection with his supporters is deeper and more visceral than that of other politicians, making him a formidable force in the Republican primaries. His ability to tap into the id of the electorate and elicit a strong emotional response from them is a talent that sets him apart from professionals like Ron DeSantis. Trump's leadership in the polls is not just due to his base's loyalty, but also because attacks on him are perceived as personal attacks on his supporters. DeSantis, on the other hand, is starting to improve his campaign, but he lacks the excitement and oppositionality that Trump brings to the table. Trump's dominance in the race is due in part to his ability to monopolize the media's attention and Biden's low poll numbers, which have weakened DeSantis's electability argument. To be competitive, DeSantis needs to consistently challenge the left and position himself as a reliable and effective opponent.

    • Ron DeSantis' electability argument may not be as strong as believedTo stand out against other Republicans, DeSantis needs to engage with media, challenge left, and position himself as outpacing Trump rather than running directly against him.

      Ron DeSantis's electability argument may not be as strong as some believe based on polling data. Additionally, focusing solely on COVID policies and Fauci mentions may not resonate with voters, as people want to move past the pandemic. To stand out against other Republicans, DeSantis needs to engage with the media and challenge the left, similar to how he did during the pandemic debates. However, taking on Donald Trump directly may not be the most effective strategy. Instead, DeSantis could position himself as outpacing Trump rather than running directly against him. This approach could help him appeal to voters who are looking for a strong conservative alternative. Ultimately, success for DeSantis will depend on his ability to effectively communicate his policies and differentiate himself from both the Democratic Party and Trump.

    • Republican Party Strategy: Focus on Agenda or Attack Trump?Some Republicans suggest focusing on conservative agenda rather than attacking Trump, while others debate the timing and legal foundation for impeachment proceedings against Biden.

      The strategy of attacking former President Trump within the Republican Party may not be effective due to his strong connection with the base. Instead, some believe that figures like Ron DeSantis could focus on the conservative agenda and lead the party in a positive direction. Regarding impeachment proceedings against President Biden, there is debate among Republicans about the timing and legal foundation for such an action. Some argue that an impeachment inquiry could be premature and that subpoenaing key figures and obtaining transcripts should come first. Overall, the discussion highlights the complexities and nuances of political strategy and the ongoing debates within the Republican Party.

    • Alliance between tech companies and advertisers sets censorship standardsGARM guidelines lead to censorship, affecting creators and consumers, with potential First Amendment violations.

      There's a powerful alliance called GARM (Global Alliance for Responsible Media) between tech companies and advertisers, which sets strict guidelines for content deemed "not appropriate for advertising." This can lead to censorship and blacklisting from advertising revenue for individuals and organizations, even on independent social media platforms. The consequences extend beyond just news corporations, affecting content creators and consumers alike. For instance, expressing views contrary to the accepted narrative on COVID or gender identity can result in censorship. The left is trying to downplay the severity of this issue, but recent revelations show that Facebook suppressed content at the behest of the Biden administration, which is a clear violation of the First Amendment. Ordinary people, who don't have the same level of protection as content creators, are already living in a censored world. It's crucial for everyone to understand the gravity of the situation and stand up against censorship.

    • People have the power to push back against mandates and censorshipOrdinary people can challenge established institutions, seek out alternative platforms, and support those that align with our values for open dialogue

      Ordinary people, who are disproportionately affected by mandates and censorship, have the power to push back against established institutions if they have the courage to do so. The Biden administration implemented the vaccine mandate strategically, waiting until a significant number of people had voluntarily complied before making it mandatory. In the face of increasing censorship on big tech platforms, it's essential to seek out alternative platforms that value free speech and diverse perspectives. Daily Wire Plus is one such platform, offering exclusive content and a community that isn't afraid to challenge the status quo. As the conversation moves to smaller, more private spaces, it's crucial to support platforms that align with our values and provide a space for open dialogue. The time is ripe to join the movement and become a part of the change.

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    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

    Watch the exclusive Daily Wire Backstage: Presidential Debate post-show as Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Michael Knowles, Andrew Klavan, and Jeremy Boreing dissect Trump's landslide victory and Biden's catastrophic performance that sent the Democratic Party into full-blown panic. Our all-star panel delivers the unvarnished truth about this debate's seismic impact on America's future. Don't miss this no-holds-barred analysis of a night that may have already decided the 2024 election.


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    PreBorn! - Donate today to support PreBorn's life-saving work: https://www.preborn.com/BACKSTAGE


    Boll & Branch - Get 15% off your order at https://www.bollandbranch.com/BEN

    The Matt Walsh Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Ep. 1396 - A System Run By Illiterate Imbeciles

    Ep. 1396 - A System Run By Illiterate Imbeciles

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, a judge in Atlanta was just arrested and removed from the bench after getting into a fight at a nightclub and assaulting a police officer. Again: this woman works as a judge, not a waitress at Waffle House. But, she is just a symptom of a much larger problem. We'll discuss. Also, I'll offer my preview of tonight's presidential debate. Climate protesters attempt a very unique and hilarious method of stopping traffic. And, a guy on Twitter is roundly mocked and ridiculed after offering some unorthodox life advice to young men. As usual, the peanut gallery is wrong.




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    Join us live on Backstage for real-time coverage of the presidential debate TONIGHT at 8:30 PM ET on DailyWire+.


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    Ep. 1395 - A Flock Of Drag Queens Descend On Capitol Hill

    Ep. 1395 - A Flock Of Drag Queens Descend On Capitol Hill

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, yesterday was "Drag Lobby Day" on Capitol Hill as several drag queens descended on our nation's capital to lobby for a host of awful legislation. The whole event was a flop, though, which may tell us something. Also, the Biden Administration promotes another cross-dressing man. The city of Los Angeles cracks down on people who are committing the crime of trying to make their communities safe and livable. And, the first annual "FatCon," a convention for fat people, just happened. I'll have the highlights, in case you were under the weight limit and couldn't attend.




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    Join us live on Backstage for real-time coverage of the presidential debate TOMORROW NIGHT at 8:30 PM ET on DailyWire+.


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    PureTalk - Start saving on wireless! http://www.PureTalk.com/WALSH


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    Ep. 1394 - The Fight Against Child Mutilation Makes It To The Supreme Court

    Ep. 1394 - The Fight Against Child Mutilation Makes It To The Supreme Court

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the Supreme Court will officially hear a challenge to Tennessee's ban on "gender affirming care" for minors. This will be a huge case that could deliver a devastating blow to the trans agenda. Also, CNN kicks a Trump spokesperson off the air for questioning CNN's objectivity ahead of the presidential debate on Thursday. Taylor Swift makes a brave stand against the patriarchy at her most recent concert. And, British academics are researching milk to discover its ties to racism and colonialism.




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    Ep. 1393 - Christian Conservatives Proven Right Once Again As Abstinence 'Trend' Gains Popularity

    Ep. 1393 - Christian Conservatives Proven Right Once Again As Abstinence 'Trend' Gains Popularity

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the media has discovered a hot new trend. It's called abstinence. For years the Left mocked Christian conservatives for promoting abstinence. Now, they're coming around, but for all the wrong reasons. Also, Jamaal Bowman and AOC team up for the cringiest campaign rally of all time. Donald Trump made two campaign promises over the weekend: one very good and one very bad. And, the wife of an NFL quarterback says that she convinced her now-husband to date her by hooking up with his backup. Why would any wife share a story like that?




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    Ep. 1392 - Disney’s Not So Secret Anti-White Agenda

    Ep. 1392 - Disney’s Not So Secret Anti-White Agenda

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, we've heard about Disney's not-so-secret gay agenda. Now, thanks to James O'Keefe, we know more about their not-so-secret anti-white agenda. Also, MSNBC talking heads do their best to explain why classrooms should have pride flags but shouldn't have the Ten Commandments. Their argument is more revealing than they wanted it to be. And, can racism cause cancer? That was the premise of an episode of an NBC medical drama. It was not satire. Not intentionally, anyway.




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    Birch Gold - Text "WALSH" to 989898, or go to https://birchgold.com/WALSH, for your no-cost, no-obligation, FREE information kit.


    Good Ranchers - Get $100 off PLUS FREE smoked brats for a year with promo code WALSH: https://www.goodranchers.com


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    Ep. 1391 - Anti-Human Eco Brats Deface One Of The Oldest Monuments On Earth

    Ep. 1391 - Anti-Human Eco Brats Deface One Of The Oldest Monuments On Earth

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the anti-human climate alarmist brats are at it again. This time, they defaced one of the oldest and most historically significant monuments on the planet. These people don't love the planet. They just hate humanity. Also, Louisiana is mandating a copy of the Ten Commandments for every classroom in the state. The usual suspects are claiming that this is an attack on the First Amendment. I'll explain why that's ridiculous. And, the "bio-hacking" movement continues to grow. These are people who think that dying is a choice, rather than an inevitable fact of human existence.




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    Ep. 1390 - Major Polling Firm Changes Its Own Results After Left-Wing Activists Complain

    Ep. 1390 - Major Polling Firm Changes Its Own Results After Left-Wing Activists Complain

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the term "Orwellian" is overused these days–but, no other word can describe what just happened with a Pew survey finding that a vast majority of black Americans believe in racial conspiracy theories. The findings were so upsetting to activists that Pew went back and changed the report. This is a crazy story that few are talking about. We'll discuss. Also, Donald Trump reportedly floated the idea of abolishing the income tax. That's a great idea that should garner a lot more enthusiasm than it does. And, a democratic congresswoman claims that she miraculously cured cancer. Where are the fact-checkers on this one?




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    Join us live on Backstage for real-time coverage of the presidential debate on 6/27 at 8:30 PM ET on DailyWire+.


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    Balance of Nature - Get 35% off Your Order + FREE Fiber & Spice Supplements. Use promo code WALSH at checkout: https://www.balanceofnature.com/


    Envita Health - Learn more about their treatment options at http://www.EnvitaHealth.com or http://www.Envita.com


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    Pastor Mike Online 09-13-12

    LIVE Webcast airs every Tuesday and Thursday at 1pm CST on PastorMikeOnline.com hosted by Mike Hoggard. Topics include: Emerging Church, Scripture Numerics, Symbols, Giants, Symbology, Conspiracy Theories, UFO's, Last Days' Prophecies, Tongues, Sacred Name Movement, Conspiracies, New World Order, King James Bible, religion, prophecy, and more! Send in your questions during the webcast by using the form on the page or email PastorMikeOnline@gmail.com - Visit http://PastorMikeOnline.com

    Season 2 Episode 10 "Operation Mainbrace" with creator David O'Leary, show runner Sean Jablonski and Aidan Gillen

    Season 2 Episode 10 "Operation Mainbrace" with creator David O'Leary, show runner Sean Jablonski and Aidan Gillen

    Project Blue Book closes another epic season with Hynek & Quinn at sea in "Operation Mainbrace". The Cold War threat looms along with 'ghost ships' and a showdown with Mimi and Susie. Plus, what about that cliffhanger? We address it all with creator David O'Leary, show runner Sean Jablonski and Aidan Gillen.

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    Aloha From "Mars"

    Aloha From "Mars"

    Lynn Levy, host of Gimlet’s ‘The Habitat’, joins Steve and guest host Moiya McTier to talk about the true story of six strangers who were picked to live in a Mars simulation, work together, and have their lives taped.

    Questions Include: How does one become a fake astronaut? Will there be psychological therapy in space? Are the HI-SEAS participants safe? What kind of entertainment do you bring on a Mars simulation? What is it like listening to 200 hours of tape? What makes up a good crew of astronauts? What kinds of conflicts arise during a Mars simulation? Why is there a space simulation in Hawaii? Is being an astronaut boring? Why doesn’t NASA study sex or romantic relationships in space?

    Follow ‘I Need My Space’ on Social Media:

    Twitter: @INeedMySpacePod

    Instagram: @INeedMySpacePod

    FB Group:  I Need My Space Pod

    To continue the conversation from this episode, use the hashtag #INeedMySpace.

    Listen to ‘The Habitat’ on Gimlet: http://www.gimletmedia.com/the-habitat

    And on Apple: https://apple.co/2NJIy08

    Follow Lynn on Twitter: @LynnRLevy

    About Inverse:

    Inverse sparks curiosity about the future. We explore the science of anything, innovations that shape tomorrow and ideas that stretch our minds. Our goal is to motivate the next generation to build a better world.


    ‘I Need My Space’ is an Inverse production hosted by Steve Ward, produced by Sam Riddell, and executive produced by Hannah Margaret Allen and Weston Green. This episode was also produced and hosted by Moiya McTier. Our intro and outro music was created by Andrew Olivares.

    Steve: @stevejohnhenryw

    Moiya: @GoAstroMo

    Andrew: https://soundcloud.com/andrewo

    Other Topics Discussed Include: Gimlet, ‘The Habitat’, Lynn Levy, HI-SEAS, Hawaii, and NASA

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Episode 137: LIVE! The Definitive Preview of the Tournament of Aliens Part I

    Episode 137: LIVE! The Definitive Preview of the Tournament of Aliens Part I
    Live from New York City, The Unbelievable Podcast breaks down the 5th Dimension and Andromeda bracket match-ups in the upcoming Tournament of Aliens. PLUS - Everyone's favorite conspiracy theory game show, 'Why Do I Know This?' returns!

    Fill out your brackets for the Tournament of Aliens here:

    Follow our hosts on Twitter:
    Brian Frange: twitter.com/brianfrange
    Phoebe Tyers: twitter.com/phoebetyers
    Saurin Choksi: twitter.com/saurinchoksi