
    Daily Wire Backstage: Barbiegate and other Kenspiracies.

    enAugust 02, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing Barbie, Hunter Biden, 2024 presidential race, and Trump's indictmentThe latest episode of Daily Wire Backstage tackled various topics, including the indictment of former President Trump on charges of conspiracy, obstruction, civil rights violations, and submitting false electors. Proving these cases could be difficult due to the requirement of intent and Trump's belief in his election claims.

      During the latest episode of Daily Wire Backstage, Ben Shapiro and his team discussed various top stories in politics and pop culture. They touched upon Barbie, Hunter Biden, and the 2024 presidential race. They also welcomed new members and announced breaking news, including the indictment of former President Donald Trump. The indictment includes charges of conspiracy to defraud the government, obstruction of justice, civil rights violations, and submitting false electors. However, the team noted that proving these cases would be challenging due to the requirement of intent and the difficulty of establishing that Trump knew he had lost the election. Trump's belief in his own claims could complicate the legal proceedings.

    • Trump's Legal Team to Use Defense Strategies of No Specific Calls for Illegal Actions and Jury NullificationTrump's legal team plans to argue he didn't specifically call for illegal actions and use jury nullification as a defense in ongoing investigations, particularly in DC case due to potential unfavorable jury and high-profile charges.

      Donald Trump's legal team is expected to use a number of defenses in response to the various ongoing investigations and potential indictments against him. One of these defenses is expected to be that Trump did not make any specific calls for illegal actions, such as the invasion of the Capitol building on January 6th. Another defense is likely to be jury nullification, which would argue that the charges against Trump are politically motivated and unfair, particularly in comparison to the lack of charges against others, like Hillary Clinton. The trial in the District of Columbia is currently seen as the second most risky case for Trump, after the classified documents case in Florida, due to the potential for an unfavorable jury and the high-profile nature of the charges. Trump's team is also expected to argue that he cannot be expected to perform multiple ongoing legal cases at once, particularly during an election cycle.

    • Trump's Classified Docs Case Traced Back to Clinton's Unprosecuted ActionsThe Trump classified documents case is complex, with Trump's defense likely focusing on his intentions and past behavior, while the DOJ's handling of the Hunter Biden case raises concerns about corruption.

      The ongoing legal case against former President Donald Trump regarding the handling of classified documents can be traced back to the lack of prosecution of similar actions by Hillary Clinton. The speaker argues that Trump's defense will be that he was not intending to disseminate the documents to foreign powers, and that the most straightforward explanation for Trump's actions is that he is known for keeping things he likes. The speaker also criticizes the DOJ for their handling of the Hunter Biden case, which they view as corrupt, and suggests that this could be a strong argument for Trump. The speaker expresses nostalgia for a time when former presidents and opposition leaders were not prosecuted, and raises concerns about the implications of arresting a political leader. The most dangerous indictment against Trump remains the classified documents case, but the speaker believes that Trump's defense and the corruption of the Biden DOJ could be his strongest arguments.

    • DOJ Intervention for Hunter Biden and Trump's Presidential AmbitionsThe DOJ's intervention for Hunter Biden could worsen political fallout for President Biden, while Trump could potentially run for president from prison.

      The DOJ, under Merrick Garland's direction, attempted to intervene on behalf of Hunter Biden in a potential criminal investigation, which could worsen the political fallout for President Joe Biden. Meanwhile, the speaker argued that even if Donald Trump were in prison, he could still run for president and potentially win. The conversation then shifted to the abortion pill and the Preborn Network, emphasizing the need for support to help women and save babies. Despite ongoing political controversies and distractions, the speaker emphasized the importance of focusing on turnout numbers in the 2024 election. In a separate topic, the speaker shared thoughts on the UFO hearings, expressing skepticism but acknowledging the potential significance of the evidence presented. Overall, the conversation touched on various topics, from politics and criminal investigations to social issues and the importance of grassroots activism.

    • Claims of UFOs and extraterrestrial life lack compelling evidenceThe scientific community remains skeptical of UFO and extraterrestrial life claims due to lack of compelling evidence, requiring overwhelming proof to shift consensus.

      While some individuals claim to have evidence of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) that defy the laws of physics, the evidence presented so far is not compelling enough to shift the consensus of the scientific community. The claims of non-human biologics found and even potential life forms being discovered are vague and lack concrete evidence. The laws of physics, which are fundamental principles of the physical universe, would need to be defied for these claims to be true. The burden of proof lies on those making the extraordinary claims to provide overwhelming evidence. Until then, it's important to approach such claims with a critical and open-minded perspective, but also with a healthy dose of skepticism.

    • UFOs and Extraterrestrial Life: Origins and ImplicationsTheories about UFOs range from natural phenomena to advanced beings from other galaxies, with some suggesting governments hide evidence. Speaker proposes demons could be mistaken for aliens, adding complexity to the debate.

      The existence of UFOs and extraterrestrial life remains a contentious topic, with theories ranging from optical illusions and radar malfunctions to advanced beings from other galaxies. Some argue that reported sightings are primarily from Western societies with modern technology and access to communication platforms. Others suggest that governments have been hiding evidence of extraterrestrial life for decades. The speaker also presented a personal theory that demons could be mistaken for aliens due to their spiritual nature. The conversation also touched upon the potential reasons for hiding such information, including the government's ability to keep secrets and the societal impact of widespread UFO sightings. The speaker's unique perspective on the topic added an intriguing layer to the discussion, proposing that Alistair Crowley's demonic visions could be linked to extraterrestrial beings. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexity and intrigue surrounding the UFO phenomenon and the ongoing debate about its origins and implications.

    • Debate over Barbie movie reveals deeply held beliefsPeople's reactions to art and media can be influenced by deeply held beliefs, leading to intense debates. It's important to engage in respectful dialogue and consider larger context.

      The debate over the Barbie movie reveals how deeply people's beliefs and values can influence their reactions to art and media. Some see it as a feminist triumph, while others view it as anti-feminist. The intensity of the reactions, whether positive or negative, can sometimes overshadow the actual merit of the movie itself. It's important to remember that everyone has the right to their opinion, but it's also crucial to consider the larger context and potential implications of our criticisms or praise. The discussion also touched upon the idea that some people may be out of touch with the broader audience or may prioritize certain issues over others. Ultimately, it's essential to approach these debates with an open mind and a willingness to engage in respectful and thoughtful dialogue.

    • A nuanced exploration of gender roles and identityThe film challenges traditional feminist narratives, questioning the potential limitations of focusing solely on gender roles while offering a nuanced perspective on motherhood and identity

      The film explores the complexities of gender roles and the concept of choice, with women driving the actions that move the plot forward. However, the central theme of motherhood and the final scene suggest that the film may be critiquing the idea of feminist utopias and the potential limitations of focusing solely on gender roles. Greta Gerwig, the film's director, has been described as having conservative leanings despite her previous work, and the film seems to challenge traditional feminist narratives. Overall, the movie offers a nuanced exploration of gender roles and the complexities of identity.

    • A debate on the critique of feminism in 'Barbie' and its impact on women's rightsSome left-wing women are rejecting feminism due to transgender concerns, sparking a conversation on the film 'Barbie's' intentions and the need for nuanced discussions on gender issues

      There is a growing movement among some left-wing women who are rejecting feminism due to their concerns about the transgender movement and its potential impact on women's rights. This conversation arose during a discussion about a movie, "Barbie," which some argue presents a deep critique of feminism, but others believe is a thematic mess with conflicting messages. The speakers debated the film's intentions and the validity of interpreting it as a critique of feminism. Regardless of the film's intentions, the conversation highlighted the existence of this movement and the need for more nuanced discussions on gender issues. Additionally, the speakers emphasized the importance of black rifle coffee, which fuels their daily work and supports veterans.

    • Exploring gender roles and art in 'Girl on the Train'The film 'Girl on the Train' raises complex issues about gender roles and art, provoking thoughts and challenging perspectives, despite potential harmful stereotypes and exclusion of certain voices.

      The film "Girl on the Train" raises complex issues about gender roles and the intersection of art and politics. The speaker expresses admiration for the filmmaker's ability to create art that explores these themes without being overtly political. However, they also criticize the film for potentially reinforcing harmful stereotypes and excluding certain perspectives. The speaker questions why some audiences, particularly women, might be drawn to the film despite its problematic elements. They suggest that the film's exploration of these issues may be more nuanced and complex than some viewers realize. Ultimately, the speaker sees the film as an example of how art can challenge and provoke, even if it's not always easy to understand or agree with.

    • Feminist Analysis of a Movie's Unsatisfying Depiction of Gender EqualityThe speaker critiques a movie's supposedly feminist message for not challenging traditional gender roles and promoting genuine equality between genders, leading to a heated debate on feminism and its historical connection to transgenderism.

      The discussion revolved around the analysis of a movie and the speaker's perspective on its themes, particularly concerning gender roles and feminism. The movie, which was not identified explicitly, was criticized for promoting a supposedly feminist utopia that was ultimately unsatisfying and unrealistic, as it did not challenge traditional gender roles or promote genuine equality between Barbie and Ken. The speaker also made a controversial statement that feminism has caused more harm than the atom bomb, leading to a heated debate among various groups, including gender critical feminists. The conversation then shifted to the historical connection between feminism and transgenderism, with the speaker arguing that the obliteration of gender roles by feminism paved the way for transgender ideology. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complex and often contentious nature of discussions surrounding gender roles and feminism.

    • Exploring the complexities of Oppenheimer's life and legacyThe film 'Oppenheimer' delves into the historical context of the Cold War era and the ethical dilemmas faced by key figures, including Oppenheimer, during this time. Controversies surrounding his communist ties and the potential threat of the Soviet Union developing the hydrogen bomb are explored.

      The concept of transgenderism is a relatively modern phenomenon, which contrasts with the existence of traditional gender roles across various cultures and civilizations throughout history. Robert Oppenheimer, a key figure in the development of the atomic bomb, has been a subject of controversy regarding his alleged communist ties during the Cold War era. While the authenticity of these allegations is debated, it's clear that Oppenheimer's opponents raised valid concerns about the potential threat of the Soviet Union developing the hydrogen bomb and the concept of mutually assured destruction. The film "Oppenheimer" explores these complex issues, offering compelling insights into the historical context and the ethical dilemmas faced by those involved. The acting and cinematography are also noteworthy. Additionally, the conversation touched upon Mathis's appearance and an advertisement for GenuSell products. The HR lawsuit against Mathis was mentioned, signaling a potential change in his role at the Daily Wire. Hunter Biden's business dealings and his father's involvement also made headlines this week.

    • Biden's 2024 election prospects may change due to scandalsBiden's family corruption allegations and potential challengers could impact his 2024 candidacy, with Trump and others exploiting these issues if Biden runs again, potentially costing him the election if voter turnout decreases.

      The 2024 presidential election could be significantly different from current polling and predictions due to ongoing scandals surrounding Joe Biden and potential challengers. The speaker believes that Biden's corruption allegations, particularly those involving his family, could impact his candidacy and potentially lead to a change in the frontrunner. The speaker also emphasizes that Trump, as well as other potential candidates like DeSantis, would relentlessly exploit these issues if Biden runs again. The speaker argues that Biden's character became an issue in the 2020 election due to Trump's own scandals, but now that the mud has stuck to Biden, it could potentially cost him the election, especially if voter turnout decreases. The speaker also mentions the importance of Maureen Dowd's criticism in the New York Times as a potential feedback channel for Biden.

    • Joe Biden's relationship with Hunter's business dealings in UkraineJoe Biden's close relationship with his son Hunter and Hunter's business dealings in Ukraine during Joe's tenure as Ukraine policy head raise serious conflict of interest concerns.

      The relationship between Joe Biden and his son Hunter's business dealings in Ukraine raises serious questions about potential influence and access to power. Hunter Biden's text message admitting to paying his family's bills, including his father's, is a clear indication of their close relationship. Joe Biden's role in Ukraine policy at the time and his reported interactions with Ukrainian businessmen, despite denials, add to the perception of a potential conflict of interest. The defense that these businessmen had no real access to Joe Biden is dismissed as irrelevant, as any contact or appearance of influence can be significant. The situation is further complicated by the fact that Biden was in charge of Ukraine policy during the time of these business dealings, potentially creating a dance of blackmail between father and son. The debate around these issues should focus on the potential implications of these actions, rather than distractions and unnecessary debates.

    • Florida Education Standards Spark Controversy Over SlaveryThe Florida education standards, which acknowledge the skills acquired by slaves during their enslavement, have sparked controversy over perceived pro-slavery sentiments. Media responses vary, but it's crucial to remember that recognizing human growth doesn't excuse slavery's evils or the responsibility of perpetrators.

      The ongoing debate around Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' education standards involves accusations of pro-slavery sentiments, but the actual standards acknowledge the resilience and skills acquired by slaves during their enslavement. The controversy stems from a line in the AP standards, which is similar to one in Booker T. Washington's work. The media's response to this issue is not consistent, with some allowing attacks on DeSantis while others face intense backlash for criticizing Trump. It's essential to recognize that acknowledging the human capacity to grow and learn during challenging times does not diminish the evil of slavery or the responsibility of those who perpetrated it.

    • Trump's Connection with Supporters and Instinctual Political SkillsTrump's personal connection with supporters and political instincts make him a formidable force in the primary race, while DeSantis needs to differentiate himself from Trump and consistently attack the left to gain ground.

      Donald Trump's ability to connect with people on a visceral level and his instinctual political skills make him a formidable force in the Republican primary race. This connection makes his supporters feel personally invested in him, making it difficult for others to challenge him. Ron DeSantis, on the other hand, is starting to turn things around with his professional handling of attacks and deep understanding of issues. However, he lacks the excitement and oppositionality that Trump's base brings to the table. Trump's dominance in the room and Biden's low poll numbers further hinder DeSantis' chances. To succeed, DeSantis needs to consistently punch the left and differentiate himself from Trump, rather than trying to replicate his style.

    • Ron DeSantis's Unique Selling Proposition Faces ChallengesDeSantis may need to shift his strategy to gain traction against Trump by engaging with media and left-leaning audiences, challenging Trump on cultural issues, and effectively communicating his oppositionality.

      Ron DeSantis's electability argument may not hold up based on polling data, and his differentiation from other politicians through his COVID policies may not be as effective as it once was due to public fatigue with the topic. Instead, to gain traction against Donald Trump, DeSantis may need to engage with the media and left-leaning audiences, challenging Trump on cultural issues and effectively communicating his oppositionality. This strategy, which Cruz attempted unsuccessfully in 2016, could help DeSantis distinguish himself from Trump and potentially appeal to a broader base of voters.

    • Challenging a Popular Incumbent: DeSantis vs TrumpDeSantis, seen as a better Trump alternative, may face unique challenges in challenging the incumbent Republican. The GOP's approach to impeachment proceedings against Biden remains uncertain.

      The political strategy for challenging a popular incumbent like Donald Trump requires careful consideration and a focus on building momentum rather than direct attacks. Trump's base connection is strong, and attacks on him have historically backfired within the Republican Party. DeSantis, who is seen as the better Trump by some, may be more equipped to lead the conservative future. However, the political landscape is unique in this non-consecutive second term, and strategies that worked against a traditional candidate may not be effective. The discussion also touched on the potential for impeachment proceedings against President Biden, with some believing it may be premature and others seeing it as necessary. The GOP's approach to this issue remains uncertain.

    • GARM's 'brand safety' framework leads to censorshipMega corporations and tech companies collaborate to suppress content, denying 90% of ad revenue, impacting independent creators and conservatives, violating First Amendment rights, and leaving ordinary people unprotected.

      There's an alliance of mega corporations and tech companies called GARM, which is implementing a "brand safety" framework that amounts to censorship. This framework blacklists content that violates their guidelines, denying 90% of advertising revenue. Even independent content creators on social media platforms are affected, with examples given of conservatives and those questioning COVID narratives being demonetized or hit with content strikes. The suppression of these voices is a clear First Amendment violation, as ruled by a judge. Ordinary people, unlike content creators, have no protection against censorship in their workplaces. It's crucial to understand and share information about these censorship practices to challenge them and protect individual freedoms.

    • Speaking out against institutions: Greater risks for individuals, resources for public figuresIndividuals face more risks when opposing institutions, while public figures have more resources. Daily Wire Plus supports free speech and community discussions.

      Ordinary individuals face greater risks and challenges when speaking out against established institutions or pushing back against mandates, while public figures may have more resources and support. The Biden administration's approach to implementing vaccine mandates serves as an example of this dynamic. It's becoming increasingly difficult to find unfiltered perspectives and free speech online, making platforms like Daily Wire Plus, which values free speech and challenges the status quo, essential. Daily Wire Plus is not only a source for groundbreaking content but also a community where members can engage in open discussions. Joining Daily Wire Plus allows individuals to be part of this movement and contribute to important conversations.

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    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Glenn Loury is an esteemed American economist, public intellectual, and author. In his recent memoir, Late Admissions: Confessions of a Black Conservative, Loury reflects on a lifetime of academic excellence and overcoming personal turmoil. In today’s episode, we discuss the difficulty of political messaging and policy crafting around racial inequality, the trajectory of American race relations since the Obama administration, and Glenn’s relationship with religion. Don’t miss Glenn Loury’s profound insights on racial politics and more, on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    The Biden and Trump camps prepare for the big showdown as new polls drop – and we examine how Team Trump should respond to the planned strategy from Team Biden.


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