
    Daily Wire Backstage: Biden’s Congressional Address

    enApril 29, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Skepticism and Criticism of Biden's First Congressional AddressThe Daily Wire Backstage hosts expressed skepticism towards Biden's spending proposals, criticized the monarchic nature of the State of the Union address, joked about Biden's energy levels, and shared their disdain for the tradition, but acknowledged its importance and significance.

      During a special episode of Daily Wire Backstage, the hosts discussed Joe Biden's first congressional address since becoming president, expressing skepticism about his proposals for excessive spending and criticizing the monarchic nature of the State of the Union address. They joked about Biden's energy levels and questioned some of his historical comparisons. The hosts also shared their disdain for the tradition, but admitted that the pomp and circumstance is what makes it interesting. Despite their criticisms, they acknowledged the importance of the event and the tradition it represents. The show was sponsored by ExpressVPN and encouraged audience participation through submitting questions. The hosts, Ben Shapiro, Andrew Klavan, Matt Walsh, and Michael Knowles, had a lively and humorous conversation about the address, poking fun at its perceived flaws while acknowledging its significance.

    • Discrepancies between Biden's speeches and realityThe authenticity of President Biden's speeches is a topic of debate, with some finding entertainment in discrepancies and others criticizing media coverage. The upcoming State of the Union address may reveal unscripted moments. The conversation touched on Republican response, police reform, and fact-checking's role in politics.

      The upcoming State of the Union address from President Joe Biden is anticipated by some for potential unscripted moments, while others are skeptical of the authenticity of his speeches. Some find entertainment in the discrepancies between Biden's public statements and reality, while others criticize the media for their coverage of political figures. The conversation touched on the expected Republican response, the issue of police reform, and the role of fact-checking in politics. It was noted that the difference between how Trump and Biden lie lies in the magnitude and intent of their falsehoods. The conversation also touched on the impact of political lies on public trust in government and the importance of factual information.

    • Speaker's admiration for scientific achievement of COVID-19 vaccines vs frustration with vaccine distrustThe speaker praises the scientific advancement of COVID-19 vaccines but expresses concern over vaccine distrust due to perceived lies and misinformation, using personal examples of dishonesty to illustrate. He also promotes data privacy and the use of ExpressVPN.

      The speaker expresses strong admiration for the scientific achievement of COVID-19 vaccines, placing it among the greatest accomplishments of the 21st century. However, he expresses frustration with the distrust towards vaccines and institutions due to perceived lies and misinformation from the government and media. He uses personal examples of dishonesty from political figures to illustrate this issue. Furthermore, he emphasizes the importance of data privacy in the digital age and promotes the use of ExpressVPN for protection. The speaker also comments on the almost empty chamber during the joint session of Congress and raises questions about the determination of attendance.

    • Media's efforts to elevate Biden despite unimpressive imageDespite media efforts, Biden's lack of threat as a president raises concerns due to excessive guidelines, misunderstanding of real-life situations, and disconnect from reality.

      The media's efforts to elevate President Joe Biden as an important figure despite his unimpressive public image is impressive, but his lack of threat as a president raises concerns. During the State of the Union address, Biden gave guidelines on masking and vaccinations, which some found excessive and reminiscent of a nanny state. The administration's handling of the Ma'Khia Bryant situation, where they labeled a clear-cut self-defense shooting as systemic racism, showcases a lack of understanding of real-life situations and an overreliance on a narrative. The administration's statements and actions demonstrate a disconnect from reality, and their lack of experience with physical confrontations or dangerous situations makes their perspectives questionable.

    • The power of narrative shapes our perception of realityNarratives can be based on fact or fiction, and it's essential to distinguish between the two. Recognize that there's a reality beyond physical facts, and ground beliefs in practical applications. Individual experiences and firsthand knowledge also shape our beliefs.

      Narrative shapes our perception of reality, but it can be both truthful and false. The speaker uses the examples of nuclear weapons and COVID-19 to illustrate how beliefs can be exaggerated over time due to the power of narrative. Narratives can be based on fact or fiction, and it's essential to distinguish between the two. The speaker also mentions how some people's beliefs about factual matters can be significantly off, with liberals often overestimating risks and conservatives underestimating them. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing that there is a reality beyond physical facts and that theories should be grounded in practical applications. The speaker also touches on the importance of individual experiences and firsthand knowledge in shaping our beliefs. In summary, the power of narrative can lead to both truthful and false beliefs, and it's crucial to be aware of this and to ground our beliefs in reality as much as possible.

    • Discussing the trend of speaking outside of expertise and the importance of staying informedScientists should focus on data and not opine on policy and moral questions. Life insurance is crucial for providing financial security for loved ones. Non-scientific expertise is often overlooked in self-governance. Politicians may use masks as a means of control.

      There's a growing trend of people speaking outside of their areas of expertise, a phenomenon known as ultracrepidarianism. This was discussed in relation to scientists being asked for their opinions on policy and moral questions instead of sticking to the data. Another important topic touched upon was the need for life insurance, emphasizing the moral responsibility of providing for loved ones in case of unforeseen circumstances. The conversation also touched upon the lack of recognition of non-scientific expertise in self-governance and the concern over politicians using masks as a means of control. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of staying informed, making informed decisions, and taking responsibility for one's life and the wellbeing of loved ones.

    • Mask mandates: Necessity or infringement?Despite differing perspectives, the ongoing mask mandate debate raises questions about public health, personal freedom, and potential motivations for enforcement.

      The ongoing mask mandate in various settings is a complex issue with differing perspectives. Some believe it's necessary for public health, while others see it as an infringement on personal freedom. The speaker in this discussion expresses frustration with being told to mask despite being vaccinated and having a doctor's approval not to. They also criticize those who continue to mask as virtue signaling and perpetuating a mental health issue. The speaker also questions the motives of those enforcing the mandates, suggesting they may be using it as a form of control. Ultimately, the speaker argues that the constant masking is detrimental to our politics and society, as it creates a disconnect between people and hinders human interaction. The speaker's views are not universally accepted, and the debate on mask mandates continues to be a contentious issue.

    • Mask mandate's cultural significanceThe mask mandate, deeply ingrained in American society, is unlikely to disappear soon, with some viewing it as a safety measure and others as a political tool. Politics influences culture, as seen in East Germany's atheism legacy, and masks have become a dividing line.

      The mask mandate and the cultural significance attached to it are deeply entrenched in American society, particularly on the left, and it's unlikely to disappear soon. The speaker believes that Joe Biden is prolonging the crisis to push through his legislation, but many people have grown accustomed to wearing masks and feel safer with them. The speaker also mentions the influence of politics on culture, using the example of East Germany's atheism being a legacy of its communist past. The mask issue has become a dividing line, with some people moving to areas where mask-wearing is less prevalent. The speaker also expresses frustration with the continued mask mandate on airlines.

    • Criticism of continued mask usage and government interventionThe speaker criticized the continued use of masks, especially on airplanes, and expressed frustration with government intervention in people's lives through COVID-19 restrictions and radical proposals in the State of the Union address.

      Despite initial tolerant attitudes towards vaccines and masks due to personal circumstances, the speaker found the continued use of masks on airplanes and during public events, even when science suggested it was unnecessary, to be restrictive and even creepy. The speaker also criticized the president's State of the Union address as a 1960s-style boilerplate speech filled with radical spending, regulation, and taxation proposals, despite the speaker's belief that the president was not a strong contender for reelection. The speaker questioned the effectiveness and necessity of continued mask-wearing, particularly on airplanes, which have HEPA filters and are not major vectors of COVID-19 transmission. Overall, the speaker expressed frustration with the inconsistency and perceived overreach of COVID-19 restrictions and government intervention in people's lives.

    • Joe Biden's Long and Unclear Speech Raises Concerns of Boredom and Blurred Government LinesBiden's lengthy, unclear speech proposed substantial spending but lacked clarity, raising concerns of a deliberate attempt to bypass scrutiny. The speech also raised concerns about eroding checks and balances and the potential for unlimited government power.

      During a recent speech, Joe Biden proposed spending a substantial amount of money on various initiatives, but the length and lack of clarity in his speech left many questioning if the goal was to bore listeners into agreement. The speech, which lasted over an hour and a half, contained repetitive and unclear statements, leading some to suspect a deliberate attempt to pass policies without thorough scrutiny. However, upon closer examination, it became clear that the proposed spending totaled much more than initially stated. Furthermore, Biden's statement that "we, the people, are the government" raises concerns about the erosion of checks and balances and the potential for unlimited government power. This idea, which has been a long-standing Democratic argument, contradicts the original intent of a limited government designed to protect individual rights. Overall, the lengthy and unclear speech, combined with the proposed blurring of the distinction between federal and state power, highlights the importance of maintaining a government of enumerated powers and checks and balances.

    • Concerns about Biden's Agenda and CommitmentSpeaker questions Biden's commitment to leftist agenda, doubts long-term economic sustainability, and suggests age limit for presidency

      The speaker expresses concerns about President Joe Biden's agenda and whether he is genuinely committed to it or is just capitalizing on the waves created by the end of the pandemic and the economic recovery. The speaker argues that Biden is not a leftist but is being pushed in that direction by the party. They also question the long-term sustainability of the economic boom and the potential for inflation instead. Additionally, the speaker suggests that there should be an age limit for the presidency, as they believe a 78-year-old president may not have the future in mind and could be a lame duck.

    • Politicization of Pandemic Response and Uncertain Economic RecoveryThe politicization of pandemic response measures and differing risk assessments may prolong the pandemic and its economic impact, while ongoing political debates and low approval ratings for the administration add uncertainty to the future.

      The end of the pandemic and the return to normalcy may not be as straightforward as some hope, as people's attitudes and behaviors towards public health measures have become politicized. The speaker believes that the pandemic response, including lockdowns, masks, and CDC guidelines, were not based on scientific evidence, leading to two distinct groups with differing risk assessments. The economic boom and eventual end to the pandemic are expected, but the timing and potential long-term costs of current policies are uncertain. The political landscape, including the ongoing debate over critical race theory and free speech, may also impact the administration's agenda. Biden's approval ratings remain low despite his efforts to provide relief, and his time in office may be limited. Ultimately, the speaker suggests that the cost of the current policies will be significant and may not be sustainable in the long term.

    • Top 10% pay all net taxesThe top income earners pay all net taxes, while some groups pay no taxes or receive benefits, and proposed taxes on corporations or the wealthy can lead to higher prices and fewer jobs.

      The claim made by some politicians that the rich don't pay their fair share in taxes is a misleading and false statement. In fact, the top 10% of income earners in the country pay all net taxes, while some groups, including the poor, pay no taxes or even receive net benefits from the government. Furthermore, when politicians propose taxing corporations or the wealthy, the consequences often include higher prices for consumers and reduced job opportunities. The complex nature of the tax system, with multiple layers of taxation, can make it difficult for people to fully understand the implications of proposed tax policies. Ultimately, a fair taxing system would be one in which everyone pays their fair share based on their income, rather than making it a class issue. However, it's important to note that both parties have historically struggled with spending, and the effectiveness and sincerity of current spending and tax proposals should be carefully considered.

    • Understanding the use of tax dollarsBe aware of how taxes are spent, as not all uses directly benefit taxpayers, and advocate for efficient and effective use of tax dollars.

      The way taxes are spent is just as important as how much is collected. The speaker argues that when taxes are raised, those dollars often go towards things that don't benefit the taxpayer directly. He uses the example of social security, where the money paid in by current workers is given to retirees, with no guarantee of a return on investment. The speaker also criticizes the use of the term "investment" by the government, as it implies a return on investment that may not actually exist. He encourages people to be aware of how their taxes are being used and to advocate for more efficient and effective use of tax dollars.

    • Government debt, rising interest rates, and potential austerity measuresHigher debt and interest rates may lead to austerity measures, including tax increases and benefit cuts, potentially stalling the economy and social services. Some may turn to alternative investments like Bitcoin as a hedge against inflation.

      The increasing national debt, coupled with rising interest rates, will lead to higher taxes and potential austerity measures in the coming years. This situation may force governments to take drastic measures, including cutting benefits and increasing taxes, leading to a stagnant economy and subpar social services. To avoid this, some people may turn to alternative investments like Bitcoin, which are not subject to government inflation. Another significant issue discussed was gun control, with the speaker noting the success of the gun rights lobby in maintaining their stance. The speaker suggested that similar strategies could be employed to advance pro-life causes. However, despite the potential for legislation, the speaker acknowledged that Republicans have not effectively used their power to address the issue of abortion. Additionally, the speaker criticized the large amount of funding going to Planned Parenthood, which they argued kills hundreds of thousands of babies each year.

    • Advancements in technology, politics, and international relationsStay informed about technology's impact on unborn babies, political decisions on contentious issues, and China's growing influence, as they shape our world and future.

      The world is undergoing significant changes, particularly in the areas of technology, politics, and international relations. When it comes to technology, advancements like sonograms have allowed us to better understand the development of unborn babies. In politics, states are making decisions on contentious issues like abortion, with many enacting restrictive laws. Internationally, China's influence is growing, raising concerns about its intentions towards Taiwan and other free states. The Biden administration's response to these challenges remains uncertain, and some fear that America may be unable to effectively stand up to China's authoritarianism. Overall, these developments underscore the importance of staying informed and engaged in the world around us.

    • The role of corporatism and government control in societyThe current political climate raises concerns about government control through corporatism and the lack of action from Republicans to defend constitutional authorities.

      The current political climate, as discussed, raises concerns about the role of corporatism and government control in society. The Chinese model of a top-down corporatist economy, where the government allows approved companies to make a lot of money, was criticized as not a free market but mercantilism. This mirrors the Democratic belief in controlling people through corporations and controlling corporations through the government. The Republican Party's perceived lack of action against these policies, even during speeches like Tim Scott's, leaves many questioning their ability to fight back. Ted Cruz's recent op-ed, where he pledged to stop taking corporate PAC money, was seen as a step in the right direction but not a solution. The fundamental issue lies in the cowardice among Republicans to take action due to potential backlash and the ceding of constitutional authorities to the executive and bureaucracy. American conservatism, as a philosophy, is about defending the revolutionary idea of the constitution and leaving people free, not just stopping change. The train of history has already moved significantly to the left, and simply shouting "stop" is not enough. Instead, active implementation of change is required.

    • Communicating Effectively and Leading with a Clear VisionRepublicans need to ask for sacrifices and lead with a clear, practical vision to make a difference, while Democrats have been successful in asking for sacrifices and communicating effectively.

      While there have been discussions about various policies and philosophies throughout history, from 0 baseline budgeting to police reform, not all of them have been made permanent. Republicans have controlled the government multiple times but failed to enact these changes when Democrats were not in power. The American way of life, which embodies these great ideas, is at risk if we don't focus on tangible results. Republicans need to communicate effectively and offer a clear, positive vision of conservatism. Democrats, on the other hand, have been successful in asking for sacrifices for various causes, while Republicans have suggested voters can have their cake and eat it too, leading to high spending and tax cuts. To make a difference, Republicans must be willing to ask for sacrifices and lead with a clear, practical vision.

    • Effectively communicating the importance of sacrifice and moral argumentsThe Republican party needs to define its own crises and rally people around them, articulating a compelling vision and message that resonates with the desire for meaning and purpose, rather than just material wealth.

      While the Democratic party may seem to offer easier solutions and promises of security and prosperity, the Republican party needs to effectively communicate the importance of sacrifice and moral arguments for the greater good. Orwell's prediction of the power of a leader who promises honor, valor, and sacrifice against the backdrop of perceived ease and security holds true. The left manufactures crises and calls for sacrifice, but the Republican party needs to define its own crises and rally people around them. Sacrifice is a fundamental human need, and the lack of a clear call to action and a shared sense of crisis is a significant issue for the Republican party. To connect with voters, the party must articulate a compelling vision and message that resonates with the desire for meaning and purpose, rather than just material wealth.

    • The importance of recognizing the value of homemaking laborRecognize homemaking as valuable work and reevaluate societal stigmas towards it. Everyone should have a job or source of value creation, including homemakers.

      The debate surrounding education and work ethic has highlighted the importance of recognizing the value of various forms of labor, including homemaking. The New York Times' stance against discussing the potential negative impacts of children being out of school for an extended period has been criticized for stigmatizing children and avoiding accountability for inadequate programs. The speaker argues that everyone, including homemakers, should have a job or source of value creation, as described in the Bible's command for humans to work six days and rest on the seventh. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of recognizing the humanizing nature of homemaking and the need to reevaluate and celebrate the role of homemakers in society. The conversation also touched upon the historical context of women's work being devalued due to industrialization and the need for new versions of work that can be done at home to support this choice.

    • Personal growth and societal progress require ambition and hard workDignity comes from actions and contributions, not just authenticity or absence of labor. Personal responsibility, ambition, and hard work are essential for a fulfilling life and societal progress.

      Ambition and hard work are essential for personal growth and societal progress, whether it's in the workplace or at home. The idea that people deserve dignity solely based on their authenticity or the absence of labor is a misconception. Dignity comes from the actions we take and the contributions we make to society. Overpromising people lives of leisure and not offering them opportunities for meaningful work can lead to misery and unproductivity. As Simone de Beauvoir once said, people should not be given the choice to stay at home and raise a family if they desire to work outside the home instead. This notion of forced labor versus choice is a complex issue, but the importance of personal responsibility, ambition, and hard work in creating a fulfilling life and contributing to society remains a fundamental truth.

    • Focusing on building communities and contributing instead of relying on external sources for dignityInstead of relying on external sources for dignity, focus on building communities and contributing through charity work or personal growth. Embrace personal responsibility, self-sufficiency, and community involvement to create a fulfilling and productive life.

      The Internet provides access to vast knowledge and opportunities, but it also presents distractions and potential dehumanization in the job market. Instead of relying on external sources for dignity, we should focus on building communities and contributing through charity work or personal growth. However, the current culture of expectation, driven by policies and societal norms, can hinder individual responsibility and productivity. It's crucial to remember that no one owes us anything, and we should strive for self-reliance and respect for others' labor. The fundamental problem lies in the rejection of personal responsibility and the belief that we are owed something by others. This mindset can lead to various societal issues, including strained marriages and social unrest. Ultimately, we must embrace the importance of personal responsibility, self-sufficiency, and community involvement to create a fulfilling and productive life.

    • Responsibilities and Expectations in RelationshipsBalance responsibilities and expectations with self-improvement, forgiveness, and understanding in relationships.

      Individuals have responsibilities towards their children and each other in relationships, forming agreements and expectations. However, it's essential to remember that society and the world owe us nothing. In marriage, the covenant continues beyond the initial agreement, requiring ongoing effort and work to maintain a happy relationship. Expectations should be balanced with self-improvement and forgiveness, rather than demanding perfection from partners. The famous quote "if you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best" can create an unhealthy dynamic, and it's better to focus on being a good partner and forgiving faults. Overall, responsibilities and expectations are crucial in various aspects of life, but they should be balanced with self-improvement, forgiveness, and understanding.

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    Birch Gold - Make a qualifying purchase by July 31st and get a GOLDEN Truth Bomb! Text "BEN" to 989898, or go to https://birchgold.com/BEN


    PreBorn! - Donate today to support PreBorn's life-saving work: https://www.preborn.com/BACKSTAGE


    Boll & Branch - Get 15% off your order at https://www.bollandbranch.com/BEN

    The Matt Walsh Show
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    Join us live on Backstage for real-time coverage of the presidential debate TOMORROW NIGHT at 8:30 PM ET on DailyWire+.


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    Grand Canyon University - Find your purpose at Grand Canyon University: https://www.gcu.edu/


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    Helix Sleep - Get 30% off your order + 2 dream pillows. https://helixsleep.com/WALSH


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    Ep. 1393 - Christian Conservatives Proven Right Once Again As Abstinence 'Trend' Gains Popularity

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    ZERO DEBT USA - Learn how to get out of debt today! Visit http://www.zapmydebt.com


    Tax Network USA - Seize control of your financial future! Call 1(800)245-6000 or visit http://www.TNUSA.com/WALSH


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    Ep. 1392 - Disney’s Not So Secret Anti-White Agenda

    Ep. 1392 - Disney’s Not So Secret Anti-White Agenda

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, we've heard about Disney's not-so-secret gay agenda. Now, thanks to James O'Keefe, we know more about their not-so-secret anti-white agenda. Also, MSNBC talking heads do their best to explain why classrooms should have pride flags but shouldn't have the Ten Commandments. Their argument is more revealing than they wanted it to be. And, can racism cause cancer? That was the premise of an episode of an NBC medical drama. It was not satire. Not intentionally, anyway.




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    Sponsors: Scarmax learns an important lesson.

    Thanks to everybody who Patreons us at http://patreon.com/redstateupdate

    "The Magic Cowboy" courtesy Seth Timbs. 

    Red State Update theme "Tasty Sorghum Biscuit" by William Sherry Jr.

    Happy Birthday Patrick! | PBD Podcast | EP 19

    Happy Birthday Patrick! | PBD Podcast | EP 19

    On this episode, Patrick Bet David, Tom Zenner and Adam Sosnick sit down to discuss hiding of information in the political arena, Disney Land vs. Disney World, The Trump Town Hall, plus PBD Birthday surprise.

    The PBD Podcast Episode 19. 

    Text: PODCAST to 310.340.1132 to get added to the distribution list

    The BetDavid Podcast is a podcast that discusses, current events, trending topics, and politics as they relate to life and business. Stay tuned for new episodes and guest appearances.

    Connect with Patrick on social media:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patrickbetdavid/?hl=en

    Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/patrickbetdavid

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PatrickBetDavid.Valuetainment

    Follow the guests in this episode:

    Tom Zenner: https://bit.ly/3jJ93CN

    Adam Sosnick: https://bit.ly/2PqllTj

    To reach the Valuetainment team you can email: info@valuetainment.com

    About the host:

    Patrick is a successful startup entrepreneur, CEO of PHP Agency, Inc., emerging author, and Creator of Valuetainment on Youtube. As a natural critical thinker, Patrick takes complex leadership, management, and entrepreneurial ideas and converts them into simple life lessons for today and tomorrow’s entrepreneurs.

    Patrick is passionate about shaping the next generation of leaders by teaching thought-provoking perspectives on entrepreneurship and disrupting the traditional approach to a career.

    0:00 - Start

    4:19 - Trump vs Biden Tax plans

    14:17 - thoughts on Town Hall

    51:26 - Mariachi band surprise for PBD's Birthday

    59:43 - Bronny James (Lebron James's son) smoking weed

    1:05:35 - Nancy Pelosi on CNN being pushed by Wolf Blitzer

    1:16:47 - Hunter Biden controversy

    1:30:50 - Elon Musk lowering prices on Model S

    1:32:57 - What type of car person people are

    1:38:27 - NBA & Sports viewership goes down

    1:41:38 - China getting ready for war

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support


    Music legend, Elton John has retired after more thenn 50 years in the music business as he performed his last concert. Cocaine has been found at the White House and it is believed to belong to Hunter Biden. On the show, we recap the Scotus rulings from last week. Gavin Newsom goes on TV and lies about the tax rate difference between California and Texas. Bill O'Reilly and Kevin McCarthy talk more about Biden omics. Republicans are committed to holding Merrick Garland and other corrupt Democrats accountable. After getting caught in his lies, Adam Schiff doubles down and threatens to go after the former President Donald Trump again if he ever gets that opportunity again. -Thank you for listening!-

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    10/4/21: Manchin's Deal, Dem Corruption, Fauci Madness, Pandora Papers, Donziger Jailed, Sinema Tongue Bath, Ozy Media's Collapse, and More!

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    Pandora Papers: https://www.icij.org/investigations/pandora-papers/global-investigation-tax-havens-offshore/

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    Biden's Costly, Intrusive Plan for the IRS

    Biden's Costly, Intrusive Plan for the IRS

    President Joe Biden wants to hire 86,852 new IRS agents, which would more than double the agency’s workforce.

    Even Obama-era IRS chief John Koskinen – a longtime advocate of increasing the IRS budget – thinks President Joe Biden’s proposal to increase IRS funding by $80 billion is too much.

    Rather than fix the agency's longstanding mismanagement, ineptitude and abuse problems, Biden's approach will make the problem worse.

    Numerous watchdog reports have found that the agency’s inability to do its job is due to incompetence, not lack of funding.

    The last thing the IRS needs is more power and responsibility. In fact, it is likely that new responsibilities will become overwhelming for the IRS, leading to these new scandals and new cases of taxpayer abuse.

    Join ATR President Grover Norquist as he discusses the history of IRS scandals and taxpayer abuses with author James Bovard.